Example #1
BrowserTabList.prototype.getTab = function ({ outerWindowID, tabId }) {
  if (typeof outerWindowID == "number") {
    // First look for in-process frames with this ID
    let window = Services.wm.getOuterWindowWithId(outerWindowID);
    // Safety check to prevent debugging top level window via getTab
    if (window instanceof Ci.nsIDOMChromeWindow) {
      return promise.reject({
        error: "forbidden",
        message: "Window with outerWindowID '" + outerWindowID + "' is chrome"
    if (window) {
      let iframe = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
      if (iframe) {
        return this._getActorForBrowser(iframe);
    // Then also look on registered <xul:browsers> when using outerWindowID for
    // OOP tabs
    for (let browser of this._getBrowsers()) {
      if (browser.outerWindowID == outerWindowID) {
        return this._getActorForBrowser(browser);
    return promise.reject({
      error: "noTab",
      message: "Unable to find tab with outerWindowID '" + outerWindowID + "'"
  } else if (typeof tabId == "number") {
    // Tabs OOP
    for (let browser of this._getBrowsers()) {
      if (browser.frameLoader.tabParent &&
          browser.frameLoader.tabParent.tabId === tabId) {
        return this._getActorForBrowser(browser);
    return promise.reject({
      error: "noTab",
      message: "Unable to find tab with tabId '" + tabId + "'"

  let topXULWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(
  if (topXULWindow) {
    let selectedBrowser = this._getSelectedBrowser(topXULWindow);
    return this._getActorForBrowser(selectedBrowser);
  return promise.reject({
    error: "noTab",
    message: "Unable to find any selected browser"
Example #2
 * Retrieve the most recent chrome window.
function _getTopWindow() {
  // Try the main application window, such as a browser window.
  let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(gDevTools.chromeWindowType);
  if (win && win.openWebLinkIn && win.openTrustedLinkIn) {
    return win;
  // For non-browser cases like Browser Toolbox, try any chrome window.
  win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(null);
  if (win && win.openWebLinkIn && win.openTrustedLinkIn) {
    return win;
  return null;
Example #3
exports.viewSourceInScratchpad = Task.async(function* (sourceURL, sourceLine) {
  // Check for matching top level scratchpad window.
  let wins = Services.wm.getEnumerator("devtools:scratchpad");

  while (wins.hasMoreElements()) {
    let win = wins.getNext();

    if (!win.closed && win.Scratchpad.uniqueName === sourceURL) {
      win.Scratchpad.editor.setCursor({ line: sourceLine, ch: 0 });

  // For scratchpads within toolbox
  for (let [, toolbox] of gDevTools) {
    let scratchpadPanel = toolbox.getPanel("scratchpad");
    if (scratchpadPanel) {
      let { scratchpad } = scratchpadPanel;
      if (scratchpad.uniqueName === sourceURL) {
        scratchpad.editor.setCursor({ line: sourceLine, ch: 0 });
Example #4
BrowserTabList.prototype._listenToMediatorIf = function (shouldListen) {
  if (!shouldListen !== !this._listeningToMediator) {
    let op = shouldListen ? "addListener" : "removeListener";
    this._listeningToMediator = shouldListen;
Example #5
 win.addEventListener("load", function() {
   if (win.document.documentElement.getAttribute("id") != "commonDialog") {
   // Found the window
   promptWindow = win;
 }, {once: true});
Example #6
 openInBrowser: function (url) {
   // Open a URL in a Firefox window
   let mainWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(gDevTools.chromeWindowType);
   if (mainWindow) {
     mainWindow.openUILinkIn(url, "tab");
   } else {
  _checkListening: function() {
    let shouldListenToMediator =
        ((this._onListChanged && this._mustNotify) ||
         this._actorByBrowser.size > 0);

    if (this._listeningToMediator !== shouldListenToMediator) {
      let op = shouldListenToMediator ? "addListener" : "removeListener";
      this._listeningToMediator = shouldListenToMediator;
 _getTopWindow: function() {
   let winIter = Services.wm.getZOrderDOMWindowEnumerator(null, true);
   while (winIter.hasMoreElements()) {
     let win = winIter.getNext();
     if (this._checkedWindows.has(appShellDOMWindowType(win))) {
       // This is one of our windows, return it
       return win;
   return null;
Example #9
ChromeActor.prototype.postNest = function (nestData) {
  // Enable events in all open windows.
  let e = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
  while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
    let win = e.getNext();
    let windowUtils = win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
 * Send a debugger shutdown event to all main windows.
function sendShutdownEvent() {
  let windowTypes = DebuggerServer.RemoteDebuggerServer.chromeWindowTypes;
  for (let type of windowTypes) {
    let enumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator(type);
    while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
      let win = enumerator.getNext();
      let evt = win.document.createEvent("Event");
      evt.initEvent("Debugger:Shutdown", true, false);
Example #11
 * Creates a TabActor for debugging all the chrome content in the
 * current process. Most of the implementation is inherited from TabActor.
 * ChromeActor is a child of RootActor, it can be instanciated via
 * RootActor.getProcess request.
 * ChromeActor exposes all tab actors via its form() request, like TabActor.
 * History lecture:
 * All tab actors used to also be registered as global actors,
 * so that the root actor was also exposing tab actors for the main process.
 * Tab actors ended up having RootActor as parent actor,
 * but more and more features of the tab actors were relying on TabActor.
 * So we are now exposing a process actor that offers the same API as TabActor
 * by inheriting its functionality.
 * Global actors are now only the actors that are meant to be global,
 * and are no longer related to any specific scope/document.
 * @param connection DebuggerServerConnection
 *        The connection to the client.
function ChromeActor(connection) {
  TabActor.call(this, connection);

  // This creates a Debugger instance for chrome debugging all globals.
  this.makeDebugger = makeDebugger.bind(null, {
    findDebuggees: dbg => dbg.findAllGlobals(),
    shouldAddNewGlobalAsDebuggee: () => true

  // Ensure catching the creation of any new content docshell
  this.listenForNewDocShells = true;

  // Defines the default docshell selected for the tab actor
  let window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(DebuggerServer.chromeWindowType);

  // Default to any available top level window if there is no expected window
  // (for example when we open firefox with -webide argument)
  if (!window) {
    window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(null);

  // We really want _some_ window at least, so fallback to the hidden window if
  // there's nothing else (such as during early startup).
  if (!window) {
    try {
      window = Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow;
    } catch (e) {
      // On XPCShell, the above line will throw.

  // On XPCShell, there is no window/docshell
  let docShell = window ? window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
                        : null;
  Object.defineProperty(this, "docShell", {
    value: docShell,
    configurable: true
Example #12
BrowserTabList.prototype.getList = function () {
  let topXULWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(
  let selectedBrowser = null;
  if (topXULWindow) {
    selectedBrowser = this._getSelectedBrowser(topXULWindow);

  // As a sanity check, make sure all the actors presently in our map get
  // picked up when we iterate over all windows' tabs.
  let initialMapSize = this._actorByBrowser.size;
  this._foundCount = 0;

  // To avoid mysterious behavior if tabs are closed or opened mid-iteration,
  // we update the map first, and then make a second pass over it to yield
  // the actors. Thus, the sequence yielded is always a snapshot of the
  // actors that were live when we began the iteration.

  let actorPromises = [];

  for (let browser of this._getBrowsers()) {
    let selected = browser === selectedBrowser;
          .then(actor => {
            // Set the 'selected' properties on all actors correctly.
            actor.selected = selected;
            return actor;
          }, e => {
            if (e.error === "tabDestroyed") {
              // Return null if a tab was destroyed while retrieving the tab list.
              return null;

            // Forward unexpected errors.
            throw e;

  if (this._testing && initialMapSize !== this._foundCount) {
    throw new Error("_actorByBrowser map contained actors for dead tabs");

  this._mustNotify = true;

  return promise.all(actorPromises).then(values => {
    // Filter out null values if we received a tabDestroyed error.
    return values.filter(value => value != null);
Example #13
 reportError: function (l10nProperty, ...l10nArgs) {
   let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("devtools:webide");
   if (win) {
     win.UI.reportError(l10nProperty, ...l10nArgs);
   } else {
     let text;
     if (l10nArgs.length > 0) {
       text = Strings.formatStringFromName(l10nProperty, l10nArgs, l10nArgs.length);
     } else {
       text = Strings.GetStringFromName(l10nProperty);
Example #14
exports.viewSource = Task.async(function* (toolbox, sourceURL, sourceLine) {
  // Attempt to access view source via a browser first, which may display it in
  // a tab, if enabled.
  let browserWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(gDevTools.chromeWindowType);
  if (browserWin && browserWin.BrowserViewSourceOfDocument) {
    return browserWin.BrowserViewSourceOfDocument({
      URL: sourceURL,
      lineNumber: sourceLine
  let utils = toolbox.gViewSourceUtils;
  utils.viewSource(sourceURL, null, toolbox.doc, sourceLine || 0);
  return null;
Example #15
Client.defaultSendOOB = ({ authResult, oob }) => {
  // Only show in the PENDING state
  if (authResult != AuthenticationResult.PENDING) {
    throw new Error("Expected PENDING result, got " + authResult);
  let title = L10N.getStr("clientSendOOBTitle");
  let header = L10N.getStr("clientSendOOBHeader");
  let hashMsg = L10N.getFormatStr("clientSendOOBHash", oob.sha256);
  let token = oob.sha256.replace(/:/g, "").toLowerCase() + oob.k;
  let tokenMsg = L10N.getFormatStr("clientSendOOBToken", token);
  let msg = `${header}\n\n${hashMsg}\n${tokenMsg}`;
  let prompt = Services.prompt;
  let flags = prompt.BUTTON_POS_0 * prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL;

  // Listen for the window our prompt opens, so we can close it programatically
  let promptWindow;
  let windowListener = {
    onOpenWindow(xulWindow) {
      let win = xulWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
      win.addEventListener("load", function() {
        if (win.document.documentElement.getAttribute("id") != "commonDialog") {
        // Found the window
        promptWindow = win;
      }, {once: true});
    onCloseWindow() {},

  // nsIPrompt is typically a blocking API, so |executeSoon| to get around this
  DevToolsUtils.executeSoon(() => {
    prompt.confirmEx(null, title, msg, flags, null, null, null, null,
                     { value: false });

  return {
    close() {
      if (!promptWindow) {
      promptWindow = null;
Example #16
 * Opens given request in a new tab.
function openRequestInTab(url, requestPostData) {
  let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(gDevTools.chromeWindowType);
  let rawData = requestPostData ? requestPostData.postData : null;
  let postData;

  if (rawData && rawData.text) {
    let stringStream = getInputStreamFromString(rawData.text);
    postData = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/mime-input-stream;1"]
    postData.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

  win.gBrowser.selectedTab = win.gBrowser.addTab(url, null, null, postData);
Example #17
 screenshotToDataURL: method(function() {
   let window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(DebuggerServer.chromeWindowType);
   let canvas = window.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "canvas");
   let width = window.innerWidth;
   let height = window.innerHeight;
   canvas.setAttribute('width', width);
   canvas.setAttribute('height', height);
   let context = canvas.getContext('2d');
   let flags =
         context.DRAWWINDOW_DRAW_CARET |
         context.DRAWWINDOW_DRAW_VIEW |
   context.drawWindow(window, 0, 0, width, height, 'rgb(255,255,255)', flags);
   let dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png')
   return new LongStringActor(this.conn, dataURL);
 }, {request: {},response: { value: RetVal("longstring")}}),
Example #18
  isMessageRelevant: function (message) {
    let workerType = WebConsoleUtils.getWorkerType(message);

    if (this.window && workerType === "ServiceWorker") {
      // For messages from Service Workers, message.ID is the
      // scope, which can be used to determine whether it's controlling
      // a window.
      let scope = message.ID;

      if (!swm.shouldReportToWindow(this.window, scope)) {
        return false;

    if (this.window && !workerType) {
      let msgWindow = Services.wm.getCurrentInnerWindowWithId(message.innerID);
      if (!msgWindow || !isWindowIncluded(this.window, msgWindow)) {
        // Not the same window!
        return false;

    if (this.addonId) {
      // ConsoleAPI.jsm messages contains a consoleID, (and it is currently
      // used in Addon SDK add-ons), the standard 'console' object
      // (which is used in regular webpages and in WebExtensions pages)
      // contains the originAttributes of the source document principal.

      // Filtering based on the originAttributes used by
      // the Console API object.
      if (message.originAttributes &&
          message.originAttributes.addonId == this.addonId) {
        return true;

      // Filtering based on the old-style consoleID property used by
      // the legacy Console JSM module.
      if (message.consoleID && message.consoleID == `addon/${this.addonId}`) {
        return true;

      return false;

    return true;
Example #19
 screenshotToDataURL: function () {
   let window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(DebuggerServer.chromeWindowType);
   var devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
   let canvas = window.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "canvas");
   let width = window.innerWidth;
   let height = window.innerHeight;
   canvas.setAttribute("width", Math.round(width * devicePixelRatio));
   canvas.setAttribute("height", Math.round(height * devicePixelRatio));
   let context = canvas.getContext("2d");
   let flags =
         context.DRAWWINDOW_DRAW_CARET |
         context.DRAWWINDOW_DRAW_VIEW |
   context.scale(devicePixelRatio, devicePixelRatio);
   context.drawWindow(window, 0, 0, width, height, "rgb(255,255,255)", flags);
   let dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
   return new LongStringActor(this.conn, dataURL);
addMessageListener("addFrame", function (aMessage) {
  let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
  let doc = win.document;
  let frame = doc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "iframe");
  frame.setAttribute("mozbrowser", "true");
  if (aMessage.mozapp) {
    frame.setAttribute("mozapp", aMessage.mozapp);
  if (aMessage.remote) {
    frame.setAttribute("remote", aMessage.remote);
  if (aMessage.src) {
    frame.setAttribute("src", aMessage.src);
  getList: function() {
    let topWindow = this._getTopWindow();

    // Look for all browser elements in all the windows we care about
    for (let winName of this._checkedWindows) {
      let winIter = Services.wm.getEnumerator(winName);
      while (winIter.hasMoreElements()) {
        let win = winIter.getNext();
        let foundSelected = false;
        // Check for browser elements and create a tab actor for each.
        // This will catch content tabs, the message reader and the
        // multi-message reader.
        for (let browser of win.document.getElementsByTagName("browser")) {
          if (browser.currentURI.spec == "about:blank") {
            // about:blank is not particularly interesting. Don't
            // add it to the list.
          let actor = this._actorByBrowser.get(browser);
          if (!actor) {
            actor = new BrowserTabActor(this._connection,
                                        browser, null);
            this._actorByBrowser.set(browser, actor);

          // Select the first visible browser in the top xul
          // window.
          let bo = browser.boxObject;
          actor.selected = foundSelected =
              win == topWindow &&
              !foundSelected &&
              bo.height > 0 &&
              bo.width > 0;

    this._mustNotify = true;

    return Promise.resolve([...this._actorByBrowser.values()]);
Example #22
  observe: function(message) {
    if (!this.listener) {

    if (this.window) {
      if (!(message instanceof Ci.nsIScriptError) ||
          !message.outerWindowID ||
          !this.isCategoryAllowed(message.category)) {

      const errorWindow = Services.wm.getOuterWindowWithId(message.outerWindowID);
      if (!errorWindow || !isWindowIncluded(this.window, errorWindow)) {

Example #23
 connect: function(connection) {
   const win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("devtools:webide");
   if (!win) {
     return promise.reject(new Error("No WebIDE window found"));
   const ret = {value: connection.host + ":" + connection.port};
   const title = Strings.GetStringFromName("remote_runtime_promptTitle");
   const message = Strings.GetStringFromName("remote_runtime_promptMessage");
   const ok = Services.prompt.prompt(win, title, message, ret, null, {});
   const [host, port] = ret.value.split(":");
   if (!ok) {
     return promise.reject({canceled: true});
   if (!host || !port) {
     return promise.reject(new Error("Invalid host or port"));
   connection.host = host;
   connection.port = port;
   return promise.resolve();
Example #24
 * This file contains all of the privileged browser-specific functionality. This helps
 * keep a clear separation between the privileged and non-privileged client code. It
 * is also helpful in being able to mock out browser behavior for tests, without
 * worrying about polluting the browser environment.

 * Once a profile is received from the actor, it needs to be opened up in perf.html
 * to be analyzed. This function opens up perf.html into a new browser tab, and injects
 * the profile via a frame script.
 * @param {object} profile - The Gecko profile.
 * @param {function} getSymbolTableCallback - A callback function with the signature
 *   (debugName, breakpadId) => Promise<SymbolTableAsTuple>, which will be invoked
 *   when perf-html.io sends SYMBOL_TABLE_REQUEST_EVENT messages to us. This function
 *   should obtain a symbol table for the requested binary and resolve the returned
 *   promise with it.
function receiveProfile(profile, getSymbolTableCallback) {
  // Find the most recently used window, as the DevTools client could be in a variety
  // of hosts.
  const win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
  if (!win) {
    throw new Error("No browser window");
  const browser = win.gBrowser;
  Services.focus.activeWindow = win;

  const baseUrl = Services.prefs.getStringPref(UI_BASE_URL_PREF, UI_BASE_URL_DEFAULT);
  const tab = browser.addWebTab(`${baseUrl}/from-addon`, {
    triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.createNullPrincipal({
      userContextId: browser.contentPrincipal.userContextId,
  browser.selectedTab = tab;
  const mm = tab.linkedBrowser.messageManager;
  mm.sendAsyncMessage(TRANSFER_EVENT, profile);
  mm.addMessageListener(SYMBOL_TABLE_REQUEST_EVENT, e => {
    const { debugName, breakpadId } = e.data;
    getSymbolTableCallback(debugName, breakpadId).then(result => {
      const [addr, index, buffer] = result;
      mm.sendAsyncMessage(SYMBOL_TABLE_RESPONSE_EVENT, {
        status: "success",
        debugName, breakpadId, result: [addr, index, buffer],
    }, error => {
      mm.sendAsyncMessage(SYMBOL_TABLE_RESPONSE_EVENT, {
        status: "error",
        debugName, breakpadId,
        error: `${error}`,
Example #25
  promise.then(folder => {
    // Create subfolder with fs-friendly name of project
    const subfolder = projectName.replace(/[\\/:*?"<>|]/g, "").toLowerCase();
    const win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("devtools:webide");

    try {
      folder.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY);
    } catch (e) {

    // Download boilerplate zip
    const template = gTemplateList[templatelistNode.selectedIndex];
    const source = template.file;
    const target = folder.clone();
    target.append(subfolder + ".zip");
    Downloads.fetch(source, target).then(() => {
      ZipUtils.extractFiles(target, folder);
      AppProjects.addPackaged(folder).then((project) => {
        window.arguments[0].location = project.location;
        AppManager.validateAndUpdateProject(project).then(() => {
          if (project.manifest) {
            project.manifest.name = projectName;
            AppManager.writeManifest(project).then(() => {
                () => {
                }, bail);
            }, bail);
          } else {
            bail("Manifest not found");
        }, bail);
      }, bail);
    }, bail);
  }, bail);
Example #26
 * The MdnDocsWidget is used by tooltip code that needs to display docs
 * from MDN in a tooltip.
 * In the constructor, the widget does some general setup that's not
 * dependent on the particular item we need docs for.
 * After that, when the tooltip code needs to display docs for an item, it
 * asks the widget to retrieve the docs and update the document with them.
 * @param {Element} tooltipContainer
 * A DOM element where the MdnDocs widget markup should be created.
function MdnDocsWidget(tooltipContainer) {

  tooltipContainer.innerHTML =
       <h1 class="mdn-property-name theme-fg-color5"></h1>
     <div class="mdn-property-info">
       <div class="mdn-summary"></div>
       <pre class="mdn-syntax devtools-monospace"></pre>
       <a class="mdn-visit-page theme-link" href="#">Visit MDN (placeholder)</a>

  // fetch all the bits of the document that we will manipulate later
  this.elements = {
    heading: tooltipContainer.querySelector(".mdn-property-name"),
    summary: tooltipContainer.querySelector(".mdn-summary"),
    syntax: tooltipContainer.querySelector(".mdn-syntax"),
    info: tooltipContainer.querySelector(".mdn-property-info"),
    linkToMdn: tooltipContainer.querySelector(".mdn-visit-page")

  // get the localized string for the link text
  this.elements.linkToMdn.textContent = L10N.getStr("docsTooltip.visitMDN");

  // force using LTR because we use the en-US version of MDN
  tooltipContainer.setAttribute("dir", "ltr");

  // listen for clicks and open in the browser window instead
  let mainWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(gDevTools.chromeWindowType);
  this.elements.linkToMdn.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
    mainWindow.openUILinkIn(e.target.href, "tab");
Example #27
 * The MdnDocsWidget is used by tooltip code that needs to display docs
 * from MDN in a tooltip. The tooltip code loads a document that contains the
 * basic structure of a docs tooltip (loaded from mdn-docs-frame.xhtml),
 * and passes this document into the widget's constructor.
 * In the constructor, the widget does some general setup that's not
 * dependent on the particular item we need docs for.
 * After that, when the tooltip code needs to display docs for an item, it
 * asks the widget to retrieve the docs and update the document with them.
 * @param {Document} tooltipDocument
 * A DOM document. The widget expects the document to have a particular
 * structure.
function MdnDocsWidget(tooltipDocument) {
  // fetch all the bits of the document that we will manipulate later
  this.elements = {
    heading: tooltipDocument.getElementById("property-name"),
    summary: tooltipDocument.getElementById("summary"),
    syntax: tooltipDocument.getElementById("syntax"),
    info: tooltipDocument.getElementById("property-info"),
    linkToMdn: tooltipDocument.getElementById("visit-mdn-page")

  this.doc = tooltipDocument;

  // get the localized string for the link text
  this.elements.linkToMdn.textContent =

  // listen for clicks and open in the browser window instead
  let mainWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(gDevTools.chromeWindowType);
  this.elements.linkToMdn.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
    mainWindow.openUILinkIn(e.target.href, "tab", { inBackground: true });
      id: "request-list-context-perf",
      label: L10N.getStr("netmonitor.context.perfTools"),
      accesskey: L10N.getStr("netmonitor.context.perfTools.accesskey"),
      visible: this.sortedRequests.size > 0,
      click: () => this.openStatistics(true)

    return showMenu(event, menu);

   * Opens selected item in a new tab.
  openRequestInTab() {
    let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(gDevTools.chromeWindowType);
    win.openUILinkIn(this.selectedRequest.url, "tab", { relatedToCurrent: true });

   * Copy the request url from the currently selected item.
  copyUrl() {

   * Copy the request url query string parameters from the currently
   * selected item.
  copyUrlParams() {
Example #29
 * Browser-specific actors.

 * Yield all windows of type |windowType|, from the oldest window to the
 * youngest, using nsIWindowMediator::getEnumerator. We're usually
 * interested in "navigator:browser" windows.
function* allAppShellDOMWindows(windowType) {
  let e = Services.wm.getEnumerator(windowType);
  while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
    yield e.getNext();
Example #30
 _getSettingsService: function () {
   let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(DebuggerServer.chromeWindowType);
   return win.navigator.mozSettings;