Example #1
    makeNick: function() {
        var nouns = ["alien", "apparition", "bat", "blood", "bogeyman", "boogeyman", "boo", "bone", "cadaver", "casket", "cauldron", "cemetery", "cobweb", "coffin", "corpse", "crypt", "darkness", "dead", "demon", "devil", "death", "eyeball", "fangs", "fear", "fiend", "fog", "gastly", "gengar", "ghost", "ghoul", "goblin", "grave", "gravestone", "grim", "grimreaper", "gruesome", "haunter", "headstone", "hobgoblin", "hocuspocus", "howl", "jack-o-lantern", "mausoleum", "midnight", "mist", "monster", "moon", "mummy", "night", "nightmare", "ogre", "owl", "phantasm", "phantom", "poltergeist", "pumpkin", "scarecrow", "scream", "shadow", "skeleton", "skull", "specter", "spider", "spine", "spirit", "spook", "tarantula", "tomb", "tombstone", "troll", "vampire", "werewolf", "witch", "witchcraft", "wraith", "zombie"];

        var adjectives = ["bloodcurdling", "chilling", "creepy", "cold", "crying", "dark", "devilish", "dreadful", "eerie", "evil", "frightening", "frightful", "ghastly", "ghostly", "ghoulish", "gory", "grisly", "hair-raising", "haunted", "horrible", "horrifying", "macabre", "morbid", "mysterious", "ominous", "otherworldly", "repulsive", "revolting", "scary", "shadowy", "shocking", "sinister", "spine-chilling", "spooky", "spoopy", "startling", "supernatural", "terrible", "terrifying", "unearthly", "unnerving", "wicked"];

        return ucwords(_.sample(adjectives)) + ucwords(_.sample(nouns));
  var colourFromFingerPrint = function ( fingerprint ) {
    // For a while I wanted to highlight different names with different colours but quickly realized that terminals don't support enough of them. Oh well! I'll leave this for the future.

    d = mapping[ fingerprint ];
    if ( d ) {
      var d = mapping[ fingerprint ];
      return chalk[ d[0] ][ d[1] ];

    var cfg, cbg, retries = 0;

    do {

      cfg = _.sample( fg, 1 )[ 0 ];
      cbg = _.sample( bg, 1 )[ 0 ];
      retries += 1;

    } while ( _.contains( combinations, cfg + cbg ) && retries < 5 );
    // TODO: make sure that BG and FG are different colours ... and don't look terrible

    combinations.push( cfg + cbg );
    mapping[ fingerprint ] = [ cfg, cbg ];

    return chalk[ cfg ][ cbg ];

 it("should not be problem to edit profile", function(done) {
     var middle = ['von', 'fan', 'de', 'es', 'gra', 
         'du', 'pro', 'ensta', 'repla', 'zoro', 'ok', 'fon', 'fona', 'soro', 'let'];
     var name = 'Griber '+_.sample(middle)+' John';    
     var bio = 'My name is ... ' + name;    
     var phone = '+1-202-555-0129';
     var email = '*****@*****.**';
     var url = 'http://'+_.sample(middle)+'.com';
     return ClientV1.Account.editProfile(session, {email: email, fullName: name})
         .then(function(account) {
             return account.editProfile({
                 phoneNumber: phone,
                 biography: bio,
                 externalUrl: url
         .then(function(account) {
Example #4
    execute: function(unit, dTime) {
        if (unit.health <= 0 || unit.template.disabled) {

        if (VectorDistance(unit.position, this.targetPosition) < 1.0 && !this.hasReachedWaypoint) {
            this.hasReachedWaypoint = true;
            // Get a random waypoint nearby and travel to it
            if (unit.connectedNodeList.length === 0) {
                // log("[Wander] Error: No nodes found!");
            } else {
                var me = this;
                var newPoint = _.sample(me.waypoints);

                setTimeout(function() {
                    me.targetPosition = newPoint;
                    me.hasReachedWaypoint = false;
                }, _.sample(_.range(this.options.minWaitTime, this.options.maxWaitTime)) * 1000);

                // log("[Wander] Traveling to node "+randomNode.id+"...");

        //unit.steeringForce = unit.steeringBehaviour.Wander();
Example #5
File: swarm.js Project: rnd7/fl3
 var next = function(){
   if(t.loading || t.waiting) return
   console.log("next", t.id)
   if(t.history.length > 1 && Math.random() <= t.backPropability){
     t.currentUrl = t.history.pop();
       var entryPoint = _.sample(_.where(t.crawler.db, {entryPoint:true}))
       if(entryPoint) t.currentUrl = entryPoint.url
     }else if(t.crawler.db[t.currentUrl].target.length){
       t.currentUrl = _.sample(t.crawler.db[t.currentUrl].target)
     }else if(t.history.length > 1){
       t.currentUrl = t.history.pop();
     var d = t.minDelay + Math.floor(Math.random()*(t.maxDelay - t.minDelay));
     if(_.last(t.history) !== t.currentUrl) t.history.push(t.currentUrl)
     t.history = _.last(t.history, t.historyLimit)
     t.waiting = true;
     setTimeout(()=>{t.waiting = false;t.load()}, d)
Example #6
            _.each(repo.channels, function(channel) {
                // Pick a random branch to pester people about
                if (_.random(0,1)) {
                    var b = _.sample(deletion, 1)[0];
                    if (!b) return;
                            "Branch", b.name, formatStats(b.stats), "is horribly out of date,", b.stats.behind,
                            "commits behind master, and 0 commits ahead. Please spare its life and delete it"
                        ].join(' ')
                } else {
                    var b = _.sample(rebase, 1)[0];
                    if (!b) return;
                            "Rebase branch", b.name, "Its behind master", formatStats(b.stats)
                        ].join(' ')

                if (rebase.length == 0 && deletion.length == 0) {
                    if (! _.random(0,100)) {
                        // 1 in 100
                        say(channel, ["Team superstars! All your branches on", repo.name, "are up to date, Keep being awesome !"].join(' '));
Example #7
 reset: function () {
     var start = {
         x: _.sample(_.range(this.options.size)),
         y: _.sample(_.range(this.options.size))
     this.body = [start];
Example #8
app.get('/presentation', function(req, res) {
  var presentationImages = _und.sample(slideImages, 4);
  var presentationPrompt = _und.sample(prompts, 1);

  res.render('presentation', {
    title: 'Presentation | Keynote Karaoke',
    slidesPrompt: presentationPrompt,
    slides: presentationImages
Example #9
app.get('/search/:word?', function (req, res) {
    var searchWord = req.params.word;

    var results = _.find(words, function (word) {
        return word.name == searchWord;
    var resObj = {};
    resObj.title = 'My Word';
    resObj.year = new Date().getFullYear();
    // if no word was passed back in search, then grab a random word and return a special message
    if (searchWord == null || searchWord == "") {
        var randomWord = _.sample(words);
        resObj.word = randomWord.name
        resObj.img = randomWord.img;
        resObj.letter = randomWord.letter;
        resObj.msg = "We couldn't find a word that matches your search, but here's a cool word we like!";
    } else if (results) {
        // just bring back a random matching result if there's more than one
        if (_.isArray(results)) {
            results = _.sample(results);
        resObj.word = results.name;
        resObj.img = results.img;
        resObj.letter = results.letter;
        resObj.msg = "";
    } else {
        // if no matching words, grab a word that starts with that letter
        var sameFirstLetter = _.find(words, function (word) {
            return word.name.charAt(0) == searchWord.charAt(0);
        if (sameFirstLetter && !_.isArray(sameFirstLetter)) {
            resObj.word = sameFirstLetter.name;
            resObj.msg = "We couldn't find a word that matches your search, but here's a word that starts with the same letter!";
        } else if (_.isArray(sameFirstLetter)) {
            // if there's more than one word returned, grab a random word from that list
            sameFirstLetter = _.sample(sameFirstLetter);
            resObj.word = sameFirstLetter.name;
            resObj.msg = "We couldn't find a word that matches your search, but here's a word that starts with the same letter!";
        } else {
            // if no match then grab a random word and return a special message
            var randomWord = _.sample(words);
            resObj.word = randomWord.name
            resObj.msg = "We couldn't find a word that matches your search, but here's a cool word we like!";
    res.render('myword', resObj);
Example #10
        _.times(3, function (i) {
            var blackCard = _.sample(valentineBlackCards).text;
            var whiteCardA = _.sample(valentineDeck.whiteCards).text;
            var whiteCardB = null;
            while (!whiteCardB || whiteCardB == whiteCardA) {
                whiteCardB = _.sample(valentineDeck.whiteCards).text;

            var valentineText = blackCard.split('______');
            valentineText.splice(0, 0, '<span class="inserted">' + whiteCardA + '</span>');
            valentineText.splice(-1, 0, '<span class="inserted">' + whiteCardB + '</span>');

    generate: function( numberOfOptions ) {
        var visualCaptchaSession = this.session[ this.namespace ],
            imageValues = [];

        // Avoid the next IF failing if a string with a number is sent
        numberOfOptions = parseInt( numberOfOptions, 10 );

        // If it's not a valid number, default to 5
        if ( ! numberOfOptions || ! _.isNumber(numberOfOptions) || isNaN(numberOfOptions) ) {
            numberOfOptions = 5;

        // Set the minimum numberOfOptions to four
        if ( numberOfOptions < 4 ) {
            numberOfOptions = 4;

        // Shuffle all imageOptions
        this.imageOptions = _.shuffle( this.imageOptions );

        // Get a random sample of X images
        visualCaptchaSession.images = _.sample( this.imageOptions, numberOfOptions );

        // Set a random value for each of the images, to be used in the frontend
        visualCaptchaSession.images.forEach( function( image, index ) {
            var randomValue = crypto.randomBytes( 20 ).toString( 'hex' );

            imageValues.push( randomValue );
            visualCaptchaSession.images[ index ].value = randomValue;

        // Select a random image option, pluck current valid image option
        visualCaptchaSession.validImageOption = _.sample(
            _.without( visualCaptchaSession.images, visualCaptchaSession.validImageOption )

        // Select a random audio option, pluck current valid audio option
        visualCaptchaSession.validAudioOption = _.sample(
            _.without( this.audioOptions, visualCaptchaSession.validAudioOption )

        // Set random hashes for audio and image field names, and add it in the frontend data object
        visualCaptchaSession.frontendData = {
            values: imageValues,
            imageName: this.getValidImageOption().name,
            imageFieldName: crypto.randomBytes( 20 ).toString( 'hex' ),
            audioFieldName: crypto.randomBytes( 20 ).toString( 'hex' )
Example #12
 Sponsor.find({}).then(function (sponsors) {
   req.base = {};
   extend(true, req.base, base);
   req.base.sponsors = _.sample(sponsors, 10);
   req.base.allSponsors = sponsors;
Example #13
function newRound(gameId) {
  var game = getGame(gameId);
  game.nonburrito = _.sample(game.nonburritos);
  if (game.state === 'roleReview' || game.state === 'heist' || game.state === 'teamVote') {
    if (game.currentRound) {
      if (game.currentRound.teamAccepted) {
        game.attemptCount = 0;
      } else {
        if (game.attemptCount > 4) {
          game.currentRound.completed = true;
          game.currentRound.heistSuccessful = false;
          game.heistHistory[game.heistCount].heistSuccessful = game.currentRound.heistSuccessful;
          game.heistHistory[game.heistCount].team = game.currentRound.team;
          game.heistHistory[game.heistCount].completed = true;
          game.attemptCount = 0;

      _.each(game.seats, function(seat) {
        seat.isOnTeam = false;
        seat.hasTeamVoted = false;
        seat.teamVote = false;
        seat.hasHeistVoted = false;
        seat.heistVote = false;
      game.currentRound = null;

    if (game.minorityHeistWins >= 3) {
      game.minorityVictory = true;
      visitor.event("Game", "renegades win").send();
    } else if (game.majorityHeistWins >= 3) {
      game.state = 'lastDitch';
    } else {
      var leader = _.find(game.seats, function(seat) {
        return seat.isLeader === true;
      game.currentRound = {
        heist: game.heistCount,
        attempt: game.attemptCount,
        teamSize: game.heistTeamSizes[game.heistCount],
        team: [],
        teamVotes: [],
        heistVotes: [],
        teamAccepted: false,
        heistSuccessful: true,
        completed: false,
        leader: leader
      game.state = 'teamBuild';
Example #14
    spawnPlayer: function() {
        var protestor = _.sample(this.getProtestors(), 1)[0];
        if (!protestor) {
            // Player is taking over th beagle carrier. Last remaining hope!
            protestor = this.getBeagleCarrier()[0];

        if (!protestor) {
            // Game over man!

        this.player = new entities.Player({
            existing: protestor

        if (!this.indicator) {
            this.indicator = new entities.PlayerIndicator({
                image: Images.indicator,
                follow: this.player
        } else {
            this.indicator.follow = this.player;


        console.log("Added new player", this.player.hex);
Example #15
Quiz.prototype.getNewQuestion = function () {
    this.question = _.sample(this.quizdata[this.lang].entries);
    while (this.question.solved === true) {
        this.question = _.sample(this.quizdata[this.lang].entries);
    this.question.solved = false;
    this.questiontime = moment();
    this.questioncounter += 1;
    this.hintcount = 0;

    this.debug('%j', this.question);

    this.channel.say('[%s] The question no. %s is:', ircC.bold('QUIZ'), ircC.bold(this.questioncounter));
    this.channel.say('[%s] %s', ircC.bold('QUIZ'), this.getQuestionString());
	self._getResults(words, function(results){

		var orderedResults = [];
		var err = false;

		// note: results not gauranteed to be in order
		for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
			var word = words[i];
			for (var j = 0; j < results.length; j++) {

				if (results[j].length > 0) {

					if (results[j][0].word == word) {
						orderedResults[i] = _.sample(results[j]);

				} else {
					err = true;

		if (err) callback(err, null);
		else if (!self._videoEnabled) callback(null, orderedResults);
		else self._concatonateVideo(orderedResults, outputFile, callback);
Example #17
 create: function(){
   var user = {};
   user.name = _.sample(['Thomas', 'Edi', 'Jonas', 'Sascha', 'Jeremy', 'Batiste', 'Andy', 'Sebastian']);
   user.email = user.name.toLowerCase() + '@local.ch';
   user.password = '******';
   return user;
Example #18
WordMachine.prototype.randWords = function(text) {
  var words = _.uniq(_cleanText(text).split(/\s+/));
  // Number of exclusion words should be 0 - n
  var numRandWords = Math.floor(Math.random() * (words.length + 1));
  this.logger.debug("Selecting %d out of %d unique words", numRandWords, words.length);
  return _.sample(words, numRandWords);
Example #19
  returnJobSample: (jobs, numberOfJobs) => {
    let filterJobs = _.filter(jobs, (job) => {
      //TODO: Need to do further filtering to ensure that the 
      //user's saved job does not show up in slack
      let jobTitle = job.title.toLowerCase();

      return jobTitle.indexOf('lead') === -1 && 
        jobTitle.indexOf('senior') === -1 && 
        jobTitle.indexOf('manager') === -1 &&
        jobTitle.indexOf('sr.') === -1 &&
        jobTitle.indexOf('principal') === -1;
    console.log("# of filtered jobs:", filterJobs.length);

    //Format job data for Slack message attachment 
    let attachments = _.map(filterJobs, (job) => {
      return {
        title: `:computer: ${job.title}`,
        text: `:office: ${job.company} - ${job.location} \n :link: ${job.link}`,
        callback_id: `clickSaveJobs`,
        attachment_type: `default`,
        actions: [
          {name: `saveJob`, text: `Save`, value: job.id, type: `button`, style: `default`}

    let sample = _.sample(attachments, numberOfJobs);
    return sample;
    add: function (req) {
        var params = req.data;
        var his_player_id = params.his_player_id;
        var his_player = _.find(board.players, function (pl) {
            return (pl.name == his_player_id);

        var result = false;
        var response = {};
        var entity_name = params.name;

        var exist_entity = _.some(board.all_entities(), function (ent) {
            return ent.name == entity_name

        if (his_player && !exist_entity) {

            params.vulnerabilities = _.sample(rules.all_vulnerabilities(), 3);

            var new_entity = new entities.Entity(params);
            result = his_player.add_entity(new_entity);

            if (result) {
                var ent_t_apts = utils.transform_obj_to_name(new_entity, 'aptitudes');
                var response_data = utils.transform_obj_to_name(ent_t_apts, 'vulnerabilities');

            response = {result: result, data: response_data};

        app.io.broadcast('entity:add', response);
Example #21
const getSample = (input) => {
		return _.sample(input);
	} else {
		return input;
Example #22
 .end(function(err) {
     if (err) {
         throw err;
         .set('Host', 'http://localhost:1337')
         .set('x-forwarded-for', chance.ip())
         .set('user-agent', random_ua.generate())
         .set('referrer', _.sample(referrer))
         .end(function(err) {
             if (err) {
                 throw err;
                 .set('Host', 'http://localhost:1337')
                 .set('x-forwarded-for', chance.ip())
                 .set('user-agent', random_ua.generate())
                 .set('referrer', _.sample(referrer))
                 .end(function(err) {
                     if (err) {
                         throw err;
                     setTimeout(function() {
                     }, Math.round(Math.random() * (3000 - 500)) + 500);
Example #23
        function(data) {
            // Array of peers on DHT network
            data.map(function(p) {
                // Don't connect to our PeerId, or any eliminated peers
                var myPeerId;
                if(chord._localNode) {
                    myPeerId = chord.getPeerId;

                if (p !== myPeerId && eliminatedPeers.indexOf(p) === -1) {
                    console.log('Peer', p);

            var randomPeer = _.sample(_.compact(peers));
            if (randomPeer) {
                // Join an existing chord network
                console.log('Joining', randomPeer);
                chord.join(randomPeer, join);
            } else if (eliminatedPeers.length !== 0) {
                console.log('Fatal: Unable to join any of the existing peers. Failing.');
            } else {
                // Create a new chord network
                console.log('Creating new network');

 _.each(_.groupBy(module.get('Timetable'), 'LessonType'), function (groups) {
   var uniqueClassNos = _.uniq(_.pluck(groups, 'ClassNo'));
   var randomClassNo = _.sample(uniqueClassNos);
   var isDraggable = _.size(uniqueClassNos) > 1;
   var sameType = new LessonCollection();
   _.each(_.groupBy(groups, 'ClassNo'), function (lessonsData) {
     var sameGroup = new LessonCollection();
     _.each(lessonsData, function (lessonData) {
       var lesson = new LessonModel(_.extend({
         color: color,
         display: true,
         isDraggable: isDraggable,
         ModuleCode: module.id,
         ModuleTitle: module.get('ModuleTitle'),
         sameGroup: sameGroup,
         sameType: sameType
       }, lessonData));
       if (!selectedLessonsByType[lessonData.LessonType] && lessonData.ClassNo === randomClassNo) {
     }, this);
   }, this);
 }, this);
Example #25
 peerManager.getSeedPeers(seedConfiguration, function(err, seeds){
     if (err) {
         callback(err, null);
     var seed = _.sample(seeds);
     callback(null, seed);
Example #26
    async.forEach(_.range(1, businessCount + 1), function (nr, cb) {
        var data = {
            "name": moniker.choose() + " b" + nr,
            "type": _.random(1, 3),
            "telephoneNumber": chance.phone(),
            "picture": "assets/i/business-logo-" + _.random(1, 3) + ".png",
            "description": chance.paragraph({sentences: 3}),
            "businessHours": _.random(1, 5) + ":00-" + _.random(9, 12) + ":00",
            "website": chance.url({path: "/"}),
            "isVerified": true,
            "isVerificationFeePaid": true,
            "isSubscriptionExpired": false,
            "braintreeAccountId": "fake_business_" + nr
        var tmpAddress = _.sample(addresses);
        _.extend(data, tmpAddress);
        if (nr === 10) {
            data.isVerified = false;
            data.isVerificationFeePaid = false;
            data.braintreeAccountId = undefined;

        BusinessService.create(data, function (err, business) {
            testData["business" + nr] = business;
    }, callback);
   var all_todos = response.json.todos;
   self.all = all_todos
   self.last = _.last(all_todos)
   self.random = _.sample(all_todos)
Example #28
 }, function (allGiftCards, cb) {
     var cards = _.sample(allGiftCards, 10);
     async.forEach(cards, function (giftCard, cb) {
         var amount = _.random(Math.floor(giftCard.quantity * 0.4), Math.floor(giftCard.quantity * 0.8)) || 1;
         GiftCardService.redeem(giftCard.currentQRCode, amount, giftCard.businessId, cb);
     }, cb);
Example #29
var request_suggestions = function(services, data, cb) {
    // TODO: Log final response
    var Request = loopback.getModel('request');

    services = _.filter(services, function(service) { return service.subscriptions().length > 0 })
    services = _.sample(services, 5)
    var subscriptions = _.map(services, function(service) { return _.sample(service.subscriptions()) })
    var person = data.person;
    var location = data.location;

    Request.create({body: data, personId: person.id, locationId: location.id}, function(err, requestInstance) {
        async.map(subscriptions, function(subscription, cb) {
            request.post(subscription.callback_url, {json: data}, function(err, response, body) {
                if(!err && response.statusCode != 200) {
                    err = "HTTP status code must be 200, it was: " + response.statusCode;
                requestInstance.responses.create({'subscriptionId': subscription.id, body: body, error: err}, function(err, response) {
                    cb(null, response);
        }, function(err, responses) {
            return_response(request, responses, cb);
Example #30
 getRandomVulnerablePlayer: function () {
   var vulnerablePlayers = [];
   vulnerablePlayers = _.filter(this._players, function (player){
     return player.getVulnerability();
   return _.sample(vulnerablePlayers);