Example #1
			function renderThemeSheet( theme ) {
				const context = {};
				const store = createReduxStore();
				store.dispatch( {
					type: ThemesActionTypes.RECEIVE_THEME_DETAILS,
					themeId: theme.id,
					themeName: theme.name,
					themeAuthor: theme.author,
					themeScreenshot: theme.screenshot,
					themePrice: theme.price ? theme.price.display : undefined,
					themeDescription: theme.description,
					themeDescriptionLong: theme.description_long,
					themeSupportDocumentation: theme.extended ? theme.extended.support_documentation : undefined,
				} );

				store.dispatch( setSection( 'themes', { hasSidebar: false, isFullScreen: true } ) );
				context.initialReduxState = pick( store.getState(), 'ui', 'themes' );

				const primary = <ThemeDetails id={ theme.id }><ThemeSheet /></ThemeDetails>;

				const element = (
					<ReduxProvider store={ store }>
						<LayoutLoggedOut primary={ primary } />
				const path = url.parse( req.url ).path;
				const key = JSON.stringify( element ) + path + JSON.stringify( context.initialReduxState );
				Object.assign( context, render( element, key ) );
				return context;
Example #2
function getDefaultContext( request ) {
	var context = Object.assign( {}, request.context, {
		compileDebug: config( 'env' ) === 'development' ? true : false,
		urls: generateStaticUrls( request ),
		user: false,
		sanitize: sanitize,
		isRTL: config( 'rtl' ),
		isDebug: request.query.debug !== undefined ? true : false,
		badge: false,
		lang: config( 'i18n_default_locale_slug' ),
		jsFile: 'build',
		faviconURL: '//s1.wp.com/i/favicon.ico',
		isFluidWidth: !! config.isEnabled( 'fluid-width' ),
		abTestHelper: !! config.isEnabled( 'dev/test-helper' ),
		devDocsURL: '/devdocs',
		store: createReduxStore()
	} );

	context.app = {
		// use ipv4 address when is ipv4 mapped address
		clientIp: request.ip ? request.ip.replace( '::ffff:', '' ) : request.ip,
		isDebug: context.env === 'development' || context.isDebug,
		tinymceWpSkin: context.urls[ 'tinymce/skins/wordpress/wp-content.css' ],
		tinymceEditorCss: context.urls[ 'editor.css' ]

	if ( CALYPSO_ENV === 'wpcalypso' ) {
		context.badge = CALYPSO_ENV;
		context.devDocs = true;
		context.feedbackURL = 'https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso/issues/';
		context.faviconURL = '/calypso/images/favicons/favicon-wpcalypso.ico';

	if ( CALYPSO_ENV === 'horizon' ) {
		context.badge = 'feedback';
		context.feedbackURL = 'https://horizonfeedback.wordpress.com/';
		context.faviconURL = '/calypso/images/favicons/favicon-horizon.ico';

	if ( CALYPSO_ENV === 'stage' ) {
		context.badge = 'staging';
		context.feedbackURL = 'https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso/issues/';
		context.faviconURL = '/calypso/images/favicons/favicon-staging.ico';

	if ( CALYPSO_ENV === 'development' ) {
		context.badge = 'dev';
		context.devDocs = true;
		context.feedbackURL = 'https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso/issues/';
		context.faviconURL = '/calypso/images/favicons/favicon-development.ico';
		context.branchName = getCurrentBranchName();
		context.commitChecksum = getCurrentCommitShortChecksum();

	return context;
Example #3
// TODO: Maybe merge into getDefaultContext().
function getEnhancedContext( req ) {
	return Object.assign( {}, req.context, {
		isLoggedIn: req.cookies.wordpress_logged_in,
		isServerSide: true,
		path: req.url,
		pathname: req.path,
		params: req.params,
		query: req.query,
		store: createReduxStore()
	} );
Example #4
	function renderWithProps( props = defaultProps ) {
		const container = document.createElement( 'div' );
		const store = createReduxStore(),
			dom = ReactDom.render(
				<ReduxProvider store={ store }>
					<DomainList { ...props } />

		return TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType( dom, DomainList )[ 0 ];
Example #5
	function renderWithProps( props = defaultProps ) {
		const store = createReduxStore(),
			dom = ReactDom.render(
			<ReduxProvider store={ store }>
					{ ...props }

		return TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType( dom, DomainList )[ 0 ];
Example #6
	test( 'initial state should serialize and deserialize without errors or warnings', () => {
		const consoleErrorSpy = jest
			.spyOn( global.console, 'error' )
			.mockImplementation( () => () => {} );
		const consoleWarnSpy = jest
			.spyOn( global.console, 'warn' )
			.mockImplementation( () => () => {} );

		const initialState = createReduxStore().getState();

		reducer( reducer( initialState, { type: SERIALIZE } ), { type: DESERIALIZE } );

		expect( consoleErrorSpy ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
		expect( consoleWarnSpy ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
	} );
Example #7
const loadInitialState = addSympathy( initialState => {
	debug( 'loading initial state', initialState );
	if ( initialState === null ) {
		debug( 'no initial state found in localforage' );
		initialState = {};
	if ( initialState._timestamp && initialState._timestamp + MAX_AGE < Date.now() ) {
		debug( 'stored state is too old, building redux store from scratch' );
		initialState = {};
	const localforageState = deserialize( initialState );
	const serverState = getInitialServerState();
	const mergedState = Object.assign( {}, localforageState, serverState );
	return createReduxStore( mergedState );
} );
Example #8
		app.get( '/themes/:theme_slug', function( req, res ) {
			const context = getDefaultContext( req );

			if ( config.isEnabled( 'server-side-rendering' ) ) {
				const store = createReduxStore();

				store.dispatch( setSection( 'themes', { hasSidebar: false, isFullScreen: true } ) );
				context.initialReduxState = pick( store.getState(), 'ui' );

				Object.assign( context, render( (
					<ReduxProvider store={ store }>
						<LayoutLoggedOutDesign store={ store } routeName={ 'themes' } match={ { theme_slug: req.params.theme_slug } } />
				) ) );

			res.render( 'index.jade', context );
		} );
Example #9
	app.get( '/design(/type/:themeTier)?', function( req, res ) {
		if ( req.cookies.wordpress_logged_in || ! config.isEnabled( 'manage/themes/logged-out' ) ) {
			// the user is probably logged in
			renderLoggedInRoute( req, res );
		} else {
			const context = getDefaultContext( req );
			const tier = includes( [ 'all', 'free', 'premium' ], req.params.themeTier )
				? req.params.themeTier
				: 'all';

			if ( config.isEnabled( 'server-side-rendering' ) ) {
				const store = createReduxStore();
				store.dispatch( setSection( 'design', { hasSidebar: false } ) );
				context.initialReduxState = pick( store.getState(), 'ui' );

				Object.assign( context,
					render( <LayoutLoggedOutDesign tier={ tier } store={ store } /> )

			res.render( 'index.jade', context );
	} );
Example #10
function loadInitialStateFailed( error ) {
	debug( 'failed to load initial redux-store state', error );
	return createReduxStore();
Example #11
	return () => createReduxStore( getInitialServerState() );