it_('should returns all suggestions for a given task along with the users that have voted on that task', function * () {
 	// populate the data
     var user = yield User.create(testUser);
     var user2 = yield User.create(testUser2);
     var trip = yield Trip.create(testTrip);
     var task = yield Task.create(testTask);
     var vote = yield Votes.addVote(0, 0);
     var vote1 = yield Votes.addVote(0, 1);
     var suggestion1 = yield Suggestion.create(getSuggestion(0, "one", 0, 0, "05/15/1983"));
     var suggestion2 = yield Suggestion.create(getSuggestion(1, "two", 0, 0, "05/16/1983"));
     var suggestion3 = yield Suggestion.create(getSuggestion(2, "three", 0, 0, "05/17/1983"));    
     var foundSuggestions = yield Suggestion.allOfTaskWithVotes(0);
     // confirm that the first suggestion comes back
     foundSuggestions[0].should.contain({id : 0});
     foundSuggestions[0].votes[0].should.contain({user_id : 0});
     foundSuggestions[0].votes[1].should.contain({user_id : 1});
     foundSuggestions[1].should.contain({id : 1});
     foundSuggestions[2].should.contain({id : 2});
TaskAPI.get('/:id_task/suggestions', function(request, response) {
  var id_task = request.params.id_task;
    .then(sendStatusAndData(response, 200))
    .catch(sendStatusAndError(response, 500, 'Server error getting suggestions by task id'))