Example #1
 graph.eachNode(function (node) {
     var startAngle = node.layout.startAngle / Math.PI * 180 * sign;
     var endAngle = node.layout.endAngle / Math.PI * 180 * sign;
     var angle = (startAngle * -sign + endAngle * -sign) / 2;
     angle %= 360;
     if (angle < 0) {
         // Constrain to [0,360]
         angle += 360;
     var isRightSide = angle <= 90 || angle >= 270;
     angle = angle * Math.PI / 180;
     var v = [
     var distance = 0;
     if (mainSerie.ribbonType) {
         distance = mainSerie.showScaleText ? 35 + labelDistance : labelDistance;
     } else {
         distance = labelDistance + node.layout.size;
     var start = vec2.scale([], v, radius[1] + distance);
     vec2.add(start, start, center);
     var labelShape = {
         zlevel: serie.zlevel,
         z: serie.z + 1,
         hoverable: false,
         style: {
             text: node.data.label == null ? node.id : node.data.label,
             textAlign: isRightSide ? 'left' : 'right'
     if (rotateLabel) {
         labelShape.rotation = isRightSide ? angle : Math.PI + angle;
         if (isRightSide) {
             labelShape.style.x = radius[1] + distance;
         } else {
             labelShape.style.x = -radius[1] - distance;
         labelShape.style.y = 0;
         labelShape.position = center.slice();
     } else {
         labelShape.style.x = start[0];
         labelShape.style.y = start[1];
     // zrender/Text并没有textColor属性,ctx fillStyle使用的是color
     labelShape.style.color = this.deepQuery([
     ], 'itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle.color') || '#000000';
     labelShape.style.textFont = this.getFont(this.deepQuery([
     ], 'itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle'));
     labelShape = new TextShape(labelShape);
     node.labelShape = labelShape;
 }, this);
Example #2
            return function (startPointSet, endPointSet, mp0, mp1) {
                vec2.set(cp0, 0, 0);
                vec2.set(cp1, 0, 0);
                var len = startPointSet.length;
                // Calculate the centroid of start points set
                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    vec2.add(cp0, cp0, startPointSet[i]);
                vec2.scale(cp0, cp0, 1 / len);

                // Calculate the centroid of end points set
                len = endPointSet.length;
                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    vec2.add(cp1, cp1, endPointSet[i]);
                vec2.scale(cp1, cp1, 1 / len);

                    startPointSet, cp0, cp1, mp0
                    endPointSet, cp1, cp0, mp1
Example #3
            return function (pointSet, p0, p1, out) {
                // Limit the max turning angle
                var maxTurningAngleCos = Math.cos(this.maxTurningAngle);
                var maxTurningAngleTan = Math.tan(this.maxTurningAngle);

                vec2.sub(v10, p0, p1);
                vec2.normalize(v10, v10);

                // Simply copy the centroid point if no need to turn the angle
                vec2.copy(out, p0);

                var maxMovement = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < pointSet.length; i++) {
                    var p = pointSet[i];
                    vec2.sub(vTmp, p, p0);
                    var len = vec2.len(vTmp);
                    vec2.scale(vTmp, vTmp, 1 / len);
                    var turningAngleCos = vec2.dot(vTmp, v10);
                    // Turning angle is to large
                    if (turningAngleCos < maxTurningAngleCos) {
                        // Calculat p's project point on vector p1-p0 
                        // and distance to the vector
                            project, p0, v10, len * turningAngleCos
                        var distance = v2Dist(project, p);

                        // Use the max turning angle to calculate the new meet point
                        var d = distance / maxTurningAngleTan;
                        vec2.scaleAndAdd(tmpOut, project, v10, -d);

                        var movement = v2DistSquare(tmpOut, p0);
                        if (movement > maxMovement) {
                            maxMovement = movement;
                            vec2.copy(out, tmpOut);
    ForceLayout.prototype.update = function() {

        var nNodes = this.nodes.length;


        this._k = 0.4 * this.scaling * Math.sqrt(this.width * this.height / nNodes);

        if (this.barnesHutOptimize) {
                this.bbox[0], this.bbox[1],
                this.bbox[2], this.bbox[3]
            for (var i = 0; i < nNodes; i++) {
        } else {
            // Update center of mass of whole graph
            var mass = 0;
            var centerOfMass = this._rootRegion.centerOfMass;
            vec2.set(centerOfMass, 0, 0);
            for (var i = 0; i < nNodes; i++) {
                var node = this.nodes[i];
                mass += node.mass;
                vec2.scaleAndAdd(centerOfMass, centerOfMass, node.position, node.mass);
            vec2.scale(centerOfMass, centerOfMass, 1 / mass);

        // Reset forces
        for (var i = 0; i < nNodes; i++) {
            var node = this.nodes[i];
            vec2.copy(node.forcePrev, node.force);
            vec2.copy(node.speedPrev, node.speed);
            vec2.set(node.force, 0, 0);

        // Compute forces
        // Repulsion
        for (var i = 0; i < nNodes; i++) {
            var na = this.nodes[i];
            if (this.barnesHutOptimize) {
                this.applyRegionToNodeRepulsion(this._rootRegion, na);
            } else {
                for (var j = i + 1; j < nNodes; j++) {
                    var nb = this.nodes[j];
                    this.applyNodeToNodeRepulsion(na, nb, false);

            // Gravity
            if (this.gravity > 0) {

        // Attraction
        for (var i = 0; i < this.edges.length; i++) {

        // Apply forces
        // var speed = vec2.create();
        var v = vec2.create();
        for (var i = 0; i < nNodes; i++) {
            var node = this.nodes[i];
            var speed = node.speed;

            // var swing = vec2.dist(node.force, node.forcePrev);
            // // var swing = 30;
            // vec2.scale(node.force, node.force, 1 / (1 + Math.sqrt(swing)));
            vec2.scale(node.force, node.force, 1 / 30);

            // contraint force
            var df = vec2.len(node.force) + 0.1;
            var scale = Math.min(df, 500.0) / df;
            vec2.scale(node.force, node.force, scale);

            vec2.add(speed, speed, node.force);

            vec2.scale(speed, speed, this.temperature);

            // Prevent swinging
            // Limited the increase of speed up to 100% each step
            // TODO adjust by nodes number
            vec2.sub(v, speed, node.speedPrev);
            var swing = vec2.len(v);
            if (swing > 0) {
                vec2.scale(v, v, 1 / swing);
                var base = vec2.len(node.speedPrev);
                if (base > 0) {
                    swing = Math.min(swing / base, this.maxSpeedIncrease) * base;
                    vec2.scaleAndAdd(speed, node.speedPrev, v, swing);

            // constraint speed
            var ds = vec2.len(speed);
            var scale = Math.min(ds, 100.0) / (ds + 0.1);
            vec2.scale(speed, speed, scale);

            vec2.add(node.position, node.position, speed);
Example #5
        function _update(stepTime) {
            var len = nodePositions.length;
            var v12 = [];
            // 计算节点之间斥力
            var k2 = k*k;
            // Reset force
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                nodeForces[i][0] = 0;
                nodeForces[i][1] = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                for (var j = i+1; j < len; j++){
                    var w1 = nodeWeights[i];
                    var w2 = nodeWeights[j];
                    var p1 = nodePositions[i];
                    var p2 = nodePositions[j];

                    // 节点1到2的向量
                    vec2.sub(v12, p2, p1);
                    var d = vec2.length(v12);
                    // 距离大于500忽略斥力
                    if(d > 500){
                    if(d < 5){
                        d = 5;

                    vec2.scale(v12, v12, 1/d);
                    var forceFactor = 1 * (w1 + w2) * k2 / d;

                    vec2.scale(v12, v12, forceFactor);
                    vec2.sub(nodeForces[i], nodeForces[i], v12);
                    vec2.add(nodeForces[j], nodeForces[j], v12);
            // 计算节点之间引力
            for (var i = 0, l = linksRawData.length; i < l; i++) {
                var link = linksRawData[i];
                var w = linkWeights[i];
                var s = link.source;
                var t = link.target;
                var p1 = nodePositions[s];
                var p2 = nodePositions[t];

                vec2.sub(v12, p2, p1);
                var d2 = vec2.lengthSquare(v12);
                vec2.normalize(v12, v12);

                var forceFactor = w * d2 / k;
                // 节点1受到的力
                vec2.scale(v12, v12, forceFactor);
                vec2.add(nodeForces[s], nodeForces[s], v12);
                // 节点2受到的力
                vec2.sub(nodeForces[t], nodeForces[t], v12);
            // 到质心的向心力
            for (var i = 0, l = nodesRawData.length; i < l; i++){
                var p = nodePositions[i];
                vec2.sub(v12, centroid, p);
                var d2 = vec2.lengthSquare(v12);
                vec2.normalize(v12, v12);
                // 100是可调参数
                var forceFactor = d2 / 100 * centripetal;
                vec2.scale(v12, v12, forceFactor);
                vec2.add(nodeForces[i], nodeForces[i], v12);

            // 计算加速度
            for (var i = 0, l = nodeAccelerations.length; i < l; i++) {
                    nodeAccelerations[i], nodeForces[i], 1 / nodeMasses[i]
            var velocity = [];
            var tmp = [];
            // 计算位置(verlet积分)
            for (var i = 0, l = nodePositions.length; i < l; i++) {
                if (nodesRawData[i].fixed) {
                    // 拖拽同步
                    nodePositions[i][0] = mouseX + dx;
                    nodePositions[i][1] = mouseY + dy;
                    nodePrePositions[i][0] = mouseX + dx;
                    nodePrePositions[i][1] = mouseY + dy;
                    nodeShapes[i].position[0] = mouseX + dx;
                    nodeShapes[i].position[1] = mouseY + dy;
                var p = nodePositions[i];
                var __P = nodePrePositions[i];
                vec2.sub(velocity, p, __P);
                __P[0] = p[0];
                __P[1] = p[1];
                    vec2.scale(tmp, nodeAccelerations[i], stepTime)
                // Damping
                vec2.scale(velocity, velocity, temperature);
                // 防止速度太大
                velocity[0] = Math.max(Math.min(velocity[0], 100), -100);
                velocity[1] = Math.max(Math.min(velocity[1], 100), -100);

                vec2.add(p, p, velocity);
                nodeShapes[i].position[0] = p[0] ;
                nodeShapes[i].position[1] = p[1] ;

                if(isNaN(p[0]) || isNaN(p[1])){
                    throw new Error('NaN');
Example #6
File: chord.js Project: Houfeng/ems
        _buildScales : function (
        ) {
            for (var i = 0; i < angles.length; i++) {
                var subStartAngle = angles[i][0];
                var subEndAngle = angles[i][1];

                var scaleAngle = subStartAngle;
                while (scaleAngle < subEndAngle) {
                    var thelta = ((this.clockWise ? (360 - scaleAngle) : scaleAngle)
                                    + this.startAngle) / 180 * Math.PI;
                    var v = [
                    var start = vec2.scale([], v, this.outerRadius + 1);
                    vec2.add(start, start, this.center);
                    var end = vec2.scale([], v, this.outerRadius + this.scaleLineLength);
                    vec2.add(end, end, this.center);
                    var scaleShape = {
                        zlevel : this._zlevelBase - 1,
                        hoverable : false,
                        style : {
                            xStart : start[0],
                            yStart : start[1],
                            xEnd : end[0],
                            yEnd : end[1],
                            lineCap : 'round',
                            brushType : 'stroke',
                            strokeColor : '#666',
                            lineWidth: 1

                    scaleShape = new LineShape(scaleShape);

                    scaleAngle += this.scaleUnitAngle;
                if (!this.showScaleText) {

                var scaleTextAngle = subStartAngle;
                var step = unitValue * 5 * this.scaleUnitAngle;
                var scaleValues = NDArray.range(0, values[i], step).toArray();
                while (scaleTextAngle < subEndAngle) {
                    var thelta = this.clockWise 
                                    ? (360 - scaleTextAngle) : scaleTextAngle;
                    thelta = (thelta + this.startAngle) % 360;
                    var isRightSide = thelta <= 90
                                     || thelta >= 270;
                    var textShape = {
                        zlevel : this._zlevelBase - 1,
                        hoverable : false,
                        style : {
                            x : isRightSide 
                                    ? this.outerRadius + this.scaleLineLength + 4 
                                    : -this.outerRadius - this.scaleLineLength - 4,
                            y : 0,
                            text : Math.round(scaleValues.shift()*10)/10 
                                    + unitPostfix,
                            textAlign : isRightSide ? 'left' : 'right'
                        position : this.center.slice(),
                        rotation : isRightSide
                            ? [thelta / 180 * Math.PI, 0, 0]
                            : [
                                (thelta + 180) / 180 * Math.PI,
                                0, 0

                    textShape = new TextShape(textShape);
                    scaleTextAngle += this.scaleUnitAngle * 5;
Example #7
File: chord.js Project: Houfeng/ems
        _buildSectors : function (angles, data) {
            var len = this.groups.length;
            var len2 = this.chordSeries.length;

            var timeout;

            var showLabel = this.query(
                this.chordSerieSample, 'itemStyle.normal.label.show'
            var labelColor = this.query(
                this.chordSerieSample, 'itemStyle.normal.label.color'
            var rotateLabel = this.query(
                this.chordSerieSample, 'itemStyle.normal.label.rotate'
            var labelDistance = this.query(
                this.chordSerieSample, 'itemStyle.normal.label.distance'

            var self = this;
            function createMouseOver(idx) {
                return function () {
                    if (timeout) {
                    timeout = setTimeout(function (){
                        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                                = i === idx ? 1 : 0.1;

                            for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
                                for (var k = 0; k < len2; k++) {
                                    var chordShape = self.chordShapes[i][j][k];
                                    if (chordShape) {
                                            = (i === idx || j === idx)
                                                 ? 0.5 : 0.03;
                    }, 50);

            function createMouseOut() {
                return function () {
                    if (timeout) {
                    timeout = setTimeout(function (){
                        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                            self.sectorShapes[i].style.opacity = 1.0;

                            for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
                                for (var k = 0; k < len2; k++) {
                                    var chordShape = self.chordShapes[i][j][k];
                                    if (chordShape) {
                                        chordShape.style.opacity = 0.5;
                    }, 50);

            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                var group = this.groups[i];
                var angle = angles[i];
                var _start = (this.clockWise ? (360 - angle[1]) : angle[0]) + this.startAngle;
                var _end = (this.clockWise ? (360 - angle[0]) : angle[1]) + this.startAngle;

                var sector = {
                    zlevel : this._zlevelBase,
                    style : {
                        x : this.center[0],
                        y : this.center[1],
                        r0 : this.innerRadius,
                        r : this.outerRadius,
                        startAngle : _start,
                        endAngle : _end,
                        brushType : 'fill',
                        opacity: 1,
                        color : this.getColor(group.name)
                    clickable: true,
                    highlightStyle : {
                        brushType : 'fill'
                sector.style.lineWidth = this.deepQuery(
                    [group, this.chordSerieSample],
                sector.highlightStyle.lineWidth = this.deepQuery(
                    [group, this.chordSerieSample],
                sector.style.strokeColor = this.deepQuery(
                    [group, this.chordSerieSample],
                sector.highlightStyle.strokeColor = this.deepQuery(
                    [group, this.chordSerieSample],
                if (sector.style.lineWidth > 0) {
                    sector.style.brushType = 'both';
                if (sector.highlightStyle.lineWidth > 0) {
                    sector.highlightStyle.brushType = 'both';
                    data[i], i,
                if (showLabel) {
                    var halfAngle = [_start + _end] / 2;
                    halfAngle %= 360;  // Constrain to [0,360]
                    var isRightSide = halfAngle <= 90
                                     || halfAngle >= 270;
                    halfAngle = halfAngle * Math.PI / 180;
                    var v = [Math.cos(halfAngle), -Math.sin(halfAngle)];

                    var distance = this.showScaleText ? 35 + labelDistance : labelDistance;
                    var start = vec2.scale([], v, this.outerRadius + distance);
                    vec2.add(start, start, this.center);

                    var labelShape = {
                        zlevel : this._zlevelBase - 1,
                        hoverable : false,
                        style : {
                            text : group.name,
                            textAlign : isRightSide ? 'left' : 'right',
                            color : labelColor
                    if (rotateLabel) {
                        labelShape.rotation = isRightSide ? halfAngle : Math.PI + halfAngle;
                        if (isRightSide) {
                            labelShape.style.x = this.outerRadius + distance;
                        } else {
                            labelShape.style.x = -this.outerRadius - distance;
                        labelShape.style.y = 0;
                        labelShape.position = this.center;
                    } else {
                        labelShape.style.x = start[0];
                        labelShape.style.y = start[1];
                    labelShape.style.textColor = this.deepQuery(
                        [group, this.chordSerieSample],
                    ) || '#fff';
                    labelShape.style.textFont = this.getFont(this.deepQuery(
                        [group, this.chordSerieSample],
                    labelShape = new TextShape(labelShape);

                sector.onmouseover = createMouseOver(i);
                sector.onmouseout = createMouseOut();

                sector = new SectorShape(sector);
Example #8
        function _update(stepTime) {
            var len = nodePositions.length;
            var v12 = [];
            // 计算节点之间斥力
            var k2 = k*k;
            // Reset force
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                nodeForces[i][0] = 0;
                nodeForces[i][1] = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                for (var j = i+1; j < len; j++){
                    var w1 = nodeWeights[i];
                    var w2 = nodeWeights[j];
                    var p1 = nodePositions[i];
                    var p2 = nodePositions[j];

                    // 节点1到2的向量
                    vec2.sub(v12, p2, p1);
                    var d = vec2.length(v12);
                    // 距离大于500忽略斥力
                    if(d > 500){
                    if(d < 5){
                        d = 5;

                    vec2.scale(v12, v12, 1 / d);
                    var forceFactor = 1 * (w1 + w2) * k2 / d;

                        nodeForces[i], nodeForces[i], v12, -forceFactor
                        nodeForces[j], nodeForces[j], v12, forceFactor
            // 计算节点之间引力
            for (var i = 0, l = filteredLinks.length; i < l; i++) {
                var link = filteredLinks[i];
                var w = linkWeights[i];
                var s = link.source;
                var t = link.target;
                var p1 = nodePositions[s];
                var p2 = nodePositions[t];

                vec2.sub(v12, p2, p1);
                var d2 = vec2.lengthSquare(v12);
                if (d2 === 0) {

                var forceFactor = w * d2 / k / Math.sqrt(d2);
                // 节点1受到的力
                    nodeForces[s], nodeForces[s], v12, forceFactor
                // 节点2受到的力
                    nodeForces[t], nodeForces[t], v12, -forceFactor
            // 到质心的向心力
            for (var i = 0, l = filteredNodes.length; i < l; i++){
                var p = nodePositions[i];
                vec2.sub(v12, centroid, p);
                var d2 = vec2.lengthSquare(v12);
                var forceFactor = d2 * centripetal / (100 * Math.sqrt(d2));
                    nodeForces[i], nodeForces[i], v12, forceFactor
            var velocity = [];
            // 计算位置(verlet积分)
            for (var i = 0, l = nodePositions.length; i < l; i++) {
                var name = filteredNodes[i].name;
                if (filteredNodes[i].fixed) {
                    // 拖拽同步
                    vec2.set(nodePositions[i], mouseX, mouseY);
                    vec2.set(nodePrePositions[i], mouseX, mouseY);
                    vec2.set(nodeShapes[i].position, mouseX, mouseY);
                    if (filteredNodes[i].initial !== undefined) {
                        vec2.set(filteredNodes[i].initial, mouseX, mouseY);
                    if (nodeInitialPos[name] !== undefined) {
                        vec2.set(nodeInitialPos[name], mouseX, mouseY);
                var p = nodePositions[i];
                var __P = nodePrePositions[i];
                vec2.sub(velocity, p, __P);
                __P[0] = p[0];
                __P[1] = p[1];
                    velocity, velocity,
                    stepTime / nodeMasses[i]
                // Damping
                vec2.scale(velocity, velocity, temperature);
                // 防止速度太大
                velocity[0] = Math.max(Math.min(velocity[0], 100), -100);
                velocity[1] = Math.max(Math.min(velocity[1], 100), -100);

                vec2.add(p, p, velocity);
                vec2.copy(nodeShapes[i].position, p);

                if (name) {
                    if (nodeInitialPos[name] === undefined) {
                        nodeInitialPos[name] = vec2.create();
                    vec2.copy(nodeInitialPos[name], p);
                } else {
                    if (filteredNodes[i].initial === undefined) {
                        filteredNodes[i].initial = vec2.create();
                    vec2.copy(filteredNodes[i].initial, p);

                // if(isNaN(p[0]) || isNaN(p[1])){
                //     throw new Error('NaN');
                // }
            graph.eachNode(function (node) {
                var startAngle = node.layout.startAngle / Math.PI * 180;
                var endAngle = node.layout.endAngle / Math.PI * 180;
                var scaleAngle = startAngle;
                while (true) {
                    if ((clockWise && scaleAngle > endAngle)
                        || (!clockWise && scaleAngle < endAngle)
                    ) {
                    var theta = scaleAngle / 180 * Math.PI;
                    var v = [Math.cos(theta), Math.sin(theta)];
                    var start = vec2.scale([], v, radius[1] + 1);
                    vec2.add(start, start, center);
                    var end = vec2.scale([], v, radius[1] + this.scaleLineLength);
                    vec2.add(end, end, center);
                    var scaleShape = new LineShape({
                        zlevel: serie.zlevel,
                        z: serie.z - 1,
                        hoverable: false,
                        style: {
                            xStart: start[0],
                            yStart: start[1],
                            xEnd: end[0],
                            yEnd: end[1],
                            lineCap: 'round',
                            brushType: 'stroke',
                            strokeColor: '#666',
                            lineWidth: 1


                    scaleAngle += sign * this.scaleUnitAngle;
                if (!serie.showScaleText) {

                var scaleTextAngle = startAngle;
                var step = unitValue * 5 * this.scaleUnitAngle;
                var scaleValue = 0;
                while (true) {
                    if ((clockWise && scaleTextAngle > endAngle)
                        || (!clockWise && scaleTextAngle < endAngle)
                    ) {
                    var theta = scaleTextAngle;
                    theta = theta % 360;
                    if (theta < 0) {
                        theta += 360;
                    var isRightSide = theta <= 90
                                     || theta >= 270;

                    var textShape = new TextShape({
                        zlevel: serie.zlevel,
                        z: serie.z - 1,
                        hoverable: false,
                        style: {
                            x: isRightSide 
                                    ? radius[1] + this.scaleLineLength + 4 
                                    : -radius[1] - this.scaleLineLength - 4,
                            y: 0,
                            text: Math.round(scaleValue * 10) / 10 
                                    + unitPostfix,
                            textAlign: isRightSide ? 'left' : 'right'
                        position: center.slice(),
                        rotation: isRightSide
                            ? [-theta / 180 * Math.PI, 0, 0]
                            : [
                                -(theta + 180) / 180 * Math.PI,
                                0, 0


                    scaleValue += step * unitScale;
                    scaleTextAngle += sign * this.scaleUnitAngle * 5;
            }, this);
Example #10
        function _buildSectors(angles, data) {
            var len = groups.length;
            var len2 = chordSeries.length;

            var timeout;

            var showLabel = self.query(
                chordSerieSample, 'itemStyle.normal.label.show'
            var labelColor = self.query(
                chordSerieSample, 'itemStyle.normal.label.color'

            function createMouseOver(idx) {
                return function() {
                    if (timeout) {
                    timeout = setTimeout(function(){
                        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                                = i === idx ? 1 : 0.1;

                            for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
                                for (var k = 0; k < len2; k++) {
                                    var chordShape = chordShapes[i][j][k];
                                    if (chordShape) {
                                            = (i === idx || j === idx)
                                                 ? 0.5 : 0.03;
                                        zr.modShape(chordShape.id, chordShape);
                    }, 50);

            function createMouseOut() {
                return function() {
                    if (timeout) {
                    timeout = setTimeout(function(){
                        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                            sectorShapes[i].style.opacity = 1.0;
                            zr.modShape(sectorShapes[i].id, sectorShapes[i]);

                            for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
                                for (var k = 0; k < len2; k++) {
                                    var chordShape = chordShapes[i][j][k];
                                    if (chordShape) {
                                        chordShape.style.opacity = 0.5;
                                        zr.modShape(chordShape.id, chordShape);
                    }, 50);

            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                var group = groups[i];
                var angle = angles[i];
                var _start = (clockWise ? (360 - angle[1]) : angle[0])
                                + startAngle;
                var _end = (clockWise ? (360 - angle[0]) : angle[1])
                            + startAngle;

                var sector = {
                    id : zr.newShapeId(self.type),
                    shape : 'sector',
                    zlevel : _zlevelBase,
                    style : {
                        x : center[0],
                        y : center[1],
                        r0 : innerRadius,
                        r : outerRadius,
                        startAngle : _start,
                        endAngle : _end,
                        brushType : 'fill',
                        opacity: 1,
                        color : getColor(group.name)
                    highlightStyle : {
                        brushType : 'fill'
                sector.style.lineWidth = self.deepQuery(
                    [group, chordSerieSample],
                sector.highlightStyle.lineWidth = self.deepQuery(
                    [group, chordSerieSample],
                sector.style.strokeColor = self.deepQuery(
                    [group, chordSerieSample],
                sector.highlightStyle.strokeColor = self.deepQuery(
                    [group, chordSerieSample],
                if (sector.style.lineWidth > 0) {
                    sector.style.brushType = 'both';
                if (sector.highlightStyle.lineWidth > 0) {
                    sector.highlightStyle.brushType = 'both';
                    data[i], 0,
                if (showLabel) {
                    var halfAngle = [_start + _end] / 2;
                    halfAngle %= 360;  // Constrain to [0,360]
                    var isRightSide = halfAngle <= 90
                                     || halfAngle >= 270;
                    halfAngle = halfAngle * Math.PI / 180;
                    var v = [Math.cos(halfAngle), -Math.sin(halfAngle)];

                    var distance = showScaleText ? 45 : 20;
                    var start = vec2.scale([], v, outerRadius + distance);
                    vec2.add(start, start, center);

                    var labelShape = {
                        shape : 'text',
                        id : zr.newShapeId(self.type),
                        zlevel : _zlevelBase - 1,
                        hoverable : false,
                        style : {
                            x : start[0],
                            y : start[1],
                            text : group.name,
                            textAlign : isRightSide ? 'left' : 'right',
                            color : labelColor
                    labelShape.style.textColor = self.deepQuery(
                        [group, chordSerieSample],
                    ) || '#fff';
                    labelShape.style.textFont = self.getFont(self.deepQuery(
                        [group, chordSerieSample],

                sector.onmouseover = createMouseOver(i);
                sector.onmouseout = createMouseOut();

Example #11
define("echarts/chart/chord",["require","./base","zrender/shape/Text","zrender/shape/Line","zrender/shape/Sector","../util/shape/Ribbon","../util/shape/Icon","zrender/shape/BezierCurve","../config","../util/ecData","zrender/tool/util","zrender/tool/vector","../data/Graph","../layout/Chord","../chart"],function(require){"use strict";function e(e,i,a,r,o){t.call(this,e,i,a,r,o),this.scaleLineLength=4,this.scaleUnitAngle=4,this.refresh(r)}var t=require("./base"),i=require("zrender/shape/Text"),a=require("zrender/shape/Line"),r=require("zrender/shape/Sector"),o=require("../util/shape/Ribbon"),s=require("../util/shape/Icon"),n=require("zrender/shape/BezierCurve"),l=require("../config");l.chord={zlevel:0,z:2,clickable:!0,radius:["65%","75%"],center:["50%","50%"],padding:2,sort:"none",sortSub:"none",startAngle:90,clockWise:!0,ribbonType:!0,minRadius:10,maxRadius:20,symbol:"circle",showScale:!1,showScaleText:!1,itemStyle:{normal:{borderWidth:0,borderColor:"#000",label:{show:!0,rotate:!1,distance:5},chordStyle:{width:1,color:"black",borderWidth:1,borderColor:"#999",opacity:.5}},emphasis:{borderWidth:0,borderColor:"#000",chordStyle:{width:1,color:"black",borderWidth:1,borderColor:"#999"}}}};var h=require("../util/ecData"),d=require("zrender/tool/util"),p=require("zrender/tool/vector"),c=require("../data/Graph"),g=require("../layout/Chord");return e.prototype={type:l.CHART_TYPE_CHORD,_init:function(){var e=this.series;this.selectedMap={};for(var t={},i={},a=0,r=e.length;r>a;a++)if(e[a].type===this.type){var o=this.isSelected(e[a].name);if(this.selectedMap[e[a].name]=o,o)this.buildMark(a);this.reformOption(e[a]),t[e[a].name]=e[a]}for(var a=0,r=e.length;r>a;a++)if(e[a].type===this.type)if(e[a].insertToSerie){var s=t[e[a].insertToSerie];e[a]._referenceSerie=s}else i[e[a].name]=[e[a]];for(var a=0,r=e.length;r>a;a++)if(e[a].type===this.type)if(e[a].insertToSerie){for(var n=e[a]._referenceSerie;n&&n._referenceSerie;)n=n._referenceSerie;if(i[n.name]&&this.selectedMap[e[a].name])i[n.name].push(e[a])}for(var l in i)this._buildChords(i[l]);this.addShapeList()},_getNodeCategory:function(e,t){return e.categories&&e.categories[t.category||0]},_getNodeQueryTarget:function(e,t){var i=this._getNodeCategory(e,t);return[t,i,e]},_getEdgeQueryTarget:function(e,t,i){return i=i||"normal",[t.itemStyle&&t.itemStyle[i],e.itemStyle[i].chordStyle]},_buildChords:function(e){for(var t=[],i=e[0],a=function(e){return e.layout.size>0},r=function(e){return function(t){return e.getEdge(t.node2,t.node1)}},o=0;o<e.length;o++){var s=e[o];if(this.selectedMap[s.name]){var n;if(s.data&&s.matrix)n=this._getSerieGraphFromDataMatrix(s,i);else if(s.nodes&&s.links)n=this._getSerieGraphFromNodeLinks(s,i);if(n.filterNode(a,this),s.ribbonType)n.filterEdge(r(n));t.push(n),n.__serie=s}}if(t.length){var l=t[0];if(!i.ribbonType){var h=i.minRadius,d=i.maxRadius,p=1/0,c=-1/0;l.eachNode(function(e){c=Math.max(e.layout.size,c),p=Math.min(e.layout.size,p)});var u=(d-h)/(c-p);l.eachNode(function(e){var t=this._getNodeQueryTarget(i,e),a=this.query(t,"symbolSize");if(c===p)e.layout.size=a||p;else e.layout.size=a||(e.layout.size-p)*u+h},this)}var f=new g;if(f.clockWise=i.clockWise,f.startAngle=i.startAngle*Math.PI/180,!f.clockWise)f.startAngle=-f.startAngle;f.padding=i.padding*Math.PI/180,f.sort=i.sort,f.sortSub=i.sortSub,f.directed=i.ribbonType,f.run(t);var y=this.query(i,"itemStyle.normal.label.show");if(i.ribbonType){if(this._buildSectors(i,0,l,i,t),y)this._buildLabels(i,0,l,i,t);for(var o=0,m=0;o<e.length;o++)if(this.selectedMap[e[o].name])this._buildRibbons(e,o,t[m++],i);if(i.showScale)this._buildScales(i,0,l)}else{if(this._buildNodeIcons(i,0,l,i,t),y)this._buildLabels(i,0,l,i,t);for(var o=0,m=0;o<e.length;o++)if(this.selectedMap[e[o].name])this._buildEdgeCurves(e,o,t[m++],i,l)}this._initHoverHandler(e,t)}},_getSerieGraphFromDataMatrix:function(e,t){for(var i=[],a=0,r=[],o=0;o<e.matrix.length;o++)r[o]=e.matrix[o].slice();for(var s=e.data||e.nodes,o=0;o<s.length;o++){var n={},l=s[o];l.rawIndex=o;for(var h in l)if("name"===h)n.id=l.name;else n[h]=l[h];var d=this._getNodeCategory(t,l),p=d?d.name:l.name;if(this.selectedMap[p]=this.isSelected(p),this.selectedMap[p])i.push(n),a++;else{r.splice(a,1);for(var g=0;g<r.length;g++)r[g].splice(a,1)}}var u=c.fromMatrix(i,r,!0);return u.eachNode(function(e){e.layout={size:e.data.outValue},e.rawIndex=e.data.rawIndex}),u.eachEdge(function(e){e.layout={weight:e.data.weight}}),u},_getSerieGraphFromNodeLinks:function(e,t){for(var i=new c(!0),a=e.data||e.nodes,r=0,o=a.length;o>r;r++){var s=a[r];if(s&&!s.ignore){var n=this._getNodeCategory(t,s),l=n?n.name:s.name;if(this.selectedMap[l]=this.isSelected(l),this.selectedMap[l]){var h=i.addNode(s.name,s);h.rawIndex=r}}else;}for(var r=0,o=e.links.length;o>r;r++){var d=e.links[r],p=d.source,g=d.target;if("number"==typeof p)if(p=a[p])p=p.name;if("number"==typeof g)if(g=a[g])g=g.name;var u=i.addEdge(p,g,d);if(u)u.rawIndex=r}return i.eachNode(function(e){var i=e.data.value;if(null==i)if(i=0,t.ribbonType)for(var a=0;a<e.outEdges.length;a++)i+=e.outEdges[a].data.weight||0;else for(var a=0;a<e.edges.length;a++)i+=e.edges[a].data.weight||0;e.layout={size:i}}),i.eachEdge(function(e){e.layout={weight:null==e.data.weight?1:e.data.weight}}),i},_initHoverHandler:function(e,t){var i=e[0],a=t[0],r=this;a.eachNode(function(e){e.shape.onmouseover=function(){a.eachNode(function(e){if(e.shape.style.opacity=.1,e.labelShape)e.labelShape.style.opacity=.1,e.labelShape.modSelf();e.shape.modSelf()});for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++)for(var o=0;o<t[i].edges.length;o++){var s=t[i].edges[o],n=r._getEdgeQueryTarget(t[i].__serie,s.data);s.shape.style.opacity=.1*r.deepQuery(n,"opacity"),s.shape.modSelf()}if(e.shape.style.opacity=1,e.labelShape)e.labelShape.style.opacity=1;for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++){var l=t[i].getNodeById(e.id);if(l)for(var o=0;o<l.outEdges.length;o++){var s=l.outEdges[o],n=r._getEdgeQueryTarget(t[i].__serie,s.data);s.shape.style.opacity=r.deepQuery(n,"opacity");var h=t[0].getNodeById(s.node2.id);if(h){if(h.shape)h.shape.style.opacity=1;if(h.labelShape)h.labelShape.style.opacity=1}}}r.zr.refreshNextFrame()},e.shape.onmouseout=function(){a.eachNode(function(e){if(e.shape.style.opacity=1,e.labelShape)e.labelShape.style.opacity=1,e.labelShape.modSelf();e.shape.modSelf()});for(var e=0;e<t.length;e++)for(var o=0;o<t[e].edges.length;o++){var s=t[e].edges[o],n=[s.data,i];s.shape.style.opacity=r.deepQuery(n,"itemStyle.normal.chordStyle.opacity"),s.shape.modSelf()}r.zr.refreshNextFrame()}})},_buildSectors:function(e,t,i,a){var o=this.parseCenter(this.zr,a.center),s=this.parseRadius(this.zr,a.radius),n=a.clockWise,l=n?1:-1;i.eachNode(function(i){var d=this._getNodeCategory(a,i.data),p=d?this.getColor(d.name):this.getColor(i.id),c=i.layout.startAngle/Math.PI*180*l,g=i.layout.endAngle/Math.PI*180*l,u=new r({zlevel:this.getZlevelBase(),z:this.getZBase(),style:{x:o[0],y:o[1],r0:s[0],r:s[1],startAngle:c,endAngle:g,brushType:"fill",opacity:1,color:p,clockWise:n},clickable:a.clickable,highlightStyle:{brushType:"fill"}});if(u.style.lineWidth=this.deepQuery([i.data,a],"itemStyle.normal.borderWidth"),u.highlightStyle.lineWidth=this.deepQuery([i.data,a],"itemStyle.emphasis.borderWidth"),u.style.strokeColor=this.deepQuery([i.data,a],"itemStyle.normal.borderColor"),u.highlightStyle.strokeColor=this.deepQuery([i.data,a],"itemStyle.emphasis.borderColor"),u.style.lineWidth>0)u.style.brushType="both";if(u.highlightStyle.lineWidth>0)u.highlightStyle.brushType="both";h.pack(u,e,t,i.data,i.rawIndex,i.id,i.category),this.shapeList.push(u),i.shape=u},this)},_buildNodeIcons:function(e,t,i,a){var r=this.parseCenter(this.zr,a.center),o=this.parseRadius(this.zr,a.radius),n=o[1];i.eachNode(function(i){var o=i.layout.startAngle,l=i.layout.endAngle,d=(o+l)/2,p=n*Math.cos(d),c=n*Math.sin(d),g=this._getNodeQueryTarget(a,i.data),u=this._getNodeCategory(a,i.data),f=this.deepQuery(g,"itemStyle.normal.color");if(!f)f=u?this.getColor(u.name):this.getColor(i.id);var y=new s({zlevel:this.getZlevelBase(),z:this.getZBase()+1,style:{x:-i.layout.size,y:-i.layout.size,width:2*i.layout.size,height:2*i.layout.size,iconType:this.deepQuery(g,"symbol"),color:f,brushType:"both",lineWidth:this.deepQuery(g,"itemStyle.normal.borderWidth"),strokeColor:this.deepQuery(g,"itemStyle.normal.borderColor")},highlightStyle:{color:this.deepQuery(g,"itemStyle.emphasis.color"),lineWidth:this.deepQuery(g,"itemStyle.emphasis.borderWidth"),strokeColor:this.deepQuery(g,"itemStyle.emphasis.borderColor")},clickable:a.clickable,position:[p+r[0],c+r[1]]});h.pack(y,e,t,i.data,i.rawIndex,i.id,i.category),this.shapeList.push(y),i.shape=y},this)},_buildLabels:function(e,t,a,r){var o=this.query(r,"itemStyle.normal.label.color"),s=this.query(r,"itemStyle.normal.label.rotate"),n=this.query(r,"itemStyle.normal.label.distance"),l=this.parseCenter(this.zr,r.center),h=this.parseRadius(this.zr,r.radius),d=r.clockWise,c=d?1:-1;a.eachNode(function(e){var t=e.layout.startAngle/Math.PI*180*c,a=e.layout.endAngle/Math.PI*180*c,d=(t*-c+a*-c)/2;if(d%=360,0>d)d+=360;var g=90>=d||d>=270;d=d*Math.PI/180;var u=[Math.cos(d),-Math.sin(d)],f=0;if(r.ribbonType)f=r.showScaleText?35+n:n;else f=n+e.layout.size;var y=p.scale([],u,h[1]+f);p.add(y,y,l);var m={zlevel:this.getZlevelBase(),z:this.getZBase()+1,hoverable:!1,style:{text:null==e.data.label?e.id:e.data.label,textAlign:g?"left":"right",color:o||"#000000"}};if(s){if(m.rotation=g?d:Math.PI+d,g)m.style.x=h[1]+f;else m.style.x=-h[1]-f;m.style.y=0,m.position=l.slice()}else m.style.x=y[0],m.style.y=y[1];m.style.textColor=this.deepQuery([e.data,r],"itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle.color")||"#fff",m.style.textFont=this.getFont(this.deepQuery([e.data,r],"itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle")),m=new i(m),this.shapeList.push(m),e.labelShape=m},this)},_buildRibbons:function(e,t,i,a){var r=e[t],s=this.parseCenter(this.zr,a.center),n=this.parseRadius(this.zr,a.radius);i.eachEdge(function(l,d){var p,c=i.getEdge(l.node2,l.node1);if(c&&!l.shape){if(c.shape)return void(l.shape=c.shape);var g=l.layout.startAngle/Math.PI*180,u=l.layout.endAngle/Math.PI*180,f=c.layout.startAngle/Math.PI*180,y=c.layout.endAngle/Math.PI*180;if(1===e.length)if(l.layout.weight<=c.layout.weight)p=this.getColor(l.node1.id);else p=this.getColor(l.node2.id);else p=this.getColor(r.name);var m,b,v=this._getEdgeQueryTarget(r,l.data),x=this._getEdgeQueryTarget(r,l.data,"emphasis"),_=new o({zlevel:this.getZlevelBase(),z:this.getZBase(),style:{x:s[0],y:s[1],r:n[0],source0:g,source1:u,target0:f,target1:y,brushType:"both",opacity:this.deepQuery(v,"opacity"),color:p,lineWidth:this.deepQuery(v,"borderWidth"),strokeColor:this.deepQuery(v,"borderColor"),clockWise:a.clockWise},clickable:a.clickable,highlightStyle:{brushType:"both",opacity:this.deepQuery(x,"opacity"),lineWidth:this.deepQuery(x,"borderWidth"),strokeColor:this.deepQuery(x,"borderColor")}});if(l.layout.weight<=c.layout.weight)m=c.node1,b=c.node2;else m=l.node1,b=l.node2;h.pack(_,r,t,l.data,null==l.rawIndex?d:l.rawIndex,l.data.name||m.id+"-"+b.id,m.id,b.id),this.shapeList.push(_),l.shape=_}},this)},_buildEdgeCurves:function(e,t,i,a,r){var o=e[t],s=this.parseCenter(this.zr,a.center);i.eachEdge(function(e,i){var a=r.getNodeById(e.node1.id),l=r.getNodeById(e.node2.id),d=a.shape,p=l.shape,c=this._getEdgeQueryTarget(o,e.data),g=this._getEdgeQueryTarget(o,e.data,"emphasis"),u=new n({zlevel:this.getZlevelBase(),z:this.getZBase(),style:{xStart:d.position[0],yStart:d.position[1],xEnd:p.position[0],yEnd:p.position[1],cpX1:s[0],cpY1:s[1],lineWidth:this.deepQuery(c,"width"),strokeColor:this.deepQuery(c,"color"),opacity:this.deepQuery(c,"opacity")},highlightStyle:{lineWidth:this.deepQuery(g,"width"),strokeColor:this.deepQuery(g,"color"),opacity:this.deepQuery(g,"opacity")}});h.pack(u,o,t,e.data,null==e.rawIndex?i:e.rawIndex,e.data.name||e.node1.id+"-"+e.node2.id,e.node1.id,e.node2.id),this.shapeList.push(u),e.shape=u},this)},_buildScales:function(e,t,r){var o,s,n=e.clockWise,l=this.parseCenter(this.zr,e.center),h=this.parseRadius(this.zr,e.radius),d=n?1:-1,c=0,g=-1/0;if(e.showScaleText)if(r.eachNode(function(e){var t=e.data.value;if(t>g)g=t;c+=t}),g>1e10)o="b",s=1e-9;else if(g>1e7)o="m",s=1e-6;else if(g>1e4)o="k",s=.001;else o="",s=1;var u=c/(360-e.padding);r.eachNode(function(t){for(var r=t.layout.startAngle/Math.PI*180,c=t.layout.endAngle/Math.PI*180,g=r;;){if(n&&g>c||!n&&c>g)break;var f=g/180*Math.PI,y=[Math.cos(f),Math.sin(f)],m=p.scale([],y,h[1]+1);p.add(m,m,l);var b=p.scale([],y,h[1]+this.scaleLineLength);p.add(b,b,l);var v=new a({zlevel:this.getZlevelBase(),z:this.getZBase()-1,hoverable:!1,style:{xStart:m[0],yStart:m[1],xEnd:b[0],yEnd:b[1],lineCap:"round",brushType:"stroke",strokeColor:"#666",lineWidth:1}});this.shapeList.push(v),g+=d*this.scaleUnitAngle}if(e.showScaleText)for(var x=r,_=5*u*this.scaleUnitAngle,S=0;;){if(n&&x>c||!n&&c>x)break;var f=x;if(f%=360,0>f)f+=360;var C=90>=f||f>=270,k=new i({zlevel:this.getZlevelBase(),z:this.getZBase()-1,hoverable:!1,style:{x:C?h[1]+this.scaleLineLength+4:-h[1]-this.scaleLineLength-4,y:0,text:Math.round(10*S)/10+o,textAlign:C?"left":"right"},position:l.slice(),rotation:C?[-f/180*Math.PI,0,0]:[-(f+180)/180*Math.PI,0,0]});this.shapeList.push(k),S+=_*s,x+=d*this.scaleUnitAngle*5}},this)},refresh:function(e){if(e)this.option=e,this.series=e.series;if(this.legend=this.component.legend,this.legend)this.getColor=function(e){return this.legend.getColor(e)},this.isSelected=function(e){return this.legend.isSelected(e)};else{var t={},i=0;this.getColor=function(e){if(t[e])return t[e];if(!t[e])t[e]=this.zr.getColor(i++);return t[e]},this.isSelected=function(){return!0}}this.backupShapeList(),this._init()},reformOption:function(e){var t=d.merge;e=t(t(e||{},this.ecTheme.chord),l.chord),e.itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle=this.getTextStyle(e.itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle)}},d.inherits(e,t),require("../chart").define("chord",e),e});
Example #12
    Intro.prototype._circle = function (cb) {
        var self = this;
        var graphMain = this._kgraph.getComponentByType('GRAPH');
        var zr = graphMain.getZR();
        var layer = zr.painter.getLayer(0);
        var graph = graphMain.getGraph();
        var width = zr.getWidth();
        var height = zr.getHeight();

        var circles = graphMain.getCircles();
        if (!circles.length) {

        var circle = circles[0];
        var center = vec2.create();
        // 定位到circle中间
        for (var i = 0; i < circle.nodes.length; i++) {
            var pos = circle.nodes[i].entity.el.position;
            vec2.add(center, center, pos);
        vec2.scale(center, center, 1 / circle.nodes.length);

        var edge;
        var rightMost = -Infinity;
        // 查找到定位最右的边
        for (var i = 0; i < circle.edges.length; i++) {
            var e = circle.edges[i];

            var x = (e.entity.el.style.xStart + e.entity.el.style.xEnd) / 2;
            if (x > rightMost) {
                rightMost = x;
                edge = e;

        graphMain.moveTo(width / 2 - center[0], height / 2 - center[1], showTip);

        function showTip() {
            var y = (edge.entity.el.style.yStart + edge.entity.el.style.yEnd) / 2;

            self._$tip.style.display = 'block';
            self._$tip.className = 'bkg-tip bkg-tip-circle';
            self._$tip.style.left = rightMost + layer.position[0] + 10 +'px';
            self._$tip.style.top = y + layer.position[1] - self._$tip.clientHeight +'px';

        return function () {
            self._$tip.style.display = 'none';
            for (var i = 0; i < circle.nodes.length; i++) {
            for (var i = 0; i < circle.edges.length; i++) {
Example #13
        function _buildScales(
        ) {
            for (var i = 0; i < angles.length; i++) {
                var startAngle = angles[i][0];
                var endAngle = angles[i][1];

                var scaleAngle = startAngle;
                while (scaleAngle < endAngle) {
                    var v = [
                            Math.cos((scaleAngle - 90) / 180 * Math.PI),
                            Math.sin((scaleAngle - 90) / 180 * Math.PI)
                    var start = vec2.scale([], v, radius + 1);
                    vec2.add(start, start, center);
                    var end = vec2.scale([], v, radius + scaleLineLength);
                    vec2.add(end, end, center);
                    var scaleShape = {
                        shape : 'line',
                        id : zr.newShapeId(self.type),
                        zlevel : _zlevelBase - 1,
                        hoverable : false,
                        style : {
                            xStart : start[0],
                            yStart : start[1],
                            xEnd : end[0],
                            yEnd : end[1],
                            lineCap : 'round',
                            brushType : 'stroke',
                            strokeColor : '#666'


                    scaleAngle += scaleUnitAngle;

                var scaleTextAngle = startAngle;
                var step = unitValue * 5 * scaleUnitAngle;
                var scaleValues = NDArray.range(0, values[i], step).toArray();
                while (scaleTextAngle < endAngle) {
                    var scaleTextAngleFixed = scaleTextAngle - 90;
                    var isRightSide = scaleTextAngleFixed <= 90
                                     && scaleTextAngleFixed >= -90;
                    var textShape = {
                        shape : 'text',
                        id : zr.newShapeId(self.type),
                        zlevel : _zlevelBase - 1,
                        hoverable : false,
                        style : {
                            x : isRightSide 
                                    ? radius + scaleLineLength + 2 
                                    : -radius - scaleLineLength - 34,
                            y : 0,
                            text : Math.round(scaleValues.shift()*10)/10 
                                    + unitPostfix
                        position : center.slice(),
                        rotation : isRightSide
                            ? [-scaleTextAngleFixed / 180 * Math.PI, 0, 0]
                            : [
                                -(scaleTextAngleFixed + 180) / 180 * Math.PI,
                                0, 0

                    scaleTextAngle += scaleUnitAngle * 5;