Exemple #1
router.get("/cluster", function (req, res) {
  if (!cluster.isCoordinator()) {
    throw new httperr.Forbidden("only allowed on coordinator");

  const DBserver = req.queryParams.DBserver;
  let type = req.queryParams.type;
  const options = { timeout: 10 };

  if (type !== "short" && type !== "long") {
    type = "short";

  let url = "/_admin/statistics/" + type;
  let sep = "?";

  if (req.queryParams.start) {
    url += sep + "start=" + encodeURIComponent(req.queryParams.start);
    sep = "&";

  if (req.queryParams.filter) {
    url += sep + "filter=" + encodeURIComponent(req.queryParams.filter);
    sep = "&";

  url += sep + "DBserver=" + encodeURIComponent(DBserver);

  const op = ArangoClusterComm.asyncRequest(
    "server:" + DBserver,

  const r = ArangoClusterComm.wait(op);

  if (r.status === "RECEIVED") {
    res.set("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
    res.body = r.body;
  } else if (r.status === "TIMEOUT") {
    throw new httperr.BadRequest("operation timed out");
  } else {
    let body;

    try {
      body = JSON.parse(r.body);
    } catch (e) {
      // noop

    throw Object.assign(
      new httperr.BadRequest("error from DBserver, possibly DBserver unknown"),
      {extra: {body}}
Exemple #2
var checkShards = function(req, collection) {
  if (collection === null) {
    throw "unexpected collection value";

  var cluster = require("@arangodb/cluster");
  if (! cluster.isCoordinator()) {
    // no cluster
    return true;

  // check number of shards
  var shards = cluster.shardList(req.database, collection.name());
  if (shards.length <= 1) {
    return true;

  return false;
Exemple #3
function collectionRepresentation(collection, showProperties, showCount, showFigures) {
  const result = {
    id: collection._id,
    name: collection.name(),
    isSystem: (result.name.charAt(0) === '_'),
    status: collection.status(),
    type: collection.type()

  if (showProperties) {
    const properties = collection.properties();
    result.doCompact = properties.doCompact;
    result.isVolatile = properties.isVolatile;
    result.journalSize = properties.journalSize;
    result.keyOptions = properties.keyOptions;
    result.waitForSync = properties.waitForSync;
    if (cluster.isCoordinator()) {
      result.shardKeys = properties.shardKeys;
      result.numberOfShards = properties.numberOfShards;

  if (showCount) {
    result.count = collection.count();

  if (showFigures) {
    const figures = collection.figures();

    if (figures) {
      result.figures = figures;

  return result;
exports.databaseVersion = function() {
  if (cluster.isCoordinator()) {
    console.debug("skip on corrdinator");

    return {
      result: exports.IS_CLUSTER

  // path to the VERSION file
  var versionFile = db._path() + "/VERSION";
  var lastVersion = null;

  // VERSION file exists, read its contents
  if (fs.exists(versionFile)) {
    var versionInfo = fs.read(versionFile);
    console.debug("found version file: " + versionInfo);

    if (versionInfo !== '') {
      var versionValues = JSON.parse(versionInfo);

      if (versionValues && versionValues.version && !isNaN(versionValues.version)) {
        lastVersion = parseFloat(versionValues.version);
      } else {
        logger.error("Cannot parse VERSION file '" + versionFile + "': '" + versionInfo + "'");
        return {
          result: exports.CANNOT_PARSE_VERSION_FILE
    } else {
      logger.error("Cannot read VERSION file: '" + versionFile + "'");
      return {
        result: exports.CANNOT_READ_VERSION_FILE
  } else {
    console.debug("version file (" + versionFile + ") not found");

    return {
      result: exports.NO_VERSION_FILE

  // extract server version
  var currentVersion = exports.CURRENT_VERSION;

  // version match!
  if (Math.floor(lastVersion / 100) === Math.floor(currentVersion / 100)) {
    console.debug("version match: last version " + lastVersion +
      ", current version " + currentVersion);

    return {
      result: exports.VERSION_MATCH,
      serverVersion: currentVersion,
      databaseVersion: lastVersion

  // downgrade??
  if (lastVersion > currentVersion) {
    console.debug("downgrade: last version " + lastVersion +
      ", current version " + currentVersion);

    return {
      result: exports.DOWNGRADE_NEEDED,
      serverVersion: currentVersion,
      databaseVersion: lastVersion

  // upgrade
  if (lastVersion < currentVersion) {
    console.debug("upgrade: last version " + lastVersion +
      ", current version " + currentVersion);

    return {
      result: exports.UPGRADE_NEEDED,
      serverVersion: currentVersion,
      databaseVersion: lastVersion

  console.error("should not happen: last version " + lastVersion +
    ", current version " + currentVersion);

  return {
    result: exports.NO_VERSION_FILE
Exemple #5
  callback : function (req, res) {
    if (req.requestType !== actions.POST) {
      actions.resultError(req, res, actions.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 0,
                          "only POST requests are allowed");

    var body = actions.getJsonBody(req, res);
    if (body === undefined) {
    var DBserver = req.parameters.DBserver;

    //build query
    var figures = body.figures;
    var filterString = " filter u.time > @startDate";
    var bind = {
      startDate: (new Date().getTime() / 1000) - 20 * 60

    if (cluster.isCoordinator() && !req.parameters.hasOwnProperty("DBserver")) {
      filterString += " filter u.clusterId == @serverId";
      bind.serverId = cluster.coordinatorId();

    var returnValue = " return u";
    if (figures) {
      returnValue = " return { time : u.time, server : {uptime : u.server.uptime} ";

      var groups = {};
      figures.forEach(function(f) {
          var g = f.split(".")[0];
          if (!groups[g]) {
              groups[g] = [];
          groups[g].push(f.split(".")[1] + " : u." + f);
      Object.keys(groups).forEach(function(key) {
          returnValue +=  ", " + key + " : {" + groups[key]  +"}";
      returnValue += "}";
    // allow at most ((60 / 10) * 20) * 2 documents to prevent total chaos
    var myQueryVal = "FOR u in _statistics " + filterString + " LIMIT 240 SORT u.time" + returnValue;

    if (! req.parameters.hasOwnProperty("DBserver")) {
        // query the local statistics collection
        var cursor = AQL_EXECUTE(myQueryVal, bind);
        res.contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
        if (cursor instanceof Error) {
            res.responseCode = actions.HTTP_BAD;
            res.body = JSON.stringify( {"error":true,
                "errorMessage": "an error occurred"});
        res.responseCode = actions.HTTP_OK;
        res.body = JSON.stringify({result : cursor.docs});
    else {
        // query a remote statistics collection
        var options = { timeout:10 };
        var op = ArangoClusterComm.asyncRequest("POST","server:"+DBserver,"_system",
            "/_api/cursor",JSON.stringify({query: myQueryVal, bindVars: bind}),{},options);
        var r = ArangoClusterComm.wait(op);
        res.contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
        if (r.status === "RECEIVED") {
            res.responseCode = actions.HTTP_OK;
            res.body = r.body;
        else if (r.status === "TIMEOUT") {
            res.responseCode = actions.HTTP_BAD;
            res.body = JSON.stringify( {"error":true,
                "errorMessage": "operation timed out"});
        else {
            res.responseCode = actions.HTTP_BAD;
            var bodyobj;
            try {
                bodyobj = JSON.parse(r.body);
            catch (err) {
            res.body = JSON.stringify( {"error":true,
                "errorMessage": "error from DBserver, possibly DBserver unknown",
                "body": bodyobj} );
Exemple #6
router.get('/amICoordinator', function(req, res) {