Example #1
  process.argv.some(function(value) {
    var categories = value.match(/^category=(.*)$/);
    if (!categories) {
      return false;
    // resolve method names belonging to each category
    var categoryMethods = categories.reduce(function(result, category) {
      return result.concat(allMethods.filter(function(funcName) {
        return RegExp('@category ' + category + '\\b', 'i').test(matchFunction(source, funcName));
    }, []);

    if (filterType == 'exclude') {
      // remove excluded methods from `categoryMethods`
      includeMethods = lodash.without.apply(lodash, [categoryMethods].concat(excludeMethods));
    else if (filterType) {
      // merge backbone dependencies into `includeMethods`
      includeMethods = lodash.union(includeMethods, categoryMethods);
    else {
      // include only the Backbone dependencies
      includeMethods = categoryMethods;

    filterType = 'include';
    return true;
Example #2
;(function() {
  'use strict';

  /** The Node filesystem and path modules */
  var fs = require('fs'),
      path = require('path');

  /** Load other modules */
  var lodash = require(path.join(__dirname, 'lodash')),
      minify = require(path.join(__dirname, 'build', 'minify'));

  /** Shortcut used to convert array-like objects to arrays */
  var slice = [].slice;

  /** The lodash.js source */
  var source = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'lodash.js'), 'utf8');

  /** Used to associate aliases with their real names */
  var aliasToRealMap = {
    'all': 'every',
    'any': 'some',
    'collect': 'map',
    'detect': 'find',
    'each': 'forEach',
    'foldl': 'reduce',
    'foldr': 'reduceRight',
    'head': 'first',
    'include': 'contains',
    'inject': 'reduce',
    'methods': 'functions',
    'select': 'filter',
    'tail': 'rest',
    'take': 'first',
    'unique': 'uniq'

  /** Used to associate real names with their aliases */
  var realToAliasMap = {
    'contains': ['include'],
    'every': ['all'],
    'filter': ['select'],
    'find': ['detect'],
    'first': ['head', 'take'],
    'forEach': ['each'],
    'functions': ['methods'],
    'map': ['collect'],
    'reduce': ['foldl', 'inject'],
    'reduceRight': ['foldr'],
    'rest': ['tail'],
    'some': ['any'],
    'uniq': ['unique']

  /** Used to track Backbone's Lo-Dash dependencies */
  var backboneDependencies = [

  /** Used to track function dependencies */
  var dependencyMap = {
    'after': [],
    'bind': [],
    'bindAll': ['bind', 'functions'],
    'chain': ['mixin'],
    'clone': ['extend', 'isArray'],
    'compact': [],
    'compose': [],
    'contains': [],
    'debounce': [],
    'defaults': [],
    'defer': [],
    'delay': [],
    'difference': ['indexOf'],
    'escape': [],
    'every': ['identity'],
    'extend': [],
    'filter': ['identity'],
    'find': [],
    'first': [],
    'flatten': ['isArray'],
    'forEach': [],
    'forIn': [],
    'forOwn': [],
    'functions': [],
    'groupBy': [],
    'has': [],
    'identity': [],
    'indexOf': ['sortedIndex'],
    'initial': [],
    'intersection': ['every', 'indexOf'],
    'invoke': [],
    'isArguments': [],
    'isArray': [],
    'isBoolean': [],
    'isDate': [],
    'isElement': [],
    'isEmpty': [],
    'isEqual': [],
    'isFinite': [],
    'isFunction': [],
    'isNaN': [],
    'isNull': [],
    'isNumber': [],
    'isObject': [],
    'isRegExp': [],
    'isString': [],
    'isUndefined': [],
    'keys': [],
    'last': [],
    'lastIndexOf': [],
    'map': ['identity'],
    'max': [],
    'memoize': [],
    'min': [],
    'mixin': ['forEach', 'functions'],
    'noConflict': [],
    'once': [],
    'partial': [],
    'pick': [],
    'pluck': [],
    'range': [],
    'reduce': [],
    'reduceRight': ['keys'],
    'reject': ['identity'],
    'rest': [],
    'result': [],
    'shuffle': [],
    'size': ['keys'],
    'some': ['identity'],
    'sortBy': [],
    'sortedIndex': ['bind'],
    'tap': [],
    'template': ['escape'],
    'throttle': [],
    'times': [],
    'toArray': ['values'],
    'union': ['indexOf'],
    'uniq': ['identity', 'indexOf'],
    'uniqueId': [],
    'values': [],
    'without': ['indexOf'],
    'wrap': [],
    'zip': ['max', 'pluck']

  /** Collections of method names */
  var excludeMethods,
      allMethods = Object.keys(dependencyMap);

  /** Used to specify whether filtering is for exclusion or inclusion */
  var filterType = process.argv.reduce(function(result, value) {
    if (result) {
      return result;
    var pair = value.match(/^(exclude|include)=(.*)$/);
    if (!pair) {
      return result;
    // remove nonexistent method names
    var methodNames = lodash.intersection(allMethods, pair[2].split(/, */).map(getRealName));

    if (pair[1] == 'exclude') {
      excludeMethods = methodNames;
    } else {
      includeMethods = methodNames;
    // return `filterType`
    return pair[1];
  }, '');

  /** Flag used to specify a backbone build */
  var isBackbone = process.argv.indexOf('backbone') > -1;

  /** Flag used to specify a mobile build */
  var isMobile = process.argv.indexOf('mobile') > -1;


   * Gets the aliases associated with a given `funcName`.
   * @private
   * @param {String} funcName The name of the function to get aliases for.
   * @returns {Array} Returns an array of aliases.
  function getAliases(funcName) {
    return realToAliasMap[funcName] || [];

   * Gets an array of depenants for a function by the given `funcName`.
   * @private
   * @param {String} funcName The name of the function to query.
   * @returns {Array} Returns an array of function dependants.
  function getDependants(funcName) {
    // iterate over `dependencyMap`, adding the names of functions that
    // have `funcName` as a dependency
    return lodash.reduce(dependencyMap, function(result, dependencies, otherName) {
      if (lodash.contains(dependencies, funcName)) {
      return result;
    }, []);

   * Gets an array of dependencies for a given function name. If passed an array
   * of dependencies it will return an array containing the given dependencies
   * plus any additional detected sub-dependencies.
   * @private
   * @param {Array|String} funcName A single function name or array of
   *  dependencies to query.
   * @returns {Array} Returns an array of function dependencies.
  function getDependencies(funcName) {
    var dependencies = Array.isArray(funcName) ? funcName : dependencyMap[funcName];
    if (!dependencies) {
      return [];
    // recursively accumulate the dependencies of the `funcName` function, and
    // the dependencies of its dependencies, and so on.
    return lodash.uniq(dependencies.reduce(function(result, otherName) {
      result.push.apply(result, getDependencies(otherName).concat(otherName));
      return result;
    }, []));

   * Gets the real name, not alias, of a given `funcName`.
   * @private
   * @param {String} funcName The name of the function to resolve.
   * @returns {String} Returns the real name.
  function getRealName(funcName) {
    return aliasToRealMap[funcName] || funcName;

   * Determines if all functions of the given names have been removed from `source`.
   * @private
   * @param {String} source The source to inspect.
   * @param {String} [funcName1, funcName2, ...] The names of functions to check.
   * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if all functions have been removed, else `false`.
  function isRemoved(source) {
    return slice.call(arguments, 1).every(function(funcName) {
      return !matchFunction(source, funcName);

   * Searches `source` for a `funcName` function declaration, expression, or
   * assignment and returns the matched snippet.
   * @private
   * @param {String} source The source to inspect.
   * @param {String} funcName The name of the function to match.
   * @returns {String} Returns the matched function snippet.
  function matchFunction(source, funcName) {
    var result = source.match(RegExp(
      // match multi-line comment block (could be on a single line)
      '\\n +/\\*[^*]*\\*+(?:[^/][^*]*\\*+)*/\\n' +
      // begin non-capturing group
      '(?:' +
      // match a function declaration
      '( +)function ' + funcName + '\\b[\\s\\S]+?\\n\\1}|' +
      // match a variable declaration with `createIterator`
      ' +var ' + funcName + ' *=.*?createIterator\\((?:{|[a-zA-Z])[\\s\\S]+?\\);|' +
      // match a variable declaration with function expression
      '( +)var ' + funcName + ' *=.*?function[\\s\\S]+?\\n\\2};' +
      // end non-capturing group

    return result ? result[0] : '';

   * Removes the all references to `refName` from the `createIterator` source.
   * @private
   * @param {String} source The source to process.
   * @param {String} refName The name of the reference to remove.
   * @returns {String} Returns the modified source.
  function removeFromCreateIterator(source, refName) {
    var snippet = matchFunction(source, 'createIterator').match(/Function\([\s\S]+$/)[0],
        modified = snippet.replace(RegExp('\\b' + refName + '\\b,? *', 'g'), '');

    return source.replace(snippet, modified);

   * Removes the `funcName` function declaration, expression, or assignment and
   * associated code from `source`.
   * @private
   * @param {String} source The source to process.
   * @param {String} funcName The name of the function to remove.
   * @returns {String} Returns the source with the function removed.
  function removeFunction(source, funcName) {
    var modified,
        snippet = matchFunction(source, funcName);

    // exit early if function is not found
    if (!snippet) {
      return source;
    // remove function
    source = source.replace(matchFunction(source, funcName), '');

    // grab the method assignments snippet
    snippet = source.match(/lodash\.VERSION *= *[\s\S]+?\/\*-+\*\/\n/)[0];

    // remove assignment and aliases
    modified = getAliases(funcName).concat(funcName).reduce(function(result, otherName) {
      return result.replace(RegExp('(?:\\n *//.*\\s*)* *lodash\\.' + otherName + ' *= *.+\\n'), '');
    }, snippet);

    // replace with the modified snippet
    source = source.replace(snippet, modified);

    return removeFromCreateIterator(source, funcName);

   * Removes the `_.isArguments` fallback from `source`.
   * @private
   * @param {String} source The source to process.
   * @returns {String} Returns the source with the `isArguments` fallback removed.
  function removeIsArgumentsFallback(source) {
    return source.replace(/(?: *\/\/.*)*\s*if *\(!isArguments[^)]+\)[\s\S]+?};?\s*}\n/, '');

   * Removes a given variable from `source`.
   * @private
   * @param {String} source The source to process.
   * @param {String} varName The name of the variable to remove.
   * @returns {String} Returns the source with the variable removed.
  function removeVar(source, varName) {
    source = source.replace(RegExp(
      // begin non-capturing group
      '(?:' +
      // match multi-line comment block
      '(?:\\n +/\\*[^*]*\\*+(?:[^/][^*]*\\*+)*/)?\\n' +
      // match a variable declaration that's not part of a declaration list
      '( +)var ' + varName + ' *= *(?:.*?;|(?:Function\\(.+?|.*?[^,])\\n[\\s\\S]+?\\n\\1.+?;)\\n|' +
      // match a variable in a declaration list
      '\\n +' + varName + ' *=.*?,' +
      // end non-capturing group
    ), '');

    // remove a varaible at the start of a variable declaration list
    source = source.replace(RegExp('(var +)' + varName + ' *=.+?,\\s+'), '$1');

    // remove a variable at the end of a variable declaration list
    source = source.replace(RegExp(',\\s*' + varName + ' *=.*?;'), ';');

    return removeFromCreateIterator(source, varName);

   * Removes non-syntax critical whitespace from a string.
   * @private
   * @param {String} source The source to process.
   * @returns {String} Returns the source with whitespace removed.
  function removeWhitespace(source) {
    return source.replace(/\[object |else if|function | in |return\s+[\w']|throw |typeof |var |@ |\\\\n|\\n|\s+/g, function(match) {
      return match == false || match == '\\n' ? '' : match;


  // Backbone build
  if (isBackbone) {
    // add any additional dependencies
    backboneDependencies = getDependencies(backboneDependencies);

    if (filterType == 'exclude') {
      // remove excluded methods from `backboneDependencies`
      includeMethods = lodash.without.apply(lodash, [backboneDependencies].concat(excludeMethods));
    else if (filterType) {
      // merge backbone dependencies into `includeMethods`
      includeMethods = lodash.union(includeMethods, backboneDependencies);
    else {
      // include only the Backbone dependencies
      includeMethods = backboneDependencies;
    filterType = 'include';


  // add category methods
  process.argv.some(function(value) {
    var categories = value.match(/^category=(.*)$/);
    if (!categories) {
      return false;
    // resolve method names belonging to each category
    var categoryMethods = categories.reduce(function(result, category) {
      return result.concat(allMethods.filter(function(funcName) {
        return RegExp('@category ' + category + '\\b', 'i').test(matchFunction(source, funcName));
    }, []);

    if (filterType == 'exclude') {
      // remove excluded methods from `categoryMethods`
      includeMethods = lodash.without.apply(lodash, [categoryMethods].concat(excludeMethods));
    else if (filterType) {
      // merge backbone dependencies into `includeMethods`
      includeMethods = lodash.union(includeMethods, categoryMethods);
    else {
      // include only the Backbone dependencies
      includeMethods = categoryMethods;

    filterType = 'include';
    return true;


  // custom build
  (function() {
    // exit early if "exclude" or "include" options aren't specified
    if (!filterType) {
    if (filterType == 'exclude') {
      // remove methods that are named in `excludeMethods` and their dependants
      excludeMethods.forEach(function(funcName) {
        getDependants(funcName).concat(funcName).forEach(function(otherName) {
          source = removeFunction(source, otherName);
    else {
      // add dependencies to `includeMethods`
      includeMethods = getDependencies(includeMethods);

      // remove methods that aren't named in `includeMethods`
      lodash.each(allMethods, function(otherName) {
        if (!lodash.contains(includeMethods, otherName)) {
          source = removeFunction(source, otherName);

    // remove associated functions, variables and code snippets
    if (isRemoved(source, 'isArguments')) {
      source = removeIsArgumentsFallback(source);
    if (isRemoved(source, 'mixin')) {
      // remove `LoDash` constructor
      source = removeFunction(source, 'LoDash');
      // remove `LoDash` calls
      source = source.replace(/(?:new +LoDash(?!\()|(?:new +)?LoDash\([^)]*\));?/g, '');
      // remove `LoDash.prototype` additions
      source = source.replace(/(?:\s*\/\/.*)*\s*LoDash.prototype *=[\s\S]+?\/\*-+\*\//, '');
    if (isRemoved(source, 'template')) {
      // remove `templateSettings` assignment
      source = source.replace(/(?:\n +\/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^\/][^*]*\*+)*\/)?\n *lodash\.templateSettings[\s\S]+?};\n/, '');
    if (isRemoved(source, 'isArray', 'isEmpty', 'isEqual', 'size')) {
      source = removeVar(source, 'arrayClass');
    if (isRemoved(source, 'bind', 'functions', 'groupBy', 'invoke', 'isEqual', 'isFunction', 'result', 'sortBy', 'toArray')) {
      source = removeVar(source, 'funcClass');
    if (isRemoved(source, 'bind')) {
      source = removeVar(source, 'nativeBind');
    if (isRemoved(source, 'isArray')) {
      source = removeVar(source, 'nativeIsArray');
    if (isRemoved(source, 'keys')) {
      source = removeVar(source, 'nativeKeys');
    if (isRemoved(source, 'clone', 'isObject', 'keys')) {
      source = removeVar(source, 'objectTypes');
      source = removeFromCreateIterator(source, 'objectTypes');
    if (isRemoved(source, 'bind', 'isArray', 'keys')) {
      source = removeVar(source, 'reNative');
    if (isRemoved(source, 'isEmpty', 'isEqual', 'isString', 'size')) {
      source = removeVar(source, 'stringClass');

    // consolidate consecutive horizontal rule comment separators
    source = source.replace(/(?:\s*\/\*-+\*\/\s*){2,}/g, function(separators) {
      return separators.match(/^\s*/)[0] + separators.slice(separators.lastIndexOf('/*'));


  if (isMobile) {
    // inline functions defined with `createIterator`
    lodash.functions(lodash).forEach(function(funcName) {
      // match `funcName` with pseudo private `_` prefixes removed to allow matching `shimKeys`
      var reFunc = RegExp('(\\bvar ' + funcName.replace(/^_/, '') + ' *= *)createIterator\\(((?:{|[a-zA-Z])[\\s\\S]+?)\\);\\n');

      // skip if not defined with `createIterator`
      if (!reFunc.test(source)) {
      // extract and format the function's code
      var code = (lodash[funcName] + '').replace(/\n(?:.*)/g, function(match) {
        match = match.slice(1);
        return (match == '}' ? '\n  ' : '\n    ') + match;

      source = source.replace(reFunc, '$1' + code + ';\n');

    source = removeIsArgumentsFallback(source);

    source = removeVar(source, 'iteratorTemplate');

    // remove JScript [[DontEnum]] fix from `isEqual`
    source = source.replace(/(?:\s*\/\/.*\n)*( +)if *\(result *&& *hasDontEnumBug[\s\S]+?\n\1}/, '');

    // remove IE `shift` and `splice` fix
    source = source.replace(/(?:\s*\/\/.*\n)*( +)if *\(value.length *=== *0[\s\S]+?\n\1}/, '');
  else {
    // inline `iteratorTemplate` template
    source = source.replace(/(( +)var iteratorTemplate *= *)([\s\S]+?\n\2.+?);\n/, (function() {
      // extract `iteratorTemplate` code
      var code = /^function[^{]+{([\s\S]+?)}$/.exec(lodash._iteratorTemplate)[1];

      code = removeWhitespace(code)
        // remove unnecessary code
        .replace(/\|\|\{\}|,__t,__j=Array.prototype.join|function print[^}]+}|\+''/g, '')
        .replace(/(\{);|;(\})/g, '$1$2')
        .replace(/\(\(__t=\(([^)]+)\)\)==null\?'':__t\)/g, '$1')
        // ensure escaped characters are interpreted correctly in the string literal
        .replace(/\\/g, '\\\\');

      // add `code` to `Function()` as a string literal to avoid strict mode
      // errors caused by the required with-statement
      return '$1Function(\'obj\',\n$2  "' + code + '"\n$2);\n';


  // remove pseudo private properties
  source = source.replace(/(?:(?:\s*\/\/.*)*\s*lodash\._[^=]+=.+\n)+/g, '\n');

  // begin the minification process
  if (filterType || isBackbone || isMobile) {
    fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'lodash.custom.js'), source);
    minify(source, 'lodash.custom.min', function(result) {
      fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'lodash.custom.min.js'), result);
  else {
    minify(source, 'lodash.min', function(result) {
      fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'lodash.min.js'), result);