Example #1
 gitfs.readObject(commit.tree, function(err, tree) {
   gitfs.readObject(tree['FrontPage'], function(err, blob) {
     if (err) throw err;
     assert.equal(blob, givenCommit.files['FrontPage']);
Example #2
      gitfs.readObject(commitId, function(err, commit) {
        assert.equal(commit.author.name, givenCommit.user.name);
        assert.equal(commit.author.email, givenCommit.user.email);
        assert.equal(commit.author.timezone, givenCommit.user.timezone);

        assert.equal(commit.committer.name, givenCommit.user.name);
        assert.equal(commit.committer.email, givenCommit.user.email);
        assert.equal(commit.committer.timezone, givenCommit.user.timezone);

        assert.equal(commit.message, givenCommit.message);
        gitfs.readObject(commit.tree, function(err, tree) {
          gitfs.readObject(tree['FrontPage'], function(err, blob) {
            if (err) throw err;
            assert.equal(blob, givenCommit.files['FrontPage']);
exports.printFolder = function (objectExp, dirnameO, debug, objectInterfaceFolder, objectLookup, version) {
    var resText = "<!DOCTYPE html>" +
        "<html>" +
        "<head>" +
        "<meta charset=='utf-8'>" +
        "<link rel='stylesheet' href='../libraries/css/bootstrap.min.css'>" +
        '   <script src="../libraries/js/dropzone.js"></script>\n' +
        '    <style>\n' +
        '        #total-progress {\n' +
        '            opacity: 0;\n' +
        '            transition: opacity 0.3s linear;\n' +
        '        }\n' +
        '    </style>\n' +
            // "<link rel='stylesheet' href='http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css'>"+
        "</head>" +
        '<body style="height: 100%; weight: 100%; background-color: #ffffff;">' +//  background:repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, #e4f6ff, #e4f6ff 5px, white 5px, white 10px);" >\n'+
        "<div class='container' style='width: 750px;height:100vh;'>" +

        "<div class='panel panel-primary'>" +
        "<div class='panel-heading'>" +
        "<h3 class='panel-title'><font size='6'>Hybrid Object - Administration</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Version: "+version+"</h3> " +
        "</div>" +

        "</div>" +
        "<ul class='list-group'>";

    var tempFiles = "";
    var objectPath = dirnameO + "/objects";
    var tempFiles = fs.readdirSync(objectPath).filter(function (file) {
        return fs.statSync(objectPath + '/' + file).isDirectory();

    if (debug) {
        console.log("----------------------- objects");
        for (var keykey in objectExp) {

        console.log("----------------------- objects");
        for (var keykey in objectExp) {

        console.log("----------------------- object lookup");

        for (var keykey in objectLookup) {
            console.log(keykey + " = " + JSON.stringify(objectLookup[keykey]));
        console.log("----------------------- end" + Math.random());
    // remove hidden directories
    if (typeof tempFiles[0] !== "undefined") {
        while (tempFiles[0][0] === ".") {
            tempFiles.splice(0, 1);

        for (var i = 0; i < tempFiles.length; i++) {
            resText += "<li class='list-group-item'>" +
                "<div class='row'>" +
                "<div class='col-xs-4'>" +
                "<font size='5'>" + tempFiles[i] + "</font>" +
                "</div>" +
                "<div class='col-xs-8 text-right' style='' >";

            if (objectExp.hasOwnProperty(HybridObjectsUtilities.readObject(objectLookup, tempFiles[i])) && fs.existsSync(objectPath + "/" + tempFiles[i] + "/target/target.xml")) {
                resText +=
                    "<button  class='btn btn-info' onclick=\"window.location.href='/info/" + tempFiles[i] + "'\" > Info</button> ";
            } else {
                resText +=
                    "<button  class='btn btn-info' disabled='disabled'>Info</button> ";

            resText += "<button  class='";
            if (fs.existsSync(objectPath + '/' + tempFiles[i] + "/target/target.dat") && fs.existsSync(objectPath + '/' + tempFiles[i] + "/target/target.xml") && fs.existsSync(objectPath + '/' + tempFiles[i] + "/target/target.jpg")) {
                resText += "btn btn-success";
            } else {
                resText += "btn btn-primary";

            resText += "' onclick=\"window.location.href='/target/" + tempFiles[i] + "'\">Add Target</button> " +
                "<button  class='";

            if (fs.existsSync(objectPath + '/' + tempFiles[i] + "/index.htm") || fs.existsSync(objectPath + '/' + tempFiles[i] + "/index.html")) {

                if (fs.existsSync(objectPath + '/' + tempFiles[i] + "/target/target.dat") && fs.existsSync(objectPath + '/' + tempFiles[i] + "/target/target.xml")&& fs.existsSync(objectPath + '/' + tempFiles[i] + "/target/target.jpg")) {
                    resText += "btn btn-success";
                else {
                    resText += "btn btn-warning";
            } else {
                resText += "btn btn-primary";

            resText += "' onclick=\"window.location.href='/content/" + tempFiles[i] + "'\">Add Interface</button> " +

                    // "</div>"+
                    // "<div class='col-xs-3'>"+

                    // " <div>" +
                ' <button  class="btn btn-default" onclick="window.location.href=\'/object/' + tempFiles[i] + '/zipBackup/\'"' + tempFiles[i] + '\'" > ' +

                'Download' +
                '</button> ' +
                " <form  style='display: inline; background-color: #bde9ba;' id='delete" + i + "' action='" + objectInterfaceFolder + "' method='post' style='margin: 0px; padding: 0px'>" +
                "<input type='hidden' name='folder' value='" + tempFiles[i] + "'>" +
                "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='delete'>" +
                " <input type='submit'  class='btn btn-danger' value='Delete' onclick=\"return confirm('Do you really want to delete the object " + tempFiles[i] + "?')\"> " +
                "</form>" +
                    //" </div>"+
                "</div>" +



    resText +=
        "</ul><div class='row'>" +
        "<form id='newFolderForm' action='" + objectInterfaceFolder + "' method='post' style='display:inline'>" +
        "<div class='col-xs-5'>" +
        "<input type='text' class='form-control' name='folder' id='folder' placeholder='New Object Name'/>" +
        "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='new'>" +
        "</div>" +
        "<div class='col-xs-4' style='display: inline'>" +
        "<button  class='btn btn-warning'>Create New Hybrid Object</button> " +
        "</div>" +
        "</form>" +
        "<div class='col-xs-2' style='display: inline'>" +
        '        <span class="btn btn-default fileinput-button" id="targetButton">' +
        '            <span>' +

        'Upload Object' +

        '</span>' +
        '        </span>' +

        ' <br><br><span class="fileupload-process">' +
        '          <div id="total-progress" class="progress progress-striped active" role="progressbar" aria-valuemin="0"' +
        '               aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="0">' +
        '              <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width:100%;" data-dz-uploadprogress></div>' +
        '          </div>' +
        '        </span>' +
        "</div>" +

        '    <div class="table table-striped" class="files" id="previews" style="display: none">' +
        '        <div id="template" class="file-row">' +
        '        </div>' +
        '    </div>' +
        "</div>" +

            // "<span class='badge' style='background-color: #d58512;'>upload default files</span>"+

        '    <script>' +
        '        var previewNode = document.querySelector("#template");' +
        '        previewNode.id = "";' +
        '        var previewTemplate = previewNode.parentNode.innerHTML;' +
        '        previewNode.parentNode.removeChild(previewNode);' +
        '        var myDropzone = new Dropzone(document.body, {' +
        '            url: "/backup",' +
        '            autoProcessQueue: true,' +
        '            thumbnailWidth: 80,' +
        'headers: { "type": "objectUpload" },'+
        '            thumbnailHeight: 80,' +
        '            parallelUploads: 20,' +
        '            createImageThumbnails: false,' +
        '            previewTemplate: previewTemplate,' +
        '            autoQueue: true,' +
        '            previewsContainer: "#previews",' +
        '            clickable: ".fileinput-button"' +
        '        });' +
        '        myDropzone.on("addedfile", function (file) {' +
        '           ' +
        '           ' +
        '        });' +
        '        myDropzone.on("drop", function (file) {' +
        '           ' +
        '            myDropzone.enqueueFiles(myDropzone.getFilesWithStatus(Dropzone.ADDED));' +
        '        });' +
        '        ' +
        '        myDropzone.on("totaluploadprogress", function (progress) {' +
        '            document.querySelector("#total-progress").style.width = progress + "%";' +
        '        });' +
        '        myDropzone.on("sending", function (file) {' +
        '           ' +
        '            document.querySelector("#total-progress").style.opacity = "1";' +
        '           ' +
        '            ' +
        '        });' +
        '        ' +
        '        myDropzone.on("queuecomplete", function (progress) {' +
            //'        document.querySelector("#total-progress").style.opacity = "0";'+
            // '        document.getElementById("targetButton").className = "btn btn-success fileinput-button";'+
        '    });' +

        '      myDropzone.on("success", function (file, responseText) {' +
        '   console.log(responseText );  if(responseText  === "done") {     document.querySelector("#total-progress").style.opacity = "0"; ' +
            // '        document.getElementById("targetButton").className = "btn btn-success fileinput-button";'+
        'location.reload();' +
        '}' +
        '    });' +
        '    </script>';

    resText += "</body></html>";
    return resText;

exports.uploadTargetText = function (parm, objectLookup, objectExp) {
    if(debug) console.log("target content");
    var objectName = "";
    if (objectExp.hasOwnProperty(HybridObjectsUtilities.readObject(objectLookup, parm))) {

        objectName = HybridObjectsUtilities.readObject(objectLookup, parm);
    } else {
        objectName = parm + HybridObjectsUtilities.uuidTime();

    var text = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
        '<html>\n' +
        '<head>\n' +
        '   <meta charset="utf-8">\n' +
        '   <link rel="stylesheet" href="../libraries/css/bootstrap.min.css">\n' +
        '   <link rel="stylesheet" href="../libraries/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css">\n' +
        '   <script src="../libraries/js/dropzone.js"></script>\n' +
        '    <style>\n' +
        '        #total-progress {\n' +
        '            opacity: 0;\n' +
        '            transition: opacity 0.3s linear;\n' +
        '        }\n' +
        '    </style>\n' +
        '</head>\n' +
        '<body style="height:100vh; weight: 100%; background-color: #ffffff;  background:repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, #e4f6ff, #e4f6ff 5px, white 5px, white 10px);" >\n' +
        '<div class="container" id="container" style="width: 750px;">\n' +
        '    <div class="panel panel-primary">\n' +
        '        <div class="panel-heading">\n' +
        '            <h3 class="panel-title"><font size="6">Hybrid Object - ' + parm + ' - Target&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="../" style=" color: #ffffff; text-decoration: underline;">back</a></font></h3>\n' +
        '        </div>\n' +
        '    </div>\n' +
        '    <div id="actions" class="row">\n' +
        '        <div class="col-xs-7">\n' +
            '  <b>1. Upload your target source image (jpg only, < 0.5 MB)</b><br>' +
        '            2. Login to the Vuforia Target Manager.<br>' +
        '            3. Create a new or open a Device Databases.<br>' +
        '            4. Create a target for your Object and name it exactly:<br><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + objectName + '</b><br>' +
        '            5. Make sure that only this one Target is Activated.<br>' +
        '            6. Download the database and then upload it here:<br>' +
        '            (You can just drag and drop the files anywhere in the striped area)' +
        '        </div>' +
        '        <div class="col-xs-5">' +
        '            ' +
        '            <button class="btn btn-info" id="copy-button" data-clipboard-text="' + objectName + '"' +
        '                    title="Click to copy me.">Copy Object Name to Clipboard' +
        '            </button>' +
        '    <script src="../libraries/js/ZeroClipboard.js"></script>' +
        '    <script>' +
        '    var client = new ZeroClipboard( document.getElementById("copy-button") );' +
        '</script>' +
        '            <br><br><span class="fileupload-process">' +
        '          <div id="total-progress" class="progress progress-striped active" role="progressbar" aria-valuemin="0"' +
        '               aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="0">' +
        '              <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width:100%;" data-dz-uploadprogress></div>' +
        '          </div>' +
        '        </span>' +
        '        <span class="btn btn-primary fileinput-button" id="targetButton">' +
        '            <span>&nbsp;Upload Target zip and jpg Files&nbsp;</span>' +
        '        </span>' +
        '        </div>' +
        '    </div>' +
        '    <div class="table table-striped" class="files" id="previews" style="visibility: hidden">' +
        '        <div id="template" class="file-row">' +
        '        </div>' +
        '    </div>' +
        '    <script>' +
        '        var previewNode = document.querySelector("#template");' +
        '        previewNode.id = "";' +
        '        var previewTemplate = previewNode.parentNode.innerHTML;' +
        '        previewNode.parentNode.removeChild(previewNode);' +
        '        var myDropzone = new Dropzone(document.body, {' +
        '            url: "/content/' + parm + '",' +
        '            autoProcessQueue: true,' +
        '            thumbnailWidth: 80,' +
        '            thumbnailHeight: 80,' +
        'headers: { "type": "targetUpload" },'+
        '            parallelUploads: 20,' +
        '            createImageThumbnails: false,' +
        '            previewTemplate: previewTemplate,' +
        '            autoQueue: true,' +
        '            previewsContainer: "#previews",' +
        '            clickable: ".fileinput-button"' +
        '        });' +
        '        myDropzone.on("addedfile", function (file) {' +
        '           ' +
        '           ' +
        '        });' +
        '        myDropzone.on("drop", function (file) {' +
        '           ' +
        '            myDropzone.enqueueFiles(myDropzone.getFilesWithStatus(Dropzone.ADDED));' +
        '        });' +
        '        ' +
        '        myDropzone.on("totaluploadprogress", function (progress) {' +
        '            document.querySelector("#total-progress").style.width = progress + "%";' +
        '        });' +
        '        myDropzone.on("sending", function (file) {' +
        '           ' +
        '            document.querySelector("#total-progress").style.opacity = "1";' +
        '           ' +
        '            ' +
        '        });' +
        '        ' +
        '        myDropzone.on("queuecomplete", function (progress) {' +

        '    });' +

        '       myDropzone.on("success", function (file, responseText) {' +
        '   if(responseText  === "done") {      document.querySelector("#total-progress").style.opacity = "0"; ' +
        '        document.getElementById("targetButton").className = "btn btn-success fileinput-button";' +
            // 'location.reload();' +
        '}' +
        '    });' +
        '    </script>' +
        '</div>' +
        '<iframe src="https://developer.vuforia.com/targetmanager/project/checkDeviceProjectsCreated?dataRequestedForUserId=" width="100%" height="1000px" style="left: 15px; position:absolute; width: calc(100% - 30px); background-color: #ffffff; " frameborder="0"></iframe>' +
        '</body>' +
        '</html>' +


    return text;

exports.uploadInfoContent = function (parm, objectLookup, objectExp, knownObjects, socketsInfo) {
    var objectName = HybridObjectsUtilities.readObject(objectLookup, parm); //parm + thisMacAddress;

    var uploadInfoTexttempArray = objectExp[objectName].objectLinks;
    var uploadInfoTexttempArrayValue = objectExp[objectName].objectValues;

    var ArduinoINstance = 0;

    // objectExp[objectName]

    for (subKey in objectExp) {
        if (subKey === objectName) {
    var text =
        '<div id="actions" class="row">\n' +
        '    <div class="col-xs-6">\n' +
        '       <table class="table table-striped">\n' +
        '            <thead>\n' +
        '          <tr>\n' +
        '            <th class="info">Index</th>\n' +
        '            <th class="info">I/O Name</th>\n' +
        '            <th class="info">Value</th>\n' +
        '        </tr>\n' +
        '        </thead>\n' +
        '        <tbody>\n';

    infoCount = 0;
    for (subKey in uploadInfoTexttempArrayValue) {
        text += "<tr> <td>" + infoCount + "</td><td>" + subKey + "</td><td>" + uploadInfoTexttempArrayValue[subKey].value + "</td></tr>";

    if (infoCount === 0) {
        text += "<tr> <td> - </td><td> - </td></tr>";

    text +=
        '        </tbody>\n' +
        '    </table>\n' +
        '</div>\n' +
        '<div class="col-xs-6">\n' +
        '    <table class="table table-striped">\n' +
        '        <thead>\n' +
        '        <tr>\n' +
        '            <th class="info">General Info</th>\n' +
        '            <th class="info"></th>\n' +
        '        </tr>\n' +
        '        </thead>\n' +
        '        <tbody>\n' +
        /*     '<tr>\n'+
         '            <th scope="row">Arduino Instance</th>\n'+
         '            <td>'+ArduinoINstance+'</td>\n'+
         '        </tr>\n'+*/
        '        <tr>\n' +
        '            <th scope="row">ip</th>\n' +
        '            <td>' + objectExp[objectName].ip + '</td>\n' +
        '        </tr>\n' +
        '        <tr>\n' +
        '            <th scope="row">version</th>\n' +
        '            <td>' + objectExp[objectName].version + '</td>\n' +
        '        </tr>\n' +
        '        <tr>\n' +
        '            <th scope="row">sockets</th>\n' +
        '            <td>' + socketsInfo.sockets + '</td>\n' +
        '        </tr>\n' +
        '        <tr>\n' +
        '            <th scope="row">connected</th>\n' +
        '            <td>' + socketsInfo.connected + '</td>\n' +
        '        </tr>\n' +
        '        <tr>\n' +
        '            <th scope="row">notConnected</th>\n' +
        '            <td>' + socketsInfo.notConnected + '</td>\n' +
        '        </tr>\n' +
        '        </tbody>\n' +
        '    </table>\n' +
        '    <table class="table table-striped">\n' +
        '        <thead>\n' +
        '        <tr>\n' +
        '            <th class="info">Known Objects</th>\n' +
        '            <th class="info"> </th>\n' +
        '        </tr>\n' +
        '        </thead>\n' +
        '        <tbody>\n';

    infoCount = 0;
    for (subKey in knownObjects) {
        text += '<tr><td>' + subKey + '</td><td>' + knownObjects[subKey] + '</td></tr>';

    if (infoCount === 0) {
        text += "<tr> <td>no Object found</td><td> </td></tr>";

    text +=
        '        </tbody>\n' +
        '    </table>\n' +
        '</div>\n' +
        ' </div>\n' +

        ' <div id="actions" class="row">\n' +
        '<div class="col-xs-6">\n' +

        '   </div>\n' +
        ' </div>\n' +

        ' <div id="actions" class="row">\n' +
        ' <div class="col-xs-12">\n' +
        '   <table class="table table-striped">\n' +
        '        <thead>\n' +
        '        <tr>\n' +
        '            <th class="info"><small>Active Link ID</small></th>\n' +
        '            <th class="info"><small>Origin Object</small></th>\n' +
        '            <th class="info"><small>Origin Possition</small></th>\n' +
        '            <th class="info"><small>Destination Object</small></td>\n' +
        '            <th class="info"><small>Destination Possition</small></th>\n' +
        '        </tr>\n' +
        '        </thead>\n' +
        '        <tbody>\n';

    infoCount = 0;
    for (subKey in uploadInfoTexttempArray) {
        text += '<tr> <td><font size="2">' + subKey + '</font></td><td><font size="2">' + uploadInfoTexttempArray[subKey].ObjectNameA + '</font></td><td><font size="2">' + uploadInfoTexttempArray[subKey].locationInA + '</font></td><td><font size="2">' + uploadInfoTexttempArray[subKey].ObjectNameB + '</font></td><td><font size="2">' + uploadInfoTexttempArray[subKey].locationInB + '</font></td></tr>\n';
            text += '<tr> <td><font size="2">' + subKey + '</font></td><td><font size="2">' + uploadInfoTexttempArray[subKey].ObjectA + '</font></td><td><font size="2">' + uploadInfoTexttempArray[subKey].locationInA + '</font></td><td><font size="2">' + uploadInfoTexttempArray[subKey].ObjectB + '</font></td><td><font size="2">' + uploadInfoTexttempArray[subKey].locationInB + '</font></td></tr>\n';


    if (infoCount === 0) {
        text += "<tr> <td>no Link found</td><td>  </td><td>  </td><td>  </td><td>  </td></tr>";

    text +=
        '        </tbody>\n' +
        '    </table>\n' +
        '</div>\n' +
        '</div>\n' +

    return text;

    // var tempFolderName = tempFiles[i] + macAddress.replace(/:/gi, '');

    // fill objectExp with objects named by the folders in objects
    // objectExp[tempFolderName] = new ObjectExp();
    // objectExp[tempFolderName].folder = tempFiles[i];
exports.uploadInfoText = function (parm, objectLookup, objectExp, knownObjects, socketsInfo) {
    var objectName = HybridObjectsUtilities.readObject(objectLookup, parm); //parm + thisMacAddress;

    var ArduinoINstance = 0;

    for (subKey in objectExp) {
        if (subKey === objectName) {
    var text = '<html>\n' +
        '<head>\n' +
        '    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../libraries/css/bootstrap.min.css">\n' +
        '    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../libraries/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css">\n' +
        '</head>\n' +
        '<body style="height:100vh; width: 100%">\n' +
        '<div class="container" id="container" style="width: 750px;">\n' +
        '    <div class="panel panel-primary">\n' +
        '<div class="panel-heading">\n' +
        '<h3 class="panel-title"><font size="6">Hybrid Object - ' + parm + ' - Info&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="../" style=" color: #ffffff; text-decoration: underline;">back</a></font></h3>\n' +
        '      </div>\n' +
        '</div>\n' +
'<div id="changeContent"></div>'+

'<script>' +

        '/*var myVar = setInterval(loadInfoContent, 100);*/' +
        'function loadInfoContent () {console.log("newtick");'+

   'var con = document.getElementById("changeContent")'+
    '    ,   xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'+

    'xhr.onreadystatechange = function (e) {'+
     '   if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {'+
      '      con.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;' +
        'setTimeout(loadInfoContent, 10);'+

       ' }'+
    '}; ' +
        'xhr.open("GET", "/infoLoadData/'+parm+'", true);'+
 '   xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/html");'+
  '  xhr.send();'+

        '</div>\n' +
        '</body>\n' +
        '</html>\n' +

    return text;

    // var tempFolderName = tempFiles[i] + macAddress.replace(/:/gi, '');

    // fill objectExp with objects named by the folders in objects
    // objectExp[tempFolderName] = new ObjectExp();
    // objectExp[tempFolderName].folder = tempFiles[i];