Example #1
 runs(function () {
     var factory = createMockFactory();
     spyOn(factory, "canOpenFile");
Example #2
            runs(function () {
                var factory = createMockFactory();

                var result = MainViewFactory.findSuitableFactoryForPath("blah");

Example #3
define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";

    var DocumentManager     = require("document/DocumentManager"),
        ImageViewTemplate   = require("text!htmlContent/image-view.html"),
        ProjectManager      = require("project/ProjectManager"),
        LanguageManager     = require("language/LanguageManager"),
        MainViewFactory     = require("view/MainViewFactory"),
        Strings             = require("strings"),
        StringUtils         = require("utils/StringUtils"),
        FileSystem          = require("filesystem/FileSystem"),
        FileUtils           = require("file/FileUtils"),
        _                   = require("thirdparty/lodash"),
        Mustache            = require("thirdparty/mustache/mustache");

    var _viewers = {};

     * ImageView objects are constructed when an image is opened
     * @see {@link Pane} for more information about where ImageViews are rendered
     * @constructor
     * @param {!File} file - The image file object to render
     * @param {!jQuery} container - The container to render the image view in
    function ImageView(file, $container) {
        this.file = file;
        this.$el = $(Mustache.render(ImageViewTemplate, {fullPath: FileUtils.encodeFilePath(file.fullPath),
                                                         now: new Date().valueOf()}));


        this._naturalWidth = 0;
        this._naturalHeight = 0;
        this._scale = 100;           // 100%
        this._scaleDivInfo = null;   // coordinates of hidden scale sticker

        this.relPath = ProjectManager.makeProjectRelativeIfPossible(this.file.fullPath);

        this.$imagePath = this.$el.find(".image-path");
        this.$imagePreview = this.$el.find(".image-preview");
        this.$imageData = this.$el.find(".image-data");

        this.$image = this.$el.find(".image");
        this.$imageTip = this.$el.find(".image-tip");
        this.$imageGuides = this.$el.find(".image-guide");
        this.$imageScale = this.$el.find(".image-scale");
        this.$x_value = this.$el.find(".x-value");
        this.$y_value = this.$el.find(".y-value");
        this.$horzGuide = this.$el.find(".horz-guide");
        this.$vertGuide = this.$el.find(".vert-guide");

        this.$imagePath.text(this.relPath).attr("title", this.relPath);
        this.$imagePreview.on("load", _.bind(this._onImageLoaded, this));

        _viewers[file.fullPath] = this;

     * DocumentManger.fileNameChange handler - when an image is renamed, we must
     * update the view
     * @param {jQuery.Event} e - event
     * @param {!string} oldPath - the name of the file that's changing changing
     * @param {!string} newPath - the name of the file that's changing changing
     * @private
    ImageView.prototype._onFilenameChange = function (e, oldPath, newPath) {
         * File objects are already updated when the event is triggered
         * so we just need to see if the file has the same path as our image
        if (this.file.fullPath === newPath) {
            this.relPath = ProjectManager.makeProjectRelativeIfPossible(newPath);
            this.$imagePath.text(this.relPath).attr("title", this.relPath);

     * <img>.on("load") handler - updates content of the image view
     *                            initializes computed values
     *                            installs event handlers
     * @param {Event} e - event
     * @private
    ImageView.prototype._onImageLoaded = function (e) {
        // add dimensions and size
        this._naturalWidth = e.currentTarget.naturalWidth;
        this._naturalHeight = e.currentTarget.naturalHeight;

        var extension = FileUtils.getFileExtension(this.file.fullPath);
        var dimensionString = this._naturalWidth + " &times; " + this._naturalHeight + " " + Strings.UNIT_PIXELS;

        if (extension === "ico") {
            dimensionString += " (" + Strings.IMAGE_VIEWER_LARGEST_ICON + ")";

        // get image size
        var self = this;

        this.file.stat(function (err, stat) {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                var sizeString = "";
                if (stat.size) {
                    sizeString = " &mdash; " + StringUtils.prettyPrintBytes(stat.size, 2);
                var dimensionAndSize = dimensionString + sizeString;
                        .attr("title", dimensionAndSize
                                    .replace("&times;", "x")
                                    .replace("&mdash;", "-"));

        // make sure we always show the right file name
        DocumentManager.on("fileNameChange.ImageView", _.bind(this._onFilenameChange, this));


        this.$image.on("mousemove.ImageView", ".image-preview", _.bind(this._showImageTip, this))
                   .on("mouseleave.ImageView", ".image-preview", _.bind(this._hideImageTip, this));


     * Update the scale element
     * @private
    ImageView.prototype._updateScale = function () {
        var currentWidth = this.$imagePreview.width();

        if (currentWidth && currentWidth < this._naturalWidth) {
            this._scale = currentWidth / this._naturalWidth * 100;
            this.$imageScale.text(Math.floor(this._scale) + "%")
                // Keep the position of the image scale div relative to the image.
                .css("left", this.$imagePreview.position().left + 5)
        } else {
            // Reset everything related to the image scale sticker before hiding it.
            this._scale = 100;
            this._scaleDivInfo = null;

     * Show image coordinates under the mouse cursor
     * @param {Event} e - event
     * @private
    ImageView.prototype._showImageTip = function (e) {
        // Don't show image tip if this._scale is close to zero.
        // since we won't have enough room to show tip anyway.
        if (Math.floor(this._scale) === 0) {

        var x                   = Math.round(e.offsetX * 100 / this._scale),
            y                   = Math.round(e.offsetY * 100 / this._scale),
            imagePos            = this.$imagePreview.position(),
            left                = e.offsetX + imagePos.left,
            top                 = e.offsetY + imagePos.top,
            width               = this.$imagePreview.width(),
            height              = this.$imagePreview.height(),
            windowWidth         = $(window).width(),
            fourDigitImageWidth = this._naturalWidth.toString().length === 4,

            // @todo -- seems a bit strange that we're computing sizes
            //          using magic numbers

            infoWidth1          = 112,    // info div width 96px + vertical toolbar width 16px
            infoWidth2          = 120,    // info div width 104px (for 4-digit image width) + vertical toolbar width 16px
            tipOffsetX          = 10,     // adjustment for info div left from x coordinate of cursor
            tipOffsetY          = -54,    // adjustment for info div top from y coordinate of cursor
            tipMinusOffsetX1    = -82,    // for less than 4-digit image width
            tipMinusOffsetX2    = -90;    // for 4-digit image width

        // Check whether we're getting mousemove events beyond the image boundaries due to a browser bug
        // or the rounding calculation above for a scaled image. For example, if an image is 120 px wide,
        // we should get mousemove events in the range of 0 <= x < 120, but not 120 or more. If we get
        // a value beyond the range, then simply handle the event as if it were a mouseleave.
        if (x < 0 || x >= this._naturalWidth || y < 0 || y >= this._naturalHeight) {
            this.$imagePreview.css("cursor", "auto");

        this.$imagePreview.css("cursor", "none");

        this._handleMouseEnterOrExitScaleSticker(left, top);

        // Check whether to show the image tip on the left.
        if ((e.pageX + infoWidth1) > windowWidth ||
                (fourDigitImageWidth && (e.pageX + infoWidth2) > windowWidth)) {
            tipOffsetX = fourDigitImageWidth ? tipMinusOffsetX2 : tipMinusOffsetX1;

        this.$x_value.text(x + "px");
        this.$y_value.text(y + "px");

            left: left + tipOffsetX,
            top: top + tipOffsetY

            left: imagePos.left,
            top: top,
            width: width - 1

            left: left,
            top: imagePos.top,
            height: height - 1

     * Hide image coordinates info tip
     * @param {Event} e - event
     * @private
    ImageView.prototype._hideImageTip = function (e) {
        var $target   = $(e.target),
            targetPos = $target.position(),
            imagePos  = this.$imagePreview.position(),
            right     = imagePos.left + this.$imagePreview.width(),
            bottom    = imagePos.top + this.$imagePreview.height(),
            x         = targetPos.left + e.offsetX,
            y         = targetPos.top + e.offsetY;

        // Hide image tip and guides only if the cursor is outside of the image.
        if (x < imagePos.left || x >= right ||
                y < imagePos.top || y >= bottom) {
            if (this._scaleDivInfo) {
                this._scaleDivInfo = null;

     * Hides both guides and the tip
     * @private
    ImageView.prototype._hideGuidesAndTip = function () {

     * Check mouse entering/exiting the scale sticker.
     * Hide it when entering and show it again when exiting.
     * @param {number} offsetX mouse offset from the left of the previewing image
     * @param {number} offsetY mouseoffset from the top of the previewing image
     * @private
    ImageView.prototype._handleMouseEnterOrExitScaleSticker = function (offsetX, offsetY) {
        var imagePos       = this.$imagePreview.position(),
            scaleDivPos    = this.$imageScale.position(),
            imgWidth       = this.$imagePreview.width(),
            imgHeight      = this.$imagePreview.height(),

        if (this._scaleDivInfo) {
            scaleDivLeft   = this._scaleDivInfo.left;
            scaleDivTop    = this._scaleDivInfo.top;
            scaleDivRight  = this._scaleDivInfo.right;
            scaleDivBottom = this._scaleDivInfo.bottom;

            if ((imgWidth + imagePos.left) < scaleDivRight) {
                scaleDivRight = imgWidth + imagePos.left;

            if ((imgHeight + imagePos.top) < scaleDivBottom) {
                scaleDivBottom = imgHeight + imagePos.top;

        } else {
            scaleDivLeft   = scaleDivPos.left;
            scaleDivTop    = scaleDivPos.top;
            scaleDivRight  = this.$imageScale.width() + scaleDivLeft;
            scaleDivBottom = this.$imageScale.height() + scaleDivTop;

        if (this._scaleDivInfo) {
            // See whether the cursor is no longer inside the hidden scale div.
            // If so, show it again.
            if ((offsetX < scaleDivLeft || offsetX > scaleDivRight) ||
                    (offsetY < scaleDivTop || offsetY > scaleDivBottom)) {
                this._scaleDivInfo = null;
        } else if ((offsetX >= scaleDivLeft && offsetX <= scaleDivRight) &&
                (offsetY >= scaleDivTop && offsetY <= scaleDivBottom)) {
            // Handle mouse inside image scale div.
            // But hide it only if the pixel under mouse is also in the image.
            if (offsetX < (imagePos.left + imgWidth) &&
                    offsetY < (imagePos.top + imgHeight)) {
                // Remember image scale div coordinates before hiding it.
                this._scaleDivInfo = {left: scaleDivPos.left,
                                 top: scaleDivPos.top,
                                 right: scaleDivRight,
                                 bottom: scaleDivBottom};

     * View Interface functions

     * Retrieves the file object for this view
     * return {!File} the file object for this view
    ImageView.prototype.getFile = function () {
        return this.file;

     * Updates the layout of the view
    ImageView.prototype.updateLayout = function () {

        var $container = this.$el.parent();

        var pos = $container.position(),
            iWidth = $container.innerWidth(),
            iHeight = $container.innerHeight(),
            oWidth = $container.outerWidth(),
            oHeight = $container.outerHeight();

        // $view is "position:absolute" so
        //  we have to update the height, width and position
        this.$el.css({top: pos.top + ((oHeight - iHeight) / 2),
                        left: pos.left + ((oWidth - iWidth) / 2),
                        width: iWidth,
                        height: iHeight});

     * Destroys the view
    ImageView.prototype.destroy = function () {
        delete _viewers[this.file.fullPath];

     * Refreshes the image preview with what's on disk
    ImageView.prototype.refresh = function () {
        var noCacheUrl = this.$imagePreview.attr("src"),
            now = new Date().valueOf(),
            index = noCacheUrl.indexOf("?");

        // strip the old param off
        if (index > 0) {
            noCacheUrl = noCacheUrl.slice(0, index);

        // add a new param which will force chrome to
        //  re-read the image from disk
        noCacheUrl = noCacheUrl + "?ver=" + now;

        // Update the DOM node with the src URL
        this.$imagePreview.attr("src", noCacheUrl);

     * Creates an image view object and adds it to the specified pane
     * @param {!File} file - the file to create an image of
     * @param {!Pane} pane - the pane in which to host the view
     * @return {jQuery.Promise}
    function _createImageView(file, pane) {
        var view = pane.getViewForPath(file.fullPath);

        if (view) {
        } else {
            view = new ImageView(file, pane.$content);
            pane.addView(view, true);
        return new $.Deferred().resolve().promise();

     * Handles file system change events so we can refresh
     *  image viewers for the files that changed on disk due to external editors
     * @param {jQuery.event} event - event object
     * @param {?File} file - file object that changed
     * @param {Array.<FileSystemEntry>=} added If entry is a Directory, contains zero or more added children
     * @param {Array.<FileSystemEntry>=} removed If entry is a Directory, contains zero or more removed children
    function _handleFileSystemChange(event, entry, added, removed) {
        // this may have been called because files were added
        //  or removed to the file system.  We don't care about those
        if (!entry || entry.isDirectory) {

        // Look for a viewer for the changed file
        var viewer = _viewers[entry.fullPath];

        // viewer found, call its refresh method
        if (viewer) {

     * Install an event listener to receive all file system change events
     * so we can refresh the view when changes are made to the image in an external editor
    FileSystem.on("change", _handleFileSystemChange);

     * Initialization, register our view factory
        canOpenFile: function (fullPath) {
            var lang = LanguageManager.getLanguageForPath(fullPath);
            return (lang.getId() === "image");
        openFile: function (file, pane) {
            return _createImageView(file, pane);

     * This is for extensions that want to create a
     * view factory based on ImageViewer
    exports.ImageView = ImageView;
Example #4
define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";
    var DocumentManager     = require("document/DocumentManager"),
        ImageViewTemplate   = require("text!htmlContent/image-view.html"),
        ProjectManager      = require("project/ProjectManager"),
        LanguageManager     = require("language/LanguageManager"),
        MainViewFactory     = require("view/MainViewFactory"),
        Strings             = require("strings"),
        StringUtils         = require("utils/StringUtils"),
        FileSystem          = require("filesystem/FileSystem"),
        BlobUtils           = require("filesystem/impls/filer/BlobUtils"),
        FileUtils           = require("file/FileUtils"),
        _                   = require("thirdparty/lodash");

    // Vibrant doesn't seem to play well with requirejs AMD loading, load it globally.

    // XXXBramble specific bits to allow opening SVG as a regular image vs. XML doc
    var PreferencesManager  = require("preferences/PreferencesManager");
    PreferencesManager.definePreference("openSVGasXML", "boolean", false);

    var _viewers = {};

    var _slice = Function.prototype.call.bind(Array.prototype.slice);

    // Get a Blob URL out of the cache
    function _getImageUrl(file) {
        return BlobUtils.getUrl(file.fullPath);

    // Use Vibrant.js to try and extract color info. This is possible for
    // most, but not all image types (e.g., svg).
    function _extractColors(pane, img) {
        var swatchElems = _slice(pane.find(".image-view-swatch"));
        var hexElems = _slice(pane.find(".image-view-hex"));
        var swatches;
        var i = 0;

        try {
            var vibrant = new window.Vibrant(img);
            swatches = vibrant.swatches();
        } catch(e) {
            // Hide the color swatches, since we can't display anything

        Object.keys(swatches).forEach(function(swatch) {
            var swatchColor = swatchElems[i];
            var swatchHex = hexElems[i];

            var hex = swatches[swatch] && swatches[swatch].getHex();
            // Sometimes there isn't a LightMuted color
            if(!hex) {

            swatchColor.style.backgroundColor = hex;
            swatchHex.textContent = hex;

     * ImageView objects are constructed when an image is opened 
     * @see {@link Pane} for more information about where ImageViews are rendered
     * @constructor
     * @param {!File} file - The image file object to render
     * @param {!jQuery} container - The container to render the image view in
    function ImageView(file, $container) {
        this.file = file;
        this.$el = $(Mustache.render(ImageViewTemplate, {imgUrl: _getImageUrl(file)}));

        this._naturalWidth = 0;
        this._naturalHeight = 0;
        this._scale = 100;           // 100%
        this._scaleDivInfo = null;   // coordinates of hidden scale sticker
        this.relPath = ProjectManager.makeProjectRelativeIfPossible(this.file.fullPath);

        this.$imagePath = this.$el.find(".image-path");
        this.$imagePreview = this.$el.find(".image-preview");
        this.$imageData = this.$el.find(".image-data");

        this.$image = this.$el.find(".image");
        this.$imageScale = this.$el.find(".image-scale");
        this.$imagePath.text(this.relPath).attr("title", this.relPath);
        this.$imagePreview.on("load", _.bind(this._onImageLoaded, this));
        _viewers[file.fullPath] = this;

     * DocumentManger.fileNameChange handler - when an image is renamed, we must 
     * update the view
     * @param {jQuery.Event} e - event
     * @param {!string} oldPath - the name of the file that's changing changing 
     * @param {!string} newPath - the name of the file that's changing changing 
     * @private
    ImageView.prototype._onFilenameChange = function (e, oldPath, newPath) {
         * File objects are already updated when the event is triggered
         * so we just need to see if the file has the same path as our image
        if (this.file.fullPath === newPath) {
            this.relPath = ProjectManager.makeProjectRelativeIfPossible(newPath);
            this.$imagePath.text(this.relPath).attr("title", this.relPath);

     * <img>.on("load") handler - updates content of the image view 
     *                            initializes computed values 
     *                            installs event handlers
     * @param {Event} e - event
     * @private
    ImageView.prototype._onImageLoaded = function (e) {
        // add dimensions and size
        this._naturalWidth = e.currentTarget.naturalWidth;
        this._naturalHeight = e.currentTarget.naturalHeight;

        var extension = FileUtils.getFileExtension(this.file.fullPath);
        var dimensionString = this._naturalWidth + " &times; " + this._naturalHeight + " " + Strings.UNIT_PIXELS;
        if (extension === "ico") {
            dimensionString += " (" + Strings.IMAGE_VIEWER_LARGEST_ICON + ")";
        // get image size
        var self = this;
        this.file.stat(function (err, stat) {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                var sizeString = "";
                if (stat.size) {
                    sizeString = " &mdash; " + StringUtils.prettyPrintBytes(stat.size, 2);
                var dimensionAndSize = dimensionString + sizeString;
                        .attr("title", dimensionAndSize
                                    .replace("&times;", "x")
                                    .replace("&mdash;", "-"));
        // make sure we always show the right file name
        DocumentManager.on("fileNameChange.ImageView", _.bind(this._onFilenameChange, this));


        _extractColors(this.$el, e.currentTarget);
     * Update the scale element
     * @private
    ImageView.prototype._updateScale = function () {
        var currentWidth = this.$imagePreview.width();
        if (currentWidth && currentWidth < this._naturalWidth) {
            this._scale = currentWidth / this._naturalWidth * 100;
            this.$imageScale.text(Math.floor(this._scale) + "%")
                // Keep the position of the image scale div relative to the image.
                .css("left", this.$imagePreview.position().left + 5)
        } else {
            // Reset everything related to the image scale sticker before hiding it.
            this._scale = 100;
            this._scaleDivInfo = null;

     * Check mouse entering/exiting the scale sticker. 
     * Hide it when entering and show it again when exiting.
     * @param {number} offsetX mouse offset from the left of the previewing image
     * @param {number} offsetY mouseoffset from the top of the previewing image
     * @private
    ImageView.prototype._handleMouseEnterOrExitScaleSticker = function (offsetX, offsetY) {
        var imagePos       = this.$imagePreview.position(),
            scaleDivPos    = this.$imageScale.position(),
            imgWidth       = this.$imagePreview.width(),
            imgHeight      = this.$imagePreview.height(),
        if (this._scaleDivInfo) {
            scaleDivLeft   = this._scaleDivInfo.left;
            scaleDivTop    = this._scaleDivInfo.top;
            scaleDivRight  = this._scaleDivInfo.right;
            scaleDivBottom = this._scaleDivInfo.bottom;
            if ((imgWidth + imagePos.left) < scaleDivRight) {
                scaleDivRight = imgWidth + imagePos.left;
            if ((imgHeight + imagePos.top) < scaleDivBottom) {
                scaleDivBottom = imgHeight + imagePos.top;
        } else {
            scaleDivLeft   = scaleDivPos.left;
            scaleDivTop    = scaleDivPos.top;
            scaleDivRight  = this.$imageScale.width() + scaleDivLeft;
            scaleDivBottom = this.$imageScale.height() + scaleDivTop;
        if (this._scaleDivInfo) {
            // See whether the cursor is no longer inside the hidden scale div.
            // If so, show it again.
            if ((offsetX < scaleDivLeft || offsetX > scaleDivRight) ||
                    (offsetY < scaleDivTop || offsetY > scaleDivBottom)) {
                this._scaleDivInfo = null;
        } else if ((offsetX >= scaleDivLeft && offsetX <= scaleDivRight) &&
                (offsetY >= scaleDivTop && offsetY <= scaleDivBottom)) {
            // Handle mouse inside image scale div.
            // But hide it only if the pixel under mouse is also in the image.
            if (offsetX < (imagePos.left + imgWidth) &&
                    offsetY < (imagePos.top + imgHeight)) {
                // Remember image scale div coordinates before hiding it.
                this._scaleDivInfo = {left: scaleDivPos.left,
                                 top: scaleDivPos.top,
                                 right: scaleDivRight,
                                 bottom: scaleDivBottom};

     * View Interface functions

     * Retrieves the file object for this view
     * return {!File} the file object for this view
    ImageView.prototype.getFile = function () {
        return this.file;
     * Updates the layout of the view
    ImageView.prototype.updateLayout = function () {
        var $container = this.$el.parent();
        var pos = $container.position(),
            iWidth = $container.innerWidth(),
            iHeight = $container.innerHeight(),
            oWidth = $container.outerWidth(),
            oHeight = $container.outerHeight();
        // $view is "position:absolute" so 
        //  we have to update the height, width and position
        this.$el.css({top: pos.top + ((oHeight - iHeight) / 2),
                        left: pos.left + ((oWidth - iWidth) / 2),
                        width: iWidth,
                        height: iHeight});

     * Destroys the view
    ImageView.prototype.destroy = function () {
        delete _viewers[this.file.fullPath];
     * Refreshes the image preview with what's on disk
    ImageView.prototype.refresh = function () {
        // Update the DOM node with the src URL 
        this.$imagePreview.attr("src", _getImageUrl(this.file));
     * Creates an image view object and adds it to the specified pane
     * @param {!File} file - the file to create an image of
     * @param {!Pane} pane - the pane in which to host the view
     * @return {jQuery.Promise} 
    function _createImageView(file, pane) {
        var view = pane.getViewForPath(file.fullPath);
        if (view) {
        } else {
            view = new ImageView(file, pane.$content);
            pane.addView(view, true);
        return new $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
     * Handles file system change events so we can refresh 
     *  image viewers for the files that changed on disk due to external editors
     * @param {jQuery.event} event - event object
     * @param {?File} file - file object that changed
     * @param {Array.<FileSystemEntry>=} added If entry is a Directory, contains zero or more added children
     * @param {Array.<FileSystemEntry>=} removed If entry is a Directory, contains zero or more removed children
    function _handleFileSystemChange(event, entry, added, removed) {
        // this may have been called because files were added 
        //  or removed to the file system.  We don't care about those
        if (!entry || entry.isDirectory) {
        // Look for a viewer for the changed file
        var viewer = _viewers[entry.fullPath];

        // viewer found, call its refresh method
        if (viewer) {
     * Install an event listener to receive all file system change events
     * so we can refresh the view when changes are made to the image in an external editor
    FileSystem.on("change", _handleFileSystemChange);

     * Initialization, register our view factory
        canOpenFile: function (fullPath) {
            var lang = LanguageManager.getLanguageForPath(fullPath);
            var svgAsXML = PreferencesManager.get("openSVGasXML");
            var id = lang.getId();

            // Depending on whether or not the user wants to treat SVG files as XML
            // we default to open as an image.
            return id === "image" || (!svgAsXML && id === "svg");
        openFile: function (file, pane) {
            return _createImageView(file, pane);
     * This is for extensions that want to create a 
     * view factory based on ImageViewer
    exports.ImageView = ImageView;