Example #1
 res.forEach(function (field) {
     // Translate the initializer for the field into TS nodes.
     var exprNode = translator_1.translateExpression(field.initializer, _this.importManager);
     // Create a static property declaration for the new field.
     var property = ts.createProperty(undefined, [ts.createToken(ts.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword)], field.name, undefined, undefined, exprNode);
     field.statements.map(function (stmt) { return translator_1.translateStatement(stmt, _this.importManager); })
         .forEach(function (stmt) { return statements_1.push(stmt); });
 var fields = stmt.fields.map(function (field) { return ts.createProperty(
 /* decorators */ undefined, /* modifiers */ undefined, field.name, 
 /* questionToken */ undefined, 
 /* type */ undefined, ts.createNull()); });