Example #1
  this.assets = function(grunt) {

    if(fs.existsSync('.whdist')) {


    var files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive('pages');

    files.forEach(function(file) {
      var originalFile = 'pages/' + file;
      var destFile = '.whdist/pages/' + file;

        var content = fs.readFileSync(originalFile);

        if(path.extname(originalFile) === '.html') {
          content = content.toString();
          content = content.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n');

        fs.writeFileSync(destFile, content);

    files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive('templates');

    files.forEach(function(file) {
      var originalFile = 'templates/' + file;
      var destFile = '.whdist/templates/' + file;

        var content = fs.readFileSync(originalFile);

        if(path.extname(originalFile) === '.html') {
          content = content.toString();
          content = content.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n');

        fs.writeFileSync(destFile, content);

    files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive('static');

    files.forEach(function(file) {
      var originalFile = 'static/' + file;
      var destFile = '.whdist/static/' + file;

        var content = fs.readFileSync(originalFile);

        if(path.extname(originalFile) === '.html') {
          content = content.toString();
          content = content.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n');

        fs.writeFileSync(destFile, content);


import wrench from 'wrench';
import path from 'path';

// Load all gulp plugins based on their names
// EX: gulp-copy -> copy
const plugins = gulpLoadPlugins();

let config = pjson.config;
let taskName = process.argv[2];
let dirs = config.directories;


// This will grab all js in the `gulp` directory
// in order to load all gulp tasks
wrench.readdirSyncRecursive('./gulp').filter((file) => {
    return (/\.(js)$/i).test(file);
}).map(function(file) {
    require('./gulp/' + file)(gulp, plugins, taskName, config, path.resolve(dirs.destination));

// Default task
gulp.task('default', [], () => {

// Build production-ready code
gulp.task('build', [
Example #3
   lib = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(path.join(__dirname,'..','..','lib'));
Example #4
function remove(opts) {
	opts = opts || {};
	var folder = opts.folder;
	var exceptions = opts.exceptions || [];
	var types = _.isString(opts.types) ? [opts.types] : opts.types;
	var locations = _.isString(opts.locations) ? [opts.locations] : opts.locations;
	var runtimePath = opts.runtimePath;

	// Set the base runtime search path
	if (!runtimePath) {
		if (!folder) {
				'You must specify either "runtimePath" or "folder" when calling Orphanage.remove()',
				new Error().stack
		} else {
			if (opts.widgetId) {
				runtimePath = path.join(dirs.runtime, CONST.DIR.WIDGET, opts.widgetId, folder);
			} else {
				runtimePath = path.join(dirs.runtime, folder);

	// skip if the target runtime folder doesn't exist
	if (!fs.existsSync(runtimePath)) {

	// Let's see if we need to delete any orphan files...
	_.each(wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(runtimePath), function(file) {
		var runtimeFullpath = path.join(runtimePath, file);
		var found = false;
		var checks, i;

		// skip if file no longer exists, or if it's an exception
		if (!fs.existsSync(runtimeFullpath) ||
			(/*!opts.widgetId && */ isException(file, exceptions))) {

		// Get a list of app folder locations to check for a match against the runtime file
		checks = getChecks(file, runtimeFullpath, _.extend({ widgetId: opts.widgetId },
			types ? { types: types } : { locations: locations }));

		// if checks is null, we already know we can skip it
		if (checks === null) {

		// If we find the corresponding app folder file(s), skip this file
		for (i = 0; i < checks.length; i++) {
			if (!opts.widgetId && fs.existsSync(checks[i])) {
				found = true;

		// It's an orphan, delete it
		if (!found) {
			// already deleted, perhaps a file in a deleted directory
			if (!fs.existsSync(runtimeFullpath)) { return; }
			logger.trace('* ' + file);

			// delete the directory or file
			var targetStat = fs.statSync(runtimeFullpath);
			if (targetStat.isDirectory()) {
				if(opts.widgetId) {
					// remove the widget's folder
					wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive(path.resolve(runtimeFullpath, '..'), true);
				} else {
					wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive(runtimeFullpath, true);
			} else {
				function packageApp() {
					var source = path.resolve(builder.buildDir),
						destination = path.resolve(source, '..', 'mobileweb-' + target),
						version = tiapp.version,
						templateData = {
							// general
							projectName: tiapp.id,
							projectDisplayName: tiapp.name,
							projectGUID: tiapp.guid || uuid.v4(),
							projectDescription: tiapp.description || 'No description',
							author: tiapp.publisher || config.get('user.name') || 'Titanium',
							appFiles: [],

							// windows phone specific
							assemblyGUID: uuid.v4(),
							publisherGUID: cli.argv['wp8-publisher-guid'],
							company: 'not specified', // Hopefully we can support this some day
							copyright: tiapp.copyright || ('Copyright © ' + new Date().getFullYear()),
							logToken: builder.logToken,
							targetSDK: cli.tiapp['windows-phone'] && cli.tiapp['windows-phone']['target-sdk'] || '',

							// windows store specific
							visualStudioVersion: env.visualStudioVersion,
							certificatePath: certificatePathRoot + '.pfx'
						templateDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'templates', 'packages', target),
						filenameReplacementRegex = /\{\{ProjectName\}\}/g,
						appFiles = templateData.appFiles,
						versionFormatRegex = /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/;

					if (target == 'wp8') {
						templateFiles = [
							path.join('{{ProjectName}}', '{{ProjectName}}.csproj'),
							path.join('{{ProjectName}}', 'titanium_settings.ini'),
							path.join('{{ProjectName}}', 'Resources', 'AppResources.Designer.cs'),
							path.join('{{ProjectName}}', 'Properties', 'AssemblyInfo.cs'),
							path.join('{{ProjectName}}', 'Properties', 'WMAppManifest.xml')
					} else {
						templateFiles = [
							path.join('{{ProjectName}}', '{{ProjectName}}.jsproj'),
							path.join('{{ProjectName}}', 'package.appxmanifest')

					// validate and format the version to Major.Minor.Build.Revision format necessary for MS build systems
					if (!version) {
						version = '';
					} else if (!versionFormatRegex.test(version)) {
						version = version.match(/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*/);
						if (!version) {
							logger.warn(__('Invalid project version number %s, setting to', tiapp.version));
							version = '';
						} else {
							version = version[0];
							while (!versionFormatRegex.test(version)) {
								version = version + '.0';
							logger.info(__('Project version number will be converted to %s for compatibility with Visual Studio', version));
					templateData.projectVersion = tiapp._windowsVersion = version;

					// Create the destination folder if it doesn't exist
					if (!fs.existsSync(destination)) {

					// Copy the built app over
					logger.info(__('Copying Mobile Web output to the Visual Studio project'));
					wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(path.join(destination, templateData.projectName, 'App'));
					wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(source).forEach(function (file) {
						var sourcePath = path.join(source, file),
							destinationPath = path.join(destination, templateData.projectName, 'App', file),
							fileStats = fs.statSync(sourcePath);
						if (fileStats.isDirectory()) {
							logger.debug(__('Creating directory %s', destinationPath.cyan));
						} else if (fileStats.size === 0) {
							logger.warn(__('%s is empty and will not be copied over', sourcePath.cyan));
						} else {
							logger.debug(__('Copying file %s => %s', sourcePath.cyan, destinationPath.cyan));
							fs.writeFileSync(destinationPath, fs.readFileSync(sourcePath));

							// Store the file for inclusion in the csproj file.
							appFiles.push(path.join('App', file));

					// Copy the template files over
					logger.info(__('Generating %s Visual Studio project', displayName));
					wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(templateDir).forEach(function (file) {
						var sourcePath = path.join(templateDir, file),
							destinationPath = path.join(destination,
								file.replace(filenameReplacementRegex, templateData.projectName || 'Project'));

						// If this is a folder, just create the destination folder directly
						if (fs.statSync(sourcePath).isDirectory()) {
							logger.debug(__('Creating directory %s', destinationPath.cyan));
						} else {
							// Otherwise, run the file through EJS if it needs to be templated, else just copy it
							sourceData = fs.readFileSync(sourcePath);
							if (templateFiles.indexOf(file) != -1) {
								logger.debug(__('Generating file %s', destinationPath.cyan));
								fs.writeFileSync(destinationPath, ejs.render(sourceData.toString(), templateData));
							} else {
								logger.debug(__('Copying file %s => %s', sourcePath.cyan, destinationPath.cyan));
								fs.writeFileSync(destinationPath, sourceData);

					// copy the tile icons
					logger.info(__('Copying tile icons'));

					var buildDir = builder.buildDir,
						m = builder.tiapp.icon.match(/^(.*)(?:\.(?:png|jpg|gif))$/),
						iconPrefix = m && m[1] != 'appicon' && m[1];

					function copyTile(suffix, destFilename) {
						var file = path.join(builder.projectResDir, 'mobileweb', iconPrefix + suffix);
						if (!fs.existsSync(file)) {
							file = path.join(builder.projectResDir, iconPrefix + suffix);
						if (!fs.existsSync(file)) {
							file = path.join(builder.projectResDir, 'mobileweb', 'appicon' + suffix);
						if (!fs.existsSync(file)) {
							file = path.join(builder.projectResDir, 'appicon' + suffix);
						if (fs.existsSync(file)) {
							appc.fs.copyFileSync(file, path.join(destination, tiapp.id, 'Assets', destFilename), { logger: logger.debug });

					copyTile('.png', 'ApplicationIcon.png');
					copyTile('-tile-small.png', 'Tiles\\FlipCycleTileSmall.png');
					copyTile('-tile-medium.png', 'Tiles\\FlipCycleTileMedium.png');
					copyTile('-tile-large.png', 'Tiles\\FlipCycleTileLarge.png');

					// Compile the app
					var cmd = [
						'/p:configuration=' + (cli.argv['deploy-type'] == 'production' ? 'Release' : 'Debug'),
						path.join(destination, tiapp.id + '.sln')
					logger.info(__('Building the %s Visual Studio project', displayName));
					logger.debug(__('Running: %s', cmd.join(' ').cyan));
					run(cmd, function (code) {
						if (!code) {
							logger.info(__('Finished building the application'));
Example #6
	assembleTitaniumCSS: function (callback) {
		var tiCSS = [
			HEADER, '\n'
		if (this.tiapp.mobileweb.splash.enabled) {
			var splashDir = this.projectResDir + '/mobileweb/splash',
				splashHtmlFile = splashDir + '/splash.html',
				splashCssFile = splashDir + '/splash.css';
			if (afs.exists(splashDir)) {
				this.logger.info(__('Processing splash screen'));
				afs.exists(splashHtmlFile) && (this.splashHtml = fs.readFileSync(splashHtmlFile));
				if (afs.exists(splashCssFile)) {
					var css = fs.readFileSync(splashCssFile).toString();
					if (this.tiapp.mobileweb.splash['inline-css-images']) {
						var parts = css.split('url('),
							i = 1, p, img, imgPath, imgType,
							len = parts.length;
						for (; i < len; i++) {
							p = parts[i].indexOf(')');
							if (p != -1) {
								img = parts[i].substring(0, p).replace(/["']/g, '').trim();
								if (!/^data\:/.test(img)) {
									imgPath = img.charAt(0) == '/' ? this.projectResDir + img : splashDir + '/' + img;
									imgType = imageMimeTypes[imgPath.match(/(\.[a-zA-Z]{3})$/)[1]];
									if (afs.exists(imgPath) && imgType) {
										parts[i] = 'data:' + imgType + ';base64,' + fs.readFileSync(imgPath).toString('base64') + parts[i].substring(p);
						css = parts.join('url(');
		this.logger.info(__('Assembling titanium.css'));
		var commonCss = this.mobilewebThemeDir + '/common.css';
		afs.exists(commonCss) && tiCSS.push(fs.readFileSync(commonCss).toString());
		// TODO: need to rewrite absolute paths for urls
		// TODO: code below does NOT inline imports, nor remove them... do NOT use imports until themes are fleshed out
		var themePath = this.projectResDir + '/themes/' + this.theme;
		afs.exists(themePath) || (themePath = this.projectResDir + '/' + this.theme);
		afs.exists(themePath) || (themePath = this.mobilewebSdkPath + '/themes/' + this.theme);
		if (!afs.exists(themePath)) {
			this.logger.error(__('Unable to locate theme "%s"', this.theme) + '\n');
		wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(themePath).forEach(function (file) {
			/\.css$/.test(file) && tiCSS.push(fs.readFileSync(themePath + '/' + file).toString() + '\n');
		// detect any fonts and add font face rules to the css file
		var fonts = {};
		wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(this.projectResDir).forEach(function (file) {
			var match = file.match(/^(.+)(\.otf|\.woff)$/);
			if (match) {
				fonts[match[0]] || (fonts[match[0]] = []);
		Object.keys(fonts).forEach(function (name) {
			tiCSS.push('@font-face{font-family:' + name + ';src:url(' + fonts[name] + ');\n');
		// TODO: minify the css
		// write the titanium.css
		fs.writeFileSync(this.buildDir + '/titanium.css', cleanCSS.process(tiCSS.join('')));
function parse(node, state, args) {
	var code = '';
	var nodeName = node.nodeName;
	var isSingleton = node.getAttribute('instance') !== 'true';
	var id = node.getAttribute('id');
	var src = node.getAttribute('src');
	var backboneVar;
	var manifest = CU.currentManifest;
	var root = manifest ? CONST.WIDGET_OBJECT : 'Alloy';

	// Make sure the parent is <Alloy>
	if (!node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeName !== 'Alloy') {
		U.dieWithNode(node, 'All <' + nodeName + '> elements must be a direct child of <Alloy>');
	// only perform compile time checks on nodes in non-widget markup
	if (!manifest) {
		// Make sure there's models to be used as the "src" of the Backbone class
		var modelsPath = path.join(CU.getCompilerConfig().dir.home,CONST.DIR.MODEL);
		var validModels;
		if (!path.existsSync(modelsPath) || !(validModels = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(modelsPath)).length) {
			U.dieWithNode(node, [
				'You must have a valid model in your app/' + CONST.DIR.MODEL + ' folder to create a <' + nodeName + '>',
				'Once you have a valid model, assign it like this for a singleton:',
				'  <' + nodeName + ' src="yourModelName"/>',
				'Or like this for an instance:',
				'  <' + nodeName + ' src="yourModelName" instance="true" id="someId"/>'

		// Make sure we have a valid model src
		var validModelsPrint = '[' + _.map(validModels, function(s) { return s.replace(/\.js$/,''); }).join(',') + ']';
		if (!src) { 
			U.dieWithNode(node, [
				'All ' + U.lcfirst(nodeName) + 's must have a "src" attribute which identifies its base model',
				'"src" should be the name of a model in your app/' + CONST.DIR.MODEL + ' folder',
				'Valid models: ' + validModelsPrint
		} else {
			var modelPath = path.join(modelsPath,src + '.' + CONST.FILE_EXT.MODEL);
			if (!path.existsSync(modelPath)) {
				U.dieWithNode(node, [
					'"src" attribute\'s model "' + src + '" does not exist in app/' + CONST.DIR.MODEL,
					'Valid models: ' + validModelsPrint
	var createCall = root + '.create' + nodeName + '(\'' + src + '\')';

	// create code based on whether the collection is a singleton or instance
	if (isSingleton) {
		if (id) {
				'Warning with <' + nodeName + '> at line ' + node.lineNumber,
				'id="' + id + '" will be ignored, as only ' + nodeName + ' instances can have ids, not singletons',
				'To create an instance of the ' + nodeName + ', add instance="true"',
				'This instance will be accessible in your controller as $.' + id,
				'Example: ',
				'  <' + nodeName + ' src="' + src + '" id="' + id + '" instance="true"/>'

		code += root + '.' + nodeName + 's.instance(\'' + src + '\');';

		// backboneVar = 'Alloy.' + nodeName + 's[\'' + src + '\']';
		// code += backboneVar + ' || (' + backboneVar + ' = ' + createCall + ');';
	} else {
		id || (id = args.id);
		backboneVar = '$.' + id;
		code += backboneVar + ' = ' + createCall + ';';
	return {
		code: '',
		modelCode: code, // modelCode will add this before the UI code
		args: {
			symbol: backboneVar
Example #8
ExpressApi.prototype.init = function () {

    // Variables
    var self = this;

    // Here we are
    console.log('ExpressAPI: Configuring API endpoints');

    // Routes directory
    var routesDir = ((this.ExpressConfig["endpoints"]["routes"]["relative"] === true ? process.cwd() : '') +
        .replace(/\/?$/, '/'); // Trailing slash;
    console.log('. Routes directory: ' + routesDir);

    // Either use provided or default endpoint directory
    var endpointDir = ((this.ExpressConfig["endpoints"]["configurations"]["relative"] === true ? process.cwd() : '') +
        .replace(/\/?$/, '/'); // Trailing slash;
    console.log('. Endpoints directory: ' + endpointDir);

    // Receive all andpoint definition filenames (recursively)
    var endpointFilenames = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(endpointDir);

    // Iterate through each endpoint definition
    for (var i = 0; i < endpointFilenames.length; i++) {

        var fileName = endpointDir + endpointFilenames[i];

        // Skip directories
        if (fs.lstatSync(fileName).isDirectory()) {

        // Read one by one
        var endpointDefinitions = require(fileName);

        // Iterate through each route (ie /foobar/)
        for (var routeName in endpointDefinitions) {

            // Skip built-in meta properties
            if (!endpointDefinitions.hasOwnProperty(routeName)) {

            // Log what we are doing
            console.log('. Processing "' + routeName + '"');

            // Persist on application layer
            this.ExpressApp.set(routeName, endpointDefinitions[routeName]);

            // Iterate through each method types (ie GET, POST)
            for (var routeVerb in endpointDefinitions[routeName]) {

                // Skip built-in meta information
                if (!endpointDefinitions[routeName].hasOwnProperty(routeVerb)) {

                // Contains the detailled configuration of a particular endpoint (ie GET:/foobar/)
                var configuration = endpointDefinitions[routeName][routeVerb];

                // Skip if disabled
                if(endpointDefinitions[routeName][routeVerb]["disabled"] === true) {
                    console.log('. . Skipped "' + routeVerb + ':' + routeName + '". Endpoint is disabled');

                // Skip if not supported in current environment
                if (configuration["env"] != "*" && configuration["env"].indexOf(this.ExpressApp.get('env')) == -1) {
                    console.log('. . Skipped "' + routeVerb + ':' + routeName + '". Environment "' + this.ExpressApp.get('env') + '" not supported');

                // Require route (ie foobar-route)
                var route;
                try {
                    route = require(routesDir + configuration['route']['file']);
                catch(err) {
                    console.log('. . Skipped "' + routeVerb + ':' + routeName + '". Route "' + configuration['route']['file'] + '" does not exist');

                // If target action does not exist skjp this andpoint
                if (typeof route[configuration['route']['action']] !== 'function') {
                    console.log('. . Skipped "' + routeVerb + ':' + routeName + '". Route "' + configuration['route']['file'] + '.' + configuration['route']['action'] + '" does not exist');

                // Point to action
                // Thanks to Nicolas Traeder<*****@*****.**>
                // TODO Anonymous wrapper for onEndpointRequested may be redundant
                this.ExpressApp[routeVerb.toLowerCase()](routeName, function (req, res, next) {
                    return self.onEndpointRequested(req, res, next);
                }, route[configuration['route']['action']]);

                // Log that we are done
                console.log('. . Published "' + routeVerb + ':' + routeName + '". Route "' + configuration['route']['file'] + '.' + configuration['route']['action'] + '"');

    // Configuration finished
    console.log('ExpressAPI: Up and running');
Example #9
describe('alloy compile', function() {

	// Iterate through each test app and make sure it compiles for all platforms
	_.each(wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(paths.apps), function(file) {
		// are we testing only a specific app?
		if (process.env.app && file !== process.env.app) { return; }

		// TODO: Stop skipping the ui/navwindow test when TiSDK 3.1.3 is in the HarnessTemplate
		//       tiapp.xml. We skip it now because it purposely fails compilation on any SDK below
		//       TiSDK 3.1.3, where Ti.UI.iOS.NavigationWindow was introduced.
		if (file === 'ui'+sep+'navwindow' || file === 'testing'+sep+'ALOY-818' || file === 'testing'+sep+'ALOY-840') { return; }

		describe(file.yellow, function() {
			var indexJs = path.join(paths.apps,file,'controllers','index.js');
			if (!path.existsSync(indexJs) || indexJs.indexOf(GEN_FOLDER) !== -1) { return; }

			it('preparing test app', function() {
				TU.asyncExecTest('jake app:setup dir=' + file + ' quiet=1', { timeout: TIMEOUT_PREP });

			_.each(platforms, function(platform,k) {
				if (process.platform === 'darwin' && platform.platform === 'blackberry') {

				describe(('[' + platform.platform + ']').cyan, function () {
						it('compiles without critical error',
						function() {
								'alloy compile ' + paths.harness + ' --config platform=' + platform.platform, {
								test: function() {
									// Make sure there were no compile errors
									if (file === 'testing'+sep+'ALOY-887') {
										// this test specifically tests a compiler error
									} else {
								timeout: TIMEOUT_COMPILE

					it('leaves no compiler directives in generated code', function() {
						var hrDir = path.join(paths.harness,'Resources');
						var cPaths = [

						_.each(cPaths, function(cPath) {
							if (file === 'testing'+sep+'ALOY-887') {
								// skip this test since this app forces a compile error
							if (!fs.existsSync(cPath)) { return; }
							var files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(cPath);
							_.each(files, function(file) {
								var fullpath = path.join(cPath,file);
								if (!fs.statSync(fullpath).isFile() ||
									!/\.js$/.test(fullpath)) {
								var content = fs.readFileSync(fullpath, 'utf8');

					it('has no undefined style entries', function() {
						// skip this test, since it specifically tests undefined values in TSS
						if (file === 'testing'+sep+'ALOY-822') {

						var hrDir = path.join(paths.harness,'Resources');
						var cPaths = [

						_.each(cPaths, function(cPath) {
							if (!fs.existsSync(cPath)) { return; }
							var files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(cPath);
							_.each(files, function(file) {
								var fullpath = path.join(cPath,file);
								if (!fs.statSync(fullpath).isFile() ||
									!/\.js$/.test(fullpath)) {

								// TODO: Can no longer require() the styles since they
								//       are preprocessed for runtime now. Find a better
								//       way than this lazy text check to verify that
								//       there's no undefined keys in the styles.
								// var json = require(fullpath);
								// expect(json).toHaveNoUndefinedStyles();

					var genFolder = path.join(paths.apps,file,GEN_FOLDER,platform.platform);
					if (!fs.existsSync(genFolder)) { return; }
					var hrFolder = path.join(paths.harness, 'Resources', platform.titaniumFolder);
					var files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(genFolder);

					os.platform() === 'darwin' && _.each(files, function(gFile) {
						var goodFile = path.join(genFolder,gFile);
						if (!fs.statSync(goodFile).isFile()) { return; }
						var newFile = path.join(hrFolder,gFile);

						it ('generated a ' + gFile.yellow + ' file', function() {

						it('matches known good generated code for ' + gFile.yellow, function () {
							var goodFileContents = fs.readFileSync(goodFile, 'utf8');
							var newFileContents = fs.readFileSync(newFile, 'utf8');

/*						if(goodFileContents !== newFileContents) {
							// Cheat way to re-generate known-good files
							// uncomment this block, run jake test:spec[compile.js]
							// then re-comment this block. jake test:all should now be happy
							console.log('>>>> writing a new goodFile');
							goodFileContents = fs.readFileSync(goodFile, 'utf8');
							expect(goodFileContents === newFileContents).toBeTruthy();
'use strict';

var gulp = require('gulp');
var wrench = require('wrench');

wrench.readdirSyncRecursive('./tasks').filter(function(file) {
  return (/\.(js|coffee)$/i).test(file);
}).map(function (file) {
  require('./tasks/' + file);

/*gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function () {
Example #11
exports.template = function(grunt, init, done) {
    var featurePath = 'application/features/',
        testPath = 'tests/test/features/',
        basePath = init.destpath() + '/' + featurePath,
        baseTestPath = init.destpath() + '/' + testPath,
        index = 0;

    files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(featurePath);

    console.log('Command [0]: Cancel removing');
    files.forEach(function(filename) {
        var extension = filename.substr(-3),
            fpath = basePath + filename,
            tpath = baseTestPath + filename;

        if(extension === '.js') {
            var data = fs.readFileSync(fpath, 'utf-8');
            if(data) {
                var namePattern = /name: '(.+)',/g,
                    fname = namePattern.exec(data)[0];

                fname = fname.replace(/[',]/g,'').replace('name: ','');
                if(fname && fname.indexOf('Feature') !== -1) {
                    var deps = [],
                        depsPattern = /define\(\[([\s\S])+\],[\s\n\r]+function/gm,
                        hipsPattern = /('[\w\-\/]+')/g,
                        name = filename.substring(0,(filename.length - 3));

                    deps = data.match(depsPattern).toString().match(hipsPattern);

                    console.log('Feature ['+index+']: '+fname);

                        fpath: fpath,
                        tpath: tpath,
                        fname: fname,
                        name: name.slice(name.lastIndexOf('/',name)+1,name.length),
                        deps: deps

    grunt.registerHelper('prompt_feature', function(name) {
        // Clone the option so the original options object doesn't get modified.
        var option = grunt.utils._.clone(prompts[name]);
        option.name = name;

        return option;

    grunt.helper('prompt', {type: 'feature'}, [
        // Prompt for these values.
        grunt.helper('prompt_feature', 'remove')
    ], function(err, props) {
        // 0 exits
        if(props.remove === 0) {

        features.forEach(function(feature, index) {
            if((index+1) == props.remove) {
                var spath = feature.fpath.split('.')[0],
                    htmlPath = spath + '.html',
                    lessPath = spath + '.less';



                features.forEach(function(feat, ind) {
                    if(feat.name !== feature.name) {
                        feat.deps.forEach(function(dep, depInd) {
                            if(dep.indexOf(feature.name) !== -1) {
                                var tempData = fs.readFileSync(feat.fpath, 'utf-8'),
                                    oldData = tempData,
                                    f1pattern = /[\],\s]+function\(([\s\S])+\)[\s]+\{[\s\n\r]+"u/gm;
                                    f2pattern = /([\w\$]+[,|\)])/g,
                                    fnames = tempData.match(f1pattern).toString().match(f2pattern),
                                    regexp = new RegExp(dep+',[\n\\s{4}]?[\\s]+');

                                tempData = tempData.replace(regexp, '');
                                regexp = new RegExp(',[\\s\n\r]+'+dep,'gm');
                                tempData = tempData.replace(regexp, '');
                                regexp = new RegExp(fnames[depInd]+'[\n\\s{12}]?[\\s]+');
                                tempData = tempData.replace(regexp, '');
                                regexp = new RegExp(feature.name.capitalize(),'g');
                                tempData = tempData.replace(regexp, 'REMOVEME');

                                fs.writeFileSync(feat.fpath, tempData, 'utf-8');

        // All done!
Example #12
exports.init = function(conf) {

console.log('mongoose version: %s', mongoose.version);

	mongoose.set('debug', conf.debug || false);

	var connection = mongoose.createConnection(conf.url);

	// Add AMQP stuff to enable models messaging if provided else defaults to console...
	var amqpClient= conf.clients.amqp;
	if (!amqpClient){
		amqpClient= {
			sendMessage: function(routing_key, payload){
				var encoded_payload = JSON.stringify(payload);
				console.log('__NO_AMQP_TRANSPORT_DEFINED__%s!%s', routing_key, payload);
	// Add MAIL stuff to enable email notifications...
	var mailClient= conf.clients.mail;
	if (!mailClient){
		mailClient= {
			sendMailMessage: function(emailFrom, emailTo, subject, tplName, tplVars, cb){				
				console.log('__NO_MAIL_TRANSPORT_DEFINED__%s!%s', emailFrom, emailTo);
	// Add mongoose transport to the logging system if needed...
	var auditLog= conf.logger;	
	if (auditLog){
		auditLog.addTransport("mongoose", {connectionString: conf.url, collectionName: 'audit.logs'});

	var virtuals = { };
	exports.installVirtuals = function(type, builder) {
		virtuals[type._mmId] = builder;
	// Load extra types
	if (conf.types) {
		conf.types.forEach(function(type) {
			// These comes with mongoose-types
			if (type === 'url' || type === 'email') {
				mongooseTypes.loadTypes(mongoose, type);
			// If it starts with a dot or slash, assume its a file path
			else if (type[0] === '.' || type[1] === '/') {
				require('type').load(mongoose, exports);
			// Anything else is assumed to be from us
			else {
				require('./types/' + type).load(mongoose, exports);

	// Find all of the models (This does not load models,
	// simply creates a registry with all of the file paths)
	var models = { };
	wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(conf.modelPath).forEach(function(file) {
		if (file[0] === '.') {return;}
		file = file.split('.');
		if (file.length > 1 && file.pop() === 'js') {
			file = file.join('.');
			file = path.join(conf.modelPath, file);
			var model = path.basename(file);
			models[model] = function() {
				return models[model].model;
			models[model].path = file;
			models[model].model = null;
			models[model].schema = new mongoose.Schema();
			models[model].resolve = function(func) {
				circles.once(model, func);
				return models[model].getter;
	// Load a model
	exports.require = function(model) {
		if (! models[model].model) {
		return models[model];
	var oid = mongoose.SchemaTypes.ObjectId;
	// Handles circular references
	var circles = new events.EventEmitter();
	// Load external schema definitions if any...
	var schemas = {},
		commonSchema = require(path.join(conf.schemaPath, 'common.js'));
	wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(conf.schemaPath).forEach(function(file) {
		if (file[0] === '.') {return;}
		file = file.split('.');
		if (file.length > 1 && file.pop() === 'js') {
			file = file.join('.');
			file = path.join(conf.schemaPath, file);
			// schema name for the current model...
			var model = path.basename(file);
			var schema= require(file);
			schemas[model]= {
				path: file,
				collection: schema.collection || '',
				schema: schema.definition || {},				
				funcs: extend(schema.funcs || {}, commonSchema.funcs),
				globals: schema.globals || {},
				options: schema.options || {},
				columns: schema.columns || {},

	// Creates a new model
	exports.create = function(name, props) {
		// Retrieve schema definition from file if any....
		var schemaDef = schemas[name] || {options: {}},
			_virtuals = {};
		props = props || { };		
		extend(props, schemaDef);
		// Check for a scheme definition
		if (props.schema) {
			// Look for circular references
			Object.keys(props.schema).forEach(function(key) {
				var def = props.schema[key];
				if (typeof def === 'object' && def.type === oid) {
					// Shortcut simple circular reference to self
					if (def.ref === '$circular') {
						def.ref = { $circular: name };
					// Handle circular references
					if (typeof def.ref === 'object' && def.ref && def.ref.$circular) {
						var model = def.ref.$circular;
						// First, check if the model is already loaded
						if (models[model] && typeof models[model] === 'object') {												
							props.schema[key].ref = models[model].schema;
						// Otherwise, wait and resolve it later
						else {						
							circles.once(model, function(model) {
								def.ref = model.schema;
								var update = { };
								update[key] = def;
							delete props.schema[key];
				// Handle automatic virtuals for custom types
				var type = def;
				if (typeof def === 'object') {
					type = def.type;
				if (typeof type === 'function' && type._mmId) {
					var funcs = virtuals[type._mmId](key);
					Object.keys(funcs).forEach(function(virtual) {
						if (virtual[0] === '.') {
							virtual = key + virtual;
						_virtuals[virtual] = funcs[virtual];
			// Create the schema
			props.schema = new mongoose.Schema(props.schema);
			// Bind automatic virtuals
			Object.keys(_virtuals).forEach(function(virtual) {
				var funcs = _virtuals[virtual];
					.get(funcs.get || function() { })
					.set(funcs.set || function() { });
			switch (opt.toLowerCase()) {
				case "usetimestamps":
					if (String(props.options[opt]) === 'true')
				case "usekeyword":
					if (typeof props.options[opt] === 'object')
						props.schema.plugin(keywordize, props.options[opt]);
				case "useaudit":				
					if (auditLog && typeof props.options[opt] === 'object'){								
						var pluginFn = auditLog.getPlugin('mongoose', props.options[opt]); // setup occurs here
						props.schema.plugin(pluginFn.handler); // .handler is the pluggable function for mongoose in this case
				case "useelastic":
					if (typeof props.options[opt] === 'object')
						props.schema.plugin(mongoosastic, props.options[opt]);
		// Check if we are loading the timestamps plugin
		if (props.hasOwnProperty('useTimestamps') && props.useTimestamps) {
		// Check if we are loading the keywordiez plugin
		if (props.useKeyword && typeof props.useKeyword === 'object') {
			props.schema.plugin(keywordize, props.useKeyword);

		// Check if we are loading the audit-log plugin
		if (auditLog && props.useAudit && typeof props.useAudit === 'object') {

			var pluginFn = auditLog.getPlugin('mongoose', props.useAudit); // setup occurs here
			props.schema.plugin(pluginFn.handler); // .handler is the pluggable function for mongoose in this case
		// Check if we are loading the elasticsearch plugin
		if (props.useElastic && typeof props.useElastic === 'object') {
			props.schema.plugin(mongoosastic, props.useElastic);
		// Bind any instance methods to the schema.methods object
		if (props.methods) {
			Object.keys(props.methods).forEach(function(i) {
				props.schema.methods[i] = props.methods[i];
		mongoose.Model.paginate = function(q, skipFrom, resultsPerPage, sortCols, selCols, callback){
			var MyModel = this, 
			pageCount= 0,
			callback = callback || function(){};
			if (skipFrom>0) {
				query = MyModel.find(q).skip(skipFrom).limit(resultsPerPage).sort(sortCols).select(selCols);
			else {
				query = MyModel.find(q).limit(resultsPerPage).sort(sortCols).select(selCols);
		  query.exec(function(error, results) {
			if (error) {
			  callback(error, null, null);
			} else {
			  MyModel.count(q, function(error, count) {
				if (error) {
				  callback(error, null, null);
				} else {
				  pageCount = Math.floor(count / resultsPerPage);
				  callback(null, count, results);
		// Create the mongoose model
		var model = connection.model(name, props.schema, props.collection);
		var excludeProps= ['schema', 'collection', 'useTimestamps', 'useKeyword', 'useAudit', 'useElastic', 'methods', 'statics', 'options', 'columns', 'funcs'];
		// Copy over all other properties as static model properties		
		Object.keys(props).forEach(function(key) {
			if (excludeProps.indexOf(key)<0) {
				model[key] = props[key];
		if (props.statics){
			Object.keys(props.statics).forEach(function(key) {
				model[key] = props.statics[key];

		// Store the model
		models[name].model = model;
		// The model is done being built, allow circular reference to resolve
		circles.emit(name, model);	
		return model;

	// Expose schemas repo in outside world...
	exports.schemaRepository = schemas;
	//Expose specific clients in models world...
	exports.amqpClient = amqpClient;
	exports.mailClient = mailClient;
	// Don't allow re-init
	exports.init = undefined;
Example #13
				describe(('[' + platform.platform + ']').cyan, function () {
					it('compiles without critical error', 
						function() {
								'alloy compile ' + paths.harness + ' --config platform=' + platform.platform, {
								test: function() {
									// Make sure there were no compile errors
								timeout: TIMEOUT_COMPILE

					it('leaves no compiler directives in generated code', function() {
						var hrDir = path.join(paths.harness,'Resources');
						var cPaths = [

						_.each(cPaths, function(cPath) {
							if (!fs.existsSync(cPath)) { return; }
							var files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(cPath);
							_.each(files, function(file) {
								var fullpath = path.join(cPath,file);
								if (!fs.statSync(fullpath).isFile() ||
									!/\.js$/.test(fullpath)) {
								var content = fs.readFileSync(fullpath, 'utf8');

					it('has no undefined style entries', function() {
						var hrDir = path.join(paths.harness,'Resources');
						var cPaths = [

						_.each(cPaths, function(cPath) {
							if (!fs.existsSync(cPath)) { return; }
							var files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(cPath);
							_.each(files, function(file) {
								var fullpath = path.join(cPath,file);
								if (!fs.statSync(fullpath).isFile() ||
									!/\.js$/.test(fullpath)) {

								var json = require(fullpath);

					var genFolder = path.join(paths.apps,file,GEN_FOLDER,platform.platform);
					if (!fs.existsSync(genFolder)) { return; }
					var hrFolder = path.join(paths.harness,'Resources');
					var files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(genFolder);

					_.each(files, function(gFile) {
						var goodFile = path.join(genFolder,gFile);
						if (!fs.statSync(goodFile).isFile()) { return; }
						var newFile = path.join(hrFolder,gFile);
						it ('generated a ' + gFile.yellow + ' file', function() {

						it('matches known good generated code for ' + gFile.yellow, function () {
							var goodFileContents = fs.readFileSync(goodFile, 'utf8');
							var newFileContents = fs.readFileSync(newFile, 'utf8');
							expect(goodFileContents === newFileContents).toBeTruthy();
Example #14
 * Search files recursivly and filter by include / exlude filters.
 * @param {Object[]} options                  Options.
 * @param {String}   options.src              Path to source-files.
 * @param {String[]} [options.excludeFilters] Exclude Filters.
 * @param {String[]} options.includeFilters   Include Filters.
 * @returns {String[]}
function findFiles(options)
	var files = [];
	try {
		// Find Files
		files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(options.src);

		// Create RegExp Include Filter List
		var regExpIncludeFilters = [];
		filters = options.includeFilters;
		if(typeof(filters) === "string") filters = [ filters ];
		filters.forEach(function(filter) {
			if(filter.length > 0) regExpIncludeFilters.push( new RegExp(filter) );
		}); // forEach

		// RegExp Include Filter
		var length = regExpIncludeFilters.length;
		files = files.filter(function(filename) {
			// Not include Directories like "dirname.js"
			var fullFilename = path.join(options.src, filename);
			if(fs.statSync(fullFilename).isDirectory()) return 0;
			// Apply every filter
			for(var i = 0; i < length; i += 1)
				if(regExpIncludeFilters[i].test(filename)) return 1;
			} // for
			return 0;
		}); // files.filter

		// Create RegExp Exclude Filter List
		var regExpExcludeFilters = [];
		filters = options.excludeFilters;
		if(typeof(filters) === "string") filters = [ filters ];
		filters.forEach(function(filter) {
			if(filter.length > 0) regExpExcludeFilters.push( new RegExp(filter) );
		}); // forEach

		// RegExp Exclude Filter
		length = regExpExcludeFilters.length;
		files = files.filter(function(filename) {
			// Apply every filter
			for(var i = 0; i < length; i += 1)
				if(regExpExcludeFilters[i].test(filename)) return 0;
			} // for
			return 1;
		}); // files.filter
	} // try
	catch (e) {
	} // catch
		if( ! files || files.length === 0)
			console.log("apidoc: no files found in " + options.src);
	} // finally
	return files;
} // findFiles
Example #15
  this.makeScaffolding = function(name, done, force) {
    logger.ok('Creating Scaffolding\n');
    var directory = 'templates/' + name + '/';

    var list = directory + 'list.html';
    var individual = directory +  'individual.html';
    var oneOff = 'pages/' + name + '.html';

    var individualTemplate = fs.readFileSync('./libs/scaffolding_individual.html');
    var listTemplate = fs.readFileSync('./libs/scaffolding_list.html');
    var oneOffTemplate = fs.readFileSync('./libs/scaffolding_oneoff.html');

    var widgetFilesRaw = [];

    if(fs.existsSync('./libs/widgets')) {
      widgetFilesRaw = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive('./libs/widgets');

    var widgetFiles = [];

    widgetFilesRaw.forEach(function(item) {
      widgetFiles[(path.dirname(item) + '/' + path.basename(item, '.html')).replace('./', '')] = true;

    var renderWidget = function(controlType, fieldName, controlInfo) {
      var widgetString = _.template(fs.readFileSync('./libs/widgets/' + controlType + '.html'), { value: 'item.' + fieldName, controlInfo: controlInfo });

      var lines = widgetString.split('\n');
      var newLines = [];
      var first = true;

      lines.forEach(function(line) {
        if(first) {
          first = false;
        } else {
          var newLine = '        ' + line;

      return newLines.join('\n');

    self.cachedData = null;
    getData(function(data, typeInfo) {
      var controls = typeInfo[name] ? typeInfo[name].controls : [];
      var controlsObj = {};

      _.each(controls, function(item) {
        controlsObj[item.name] = item;

      var individualMD5 = null;
      var listMD5 = null;
      var oneOffMD5 = null;

      if(typeInfo[name].oneOff) {
        if(!force && fs.existsSync(oneOff)) {
          if(done) done(null, null, null);
          logger.error('Scaffolding for ' + name + ' already exists, use --force to overwrite');
          return false;

        var oneOffFile = _.template(oneOffTemplate, { widgetFiles: widgetFiles, typeName: name, typeInfo: typeInfo[name] || {}, controls: controlsObj }, { 'imports': { 'renderWidget' : renderWidget}});
        oneOffFile = oneOffFile.replace(/^\s*\n/gm, '');

        oneOffMD5 = md5(oneOffFile);
        fs.writeFileSync(oneOff, oneOffFile);
      } else {

        if(!force && fs.existsSync(directory)) {
          if(done) done(null, null, null);
          logger.error('Scaffolding for ' + name + ' already exists, use --force to overwrite');
          return false;


        var template = _.template(individualTemplate, { widgetFiles: widgetFiles, typeName: name, typeInfo: typeInfo[name] || {}, controls: controlsObj }, { 'imports': { 'renderWidget' : renderWidget}});
        template = template.replace(/^\s*\n/gm, '');

        individualMD5 = md5(template);
        fs.writeFileSync(individual, template);

        var lTemplate = _.template(listTemplate, { typeName: name });

        listMD5 = md5(lTemplate);
        fs.writeFileSync(list, lTemplate);

      if(done) done(individualMD5, listMD5, oneOffMD5);

    return true;
Example #16
				describe(('[' + platform.platform + ']').cyan, function () {
						it('compiles without critical error',
						function() {
								'alloy compile ' + paths.harness + ' --config platform=' + platform.platform, {
								test: function() {
									// Make sure there were no compile errors
									if (file === 'testing'+sep+'ALOY-887') {
										// this test specifically tests a compiler error
									} else {
								timeout: TIMEOUT_COMPILE

					it('leaves no compiler directives in generated code', function() {
						var hrDir = path.join(paths.harness,'Resources');
						var cPaths = [

						_.each(cPaths, function(cPath) {
							if (file === 'testing'+sep+'ALOY-887') {
								// skip this test since this app forces a compile error
							if (!fs.existsSync(cPath)) { return; }
							var files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(cPath);
							_.each(files, function(file) {
								var fullpath = path.join(cPath,file);
								if (!fs.statSync(fullpath).isFile() ||
									!/\.js$/.test(fullpath)) {
								var content = fs.readFileSync(fullpath, 'utf8');

					it('has no undefined style entries', function() {
						// skip this test, since it specifically tests undefined values in TSS
						if (file === 'testing'+sep+'ALOY-822') {

						var hrDir = path.join(paths.harness,'Resources');
						var cPaths = [

						_.each(cPaths, function(cPath) {
							if (!fs.existsSync(cPath)) { return; }
							var files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(cPath);
							_.each(files, function(file) {
								var fullpath = path.join(cPath,file);
								if (!fs.statSync(fullpath).isFile() ||
									!/\.js$/.test(fullpath)) {

								// TODO: Can no longer require() the styles since they
								//       are preprocessed for runtime now. Find a better
								//       way than this lazy text check to verify that
								//       there's no undefined keys in the styles.
								// var json = require(fullpath);
								// expect(json).toHaveNoUndefinedStyles();

					var genFolder = path.join(paths.apps,file,GEN_FOLDER,platform.platform);
					if (!fs.existsSync(genFolder)) { return; }
					var hrFolder = path.join(paths.harness, 'Resources', platform.titaniumFolder);
					var files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(genFolder);

					os.platform() === 'darwin' && _.each(files, function(gFile) {
						var goodFile = path.join(genFolder,gFile);
						if (!fs.statSync(goodFile).isFile()) { return; }
						var newFile = path.join(hrFolder,gFile);

						it ('generated a ' + gFile.yellow + ' file', function() {

						it('matches known good generated code for ' + gFile.yellow, function () {
							var goodFileContents = fs.readFileSync(goodFile, 'utf8');
							var newFileContents = fs.readFileSync(newFile, 'utf8');

/*						if(goodFileContents !== newFileContents) {
							// Cheat way to re-generate known-good files
							// uncomment this block, run jake test:spec[compile.js]
							// then re-comment this block. jake test:all should now be happy
							console.log('>>>> writing a new goodFile');
							goodFileContents = fs.readFileSync(goodFile, 'utf8');
							expect(goodFileContents === newFileContents).toBeTruthy();
Example #17
var options = {
  src: 'src',
  dist: 'dist',
  tmp: '.tmp',
  errorHandler: function(title) {
    return function(err) {
      gutil.log(gutil.colors.red('[' + title + ']'), err.toString());
  wiredep: {
    directory: 'bower_components',
    exclude: [/bootstrap-sass-official\/.*\.js/, /bootstrap\.css/]

wrench.readdirSyncRecursive('./gulp').filter(function(file) {
  return (/\.(js|coffee)$/i).test(file);
}).map(function(file) {
  require('./gulp/' + file)(options);

gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function () {

gulp.task('deploy', function() {
    return gulp.src(['./dist/**/*', './dropbox-datastores-1.2.0.js'])
Example #18
function checkGeneratedFiles(appName, templateLang) {
	var expectedFiles = [

	// Add template files of the specified language
	var templateFiles;

	if (templateLang === 'ejs') {

		templateFiles = [

	} else if (templateLang === 'jade') {

		templateFiles = [

	} else if (templateLang === 'handlebars') {

		templateFiles = [

	// Compare stringified arrays because [1,2,3] != (and !==) [1,2,3]

	expectedFiles = expectedFiles.concat(templateFiles);

	// Read actual generated files from disk
	var files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(appName);

	// Disregard stupid files
	// (fs-specific, OS-specific, editor-specific, yada yada)
	files = _.reject(files, function(f) {
		return f.match(/^node_modules/) || f.match(/.DS_Store/gi) || f.match(/\*~$/); 

	// Generate diff
	var diff = _.difference(files, expectedFiles);

	// Uneven # of files
	if (files.length !== expectedFiles.length) {
		throw Err.UnexpectedGeneratedFiles(diff);
		// return false;

	// Files don't match
	if (diff.length !== 0) {
		throw Err.UnexpectedGeneratedFiles(diff);
		// return false;

	// Everything's ok!
	return true;
