Example #1
// Slice the specified number of dotted parts from the given semver version.
// e.g. slice('2.4.7', 'minor') -> '2.4'
function slice(v, releaseType) {
  if (! semver.valid(v)) {
    return null;

  const major = semver.major(v);
  const minor = semver.minor(v);
  const patch = semver.patch(v);
  const prerelease = semver.prerelease(v);

  const dottedParts = {
    major: [major],
    minor: [major, minor],
    patch: [major, minor, patch],

  if (dottedParts === undefined) {
    throw Error(`Unknown releaseType: ${releaseType}`);

  const dotted = dottedParts.join('.');
  if (prerelease) {
    return `${dotted}-${prerelease.join('.')}`;
  } else {
    return dotted;
    npm.packages.range('react-native-windows', version, (err, release) => {
      if (err || !release) {
        return getLatestVersion()
          .then(latestVersion => {
            reject(new Error(`Could not find react-native-windows@${version}. ` +
              `Latest version of react-native-windows is ${latestVersion}, try switching to ` +
            }).catch(error => reject(new Error(`Could not find react-native-windows@${version}.`)));

      const matchedVersion = release.version;
      const matchedPrerelease = semver.prerelease(matchedVersion);
      const isPrerelease = tag && !!matchedPrerelease;
      if (!isVersionMatch(matchedVersion, version, tag) && (ignoreStable || isPrerelease)) {
        const versions = Object.keys(release.versions);
        const candidates = versions.filter(v => isVersionMatch(v, version, tag)).sort(semver.rcompare);
        if (candidates.length === 0) {
          const tagMatches = versions.filter(v => isTagMatch(v, tag)).sort(semver.rcompare);
          if (tagMatches.length === 0) {
            reject(new Error(`Could not find react-native-windows@${version}-${tag}.*.`));
          } else {
            const latestVersion = tagMatches[0];
            reject(new Error(`Could not find react-native-windows@${version}-${tag}.*. ` +
              `Latest version of react-native-windows for tag '${tag}' is ${latestVersion}, try switching to ` +
      } else {
const getReactNativeVersion = function () {
  console.log('Reading react-native version from node_modules...');
  if (fs.existsSync(REACT_NATIVE_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH())) {
    const version = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(REACT_NATIVE_PACKAGE_JSON_PATH(), 'utf-8')).version;
    return `${semver.major(version)}.${semver.minor(version)}.*`;
Example #4
 * Given a semver version, determine the type of version.
 * @param {string} version A semver version string.
 * @returns {string} The type of version.
 * @private
function getReleaseType(version) {

    if (semver.patch(version) > 0) {
        return "patch";
    } else if (semver.minor(version) > 0) {
        return "minor";
    } else {
        return "major";
Example #5
File: grunt.js Project: ptrwtts/cdn
  grunt.registerTask('configure_videojs', function(releaseType='patch'){
    // Get version info
    var vjsPackage = grunt.file.readJSON('node_modules/video.js/package.json');
    var vjsVersion = vjsPackage.version;
    var swfVersion = vjsPackage.dependencies['videojs-swf'];
    var fontVersion = vjsPackage.dependencies['videojs-font'];

    // Check for a dynamic version, e.g. '^1.0.0' or '~1.0.0'
    // Hosted dependencies should be locked down to a specific version
    if (!fontVersion || /^\d/.test(fontVersion) !== true) {
      throw new Error('The video.js font version does not exist or is not locked down');

    if (!swfVersion || /^\d/.test(swfVersion) !== true) {
      throw new Error('The video.js swf version does not exist or is not locked down');

    // Set up the release type versions
    var cdnVersions = {};
    cdnVersions.major = semver.major(vjsVersion);
    cdnVersions.minor = cdnVersions.major + '.' + semver.minor(vjsVersion);
    cdnVersions.patch = vjsVersion;

    // Get the source
    var vjs = grunt.file.read('build/temp/video.js/video.js');
    var vjsMin = grunt.file.read('build/temp/video.js/video.min.js');
    var cdnjs = grunt.file.read('build/temp/cdn.min.js');

    // Update the cdn version and concat with video.js source
    cdnjs = cdnjs.replace('__CDN_VERSION__', cdnVersions[releaseType]);

    // Update the swf version to build the swf CDN url
    cdnjs = cdnjs.replace('__SWF_VERSION__', swfVersion);

    // Concat the CDN js to the video.js copies
    vjs = vjs + '\n' + cdnjs;
    vjsMin = vjsMin + '\n' + cdnjs;

    // Write the new source files
    grunt.file.write('build/temp/video.js/video.js', vjs);
    grunt.file.write('build/temp/video.js/video.min.js', vjsMin);

    var css = grunt.file.read('build/temp/video.js/video-js.css');
    var cssMin = grunt.file.read('build/temp/video.js/video-js.min.css');

    // Replace the font urls with CDN font urls
    // whether we're getting '../fonts/' or 'font/'
    var re = /font\/VideoJS\./g;
    var replaceWith = '../font/'+fontVersion+'/VideoJS.';
    css = css.replace(re, replaceWith);
    cssMin = cssMin.replace(re, replaceWith);

    grunt.file.write('build/temp/video.js/video-js.css', css);
    grunt.file.write('build/temp/video.js/video-js.min.css', cssMin);
Example #6
function createShorthand(range) {
    var match = regex.minMax.exec(range);
    if (!match) {
        return range;

    var _match$slice = match.slice(1),
        _match$slice2 = _slicedToArray(_match$slice, 2),
        min = _match$slice2[0],
        max = _match$slice2[1];

    if (min === max) {
        // Exact range
        return min;

    // Special handling for major version 0
    if (semver.major(min) === 0 && semver.major(max) === 0) {
        // ^0.0.5
        if (semver.minor(min) === 0 && semver.minor(max) === 0) {
            return `^${min}`;

        // ~0.0.5
        if (semver.minor(min) === 0) {
            return `~${min}`;

        // ^0.5.0
        return `^${min}`;

    if (semver.major(min) !== semver.major(max)) {
        if (semver.major(min) === 0) {
            return '0';

        return `^${min}`;

    return `~${min}`;
            .then(function () {
              let version = {
                major: semver.major(originVer),
                minor: semver.minor(originVer),
                patch: semver.patch(originVer)

              version[type] += 1

              getPackageVersion().should.equal(version.major + '.' + version.minor + '.' + version.patch + '-' + type + '.0')
Example #8
  _pullDappHub (opts, target) {
    var _web3;
    if (opts.web3 === 'internal') {
      throw new Error('DappHub registry is not available on internal chains.');
    } else {
      try {
        _web3 = req.Web3Factory.JSONRPC({web3: opts.web3});
      } catch (e) {
        try {
          _web3 = req.Web3Factory.JSONRPC({web3: {host: '', port: 8545}});
        } catch (e) {
          throw new Error('Unable to connect to Ethereum client: ' + e);

    // TODO - iterate through the list
    let address = opts.environment.registries[0];
    let registryClass = Dapphub.getClasses().DappHubSimpleController;
    let dbClass = Dapphub.getClasses().DappHubDB;
    let dapphub = _web3.eth.contract(JSON.parse(registryClass.interface)).at(address);
    let dapphubdbAddress = dapphub._package_db();
    let dapphubdb = _web3.eth.contract(JSON.parse(dbClass.interface)).at(dapphubdbAddress);
    // let dapphub = new req.dapphub.Class(_web3, 'morden');

    if (this.getVersion() === 'latest') {
      this.path = this.getName();
      this.version = dapphubdb.getLastVersion.call(this.getPath()).join('.');

    // TODO - DEBUG why the f**k this takes so long to call
    let packageHash = dapphubdb.getPackageHash.call(
        this.getPath(), semver.major(this.getVersion()),
        semver.minor(this.getVersion()), semver.patch(this.getVersion()));

    if (!packageHash || /^0x0?$/.test(packageHash)) {
      throw new Error('No IPFS hash found for ' + this.getPath() +
                      '@' + this.getVersion());
    let packageHeaderHash = _web3.toAscii(packageHash);
    console.log(`package id: ${packageHeaderHash}`);

    if (!this.__ipfs) {
      let settings = req.Workspace.getDappleRC().environment('live');
      // f**k you semistandard
      let Ipfs = req.ipfs;
      this.__ipfs = new Ipfs(settings);
    let header = this.__ipfs.catJsonSync(packageHeaderHash);
    // TODO - recursively get the dependencies and install the as well
    this._pullIPFS(header.root, target);
Example #9
          var releases = releaseLinks.map(function(el) {

            // Trim the href attribute of leading "v" and trailing slash
            var releaseVersion = el.innerHTML.trim().replace(/^v/, '').replace(/\/$/, '');
            var docsVersion = semver.major(releaseVersion) + '.' + semver.minor(releaseVersion);
            return {
              version: releaseVersion,
              docs: docsVersion,
              // Add repo for use in async.each call below
              repo: target.repo
Example #10
 const shouldBumpPrerelease = (releaseType, version) => {
   if (!semver.prerelease(version)) {
     return true;
   switch (releaseType) {
     case "major":
       return semver.minor(version) !== 0 || semver.patch(version) !== 0;
     case "minor":
       return semver.patch(version) !== 0;
       return false;
Example #11
function getSemVerAppConfigs( version ) {
	if ( !semver.valid( version ) ) {
		return null;

	var major = semver.major( version );
	var minor = semver.minor( version );

	return {
		major: 'appconfig.v' + major + '.json.gz',
		majorMinor: 'appconfig.v' + major + '.' + minor + '.json.gz'
function getZeroDotDates (version /* : number | string */) {
  if (typeof version === 'number') {
    // make an assumption that 0.10.x is more likely / useful than 0.1.x
    version = version === 0.1 ? '0.10.0' : version + '.0'
  if (version && typeof version === 'string') {
    version = semver.major(version) + '.' + semver.minor(version)
    return {
      release: new Date(Date.parse(versions[version].release)),
      end: new Date(Date.parse(versions[version].end))
Example #13
Dependency.prototype.updateTo = function () {
  if (_.startsWith(this.current, '^')) {
    return '^' + this.latest;
  } else if (_.startsWith(this.current, '~')) {
    return '~' + this.latest;
  } else if (_.startsWith(this.current, '>=')) {
    return '>=' + this.latest;
  } else if (_.startsWith(this.current, '>')) {
    return '>' + this.latest;
  } else if (_.startsWith(this.current, 'v')) {
    return 'v' + this.latest;
  } else if (_.endsWith(this.current, '.x.x')) {
    return semver.major(this.latest) + '.x.x';
  } else if (_.endsWith(this.current, '.x')) {
    return semver.major(this.latest) + '.' + semver.minor(this.latest) + '.x';
  } else if (this.current.split('.').length === 2) {
    return semver.major(this.latest) + '.' + semver.minor(this.latest);
  } else if (this.current.split('.').length === 1) {
    return semver.major(this.latest);
  } else {
    return this.latest;
Example #14
module.exports = function () {
  // Chromedriver should be specified as ~x.y where x and y match Electron major/minor
  const chromedriverVer = buildMetadata.dependencies['electron-chromedriver']

  // Always use tilde on electron-chromedriver so that it can pick up the best patch vesion
  if (!chromedriverVer.startsWith('~')) {
    throw new Error(`electron-chromedriver version in script/package.json should start with a tilde to match latest patch version.`)

  const electronVer = CONFIG.appMetadata.electronVersion
  if (!semver.satisfies(electronVer, chromedriverVer)) {
    throw new Error(`electron-chromedriver ${chromedriverVer} incompatible with electron ${electronVer}.\n` +
                    'Did you upgrade electron in package.json and forget to upgrade electron-chromedriver in ' +
                    `script/package.json to '~${semver.major(electronVer)}.${semver.minor(electronVer)}' ?`)
Example #15
    a.forEach(asset => {
      // get the asset version

      const version = asset.get('version');

      // Update the document by merging in the new fields
          version_major: semver.major(version),
          version_minor: semver.minor(version),
          version_patch: semver.patch(version),
          version_metadata: '',
          version_pre_release: semver.prerelease(version) || ''
        }, { merge: true })
Example #16
			command: function () {
				function createUploadCommand (version) {
					return ['mv dist ' + version,
						'scp -i ~/.ssh/fuelcdn -r "' + version + '"/ ' +
							'<%= cdnLoginFile.user %>' + '@' + '<%= cdnLoginFile.server %>' + ':' + '<%= cdnLoginFile.folder %>',
						'mv "' + version + '" dist',
						'echo "Done uploading files."'].join(' && ');
				var command = [
					semver.major(getPackage().version) + '.' + semver.minor(getPackage().version),
				].map(createUploadCommand).join(' && ');
				grunt.log.write('Uploading: ' + command);
				return command;
Example #17
export const prettifyVersion = (version: string): string => {
  if (typeof version !== "string") {
    return version;

  const parts = [semver.major(version)];
  const minor = semver.minor(version);
  const patch = semver.patch(version);

  if (minor || patch) {

  if (patch) {

  return parts.join(".");
Example #18
File: bump.js Project: bolav/fusepm
function new_version(ver, cmd, setver) {
	if (cmd.match(/^[\.\d]+$/)) {
		ver = cmd;
	else if (cmd === 'show') {
	else if (setver) {
		if (cmd === "patch") {
			ver = semver.major(ver) + "." + semver.minor(ver) + "." + setver;
		else {
			throw new Error("Only supports setting version for patch");
	else {
		ver = semver.inc(ver, cmd, null, 12);				
	return ver;
Example #19
  _pullDappHub (web3Settings, target) {
    var web3;
    if (web3Settings === 'internal') {
      throw new Error('DappHub registry is not available on internal chains.');
    } else {
      try {
        web3 = req.Web3Factory.JSONRPC({web3: web3Settings});
      } catch (e) {
        try {
          web3 = req.Web3Factory.JSONRPC({web3: {host: '', port: 8545 }});
        } catch(e) {
          throw new Error('Unable to connect to Ethereum client: ' + e);

    let dapphub = new req.dapphub.Class(web3, 'morden');
    // TODO - DEBUG why the f**k this takes so long to call
    let packageHash = dapphub.objects.dapphubdb.getPackageHash.call(
        this.getPath(), semver.major(this.getVersion()),
        semver.minor(this.getVersion()), semver.patch(this.getVersion()));

    if (!packageHash || /^0x0?$/.test(packageHash)) {
      throw new Error('No IPFS hash found for ' + this.getPath() +
                      '@' + this.getVersion());
    let packageHeaderHash = web3.toAscii(packageHash);
    if (!this.__ipfs) {
      let settings = req.Workspace.getDappleRC().environment('live');
      // f**k you semistandard
      let Ipfs = req.ipfs;
      this.__ipfs = new Ipfs(settings);
    let header = this.__ipfs.catJsonSync(packageHeaderHash);
    // TODO - recursively get the dependencies and install the as well
    this._pullIPFS(header.root, target);
  return function receiveIncomingSailsIOMsg(options) {
    app.log.verbose('Receiving incoming message from Socket.io: ', options.incomingSailsIOMsg);

    // If invalid callback function specified, freak out
    // (it's ok to NOT include a callback, but if it exists, it should be a function)
    if (options.socketIOClientCallback && !_.isFunction(options.socketIOClientCallback)) {
      delete options.socketIOClientCallback;
      return respondWithParseError('Could not parse request- callback may be omitted... but if provided, it must be a function.');

    // Check that URL is specified
    if (!options.incomingSailsIOMsg.url) {
      return respondWithParseError(util.format('No url provided in request: %s',options.incomingSailsIOMsg));

    // Check that URL is valid
    if (!_.isString(options.incomingSailsIOMsg.url)) {
      return respondWithParseError(util.format('Invalid url provided: %s',options.incomingSailsIOMsg.url));

    // Grab the metadata for the SDK
    var sdk = parseSdkMetadata(options.socket.handshake);

    // No more backwards-compatibility for clients < v0.11.0
    // > Note that we round off the prerelease part of the SDK version,
    // > in case there is one.  Otherwise, this check will always fail,
    // > no matter the version.  For more information on this, see:
    // > • https://github.com/npm/node-semver/issues/130#issuecomment-120988399
    // > • https://github.com/npm/node-semver/tree/44cbc8482ac4f0f8d2de0abb7f8808056d2d55f9#prerelease-tags
    var closestStableSdkVersion = semver.major(sdk.version)+'.'+semver.minor(sdk.version)+'.'+semver.patch(sdk.version);
    if (!semver.satisfies(closestStableSdkVersion, '>=0.11.0')) {
      return respondWithParseError(util.format('This version of Sails is not compatible with the socket.io/sails.io.js client SDK version you are using (%s). Please see https://sailsjs.com/documentation/upgrading/to-v-0-11 for more information-- then please continue upgrading all the way to the installed version of Sails.',sdk.version));

    // Try to get the express 'trust proxy' setting value
    var expressTrust;
    try {
      expressTrust = app.hooks.http.app.get('trust proxy fn');
    // Something went wrong while retrieving the express settings. Default's to no Trust
    catch (e) {
      expressTrust = function () { return false };

    // Dummy express req object so we can use proxy-addr
    var reqDummy = {
      connection: { remoteAddress: options.socket.handshake.address },
      headers: options.socket.handshake.headers

    var ip = proxyaddr(reqDummy, expressTrust);

    var ips = proxyaddr.all(reqDummy, expressTrust);

    // reverse the order (to farthest -> closest)
    // and remove socket address

    // Start building up the request context which we'll pass into the interpreter in Sails core:
    var requestContext = {

      transport: 'socket.io', // TODO: consider if this is really helpful or just a waste of LoC

      protocol: 'ws', // TODO: consider if this is really helpful or just a waste of LoC

      isSocket: true,

      ip      : ip,

      ips     : ips,

      port    : null,

      // Access to underlying SIO socket
      socket  : options.socket,

      url     : options.incomingSailsIOMsg.url,

      path    : url.parse(options.incomingSailsIOMsg.url).pathname || '/',
      // ^^ Uses || '/' because otherwise url.parse returns `null`,
      // which is not a string and thus bad when you try to check
      // .match() of it.

      method  : options.eventName,

      // Attached data becomes simulated HTTP body (`req.body`)
      // (allow `params` or `data` to be specified for backwards/sideways-compatibility)
      body    : _.isArray(options.incomingSailsIOMsg.data) ? options.incomingSailsIOMsg.data : _.extend({}, options.incomingSailsIOMsg.params || {}, options.incomingSailsIOMsg.data || {}),

      // Allow optional headers
      headers: _.defaults({

        host: app.config.host,

        // Default the "cookie" request header to what was provided in the handshake.
        cookie: (function (){
          var _cookie;
          try {
            _cookie = options.socket.handshake.headers.cookie;
          catch (e) {}
          // console.log('REQUEST to "%s %s" IS USING COOKIE:', options.eventName, options.incomingSailsIOMsg.url, _cookie);
          return _cookie;

        nosession: options.socket.handshake.headers.nosession ? true : undefined,

      }, options.incomingSailsIOMsg.headers || {})


    // app.log.verbose('Interpreting socket.io message as virtual request to "%s %s"...', requestContext.method, requestContext.url);
    // app.log.verbose('(cookie: %s)', requestContext.headers.cookie);

    // Set the `origin` header to what was provided in the handshake
    // (the origin header CANNOT BE OVERRIDDEN by sockets at virtual request-time-- only
    //  upon first connection.)
    if (requestContext.headers.origin){

      // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      // FUTURE: Further document security reasons why `origin` may not be passed manually
      // at VR (virtual request) time.  Has to do w/ xdomain security concerns.
      // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      app.log.verbose('Ignoring provided `origin` header in VR (virtual request) from socket.io: It would not be safe to change `origin` for this socket now!');
    requestContext.headers.origin = (function (){
      var _origin;
      try {
        _origin = options.socket.handshake.headers.origin;
      catch (e){}
      return _origin;

    // console.log('handshake:',options.socket.handshake);
    app.log.verbose('Interpreting socket.io message as VR (virtual request) to "%s %s"...', requestContext.method, requestContext.url);

    // Start building up the response context which we'll pass into the interpreter in Sails core:
    var responseContext = {

       * This `_clientCallback` function we provide here will be used by Sails core as a final step
       * when trying to run methods like `res.send()`.
       * Since Socket.io v1.x does not support streaming socket messages out of the box,
       * currently we'll just use this callback vs passing in a stream (so the client response
       * stream will just be buffered to build up clientRes.body)
       * IMPORTANT:
       * The `clientRes` provided here is a Readable client response stream, not the same `res`
       * that is available in userland code.

      _clientCallback: function _clientCallback(clientRes) {

        // If no cookie was sent initially on the handshake, and a 'set-cookie' exists in response
        // headers, then save the cookie on the handshake (no need to send extra data over the wire
        // since we're maintaining a persistent connection on this side, plus this prevents client-side
        // js from accessing the cookie)
        // This allows for anything relying on cookies (e.g. default `req.session` support)
        // to last as long as the socket connection (i.e. until the browser tab is closed)
        // Note that we **STILL GENERATE A COOKIE** using socket.io middleware when the socket
        // initially connects.  This is so that by the time we run the `onConnect` lifecycle event,
        // it has access to the real session.  So in general, this should never fire.
        // In the future, we may want to always reset the handshake's cookie based on the `set-cookie`
        // response header to allow for custom HTTP cookies to work completely via sockets, but that
        // should be evaluated carefully to avoid unexpected race conditions.
        try {
          if (!options.socket.handshake.headers.cookie && clientRes.headers['set-cookie']){
              options.socket.handshake.headers.cookie = clientRes.headers['set-cookie'][0];
        catch (e) {
          app.log.warn('Could not persist res.headers["set-cookie"] into the socket handshake:',e);

        // If socket.io callback does not exist as a valid function, don't bother responding.
        if (!_.isFunction(options.socketIOClientCallback)) {

        // Modern behavior
        // (builds a complete simulation of an HTTP response.)
        var jwr = {
          body: clientRes.body

        // Allow headers and status code to be disabled to allow for squeezing
        // out a little more performance when relevant (and reducing bandwidth usage).
        // To achieve this, set `sails.config.sockets.sendResponseHeaders=false` and/or
        // `sails.config.sockets.sendStatusCode=false`.
        if (app.config.sockets.sendResponseHeaders) {
          jwr.headers = clientRes.headers;
        if (app.config.sockets.sendStatusCode) {
          jwr.statusCode = clientRes.statusCode;

        // Remove 'set-cookie' header
        // (to prevent cookie from reaching client-side js)
        delete jwr.headers['set-cookie'];

        // TODO:
        // Try out http://socket.io/blog/introducing-socket-io-1-0/#socket.io-stream
        // to explore how we could make it work with Sails.
        // (the old way in 0.9 was streams1 style, just emitting `data` and `end` messages)

        // Send down response.


    // Finally, lob a virtual request at the interpreter
    app.router.route(requestContext, responseContext);

     * Send a parse error back over the socket.
     * If a callback was provided by the socket.io client, it will be used,
     * but otherwise a low-level event will be emitted (since otherwise there's
     * no way to communicate with the client)
     * Relies on closure scope for `options` and `app`.

    function respondWithParseError (detailedErrorMsg) {

      var error = ERRORPACK.PARSE_VIRTUAL_REQ('Failed to parse incoming socket.io request.');
      error.details = detailedErrorMsg;

      // Log parse error

      // If callback is invalid or non-existent:
      if ( !_.isFunction(options.socketIOClientCallback) ) {
        // Emit parse error
        options.socket.emit('sails:parseError', error);

      // Otherwise just send the error directly to the callback...
      return options.socketIOClientCallback(error);

/* @flow */
/* eslint-disable import/no-commonjs, import/no-nodejs-modules */

const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const semver = require('semver');
const isBetaVersion = require('../../../build/isBetaVersion');
const packageInfo = require('../../../package.json');

const announcementsSubreddit /*: string */ = 'RESAnnouncements';
const name /*: string */ = packageInfo.title;
const version /*: string */ = packageInfo.version;
const isBeta /*: boolean */ = isBetaVersion(version);
const isPatch /*: boolean */ = semver.patch(version) !== 0;
const isMinor /*: boolean */ = !isPatch && semver.minor(version) !== 0;
const isMajor /*: boolean */ = !isPatch && !isMinor && semver.major(version) !== 0;
const updatedURL /*: string */ = isBeta ?
	// link to the release listing page instead of a specific release page
	// so if someone goes from the previous version to a hotfix (e.g. 5.10.3 -> 5.12.1)
	// they see the big release notes for the minor release in addition to the changes in the hotfix
	`https://redditenhancementsuite.com/releases/beta/#v${version}` :
const homepageURL /*: string */ = packageInfo.homepage;
const gitDescription /*: string */ = execSync('git describe', { encoding: 'utf8' }).trim();

module.exports = {
Example #22
      ready: this.ready.bind(this)
    return this.locator

  ready () {
    return true

  getEnvironment () {
    return Object.assign({}, process.env)

  version () {
    return semver.major(atom.appVersion) + '.' + semver.minor(atom.appVersion) + '.' + semver.patch(atom.appVersion)

  provide () {
    return this.get100Implementation()

  provide010 () {
    return this.get010Implementation()

  get100Implementation () {
    let executor = this.getExecutor()
    let locator = this.getLocator()
    return {
      executor: {
 .then(latestVersion => {
   reject(new Error(`Could not find react-native-windows@${version}. ` +
     `Latest version of react-native-windows is ${latestVersion}, try switching to ` +
   }).catch(error => reject(new Error(`Could not find react-native-windows@${version}.`)));
Example #24
 exports.getLatestVersion((error, latest) => {
   if (error) return callback(error, null)
   return callback(null, SemVer.minor(latest))
Example #25
exports.getCurrentMinor = function () {
  return SemVer.minor(version)
Example #26
'use strict';
const _ = require('lodash');
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
const fs = require('fs');
const semver = require('semver');

// Mocked in tests
let version = process.version;
let semVersion = semver.major(process.version) + '.' +
                 semver.minor(process.version) + '.' +
let platform = process.platform;
let arch = process.arch;
let distro = '';
let release = '';
let fips = '';

if (process.versions.openssl.indexOf('fips') !== -1) {
  // When in fips mode include `fips` as a match condition
  fips = 'fips';

if (fs.existsSync('/etc/os-release')) {
  const osRelease = fs.readFileSync('/etc/os-release', 'utf8');
  distro = osRelease.match(/\n\s*ID="?(.*)"?/)[1] || '';
  const releaseMatch = osRelease.match(/\n\s*VERSION_ID="?(.*)"?/);
  release = releaseMatch ? (releaseMatch[1] || '') : '';
} else if (platform === 'darwin') {
  distro = 'macos';
  release = execSync('sw_vers -productVersion').toString() || '';
} else if (platform === 'aix' ) {
Example #27
export default async function wizard(pwd, name, toolchain) {
  let its = validateName(name);
  if (!its.validForNewPackages) {
    let errors = (its.errors || []).concat(its.warnings || []);
    throw new Error("Sorry, " + errors.join(" and ") + ".");

  // check for a scoped name
  let scoped = name.match(/@([^\/]+)\/(.*)/);
  let [, scope, local] = scoped || [, null, name];

  console.log("This utility will walk you through creating the " + style.project(name) + " Neon project.");
  console.log("It only covers the most common items, and tries to guess sensible defaults.");
  console.log("Press ^C at any time to quit.");

  let root = path.resolve(pwd, local);
  let guess = await guessAuthor();

  let answers = await prompt([
      type: 'input',
      name: 'version',
      message: "version",
      default: "0.1.0",
      validate: function (input) {
        if (semver.valid(input)) {
          return true;
        return "Invalid version: " + input;
    { type: 'input', name: 'description', message: "description"                                              },
    { type: 'input', name: 'node',        message: "node entry point", default: "lib" + path.sep + "index.js" },
    { type: 'input', name: 'git',         message: "git repository"                                           },
    { type: 'input', name: 'author',      message: "author",           default: guess.author                  },
    { type: 'input', name: 'email',       message: "email",            default: guess.email                   },
      type: 'input',
      name: 'license',
      message: "license",
      default: "MIT",
      validate: function (input) {
        let its = validateLicense(input);
        if (its.validForNewPackages) {
          return true;
        let errors = (its.errors || []).concat(its.warnings || []);
        return "Sorry, " + errors.join(" and ") + ".";

  answers.name = {
    npm: {
      full: name,
      scope: scope,
      local: local
    cargo: {
      external: local,
      internal: local.replace(/-/g, "_")
  let version = await NEON_CLI_VERSION;
  let ctx = {
    project: answers,
    "neon-cli": {
      major: semver.major(version),
      minor: semver.minor(version),
      patch: semver.patch(version)
    build: {
      cargo: {
        cmd: toolchain === 'default'
           ? []
           : ["multirust", "run", toolchain]

  let lib = path.resolve(root, path.dirname(answers.node));
  let native_ = path.resolve(root, 'native');
  let src = path.resolve(native_, 'src');

  await mkdirs(lib);
  await mkdirs(src);

  await writeFile(path.resolve(root,    '.gitignore'),   (await GITIGNORE_TEMPLATE)(ctx), { flag: 'wx' });
  await writeFile(path.resolve(root,    'package.json'), (await NPM_TEMPLATE)(ctx),       { flag: 'wx' });
  await writeFile(path.resolve(native_, 'Cargo.toml'),   (await CARGO_TEMPLATE)(ctx),     { flag: 'wx' });
  await writeFile(path.resolve(root,    'README.md'),    (await README_TEMPLATE)(ctx),    { flag: 'wx' });
  await writeFile(path.resolve(root,    answers.node),   (await INDEXJS_TEMPLATE)(ctx),   { flag: 'wx' });
  await writeFile(path.resolve(src,     'lib.rs'),       (await LIBRS_TEMPLATE)(ctx),     { flag: 'wx' });

  let relativeRoot = path.relative(pwd, root);
  let relativeNode = path.relative(pwd, path.resolve(root, answers.node));
  let relativeRust = path.relative(pwd, path.resolve(src, 'lib.rs'));

  console.log("Woo-hoo! Your Neon project has been created in: " + style.path(relativeRoot));
  console.log("The main Node entry point is at: " + style.path(relativeNode));
  console.log("The main Rust entry point is at: " + style.path(relativeRust));
  console.log("To build your project, just run " + style.command("npm install") + " from within the " + style.path(relativeRoot) + " directory.");
  console.log("Then you can test it out with " + style.command("node -e 'require(\"./\")'") + ".");
  console.log("Happy hacking!");
Example #28
 var getMinorRange = function(range) {
    range = simpliFyRange(range);
    return semver.minor(range);
Example #29
var satisfiesRange = function(version, range) {

   var ans = false;
   var complexRange = false;
   var rangeMinor = undefined;
   var rangeMajor = undefined;

   var simpliFyRange = function(range) {
      var ans = replaceall('~', '', range);
      ans = replaceall('^', '', ans);
      ans = replaceall('>=','', ans);
      ans = replaceall('<=','', ans);
      ans = replaceall('>','', ans);
      ans = replaceall('<','', ans);
      ans = replaceall('=','', ans);
      ans = replaceall('x','0', ans);
      ans = replaceall('X','0', ans);
      ans = replaceall('*','0', ans);
      return ans;

   var getMajorRange = function(range) {
      range = simpliFyRange(range);
      return semver.major(range);

   var getMinorRange = function(range) {
      range = simpliFyRange(range);
      return semver.minor(range);

   // NOTE: For complex range with multiple value
   //       I use only semver.satisfies method.
   if (range.split(' ').length > 1) {
      complexRange = true;
   } else {
      // For range with single number set minor to 0
      // Ex: 2 => major: 2, minor: 0
      if (range.split('.').length == 1) {
         rangeMinor = 0
         rangeMajor = range
      } else if (range.split('.').length == 2) {
         // Ex: 5.0
         rangeMajor = range.split('.')[0]
         rangeMinor = range.split('.')[1]
      } else {
         rangeMinor = getMinorRange(range);
         rangeMajor = getMajorRange(range);

   var minor = semver.minor(version);
   var major = semver.major(version);

   if (semver.satisfies(version, range) ||
       (!complexRange &&
        rangeMajor == major &&
        rangeMinor == minor &&
        semver.gtr(version, simpliFyRange(range)))) {

      ans = true;


   return ans;
Example #30
  let contents;
  try {
    // If this is a yarn_install or npm_install then the cwd is $(bazel info
    // output_base)/external/<wksp>/node_modules/@angular/bazel so we can look for
    // the package.json file under $(bazel info
    // output_base)/external/angular/package.json
    const packagePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '../../../../angular/package.json');
    contents = require(packagePath);
  } catch (e) {
    throw new Error('The angular repository is not installed in your Bazel WORKSPACE file');
  if (contents.name !== 'angular-srcs') {
    throw new Error('Invalid package.json in angular repository');
  // Be tolerant of versions such as "0.17.0-7-g76dc057"
  const angularPackageVersion = contents.version.split('-')[0];
  // Should match only the major and minor versions
  const range = `${semver.major(angularPackageVersion)}.${semver.minor(angularPackageVersion)}.x`;
  if (!semver.satisfies(npmPackageVersion, range)) {
    throw new Error(
        `Expected angular npm version ${npmPackageVersion} to satisfy ${range}. ` +
        `Please update ANGULAR_VERSION in WORKSPACE file to match ${npmPackageVersion}`);
} else {
  // No version check
  console.warn(`WARNING: With self managed deps you must ensure the @angular/bazel
npm package version matches the angular repository version.
Use yarn_install or npm_install for this version to be checked automatically.