Example #1
      name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
      path: '#:\\aaa',
      expected: false,
      name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
      path: 'C;\\aaa',
      expected: false,
      name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
      path: 'C:|aaa',
      expected: false,

function testfn_path_isAbsolute(testcase) {
  return path.isAbsolute(testcase.path);

function testfn_isAbsolute(testcase) {
  return isAbsolute(testcase.path);

testrun('#isAbsolute (path.isAbsolute)', testfn_path_isAbsolute, testcases);
testrun('#isAbsolute (isAbsolute)', testfn_isAbsolute, testcases);
Example #2
testrun('#resovle', testfn, [
    name: 'When argument type is not a string',
    cases: [
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ null ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', null ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', 'b', null ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ undefined ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', undefined ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', 'b', undefined ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 123 ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', 123 ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', 'b', 123 ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ true ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', true ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', 'b', true ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ false ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', false ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', 'b', false ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ [] ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', [] ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', 'b', [] ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ {} ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', {} ],
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.error}',
        paths: [ 'a', 'b', {} ],
        error: TypeError,
    name: 'When passing no argument => cwd',
    cases: [
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep),
    name: 'When passing an argument', 
    cases: [
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/' ],
        expected: currentRoot,
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '//' ],
        expected: currentRoot,
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '///' ],
        expected: currentRoot,
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '.' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '..' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.slice(0, -1).join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '...' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '...',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ './././' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ './/.///.////' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '//.///.////' ],
        expected: currentRoot,
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a/' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a//' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a/.' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a/b' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
          sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a/b/' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
          sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a//b' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
          sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a//b/' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
          sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a//b//' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
          sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a/b/.' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
          sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a/b/./' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
          sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/a' ],
        expected: currentRoot + 'a',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '//a' ],
        expected: currentRoot + 'a',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/./a' ],
        expected: currentRoot + 'a',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/a/' ],
        expected: currentRoot + 'a',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/a/.' ],
        expected: currentRoot + 'a',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/a/b' ],
        expected: currentRoot + 'a' + sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/a/b/' ],
        expected: currentRoot + 'a' + sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/a/./b' ],
        expected: currentRoot + 'a' + sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/./a/b' ],
        expected: currentRoot + 'a' + sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/a/b/.' ],
        expected: currentRoot + 'a' + sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '//a///b////.' ],
        expected: currentRoot + 'a' + sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '../..' ], 
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.slice(0, -2).join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '../../..' ], 
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.slice(0, -3).join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '..///.///..//..' ], 
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.slice(0, -3).join(sep),
    name: 'When passing multiple arguments',
    cases: [
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '', '' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '.', '' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '', '.' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '.', '.' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/', '' ],
        expected: currentRoot,
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '', '/' ],
        expected: currentRoot,
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '/', '.' ],
        expected: currentRoot,
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '.', '/' ],
        expected: currentRoot,
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ './', './' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '//', '///' ],
        expected: currentRoot,
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '..', '..' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.slice(0, -2).join(sep),
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '...', '...' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '...' +
          sep + '...',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a', '' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ '', 'b' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a', 'b' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
          sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a/', 'b/' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
          sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a///', 'b/.//./' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
          sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ './//a///', '././/./b/.//./' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
          sep + 'b',
        name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
        paths: [ 'a/b/c', 'd/e' ],
        expected: currentRoot + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
          ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'].join(sep),
    name: 'For windows',
    cases: [
        name: 'When passing an argument',
        cases: [
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\\\\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\\\\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '.\\.\\.\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '.\\.\\.\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '.\\\\.\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\\\.\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ 'a\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ 'a\\\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a\\\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ 'a\\.' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a\\.',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ 'a\\b' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
                sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a\\b',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ 'a\\b\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
                sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a\\b\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ 'a\\\\b' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
                sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a\\\\b',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ 'a\\\\b\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
                sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a\\\\b\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ 'a\\\\b\\\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
                sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a\\\\b\\\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ 'a\\b\\.' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
                sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a\\b\\.',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ 'a\\b\\.\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a' +
                sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + 'a\\b\\.\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\a' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + 'a',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\a',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\\\a' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + 'a',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\\\a',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\.\\a' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + 'a',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\.\\a',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\a\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + 'a',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\a\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\a\\.' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + 'a',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\a\\.',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\a\\b' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + 'a' + sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\a\\b',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\a\\b\\' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + 'a' + sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\a\\b\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\a\\.\\b' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + 'a' + sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\a\\.\\b',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\.\\a\\b' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + 'a' + sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\.\\a\\b',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\a\\b\\.' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + 'a' + sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\a\\b\\.',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '\\\\a\\\\\\b\\\\\\\\.' ],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + 'a' + sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '..\\..' ], 
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.slice(0, -2).join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '..\\..',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '..\\..\\..' ], 
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.slice(0, -3).join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '..\\..\\..',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [ '..\\\\\\.\\\\..\\\\..' ], 
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.slice(0, -3).join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
        name: 'When passing multiple arguments',
        cases: [
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['\\', ''],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['', '\\'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['\\', '.'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['.', '\\'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['.\\', '.\\'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                '.\\' + sep + '.\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['\\\\', '\\\\\\'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                '\\\\' + sep + '\\\\\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['a\\', 'b\\'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                'a' + sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                'a\\' + sep + 'b\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['a\\\\\\', 'b\\.\\\\.\\'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                'a' + sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                'a\\\\\\' + sep + 'b\\.\\\\.\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['.\\\\\\a\\\\\\', '.\\.\\\\.\\b\\.\\\\.\\'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                'a' + sep + 'b',
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                '.\\\\\\a\\\\\\' + sep + '.\\.\\\\.\\b\\.\\\\.\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['a\\b\\c', 'd\\e'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                'a\\b\\c' + sep + 'd\\e',
        name: 'When using a drive letter',
        cases: [
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [currentDrive],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + currentDrive,
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [currentDrive + '/'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + currentDrive,
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [currentDrive + '\\'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + currentDrive +
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['/' + currentDrive],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentDrive,
              otherwise: sep + currentDrive,
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['\\' + currentDrive],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentDrive,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\' +
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['/' + currentDrive + '//'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentDrive,
              otherwise: sep + currentDrive,
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: ['\\' + currentDrive + '\\\\'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentDrive,
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep + '\\' + 
                currentDrive + '\\\\',
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [currentDrive, 'a', 'b//cc'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                ['a', 'b', 'cc'].join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                [currentDrive, 'a', 'b', 'cc'].join(sep),
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [currentDrive + '/', 'a', 'b/cc'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + ['a', 'b', 'cc'].join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                [currentDrive, 'a', 'b', 'cc'].join(sep),
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [currentDrive + '\\', 'a', 'b\\cc'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + ['a', 'b', 'cc'].join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                [currentDrive + '\\', 'a', 'b\\cc'].join(sep),
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [currentDrive + '//', 'a', 'b//cc'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + ['a', 'b', 'cc'].join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                [currentDrive, 'a', 'b', 'cc'].join(sep),
            name: 'And ${testcase.paths} => ${testcase.expected}',
            paths: [currentDrive + '\\\\', 'a', 'b\\\\cc'],
            expected: testrun.byPlatform({
              win32: currentDrive + sep + ['a', 'b', 'cc'].join(sep),
              otherwise: sep + currentPaths.join(sep) + sep +
                [currentDrive + '\\\\', 'a', 'b\\\\cc'].join(sep),
Example #3
testrun('#extname', testfn, [
    name: 'When argument type is not a string',
    cases: [
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.error}',
        path: null,
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.error}',
        path: {},
        error: TypeError,
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.error}',
        path: 1234,
        error: TypeError,
    name: 'When path is no extension',
    cases: [
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: '.',
        expected: '',
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: '',
        expected: '',
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: 'aaa',
        expected: '',
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: 'aaa/bbb',
        expected: '',
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: 'aaa/bbb/ccc',
        expected: '',
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: './aaa',
        expected: '',
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: '../aaa',
        expected: '',
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: '.../aaa',
        expected: '',
    name: 'When path has an extension',
    cases: [
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: 'aaa.txt',
        expected: '.txt',
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: 'aaa/bbb.js',
        expected: '.js',
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: 'aaa/bbb/ccc.json',
        expected: '.json',
    name: 'When extension is "."',
    cases: [
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: 'aaa.',
        expected: '.',
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: 'aaa..',
        expected: '.',
    name: 'When path has multiple dots',
    cases: [
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: 'aaa.bbb.ccc',
        expected: '.ccc',
        name: 'And path is ${testcase.path} => ${testcase.expected}',
        path: 'aaa.bbb.ccc.',
        expected: '.',
Example #4
          otherwise: '../' + differentDrive.toLowerCase() + '\\',
        name: 'And from is ${testcase.from} and to is ${testcase.to} => ' +
        from: currentDrive + '\\',
        to: differentDrive + '\\',
        expected: testrun.byPlatform({
          win32: differentDrive + '\\',
          otherwise: '../' + differentDrive + '\\',
        name: 'And from is ${testcase.from} and to is ${testcase.to} => ' +
        from: differentDrive + '\\',
        to: currentDrive + '\\',
        expected: testrun.byPlatform({
          win32: currentDrive + '\\',
          otherwise: '../' + currentDrive + '\\',

testrun('#relative', function(testcase) {
  return path.relative(testcase.from, testcase.to);
}, testcases);