Example #1
        function _updateLinkShapes() {
            var v = vec2.create();
            var right = vec2.create(1, 0);
            for (var i = 0, len = filteredLinks.length; i < len; i++) {
                var link = filteredLinks[i];
                var linkShape = linkShapes[i];
                var sourceShape = nodeShapes[link.source];
                var targetShape = nodeShapes[link.target];

                linkShape.style.xStart = sourceShape.position[0];
                linkShape.style.yStart = sourceShape.position[1];
                linkShape.style.xEnd = targetShape.position[0];
                linkShape.style.yEnd = targetShape.position[1];

                if (forceSerie.linkSymbol) {
                    var arrowShape = arrowShapes[i];
                    vec2.copy(arrowShape.position, targetShape.position);

                    vec2.sub(v, sourceShape.position, targetShape.position);
                    vec2.normalize(v, v);

                        arrowShape.position, arrowShape.position, v, targetShape.style.r + 2

                    if (v[1] < 0) {
                        var angle = 2 * Math.PI - Math.acos(-v[0]);
                    } else {
                        var angle = Math.acos(-v[0]);
                    arrowShape.rotation = angle  - Math.PI / 2;
Example #2
        _updateLinkShapes: function() {
            var v = vec2.create();
            var n = vec2.create();
            var p1 = vec2.create();
            var p2 = vec2.create();
            var edges = this._graph.edges;
            for (var i = 0, len = edges.length; i < len; i++) {
                var edge = edges[i];
                var sourceShape = edge.node1.shape;
                var targetShape = edge.node2.shape;

                vec2.copy(p1, sourceShape.position);
                vec2.copy(p2, targetShape.position);

                var edgeShapeStyle = edge.shape.style;

                vec2.sub(v, p1, p2);
                vec2.normalize(v, v);

                if (edgeShapeStyle.offset) {
                    n[0] = v[1];
                    n[1] = - v[0];

                    vec2.scaleAndAdd(p1, p1, n, edgeShapeStyle.offset);
                    vec2.scaleAndAdd(p2, p2, n, edgeShapeStyle.offset);
                else if (edge.shape.type === 'bezier-curve') {
                    edgeShapeStyle.cpX1 = (p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2 - (p2[1] - p1[1]) / 4;
                    edgeShapeStyle.cpY1 = (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2 - (p1[0] - p2[0]) / 4;

                edgeShapeStyle.xStart = p1[0];
                edgeShapeStyle.yStart = p1[1];
                edgeShapeStyle.xEnd = p2[0];
                edgeShapeStyle.yEnd = p2[1];


                if (edge.shape._symbolShape) {
                    var symbolShape = edge.shape._symbolShape;
                    vec2.copy(symbolShape.position, p2);
                        symbolShape.position, symbolShape.position,
                        v, targetShape.style.width / 2 + 2

                    var angle = Math.atan2(v[1], v[0]);
                    symbolShape.rotation = Math.PI / 2 - angle;

Example #3
        _updateLinkShapes: function() {
            var v = vec2.create();
            var links = this._filteredLinks;
            for (var i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; i++) {
                var link = links[i];
                var linkShape = this._linkShapes[i];
                var sourceShape = this._nodeShapes[link.source];
                var targetShape = this._nodeShapes[link.target];

                linkShape.style.xStart = sourceShape.position[0];
                linkShape.style.yStart = sourceShape.position[1];
                linkShape.style.xEnd = targetShape.position[0];
                linkShape.style.yEnd = targetShape.position[1];


                if (linkShape._symbolShape) {
                    var symbolShape = linkShape._symbolShape;
                    vec2.copy(symbolShape.position, targetShape.position);

                    vec2.sub(v, sourceShape.position, targetShape.position);
                    vec2.normalize(v, v);

                        symbolShape.position, symbolShape.position,
                        v, targetShape.style.width / 2 + 2

                    var angle;
                    if (v[1] < 0) {
                        angle = 2 * Math.PI - Math.acos(-v[0]);
                    } else {
                        angle = Math.acos(-v[0]);
                    symbolShape.rotation = angle  - Math.PI / 2;

Example #4
        _updateLinkShapes: function() {
            var v = vec2.create();
            var edges = this._graph.edges;
            for (var i = 0, len = edges.length; i < len; i++) {
                var edge = edges[i];
                var sourceShape = edge.node1.shape;
                var targetShape = edge.node2.shape;

                edge.shape.style.xStart = sourceShape.position[0];
                edge.shape.style.yStart = sourceShape.position[1];
                edge.shape.style.xEnd = targetShape.position[0];
                edge.shape.style.yEnd = targetShape.position[1];


                if (edge.shape._symbolShape) {
                    var symbolShape = edge.shape._symbolShape;
                    vec2.copy(symbolShape.position, targetShape.position);

                    vec2.sub(v, sourceShape.position, targetShape.position);
                    vec2.normalize(v, v);

                        symbolShape.position, symbolShape.position,
                        v, targetShape.style.width / 2 + 2

                    var angle;
                    if (v[1] < 0) {
                        angle = 2 * Math.PI - Math.acos(-v[0]);
                    else {
                        angle = Math.acos(-v[0]);
                    symbolShape.rotation = angle - Math.PI / 2;

Example #5
            return function (pointSet, p0, p1, out) {
                // Limit the max turning angle
                var maxTurningAngleCos = Math.cos(this.maxTurningAngle);
                var maxTurningAngleTan = Math.tan(this.maxTurningAngle);

                vec2.sub(v10, p0, p1);
                vec2.normalize(v10, v10);

                // Simply copy the centroid point if no need to turn the angle
                vec2.copy(out, p0);

                var maxMovement = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < pointSet.length; i++) {
                    var p = pointSet[i];
                    vec2.sub(vTmp, p, p0);
                    var len = vec2.len(vTmp);
                    vec2.scale(vTmp, vTmp, 1 / len);
                    var turningAngleCos = vec2.dot(vTmp, v10);
                    // Turning angle is to large
                    if (turningAngleCos < maxTurningAngleCos) {
                        // Calculat p's project point on vector p1-p0 
                        // and distance to the vector
                            project, p0, v10, len * turningAngleCos
                        var distance = v2Dist(project, p);

                        // Use the max turning angle to calculate the new meet point
                        var d = distance / maxTurningAngleTan;
                        vec2.scaleAndAdd(tmpOut, project, v10, -d);

                        var movement = v2DistSquare(tmpOut, p0);
                        if (movement > maxMovement) {
                            maxMovement = movement;
                            vec2.copy(out, tmpOut);
Example #6
        function _update(stepTime) {
            var len = nodePositions.length;
            var v12 = [];
            // 计算节点之间斥力
            var k2 = k*k;
            // Reset force
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                nodeForces[i][0] = 0;
                nodeForces[i][1] = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                for (var j = i+1; j < len; j++){
                    var w1 = nodeWeights[i];
                    var w2 = nodeWeights[j];
                    var p1 = nodePositions[i];
                    var p2 = nodePositions[j];

                    // 节点1到2的向量
                    vec2.sub(v12, p2, p1);
                    var d = vec2.length(v12);
                    // 距离大于500忽略斥力
                    if(d > 500){
                    if(d < 5){
                        d = 5;

                    vec2.scale(v12, v12, 1/d);
                    var forceFactor = 1 * (w1 + w2) * k2 / d;

                    vec2.scale(v12, v12, forceFactor);
                    vec2.sub(nodeForces[i], nodeForces[i], v12);
                    vec2.add(nodeForces[j], nodeForces[j], v12);
            // 计算节点之间引力
            for (var i = 0, l = linksRawData.length; i < l; i++) {
                var link = linksRawData[i];
                var w = linkWeights[i];
                var s = link.source;
                var t = link.target;
                var p1 = nodePositions[s];
                var p2 = nodePositions[t];

                vec2.sub(v12, p2, p1);
                var d2 = vec2.lengthSquare(v12);
                vec2.normalize(v12, v12);

                var forceFactor = w * d2 / k;
                // 节点1受到的力
                vec2.scale(v12, v12, forceFactor);
                vec2.add(nodeForces[s], nodeForces[s], v12);
                // 节点2受到的力
                vec2.sub(nodeForces[t], nodeForces[t], v12);
            // 到质心的向心力
            for (var i = 0, l = nodesRawData.length; i < l; i++){
                var p = nodePositions[i];
                vec2.sub(v12, centroid, p);
                var d2 = vec2.lengthSquare(v12);
                vec2.normalize(v12, v12);
                // 100是可调参数
                var forceFactor = d2 / 100 * centripetal;
                vec2.scale(v12, v12, forceFactor);
                vec2.add(nodeForces[i], nodeForces[i], v12);

            // 计算加速度
            for (var i = 0, l = nodeAccelerations.length; i < l; i++) {
                    nodeAccelerations[i], nodeForces[i], 1 / nodeMasses[i]
            var velocity = [];
            var tmp = [];
            // 计算位置(verlet积分)
            for (var i = 0, l = nodePositions.length; i < l; i++) {
                if (nodesRawData[i].fixed) {
                    // 拖拽同步
                    nodePositions[i][0] = mouseX + dx;
                    nodePositions[i][1] = mouseY + dy;
                    nodePrePositions[i][0] = mouseX + dx;
                    nodePrePositions[i][1] = mouseY + dy;
                    nodeShapes[i].position[0] = mouseX + dx;
                    nodeShapes[i].position[1] = mouseY + dy;
                var p = nodePositions[i];
                var __P = nodePrePositions[i];
                vec2.sub(velocity, p, __P);
                __P[0] = p[0];
                __P[1] = p[1];
                    vec2.scale(tmp, nodeAccelerations[i], stepTime)
                // Damping
                vec2.scale(velocity, velocity, temperature);
                // 防止速度太大
                velocity[0] = Math.max(Math.min(velocity[0], 100), -100);
                velocity[1] = Math.max(Math.min(velocity[1], 100), -100);

                vec2.add(p, p, velocity);
                nodeShapes[i].position[0] = p[0] ;
                nodeShapes[i].position[1] = p[1] ;

                if(isNaN(p[0]) || isNaN(p[1])){
                    throw new Error('NaN');