Example #1
 it('slices stream to length if one arg provided', function (done) {
   var things = [1,2,3,4,'7',{},6];
   var thingsStream = new ReadableArray(things);
   var slicedThingsStream = thingsStream.pipe(slice(3));
   var slicedThings = sliceArray.call(things, 3);
   assertStreams(slicedThingsStream, slicedThings, done);
Example #2
 it('slices stream to start, stop if two args provided', function (done) {
   var things = [1,2,3,4,'7',{},6];
   var thingsStream = new ReadableArray(things);
   var slicedThingsStream = thingsStream.pipe(slice(3,5));
   var slicedThings = sliceArray.call(things, 3, 5);
   assertStreams(slicedThingsStream, slicedThings, done);
Example #3

// Connect to a Personalized Stream on login
function onLogin(user) {
  // connect to sample stream, which will consistently pump activities
  sampleStream.connect(user.get('token'), 'sample');

  .forEach(function (data) {
    console.log('sample stream data', data)

// Get a 100 activities of all sorts
var activities = cycle(activityMocks.toArray())

// // Get just the subset of Livefyre ones
// var livefyreActivites = activities
//   .pipe(transform.filter(function (a) {
//     var actorId = a && a.actor && a.actor.id;
//     return actorId && /livefyre/.test(actorId);
//   }));

// Livefyre activites go in one feed
// livefyreActivities
//   .pipe(CustomActivityRenderer())
//   .forEach(function (el) {
//     collectionFeed.appendChild(el);
//   });