Example #1
Swagger2.prototype.fixSpec = function () {
  var swagger = this.spec;

  //Typical mistake is to make version number insted of string
  var version = _.get(swagger, 'info.version');
  if (_.isNumber(version))
    swagger.info.version = version % 1 ? version.toString() : version.toFixed(1);

  if (this.sourceType == 'url') {
    var url = URI(this.source);
    swagger.host = swagger.host || url.host();
    swagger.schemes = swagger.schemes || [url.scheme()];
    //TODO: deside what to do with base path


  var basePath = swagger.basePath
  if (_.isString(basePath))
    swagger.basePath = URI().path(basePath).normalize().path();

  _.each(swagger.definitions, function (schema) {
    if (!_.isUndefined(schema.id))
      delete schema.id;
Example #2
     * Return the corresponding object for a URI, if resolved.  If the URI
     * has not been resolved, it will be returned unmodified.
     * @param {string|URI} uri
     * @returns {Array}
    lookupURI(uri) {

        if(typeof(uri) === 'string')
            uri = URI(uri);

        if(! (uri instanceof URI))
            return uri

        assert(uri instanceof URI)

        uri = uri.toString();

        assert(typeof uri === 'string')
        assert(uri !== '[object Object]')

        var object = this._URIs[uri];

        if(object === undefined) {

            this._unresolvedURIs[uri] = true

            return URI(uri)

        } else {

            delete this._unresolvedURIs[uri]
            return object

Example #3
helper.analyzeLinks = function(options){
  var baseURI;
    // parse base url as URIjs object.
    baseURI = URI(options.url).normalize();

    // the `base` tag in `head` takes top priority as base href.
    var baseEle = options.ele('head>base'), baseHref;
    if(baseEle && baseEle.length > 0 && (baseHref = baseEle.eq(0).attr('href'))){
      var baseHrefURI = URI(baseHref);
        baseURI = baseHrefURI;
        baseURI = baseHrefURI.absoluteTo(baseURI);
    return err.message;

  var links = [];
  // map all anchors as simple {title: '', href:''} object.
    var ele = helper.analyzeHref({
      ele: options.ele(this),
      domain: options.domain,
      baseURI: baseURI
    ele && links.push(ele);
  return links;
	links: function(url, options) {
		options = options || {};

		var page = parseInt(options.page, 10);
		var count = options.count;
		var perPage = options.perPage;

		var prev = page - 1;
		var next = page + 1;
		var last = Math.floor(count / perPage);
		if (count % perPage > 0) {

		var links = {};

		if (prev > 0) {
			links.prev = uri(url).query({ page: prev }).toString();

		// if not the last page, show the next and last links
		if (next <= last) {
			links.next = uri(url).query({ page: next }).toString();
			links.last = uri(url).query({ page: last }).toString();

		return links;
Example #5
const ExperimentPageRouter = ({atlasUrl, resourcesUrl, experimentAccession, species, accessKey, tabs}) => {
  const tabCommonProps = {

  return (
    <BrowserRouter basename={URI(`experiments/${experimentAccession}`, URI(atlasUrl).path()).toString()}>
        <Route path={`/`}
          render={ (routeProps) => <TopRibbon tabNames={tabs.map((tab) => tab.name)} routeProps={routeProps}/> }
            tabs.map((tab) =>
              <Route key={tab.name}
                render={ (routeProps) => <TabContent type={tab.type} tabProps={tab.props} commonProps={tabCommonProps} routeProps={routeProps}/> }
          <RedirectWithLocation pathname={`/${tabs[0].name}`} />

Example #6
  $(urlSelector).each(function() {
    const $element = $(this);
    $element.nodeName = $element[0].name;
    const attribute = URI.getDomAttribute($element);
    if (!attribute) {
      // element does not have a URL attribute

    const url = $element.attr(attribute);
    if (url.slice(0, options.resolve.length) !== options.resolve) {
      // URL is not using the absolute prefix

    let resolved = URI(url).relativeTo(absolute).toString();
    if (!resolved) {
      // the file is linking to itself
      resolved = URI(fileName).filename();

    if (resolved[resolved.length - 1] === '/') {
      // the file is linking to a directory, append index.html
      resolved += 'index.html';

    $element.attr(attribute, resolved);
Example #7
    constructor(sbolDocument, uri) {

        super(sbolDocument, uri);

        this._refinement = URI();
        this._remote = URI();
        this._local = URI();
Example #8
  it("also checks the coupon query param", () => {
    window.location = "http://fake/?coupon=aBc-123."

    const link = getEl(document.body, ".signup-dialog a")
    const expectedNext = URI("/dashboard/").setQuery("coupon", "aBc-123.")
    const expectedUrl = URI("/login/edxorg").setQuery("next", expectedNext)
    assert.equal(link.getAttribute("href"), expectedUrl.toString())
export function getExploreUrlAndPayload({
  endpointType = 'base',
  force = false,
  curUrl = null,
  requestParams = {},
}) {
  if (!formData.datasource) {
    return null;

  // The search params from the window.location are carried through,
  // but can be specified with curUrl (used for unit tests to spoof
  // the window.location).
  let uri = new URI([location.protocol, '//', location.host].join(''));
  if (curUrl) {
    uri = URI(URI(curUrl).search());

  const directory = getURIDirectory(formData, endpointType);

  // Building the querystring (search) part of the URI
  const search = uri.search(true);
  if (formData.slice_id) {
    search.form_data = JSON.stringify({ slice_id: formData.slice_id });
  if (force) {
    search.force = 'true';
  if (endpointType === 'csv') {
    search.csv = 'true';
  if (endpointType === 'standalone') {
    search.standalone = 'true';
  if (endpointType === 'query') {
    search.query = 'true';
  const paramNames = Object.keys(requestParams);
  if (paramNames.length) {
    paramNames.forEach((name) => {
      if (requestParams.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
        search[name] = requestParams[name];
  uri = uri.search(search).directory(directory);
  const payload = { ...formData };

  return {
    url: uri.toString(),
    return opts => {
      let uri;

      if (link.templated) {
        let template = URITemplate(link.href);
        uri = URI(template.expand(opts || {}));
      } else {
        uri = URI(link.href);

      return this._sendNormalRequest(uri).then(r => this._parseResponse(r));
Example #11
  * Server handles the network connection to a [Horizon](https://www.stellar.org/developers/horizon/learn/index.html)
  * instance and exposes an interface for requests to that instance.
  * @constructor
  * @param {string} serverURL Horizon Server URL (ex. `https://horizon-testnet.stellar.org`). The old method (config object parameter) is **deprecated**.
 constructor(serverURL={}) {
     if (isString(serverURL)) {
         this.serverURL = URI(serverURL);
     } else {
         // We leave the old method for compatibility reasons.
         // This will be removed in the next major release.
         this.protocol = serverURL.secure ? "https" : "http";
         this.hostname = serverURL.hostname || "localhost";
         this.port = serverURL.port || 3000;
         this.serverURL = URI({ protocol: this.protocol,
             hostname: this.hostname,
             port: this.port });
Example #12
    constructor(sbolDocument, uri) {

        this._sbolDocument = sbolDocument;
        this._displayId = '';
        this._uri = URI();
        this._persistentIdentity = URI();
        this._version = '';
        this._wasDerivedFrom = URI();
        this._name = '';
        this._description = '';
        this._annotations = [];

        if(uri !== undefined)
            this.uri = uri;
Example #13
export default (options = {}) => {
  const url = uri(options.url)
  const cwd = process.cwd()
  const root = options.root || 'public'
  const output = options.output || 'capture'
  const timestamp = options.timestamp || new Date().getTime()

  const site = url.port() !== 80 ? [url.hostname(), url.port()].join(':') : url.hostname()
  const destPath = path.join(cwd, root, output, site, url.pathname().split('/').join(path.sep))
  const size = options.size || '1024x1000'

  console.log('Start capture: ', colors.cyan(url.pathname()))

  return new Pageres({
      delay: 1,
      filename: timestamp ? [timestamp, size].join('__') : '<%= date %>__<%= time %>__<%= size %>'
    .src(url.toString(), [size])
    .then((file) => {
      var filename = file[0].filename
      var filepath = path.relative(cwd, path.join(destPath, file[0].filename))
      console.log('Finish captured: ', colors.green(filepath))
      return Promise.resolve(filepath)
Example #14
  getResults(e) {
    this.setState({'loading': true});
    if(e) {
    let queryPath = URI(window.API_LOCATION)
                .path([window.API_VERSION, 'legal', 'search'].join('/'))
                .addQuery('api_key', window.API_KEY)
                .addQuery('type', 'advisory_opinions');

    let queryState = this.getUserSearchCriteria(this.state);
    Object.keys(queryState).forEach((queryParam) => {
      queryPath = queryPath.addQuery(queryParam, queryState[queryParam]);

    const lastResultCount = this.state.resultCount;
    $.getJSON(queryPath.toString(), (results) => {
                  this.setState({ advisory_opinions: results.advisory_opinions,
                  resultCount: results.total_advisory_opinions,
                  loading: false,
                  lastQuery: this.getUserSearchCriteria(this.state)}, () => {
                    queryPath = queryPath.removeSearch('api_key');
                      null, queryPath.search().toString());
Example #15
  return Q.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      var hostname = URI(url).hostname();
      tls.connect(443, hostname, {
          servername: hostname,
          rejectUnauthorized: false
      }, function() {
          if (!this.authorized || this.authorizationError || this.getPeerCertificate().fingerprint !== fingerprint) {
              // "These are not the certificates you're looking for..."
              // Seems like they even got a certificate signed for us :O
              reject('Cannot validate the certificate');

          // looks the SSL is ok :)

      }).on('error', function() {

          reject('No SSL support');
      }).on('timeout', function() {

          reject('Connection timed out');
      }).setTimeout(10000); // Set 10 second timeout
Example #16
    HS.login = function(opts, cb) {
      var url = URI(BASE_URL + '/Login').href();

      if (_.isFunction(opts)) {
        cb = opts;
        return cb(new Error('You must provide a callback'));

      if (!opts.username || !opts.password) {
        return cb(new Error('You must provide a username and password'));

          key: options.key,
          username: opts.username,
          password: opts.password,
        .set('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
        .end(function(err, res) {
          if (res.error) {
            return cb(new Error(res.body.msg));

          cb(null, res.body);
Example #17
    HS.scores = function(opts, cb) {
      var url = URI(BASE_URL + '/Scores');

      if (_.isFunction(opts)) {
        cb = opts;
        opts = {};

      if (!cb) {
        throw new Error('You must provide a callback');

      if (opts.date && !/\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}/.test(opts.date)) {
        return cb(new Error('Dates must be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY'));

      // add API key
      opts.key = options.scores_key;

      url = url.query(opts).href();
        .end(function(err, res) {
          if (res.error) {
            return cb(new Error(res.body.msg));

          cb(null, res.body);
exports.resizeImage = function(imageUrl, width) {
	var uri = URI(imageUrl),
		ext = uri.suffix()
		file = uri.filename().split('.' + ext)[0];

	return uri.filename(file + '-' + width + '.' + ext).toString();
Example #19
    function formatResponse(searchAPIResponse) {
      let response = {
        statuses: searchAPIResponse.statuses,
        search_metadata: Object.assign({}, searchAPIResponse.search_metadata)


      delete response.search_metadata.refresh_url;
      delete response.search_metadata.next_results;

      const nextMaxId = uri.parseQuery(searchAPIResponse.search_metadata.next_results).max_id;
      if (nextMaxId) {
        response.search_metadata.next_results = uri('')
            maxId: nextMaxId

      return response;
Example #20
         * 判断链接是否合法
         * @param parsedURL {String} 链接
         * @returns {boolean}
        urlIsAllowed(parsedURL) {
            if (typeof parsedURL === "object") {
                parsedURL = {
                    protocol: parsedURL.protocol(),
                    hostname: parsedURL.host(),
                    port: parsedURL.port().toString(),
                    path: parsedURL.path(),
                    query: parsedURL.query()

            let formattedURL = uri(parsedURL).normalize().href(),
                allowed = false;

            // The punycode module sometimes chokes on really weird domain
            // names. Catching those errors to prevent crawler from crashing
            try {
                allowed = this._robotsTxts.reduce((result, robots) => {
                    let allowed = robots.isAllowed(formattedURL, this.userAgent);
                    return result !== undefined ? result : allowed;
                }, undefined);
            } catch (error) {
                // URL will be avoided

            allowed !== undefined && console.log(`${formattedURL} is ${allowed === undefined ? "allow" : "disallow"}`);

            return allowed === undefined ? true : allowed;
  * registerCaptcha(apiKey, captchaInBase64) {
    const url = 'http://rucaptcha.com/in.php';
    const targetURL = uri(url);

    const data = {
      method: 'base64',
      key: apiKey,
      body: captchaInBase64,
      json: true,

    const result = yield request({
      url: targetURL.toString(),
      form: data,
      method: 'POST',

    const body = result.body;

    if (result.statusCode >= 400) {
      debug(`Captcha service not available. Code ${result.statusCode}`);
      throw new Error('Captcha service not available');

    const response = JSON.parse(body);
    if (response.status === 1) {
      const captchaId = response.request;
      return yield* this.getResult(apiKey, captchaId);
    } else {
      throw new Error(`Error from service: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`);
Example #22
var ImportHelper = function ( rule ) {
    var exports = {};

    if ( ! ( this instanceof ImportHelper ) ) {
        return new ImportHelper( rule );

    this._originalURI = this._extractURI( rule );

    if ( !this._originalURI ) { return false; }

    this._originalRule = rule;
    this._mediaQuery  = this.getOriginalMediaQuery();

    this.URI = URI( this._originalURI );

    exports.URI                   = this.URI;
    exports.getOriginalURI        = this.getOriginalURI.bind( this );
    exports.getModifiedRule       = this.getModifiedRule.bind( this );
    exports.getOriginalRule       = this.getOriginalRule.bind( this );
    exports.setMediaQuery         = this.setMediaQuery.bind( this );
    exports.getMediaQuery         = this.getMediaQuery.bind( this );
    exports.getOriginalMediaQuery = this.getOriginalMediaQuery.bind( this );

    return exports;
exports.TestTransaction = function (req, res) {
  //main net
  var tx = "";

      { timeout: config.SUBMIT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT }
    .then(function (response) {
      console.log("response: ", response.data);
      res.json({ status: 200, msg: "success", data: response.data });
    .catch(function (response) {
      if (response.type == Error.type) {
          status: 400,
          msg: "Transaction submission failed.",
          data: response
      } else {
          status: 400,
          msg: "Transaction submission failed.",
          data: response.data
Example #24
Crawler.prototype.processURL = function(URL,context) {
	var newURL, crawler = this;
	// If the URL didn't contain anything, don't fetch it.
	if (!URL.replace(/\s+/ig,"").length) return false;

	try {
		newURL =
		if (crawler.urlEncoding === "iso8859") {
			newURL = newURL.iso8859();
	} catch(e) {
		// Couldn't process the URL, since URIjs choked on it.
		return false;

	// simplecrawler uses slightly different terminology to URIjs. Sorry!
	return {
		"protocol": newURL.protocol() || "http",
		"host":	newURL.hostname(),
		"port":	newURL.port() || 80,
		"path":	newURL.resource(),
		"uriPath": newURL.path()
 const contactsURL = function (groupUUID) {
   let url = URI(config.url).segment('api/v1/contacts.json')
   if (groupUUID) {
     url = url.addQuery('group_uuids', groupUUID)
   return url.toString()
Example #26
      clients.findById(code.clientId, function(err, client) {
        if (err) { return done(err); }

        var key_hint = client.jwks_uri || client.jwks;

        jwtBearerClientAuth.verify(cSecret, key_hint, cId, cId,
          URI(config.get('auth:server:publicUri') + config.get('auth:endpoints:token'))
            .toString(), {},
          function(err, valid) {
            if (err) {
              if(err.name === 'JsonWebTokenError') {
                return done(null, err);
              } else {
                return done(err);

            if (!valid) {
              return done(null, valid);

            clients.findById(code.clientId, function(err, client) {
              if (err) { return done(err); }

              done(null, client);
Example #27
			.reduce(function(list,URL) {

				// Ensure URL is whole and complete
				try {
					URL = URI(URL)
				} catch(e) {
					// But if URI.js couldn't parse it - nobody can!
					return list;

				// If we hit an empty item, don't add return it
				if (!URL.length) return list;

				// If we don't support the protocol in question
				if (!crawler.protocolSupported(URL)) return list;

				// Does the item already exist in the list?
				if (resources.reduce(function(prev,current) {
						return prev || current === URL;
						return list;

				return list.concat(URL);
Example #28
    const onNavigationRequested = (redirectedToUrl, type, willNavigate, mainFrame) => {
      if (urijs(scope.url).equals(redirectedToUrl)) {
        // this is the initial open of the task URL, ignore

                Page for ${scope.url} asks for redirect.
                Will navigatate? ${willNavigate ? 'Yes' : 'No'}

      if (followRedirects) {
        if (mainFrame && type === 'Other') {
          try {
            const state = applyUrlFilterFn(
            if (state === false) {
              done(`URL ${redirectedToUrl} was not followed`, scope);
            } else {
              done(new errors.RedirectError('Redirected', redirectedToUrl), scope);
          } catch (e) {
            logger.debug(`Error on redirect filter (${redirectedToUrl}, ${scope.url})`);
Example #29
function run_remote_command()
  var payload = {"command": JSON.parse($('#command').val())};
    contentType: "application/json",
    type: "POST",
    url: URI(api_root + "remotes/"+$('#hostname').val()+"/post-remote-command"),
    success: function(result)
      document.getElementById('response').value = JSON.stringify(result)
    error: function(request, status, reason_phrase)
        console.log( "status:" + request.status);
        if(request.status === 400){
            document.getElementById('response').value = "status: " + request.status + "\n\nmessage: " + request.getResponseHeader('X-Slycat-Message');
        }else {
            document.getElementById('response').value = "error response from server:\n" + "error request:"
                + JSON.stringify(request, undefined, 4) + "\n\n status: " + request.status + "\n\n reason: " + reason_phrase;
    data: JSON.stringify(payload)

Example #30
 const onResourceReceived = (res) => {
   if (urijs(scope.url).equals(res.url) && parseInt(res.status, 10) >= 400) {
     // main page returned with a 4XX or higher
     done(new errors.StatusError(res.statusText, res.status));