Example #1
	function parseModule(filePath, moduleFilePath) {
		var source;

		// module might be passed as object containing full source
		if (typeof filePath === 'object') {
			source = filePath.source || '';
			filePath = filePath.filePath;

		filePath = utils.toUnixPath(filePath);
		//filePath = resolvePath(filePath);

		if (loadedPaths[filePath]) {

		loadedPaths[filePath] = true;

		if (typeof filePath === 'string' && !source) {
			if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
				source = utils.getFileContents(filePath);
			} else {
				if (moduleFilePath) {
					currentReporter.fatal("Could not find module file: " + filePath + " in " + moduleFilePath + ".");
				} else {
					currentReporter.fatal("Could not find module file: " + filePath + ".");


		if (options.version) {
			var version = options.version.split('.');

			source = source.replace(/@@version@@/g, options.version);
			source = source.replace(/@@majorVersion@@/g, version.shift());
			source = source.replace(/@@minorVersion@@/g, version.join('.'));

		if (options.releaseDate) {
			source = source.replace(/@@releaseDate@@/g, options.releaseDate);

		currentReporter.debug("Parsing module file: " + filePath);

		try {
			vm.runInNewContext(source, {
				define: function(id, deps, func) {
					var moduleFilePath = resolveId(id);

					deps.forEach(function(id) {
						var depFilePath = resolveId(id);

						if (options.moduleOverrides && options.moduleOverrides[id]) {
							depFilePath = options.moduleOverrides[id];

						if (!loadedPaths[depFilePath] && shouldLoadModule(id)) {
							parseModule(depFilePath, moduleFilePath);

						filePath: filePath,
						source: source,
						id: id,
						deps: deps,
						isPublic: isExposed(id, source)
		} catch(ex) {
Example #2
var nodeRepl = function(opts) {
    var readline = require('readline'),
        path = require('path'),
        vm = require('vm'),
        prettyPrint = require('./prettyprint').prettyPrint;

    var stdout = process.stdout;
    var stdin = process.openStdin();
    var repl = readline.createInterface(stdin, stdout);

    var env = {};
    var sources = {};
    var aliases = {};
    var sandbox = getSandbox();

    var colorLog = function(color) {
        var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);

        if(opts.colorConsole) {
            args[0] = '\u001b[' + color + 'm' + args[0];
            args[args.length - 1] = args[args.length - 1] + '\u001b[0m';

        console.log.apply(console, args);

    // Include the standard library
    var fs = require('fs');
    var prelude = fs.readFileSync(path.dirname(__dirname) + '/lib/prelude.roy', 'utf8');
    vm.runInNewContext(compile(prelude, env).output, sandbox, 'eval');
    repl.setPrompt('roy> ');
    repl.on('close', function() {
    repl.on('line', function(line) {
        var compiled;
        var output;

        var filename;
        var source;

        var tokens;
        var ast;

        // Check for a "metacommand"
        // e.g. ":q" or ":l test.roy"
        var metacommand = line.replace(/^\s+/, '').split(' ');
        try {
            switch(metacommand[0]) {
            case ":q":
                // Exit
            case ":l":
                // Load
                filename = metacommand[1];
                source = getFileContents(filename);
                compiled = compile(source, env, aliases, {nodejs: true, filename: ".", run: true});
            case ":t":
                if(metacommand[1] in env) {
                } else {
                    colorLog(33, metacommand[1], "is not defined.");
            case ":s":
                // Source
                if(sources[metacommand[1]]) {
                    colorLog(33, metacommand[1], "=", prettyPrint(sources[metacommand[1]]));
                } else {
                        colorLog(33, metacommand[1], "is not defined.");
                        console.log("Usage :s command ");
                        console.log(":s [identifier] :: show original code about identifier.");
            case ":?":
                // Help
                colorLog(32, "Commands available from the prompt");
                console.log(":l -- load and run an external file");
                console.log(":q -- exit REPL");
                console.log(":s -- show original code about identifier");
                console.log(":t -- show the type of the identifier");
                console.log(":? -- show help");
                // The line isn't a metacommand

                // Remember the source if it's a binding
                tokens = lexer.tokenise(line);
                ast = parser.parse(tokens);
                    visitLet: function(n) {
                        sources[n.name] = n.value;

                // Just eval it
                compiled = compile(line, env, aliases, {nodejs: true, filename: ".", run: true});

            if(compiled) {
                output = vm.runInNewContext(compiled.output, sandbox, 'eval');

                if(typeof output != 'undefined') {
                    colorLog(32, (typeof output == 'object' ? JSON.stringify(output) : output) + " : " + compiled.type);
        } catch(e) {
            colorLog(31, (e.stack || e.toString()));
Example #3
 window.eval = function (code) {
     return vm.runInNewContext(code, window);
Example #4
 b.bundle(function (err, src) {
     vm.runInNewContext(src, { t: t });
Example #5
function evaluate(js, ctx) {
  var ctx = ctx || { window: {}, document: {} };
  vm.runInNewContext('main =' + js + '(1)', ctx, 'main.vm');
  vm.runInNewContext('require =' + js + '', ctx, 'require.vm');
  return ctx;
Example #6
			t(input, { ignoreErrors: true })(function (result) {
				var program = runInNewContext(result, {}, input);
				a(program.foo, 'bar');
			}, a.never).done(d, d);
Example #7
		t(input, options)(function (result) {
			var program = runInNewContext(result, {});
			a(program.x.name, 'x', "Same path require");
			a(program.x.getZ().name, 'z', "Deferred call");
			a(program.x.getZ(), program.x.getZ(),
				"Requiring same object twice, should return same object");
			a(program.y.z.name, 'z', "Require within required module");
			a(program.y.z.y.name, 'y', "Circular dependency");
			a(program.dirjs, 'DIR.JS', "Directory with '.js' extension");
			a(program.indexed.name, 'indexed', "Folder index");
			a(program.included.a.name, 'included.a', "Manually included #1");
			a(program.included.b.name, 'included.b', "Manually included #2");
			a(program.outer.name, 'outer', "Require module up tree");
			a(program.outerSubIndex.name, 'outer-index',
				"Require index from sibling directory");
			a(program.pathFile.name, 'path.js', "Dir/file collision: file");
			a(program.pathDir.name, 'path', "Dir/file collision: dir");
			a(program.pathIndex.name, 'path', "Dir/file collision: dir/index");

			a(program.commonPathPart.id, 'sub-longer-bar', "Common path part: main");
			a(program.commonPathPart.sub.id, 'sub-foo', "Common path part: outer");
			a(program.commonPathPart.subInner.id, 'sub-inner-inner',
				"Common path part: outer #2");
			a(program.commonPathPart.subInner.outer.id, 'sub-longer-other',
				"Common path part: outer #3");
			a(program.commonPathPart.sub.subOuter.id, 'sub-longer-inner-other',
				"Common path part: outer #5");
			a(program.commonPathPart.sub.subOuter.outer.id, 'sub-inner-other',
				"Common path part: outer #4");

			a(program.commonRootPathPart.id, 'sub-longer-bar',
				"Common path part: main");
			a(program.commonRootPathPart.sub.id, 'sub-foo',
				"Common path part: outer");
			a(program.commonRootPathPart.subInner.id, 'sub-inner-inner',
				"Common root path part: outer #2");
			a(program.outerId, '__playground/lib/sub/inner/inner.js',
				"Inner module id");
			a(program.commonRootPathPart.subInner.outer.id, 'sub-longer-other',
				"Common root path part: outer #3");
			a(program.commonRootPathPart.sub.subOuter.id, 'sub-longer-inner-other',
				"Common root path part: outer #5");
			a(program.commonRootPathPart.sub.subOuter.outer.id, 'sub-inner-other',
				"Common root path part: outer #4");

			a(program.pathOther.name, 'path/other', "Dir/file collision: other");
			a(program.pathOther.index.name, 'path', "'.' - index require");
			a(program.pathOther.indexSlash.name, 'path',
				"'./' - index require (slash)");
			a(program.pathOther.parentIndex, 'main.index', "'..' - parent index");
				'main.index', "'../' - parent index (slash)");
			a(program.nlComment, 'nlComment', "New line / Comment");
			a(program.external.other.name, 'external-other',
				"Require module from other package");
			a(program.external.other.main, program.external.main,
				"Require dir by package.json");
			a(program.external.main.name, 'external-main',
				"Require main module from other package");
			a(program.external.main.modId, 'test/lib/chosen-one.js',
				"External package id");
			a(program.external.main.module.name, 'module',
				"Require module within other package");
			a(program.external.noMain.name, 'no-main',
				"Require from package that doesn't have main module");
			a(program.nodeshim, 'path for web');
			a.deep(program.json, { "raz": 0, "dwa": "trzy", "pięć": false,
				"cztery": null, "osiem:": undefined }, "JSON");
			a(program.modId, '__playground/lib/program.js', "Module id");

			a(program.circularOther, 'circTest', "Partially broken dependecy test");

			options.output = output;
			return t(input, options)(lock.call(readFile, output, 'utf8'))(
				function (content) {
					a(result, content, "Write to file");
					return unlink(output);
		}).done(d, d);
Example #8
					resolve: function(value) {
						p(true, [value]);
					reject: function(reason) {
						p(false, [reason]);

var defs = {};
var ctx = {
	define: function(name, obj) { defs[name] = obj(); },
	require: function(name) { return defs[name]; },
	document: { addEventListener: function() {} },
	window: {},
	setTimeout: function(f, d) { setTimeout(f, d); },
	console: console,
	TypeError: TypeError
var src = fs.readFileSync("dist/minified-src.js");
vm.runInNewContext(src, ctx, "minified-src.js");
var MINI = ctx.require('minified'), _ = MINI._;

promisesAplusTests.mocha(getAdapter(_.promise), function (err) {

Example #9
    clean = require('gulp-clean'),
    replace = require('gulp-replace'),
    uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
    htmlreplace = require('gulp-html-replace');

var SSH_CONFIG = {
    host: 'new.kenoshabowmen.com',
    port: 22,
    username: '******',
    privateKey: fs.readFileSync(process.env["HOME"] + '/.ssh/id_rsa')

//TODO: read the tinymce plugins from a directory scan

// Config
var requireJsRuntimeConfig = vm.runInNewContext(fs.readFileSync('src/app/require.config.js') + '; require;');
    requireJsOptimizerConfig = merge(requireJsRuntimeConfig, {
        out: 'scripts.js',
        baseUrl: './src',
        name: 'app/startup',
        paths: {
            requireLib: 'bower_modules/requirejs/require',
            "tinymce-themes":       "bower_modules/tinymce/themes/modern/theme",
            "tinymce-advlist":      "bower_modules/tinymce/plugins/advlist/plugin",
            "tinymce-autolink":     "bower_modules/tinymce/plugins/autolink/plugin",
            "tinymce-lists":        "bower_modules/tinymce/plugins/lists/plugin",
            "tinymce-link":         "bower_modules/tinymce/plugins/link/plugin",
            "tinymce-image":        "bower_modules/tinymce/plugins/image/plugin",
            "tinymce-charmap":      "bower_modules/tinymce/plugins/charmap/plugin",
            "tinymce-preview":      "bower_modules/tinymce/plugins/preview/plugin",
            "tinymce-anchor":       "bower_modules/tinymce/plugins/anchor/plugin",
Example #10
 * A simple preprocessor that is based on the firefox preprocessor
 * see (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Build/Text_Preprocessor).  The main
 * difference is that this supports a subset of the commands and it supports
 * preproccesor commands in html style comments.
 * Currently Supported commands:
 * - if
 * - else
 * - endif
 * - include
 * - expand
function preprocess(inFilename, outFilename, defines) {
  // TODO make this really read line by line.
  var lines = fs.readFileSync(inFilename).toString().split('\n');
  var totalLines = lines.length;
  var out = '';
  var i = 0;
  function readLine() {
    if (i < totalLines) {
      return lines[i++];
    return null;
  var writeLine = typeof outFilename === 'function' ? outFilename :
                                                      function(line) {
    out += line + '\n';
  function include(file) {
    var realPath = fs.realpathSync(inFilename);
    var dir = path.dirname(realPath);
    preprocess(path.join(dir, file), writeLine, defines);
  function expand(line) {
    line = line.replace(/__[\w]+__/g, function(variable) {
      variable = variable.substring(2, variable.length - 2);
      if (variable in defines) {
        return defines[variable];
      return '';

  var s, state = 0, stack = [];
  var control =
  var lineNumber = 0;
  while ((s = readLine()) !== null) {
    var m = control.exec(s);
    if (m) {
      switch (m[1]) {
        case 'if':
          try {
            state = vm.runInNewContext(m[2], defines) ? 3 : 1;
          } catch (e) {
            console.error('Could not evalute line \'' + m[2] + '\' at ' +
                          fs.realpathSync(inFilename) + ':' + lineNumber);
            throw e;
        case 'else':
          state = state === 1 ? 3 : 2;
        case 'endif':
          state = stack.pop();
        case 'expand':
          if (state === 0 || state === 3)
        case 'include':
          if (state === 0 || state === 3)
    } else {
      if (state === 0) {
      } else if (state === 3) {
        writeLine(s.replace(/^\/\/|^<!--|-->/g, '  '));
  if (state !== 0 || stack.length !== 0)
    throw new Error('Missing endif in preprocessor.');
  if (typeof outFilename !== 'function')
    fs.writeFileSync(outFilename, out);
Example #11
var main = function (args) {
	args = args.slice(2); // ignore Node command and script file
	var opts = parseOptions(args);
	var anon = opts.anon;
	opts = opts.opts;

	if (opts.jshint) {
		delete opts.jshint;
		LINT.name = "JSHint";
		LINT.filename = "jshint.js";
		LINT.root = "JSHINT";
		LINT.source.vsn = "master";
		LINT.source.filename = "jshint.js";
		LINT.source.path = "/jshint/jshint/";
	LINT.path = path.join(__dirname, LINT.source.vsn + "-" + LINT.filename);

	var verbose = false,
		noErrors  = false,
		noWarnings= false;
	if (opts.verbose) {
		delete opts.verbose;
		verbose = true;
	if (opts.noerrors) {
		delete opts.noerrors;
		noErrors= true;
	if (opts.nowarnings) {
		delete opts.nowarnings;
		noWarnings= true;
	if (opts.help || args.length === 0) {
		var readme = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "README"), "utf-8");
		exit(args.length > 0, readme);
	if (opts.upgrade) {
		getJSLint(function (contents) {
			fs.writeFileSync(LINT.path, contents);
			main([null, null, "--version"]); // XXX: hacky!?

	var jslint;
	try {
		jslint = fs.readFileSync(LINT.path, "utf-8");
	} catch (exc) {
		exit(false, "ERROR: " + LINT.path + " not found - " +
				"use `--upgrade` to initialize");

	if (opts.version) {
		var sandbox = {};
		vm.runInNewContext(jslint, sandbox);
		exit(true, "JSLint Reporter v" + VERSION + "\n" +
				LINT.name + " v" + sandbox[LINT.root].edition);

	if (verbose) {
		process.stderr.write("JSLint options: " + util.inspect(opts) + "\n");

	var doLint = function (filepath) {
		var src = fs.readFileSync(filepath, "utf-8");
		var sandbox = {
			SRC: src,
			OPTS: opts
		var code = LINT.root + "(SRC, OPTS); var data = " + LINT.root + ".data();";
		vm.runInNewContext(jslint + "\n" + code, sandbox);

		var data = sandbox.data;
		var implied = (data.implieds || []).map(function (item) {
			return transformWarning(item, "implied global");
		var unused = (data.unused || []).map(function (item) {
			return transformWarning(item, "unused variable");
		return (data.errors || []).concat(implied).concat(unused);

	var errors = [];
	var i;
	for (i = 0; i < anon.length; i += 1) {
		var filepath = anon[i];
		var err = doLint(filepath);
		err = formatOutput(err, filepath, {noErrors:noErrors, noWarnings:noWarnings});
		errors = errors.concat(err);
	var pass = errors.length === 0;

	if (!pass) {
		util.print(errors.join("\n") + "\n");
		if (verbose) {
			process.stderr.write(String(errors.length) + " errors\n");

									function _require(currentDirectory, module) {
										if (Array.isArray(module) || /^\.\.?\//.test(module)) {
											let fn;
											let content;
											let p;
											if (Array.isArray(module)) {
												p = path.join(currentDirectory, module[0]);
												content = module
													.map(arg => {
														p = path.join(currentDirectory, arg);
														return fs.readFileSync(p, "utf-8");
											} else {
												p = path.join(currentDirectory, module);
												content = fs.readFileSync(p, "utf-8");
											if (
												options.target === "web" ||
												options.target === "webworker"
											) {
												fn = vm.runInNewContext(
													"(function(require, module, exports, __dirname, __filename, it, beforeEach, afterEach, expect, jest, window) {" +
														content +
											} else {
												fn = vm.runInThisContext(
													"(function(require, module, exports, __dirname, __filename, it, beforeEach, afterEach, expect, jest) {" +
														"global.expect = expect; " +
														content +
											const m = {
												exports: {}
												_require.bind(null, path.dirname(p)),
											return m.exports;
										} else if (
											testConfig.modules &&
											module in testConfig.modules
										) {
											return testConfig.modules[module];
										} else return require(module);
Example #13
function generate (str, opts) {
  var i;

  // the sandbox to use for the vm
  var sandbox = {
    dateRange: dateRange,
    dnsDomainIs: dnsDomainIs,
    dnsDomainLevels: dnsDomainLevels,
    dnsResolve: dnsResolve,
    isInNet: isInNet,
    isPlainHostName: isPlainHostName,
    isResolvable: isResolvable,
    localHostOrDomainIs: localHostOrDomainIs,
    myIpAddress: myIpAddress,
    shExpMatch: shExpMatch,
    timeRange: timeRange,
    weekdayRange: weekdayRange

  // copy the properties from the user-provided `sandbox` onto ours
  if (opts && opts.sandbox) {
    for (i in opts.sandbox) {
      sandbox[i] = opts.sandbox[i];

  // construct the array of async function names to add `yield` calls to.
  // user-provided async functions added to the `sandbox` must have an
  // `async = true` property set on the function instance
  var names = [];
  for (i in sandbox) {
    if (sandbox[i].async) {
      sandbox[i] = thunkify(sandbox[i]);

  // for `facebook/regenerator`
  sandbox.regeneratorRuntime = rg;

  // convert the JS FindProxyForURL function into a generator function
  var js = degenerator(str, names);

  // use `facebook/regenerator` for node < v0.11 support
  // TODO: don't use regenerator if native generators are supported...
  js = regenerator.compile(js, { includeRuntime: false }).code;

  // filename of the pac file for the vm
  var filename = opts && opts.filename ? opts.filename : 'proxy.pac';

  // evaluate the JS string and extract the FindProxyForURL generator function
  var fn = vm.runInNewContext(js + ';FindProxyForURL', sandbox, filename);
  if ('function' != typeof fn) {
    throw new TypeError('PAC file JavaScript contents must define a `FindProxyForURL` function');

  // return the async resolver function
  var resolver = co(fn);

  return function FindProxyForURL (url, host, fn) {
    resolver(url, host, fn);
Example #14
var isPlainHostName = require('./isPlainHostName');
var isResolvable = require('./isResolvable');
var localHostOrDomainIs = require('./localHostOrDomainIs');
var myIpAddress = require('./myIpAddress');
var shExpMatch = require('./shExpMatch');
var timeRange = require('./timeRange');
var weekdayRange = require('./weekdayRange');

 * Module exports.

module.exports = generate;

// cache the `facebook/regenerator` wrap function for the Generator object.
var rg = vm.runInNewContext(regenerator.compile('', { includeRuntime: true }).code + ';regeneratorRuntime');

 * Returns an asyncronous `FindProxyForURL` function from the
 * given JS string (from a PAC file).
 * @param {String} str JS string
 * @param {Object} opts optional "options" object
 * @return {Function} async resolver function

function generate (str, opts) {
  var i;

  // the sandbox to use for the vm
  var sandbox = {
Example #15
		t(input, options)(function (result) {
			var program = runInNewContext(result, browserContext, input);
			a(program.html, '<div>HTML</div>\n', "Same path require");
		}).done(d, d);
Example #16
var main = __dirname + '/main.js';

var b = browserify({
    entry : main,
    watch : { interval : 50 },

b.on('syntaxError', function (err) {
    if (b.bundle() === src) {
    else {

var src = b.bundle();
try {
    vm.runInNewContext(src, {
        console : {
            log : function (s) {
                console.log('log ' + s);
catch (err) {
    console.log('error ' + err.toString());
Example #17
		t(input)(function (result) {
			var program = runInNewContext(result, {}, input);
			a(program.name, 'x', "Same path require");
			a(program.getZ().name, 'z', "External name");
		}).done(d, d);
Example #18
$(function () {
    var res = vm.runInNewContext('a + 5', { a : 100 });
Example #19
		t(input, { useStrict: true })(function (result) {
			var program = runInNewContext(result, {}, input);
			a(program, undefined);
		}).done(d, d);
Example #20
 b.bundle(function(err, src) {
   if (err)
   vm.runInNewContext(src, {console: {log: log}});
Example #21
function executeIntegrationRest() {
	logger.incoming.info('Post integration:', this.integration.name);
	logger.incoming.debug('@urlParams:', this.urlParams);
	logger.incoming.debug('@bodyParams:', this.bodyParams);
	if (this.integration.enabled !== true) {
		return {
			statusCode: 503,
			body: 'Service Unavailable'
	const defaultValues = {
		channel: this.integration.channel,
		alias: this.integration.alias,
		avatar: this.integration.avatar,
		emoji: this.integration.emoji
	if (this.integration.scriptEnabled === true && this.integration.scriptCompiled && this.integration.scriptCompiled.trim() !== '') {
		let script;
		try {
			script = getIntegrationScript(this.integration);
		} catch (e) {
			return RocketChat.API.v1.failure(e.message);
		const request = {
			url: {
				hash: this.request._parsedUrl.hash,
				search: this.request._parsedUrl.search,
				query: this.queryParams,
				pathname: this.request._parsedUrl.pathname,
				path: this.request._parsedUrl.path
			url_raw: this.request.url,
			url_params: this.urlParams,
			content: this.bodyParams,
			content_raw: this.request._readableState && this.request._readableState.buffer && this.request._readableState.buffer.toString(),
			headers: this.request.headers,
			user: {
				_id: this.user._id,
				name: this.user.name,
				username: this.user.username
		try {
			const {sandbox} = buildSandbox(compiledScripts[this.integration._id].store);
			sandbox.script = script;
			sandbox.request = request;
			const result = vm.runInNewContext('script.process_incoming_request({ request: request })', sandbox, {
				timeout: 3000
			if (result && result.error) {
				return RocketChat.API.v1.failure(result.error);
			this.bodyParams = result && result.content;
			if (typeof result !== 'undefined') {
				this.scriptResponse = result.response;
				if (result.user) {
					this.user = result.user;
			logger.incoming.debug('[Process Incoming Request result of Trigger', this.integration.name, ':]');
			logger.incoming.debug('result', this.bodyParams);
		} catch ({stack}) {
			logger.incoming.error('[Error running Script in Trigger', this.integration.name, ':]');
			logger.incoming.error(this.integration.scriptCompiled.replace(/^/gm, '  '));
			logger.incoming.error(stack.replace(/^/gm, '  '));
			return RocketChat.API.v1.failure('error-running-script');
	if (this.bodyParams == null) {
		return RocketChat.API.v1.failure('body-empty');
	this.bodyParams.bot = {
		i: this.integration._id
	try {
		const message = processWebhookMessage(this.bodyParams, this.user, defaultValues);
		if (_.isEmpty(message)) {
			return RocketChat.API.v1.failure('unknown-error');
		if (this.scriptResponse) {
			logger.incoming.debug('response', this.scriptResponse);
		return RocketChat.API.v1.success(this.scriptResponse);
	} catch ({error}) {
		return RocketChat.API.v1.failure(error);
Example #22
      function(error, stdout, stderr) {
      helper.checkError(error, stdout, stderr);

      // expected values for prefs and user_prefs
      var expectedUserPrefs = {
        'browser.manifestURL': 'app://system.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp',
        'browser.homescreenURL': 'app://system.gaiamobile.org/index.html',
        'network.http.max-connections-per-server': 15,
        'dom.mozInputMethod.enabled': true,
        'ril.debugging.enabled': false,
        'dom.mms.version': 17,
        'b2g.wifi.allow_unsafe_wpa_eap': true
      var expectedPrefs = {
        'geo.gps.supl_server': 'supl.izatcloud.net',
        'geo.gps.supl_port': 22024,
        'dom.payment.provider.0.name': 'firefoxmarket',
        'dom.payment.provider.0.description': 'marketplace.firefox.com',
        'dom.payment.provider.0.uri': 'https://marketplace.firefox.com/mozpay/?req=',
        'dom.payment.provider.0.type': 'mozilla/payments/pay/v1',
        'dom.payment.provider.0.requestMethod': 'GET',
        'dom.payment.skipHTTPSCheck': true,
        'dom.payment.debug': true,
        'dom.payment.provider.1.name': 'firefoxmarketdev',
        'dom.payment.provider.1.description': 'marketplace-dev.allizom.org',
        'dom.payment.provider.1.uri': 'https://marketplace-dev.allizom.org/mozpay/?req=',
        'dom.payment.provider.1.type': 'mozilla-dev/payments/pay/v1',
        'dom.payment.provider.1.requestMethod': 'GET',
        'dom.payment.provider.2.name': 'firefoxmarketstage',
        'dom.payment.provider.2.description': 'marketplace.allizom.org',
        'dom.payment.provider.2.uri': 'https://marketplace.allizom.org/mozpay/?req=',
        'dom.payment.provider.2.type': 'mozilla-stage/payments/pay/v1',
        'dom.payment.provider.2.requestMethod': 'GET',
        'dom.payment.provider.3.name': 'mockpayprovider',
        'dom.payment.provider.3.description': 'Mock Payment Provider',
        'dom.payment.provider.3.uri': 'http://ferjm.github.io/gaia-mock-payment-provider/index.html?req=',
        'dom.payment.provider.3.type': 'tests/payments/pay/v1',
        'dom.payment.provider.3.requestMethod': 'GET'

      // expected values for settings.json from build/config/common-settings.json
      var settingsPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'profile', 'settings.json');
      var commonSettingsPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'build', 'config',
      var settings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(settingsPath));
      var commonSettings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(commonSettingsPath));

      // we change these settings values in build/settings.js if
      // TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT is not 'user'
      var ignoreSettings = [
      ignoreSettings.forEach(function(key) {
        if (commonSettings[key] !== undefined) {
          delete commonSettings[key];

      // path in zip for unofficial branding
      var pathInZip = 'shared/resources/branding/initlogo.png';
      // zip path for system app
      var zipPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'profile', 'webapps',
        'system.gaiamobile.org', 'application.zip');
      // expected branding file, it should be a unofficial branding if we
      // execute |make| without rule and variable.
      var expectedBrandingPath = path.join(process.cwd(),
        'shared', 'resources', 'branding', 'unofficial', 'initlogo.png');

      // Read user.js and use vm module to execute javascript in user.js
      var userjs = fs.readFileSync(
        path.join('profile', 'user.js'),
        { encoding: 'utf8' }
      var sandbox = helper.getPrefsSandbox();
      vm.runInNewContext(userjs, sandbox);

      var webapps = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(),
        'profile', 'webapps', 'webapps.json')));

      helper.checkSettings(settings, commonSettings);
      helper.checkPrefs(sandbox.userPrefs, expectedUserPrefs);
      helper.checkPrefs(sandbox.prefs, expectedPrefs);
      helper.checkFileInZip(zipPath, pathInZip, expectedBrandingPath);

      // Check blacklist.json of sms app
      var hsSmsZip = new AdmZip(path.join(process.cwd(), 'profile',
                   'webapps', 'sms.gaiamobile.org', 'application.zip'));
      var hsSmsBlacklistJSON =
      var expectedResult = ['4850', '7000'];
      assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(hsSmsBlacklistJSON), expectedResult,
        'Sms blacklist.json is not expected');

      // Check config.js file of gallery
      var hsGalleryZip = new AdmZip(path.join(process.cwd(), 'profile',
                   'webapps', 'gallery.gaiamobile.org', 'application.zip'));
      var hsGalleryConfigJs =

      var expectedScript =
        '//\n' +
        '// This file is automatically generated: DO NOT EDIT.\n' +
        '// To change these values, create a camera.json file in the\n' +
        '// distribution directory with content like this: \n' +
        '//\n' +
        '//   {\n' +
        '//     "maxImagePixelSize": 6000000,\n' +
        '//     "maxSnapshotPixelSize": 4000000 }\n' +
        '//   }\n' +
        '//\n' +
        '// Optionally, you can also define variables to specify the\n' +
        '// minimum EXIF preview size that will be displayed as a\n' +
        '// full-screen preview by adding a property like this:\n' +
        '//\n' +
        '// "requiredEXIFPreviewSize": { "width": 640, "height": 480}\n' +
        '//\n' +
        '// If you do not specify this property then EXIF previews will only' +
        '\n' +
        '// be used if they are big enough to fill the screen in either\n' +
        '// width or height in both landscape and portrait mode.\n' +
        '//\n' +
        'var CONFIG_MAX_IMAGE_PIXEL_SIZE = ' +
          5 * 1024 * 1024 + ';\n' +
          5 * 1024 * 1024 + ';\n' +

      assert.equal(hsGalleryConfigJs, expectedScript,
        'Gallery config js is not expected');

      var musicMetadataScriptPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'build_stage',
        'music', 'js', 'metadata_scripts.js');
      assert.ok(fs.existsSync(musicMetadataScriptPath), 'metadata_scripts.js ' +
        'should exist');
      var galleryMetadataScriptPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'build_stage',
        'gallery', 'js', 'metadata_scripts.js');
        'metadata_scripts.js should exist');
      var galleryFrameScriptPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'build_stage',
        'gallery', 'js', 'frame_scripts.js');
        'frame_scripts.js should exist');
Example #23
 ]).bundle(function (err, src) {
   if (err) throw err;
   vm.runInNewContext(src, { t: t });
Example #24
    function(error, stdout, stderr) {
      helper.checkError(error, stdout, stderr);

      var settingsPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'profile-debug',
      var settings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(settingsPath));
      var expectedSettings = {
        'lockscreen.enabled': false,
        'lockscreen.locked': false,
        'screen.timeout': 0,
        'debugger.remote-mode': 'adb-devtools'
      var expectedUserPrefs = {
        'browser.startup.homepage': 'app://system.gaiamobile.org/index.html',
        'startup.homepage_welcome_url': '',
        'browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser': false,
        'devtools.toolbox.host': 'side',
        'devtools.toolbox.sidebar.width': 800,
        'devtools.toolbox.selectedTool': 'firefox-os-controls',
        'browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo': 0,
        'browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo': 0,
        'browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand': false,
        'browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash': false,
        'dom.mozBrowserFramesEnabled': true,
        'b2g.ignoreXFrameOptions': true,
        'network.disable.ipc.security': true,
        'dom.ipc.tabs.disabled': true,
        'browser.ignoreNativeFrameTextSelection': true,
        'ui.dragThresholdX': 25,
        'dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled': 1,
        'dom.sms.enabled': true,
        'dom.mozTCPSocket.enabled': true,
        'notification.feature.enabled': true,
        'dom.sysmsg.enabled': true,
        'dom.mozAlarms.enabled': true,
        'device.storage.enabled': true,
        'device.storage.prompt.testing': true,
        'notification.feature.enabled': true,
        'dom.datastore.enabled': true,
        'dom.testing.datastore_enabled_for_hosted_apps': true,
        'dom.mozSettings.enabled': true,
        'dom.navigator-property.disable.mozSettings': false,
        'dom.mozPermissionSettings.enabled': true,
        'dom.mozContacts.enabled': true,
        'dom.navigator-property.disable.mozContacts': false,
        'dom.global-constructor.disable.mozContact': false,
        'dom.experimental_forms': true,
        'dom.webapps.useCurrentProfile': true,
        'bluetooth.enabled': true,
        'bluetooth.visible': false,
        'wifi.enabled': true,
        'wifi.suspended': false,
        'font.default.x-western': 'sans-serif',
        'font.name.serif.x-western': 'Charis SIL Compact',
        'font.name.sans-serif.x-western': 'Fira Sans',
        'font.name.monospace.x-western': 'Source Code Pro',
        'font.name-list.sans-serif.x-western': 'Fira Sans, Roboto',
        'extensions.autoDisableScopes': 0,
        'devtools.debugger.enable-content-actors': true,
        'devtools.debugger.prompt-connection': false,
        'devtools.debugger.forbid-certified-apps': false,
        'b2g.adb.timeout': 0
      var userjs = fs.readFileSync(
        path.join('profile-debug', 'user.js'),
        { encoding: 'utf8' }
      var sandbox = helper.getPrefsSandbox();
      vm.runInNewContext(userjs, sandbox);

      helper.checkSettings(settings, expectedSettings);
      helper.checkPrefs(sandbox.userPrefs, expectedUserPrefs);
Example #25
 t.doesNotThrow(function() {
     vm.runInNewContext(src, {});
Example #26
    function(error, stdout, stderr) {
      helper.checkError(error, stdout, stderr);

      var installedExtsPath = path.join('profile-debug',
      var expectedSettings = {
        'homescreen.manifestURL': 'http://homescreen.gaiamobile.org:8080/manifest.webapp',
        'rocketbar.searchAppURL': 'http://search.gaiamobile.org:8080/index.html'
      var expectedUserPrefs = {
        'browser.manifestURL': 'http://system.gaiamobile.org:8080/manifest.webapp',
        'browser.homescreenURL': 'http://system.gaiamobile.org:8080',
        'browser.startup.homepage': 'http://system.gaiamobile.org:8080',
        'startup.homepage_welcome_url': '',
        'browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser': false,
        'devtools.toolbox.host': 'side',
        'devtools.toolbox.sidebar.width': 800,
        'devtools.toolbox.selectedTool': 'firefox-os-controls',
        'browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo': 0,
        'browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo': 0,
        'browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand': false,
        'browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash': false,
        'dom.mozBrowserFramesEnabled': true,
        'b2g.ignoreXFrameOptions': true,
        'network.disable.ipc.security': true,
        'dom.ipc.tabs.disabled': true,
        'browser.ignoreNativeFrameTextSelection': true,
        'ui.dragThresholdX': 25,
        'dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled': 1,
        'dom.sms.enabled': true,
        'dom.mozTCPSocket.enabled': true,
        'notification.feature.enabled': true,
        'dom.sysmsg.enabled': true,
        'dom.mozAlarms.enabled': true,
        'device.storage.enabled': true,
        'device.storage.prompt.testing': true,
        'notification.feature.enabled': true,
        'dom.datastore.enabled': true,
        'dom.testing.datastore_enabled_for_hosted_apps': true,
        'dom.mozSettings.enabled': true,
        'dom.navigator-property.disable.mozSettings': false,
        'dom.mozPermissionSettings.enabled': true,
        'dom.mozContacts.enabled': true,
        'dom.navigator-property.disable.mozContacts': false,
        'dom.global-constructor.disable.mozContact': false,
        'dom.experimental_forms': true,
        'dom.webapps.useCurrentProfile': true,
        'bluetooth.enabled': true,
        'bluetooth.visible': false,
        'wifi.enabled': true,
        'wifi.suspended': false,
        'font.default.x-western': 'sans-serif',
        'font.name.serif.x-western': 'Charis SIL Compact',
        'font.name.sans-serif.x-western': 'Fira Sans',
        'font.name.monospace.x-western': 'Source Code Pro',
        'font.name-list.sans-serif.x-western': 'Fira Sans, Roboto',
        'docshell.device_size_is_page_size': true,
        'marionette.defaultPrefs.enabled': true,
        'nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache': true,
        'nglayout.debug.disable_xul_fastload': true,
        'javascript.options.showInConsole': true,
        'browser.dom.window.dump.enabled': true,
        'dom.report_all_js_exceptions': true,
        'dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled': 1,
        'webgl.verbose': true,
        'dom.max_script_run_time': 0,
        'toolkit.identity.debug': true,
        'network.http.use-cache': false,
        'extensions.gaia.dir': process.cwd(),
        'extensions.gaia.domain': 'gaiamobile.org',
        'extensions.gaia.port': 8080,
        'extensions.gaia.locales_debug_path': 'locales',
        'extensions.gaia.official': false,
        'extensions.gaia.locales_file': 'shared/resources/languages.json',
        'extensions.gaia.locale_basedir': '',
        'extensions.gaia.device_pixel_suffix': '',
        'extensions.autoDisableScopes': 0
      var settingsPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'profile-debug',
      var settings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(settingsPath));
      var userjs = fs.readFileSync(
        path.join('profile-debug', 'user.js'),
        { encoding: 'utf8' }
      var sandbox = helper.getPrefsSandbox();
      vm.runInNewContext(userjs, sandbox);

      var zipCount = 0;
      dive(path.join(process.cwd(), 'profile-debug'), {recursive: true},
        function action(err, file) {
          if (file.indexOf('application.zip') !== -1) {
        function complete() {
          helper.checkSettings(settings, expectedSettings);
          helper.checkPrefs(sandbox.userPrefs, expectedUserPrefs);
          // only expect one zip file for marketplace.
          assert.equal(zipCount, 1);
Example #27
    repl.on('line', function(line) {
        var compiled;
        var output;

        var filename;
        var source;

        var tokens;
        var ast;

        // Check for a "metacommand"
        // e.g. ":q" or ":l test.roy"
        var metacommand = line.replace(/^\s+/, '').split(' ');
        try {
            switch(metacommand[0]) {
            case ":q":
                // Exit
            case ":l":
                // Load
                filename = metacommand[1];
                source = getFileContents(filename);
                compiled = compile(source, env, aliases, {nodejs: true, filename: ".", run: true});
            case ":t":
                if(metacommand[1] in env) {
                } else {
                    colorLog(33, metacommand[1], "is not defined.");
            case ":s":
                // Source
                if(sources[metacommand[1]]) {
                    colorLog(33, metacommand[1], "=", prettyPrint(sources[metacommand[1]]));
                } else {
                        colorLog(33, metacommand[1], "is not defined.");
                        console.log("Usage :s command ");
                        console.log(":s [identifier] :: show original code about identifier.");
            case ":?":
                // Help
                colorLog(32, "Commands available from the prompt");
                console.log(":l -- load and run an external file");
                console.log(":q -- exit REPL");
                console.log(":s -- show original code about identifier");
                console.log(":t -- show the type of the identifier");
                console.log(":? -- show help");
                // The line isn't a metacommand

                // Remember the source if it's a binding
                tokens = lexer.tokenise(line);
                ast = parser.parse(tokens);
                    visitLet: function(n) {
                        sources[n.name] = n.value;

                // Just eval it
                compiled = compile(line, env, aliases, {nodejs: true, filename: ".", run: true});

            if(compiled) {
                output = vm.runInNewContext(compiled.output, sandbox, 'eval');

                if(typeof output != 'undefined') {
                    colorLog(32, (typeof output == 'object' ? JSON.stringify(output) : output) + " : " + compiled.type);
        } catch(e) {
            colorLog(31, (e.stack || e.toString()));
Example #28
function instantiate(compiled) {
  return vm.runInNewContext(wrapModule(compiled.source), {_require});
Example #29
 iframe.eval = function (code) {
     var res = vm.runInNewContext(code, iframe);
     return res;
Example #30
Codesurgeon.prototype.validate = function(options, output) {

  var that = this;
  var requirements = [];

  var sandbox = {
    // hijack the require function.
    require: function(s) {

      // if we find a path to a local file, try to read the file,
      // add its contents to the output buffer and the recurse into
      // addreqs again in case there are new requirements inside the
      // expanded buffer.
      if(s[0] === '.' || ~s.indexOf('/')) {

        !that.options.quiet && console.log('A module was required, but not inlined to the buffer [' + s.red + ']');

        // inlining the code presents two problems, 1. the filename which i think we can deduce from
        // the last read file (provided as `that.lastfile`). 2. the module has several ways to export
        // so it may be `this`, `module.exports`, `exports`, etc. Here's one potential solution...

        // var lastpath = that.lastread.substr(0, that.lastread.lastIndexOf('/')+1);

        // this obviously does not work, could possibly stat for the file in the same order that
        // node tries to search for it.
        // var fileandpath = lastpath + s + '.js';
        // that.read(fileandpath);

        // var requirement = new RegExp('\\(?require\\)?\\s*\\([\\\'|"]' + s + '[\\\'|"]\\)');
        // var wrappedcode = '(function(module) { \n\n' + that.inputs[fileandpath] + '\n\n return module; })()';

        // that.output = that.output.replace(requirement, wrappedcode);

      // this is a requirement for a module not a file, we can add it
      // to the requirements path.
      else {

  // attempt to run the code in a new context, its ok
  // for errors to occur, we'll just report them to the
  // user. We hijack the require function and push the
  // module name to an array that we can use to build
  // up our unknown dependencies list.
  try {
    vm.runInNewContext(output || this.output, sandbox, 'tmp.vm');
  catch(ex) {
    !that.options.quiet && console.log('An error occured while executing the code in the ouput buffer [', ex.message.red, ']');

  // remove any known requirements and add any new 
  // requirements that are found in the output code.
  requirements.forEach(function(dep, i) {
    if(that.packageJSON.dependencies[dep]) {
      requirements.splice(i, 1);
    else {
      that.packageJSON.dependencies[dep] = '*';

  // tell the user we found some unique requirements from
  // out analysis of the output buffer.
  !that.options.quiet && console.log('Able to add the following modules to the package.json [', requirements.join(', ').green, ']');

  // we now have an updated dependencies member in the package.json 
  // structure, we could possibly rewrite the file depending on the
  // options that the user has chosen.
  // console.log(this.packageJSON.dependencies)

  return this;