Example #1
extract(font, function (err, data) {
  if (err) throw err
  var code = String((process.argv[2] || 'a').charCodeAt(0))
  var glyph = data.glyphs[code]
  var rgba = toRGBA(glyph)
  save(rgba, 'png').pipe(process.stdout)
Example #2

	yield processImages(pattern, listOfImages, blockLength, db);

	var pixels = ndarray([], [640, 640, 3]);
	for(var i=0; i<pattern.length; i+=blockLength){
		var block = yield pickBlock("B-"+i);

		for(var k=0; k<blockLength; k++){
			var pixel = block[k];
				var channels = pixel.split("-").map(function(v){
					return parseInt(v, 16);

				pixels.set(pattern[i+k][0], pattern[i+k][1], 0, channels[0]);
				pixels.set(pattern[i+k][0], pattern[i+k][1], 1, channels[1]);
				pixels.set(pattern[i+k][0], pattern[i+k][1], 2, channels[2]);

	savePixels(pixels, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./test.jpg"));

Example #3
        getPixels(input.src, function(err, pixels) {

            if (err) {
                console.log("Bad Image path");
            var width = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < pixels.shape[0]; i++) width++;

            for (var i = 0; i < pixels.shape[0]; i++) {
                for (var j = 0; j < pixels.shape[1]; j++) {
                    let val = (i / width) * 255;
                    pixels.set(i, j, 0, val);
                    pixels.set(i, j, 1, val);
                    pixels.set(i, j, 2, val);
                    pixels.set(i, j, 3, 255);
            var chunks = [];
            var totalLength = 0;
            var r = savePixels(pixels, input.format, { quality: 100 });

            r.on("data", function(chunk) {
                totalLength += chunk.length;

            r.on("end", function() {
                var data = Buffer.concat(chunks, totalLength).toString("base64");
                var datauri = "data:image/" + input.format + ";base64," + data;
                output(input.image, datauri, input.format);
Example #4

	var START = 640;
	var END = 3600;
	var SAMPLE_SIZE = 2;

	var baseImg = yield getBasePixels(sourcefile);
	var endImg = ndarray([], [END, END, 3]);

	var onePercent = END/100;
	var fivePercent = onePercent*5;
	var lastAlert = 0;
	var nextGoal = 5;
	console.time(nextGoal+"% "+destfile);

	for(var x=0; x<END; x++){
		var rowId = "row";
		var distTime = 0;
		for(y=0; y<END; y++){
			var mx = Math.floor(x / GROWTH);
			var my = Math.floor(y / GROWTH);

			var sx = Math.max(mx - SAMPLE_SIZE, 0);
			var ex = mx + SAMPLE_SIZE;

			var sy = Math.max(my - SAMPLE_SIZE, 0);
			var ey = my + SAMPLE_SIZE;

			var red = 0;
			var green = 0;
			var blue = 0;
			var count = 0;

			for(var cx=sx; cx<ex; cx++){
				for(var cy=sy; cy<ey; cy++){
					red += baseImg.get(cx,cy,0);
					green += baseImg.get(cx,cy,1);
					blue += baseImg.get(cx,cy,2);

			endImg.set(x, y, 0, Math.floor(red / count));
			endImg.set(x, y, 1, Math.floor(green / count));
			endImg.set(x, y, 2, Math.floor(blue / count));
		if(x > lastAlert + fivePercent){
			lastAlert = x;
			console.timeEnd(nextGoal+"% "+destfile);
			nextGoal = nextGoal + 5;
			console.time(nextGoal+"% "+destfile);

	savePixels(endImg, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream(destfile));

Example #5
 pyramid.forEach(function(level, i) {
   var img = new Image();
   img.src = savePixels(level, 'canvas').toDataURL();
   img.style.border = '1px dotted black';
   document.body.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' level #'+i+' ('+img.width+'x'+img.height+')'));
Example #6

	//yield processImages(pattern, listOfImages, blockLength, db);

	var pixels = yield crushIt(1, 2);
	savePixels(pixels, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./test.jpg"));

Example #7
    getPixels(imgPath, function(err, pixels) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;
        function getRGB(x, y) {
            return (pixels.get(x, y, 0) + pixels.get(x, y, 1) + pixels.get(x, y, 2)) / 3 | 0;
        function dropY(x, maxY) {
            var y = 0;
            var points = [];
            for (; y < maxY; y++) {
                if (intBlack(getRGB(x, y))) {
                    points.push([x, y]);
                    return points;
            return points;
        function dropX(y, maxX) {
            var x = 0;
            var points = [];
            for (; x < maxX; x++) {
                if (intBlack(getRGB(x, y))) {
                    points.push([x, y]);
            return points;

        var width = pixels.shape[0];
        var height = pixels.shape[1];

        var black = [];

        for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            joinPoints(black, dropY(x, height));

        var topEdge = findTopEdge(removeOutliers(black, 80));

        black.forEach(function(xy) {
            var x = xy[0];
            var y = xy[1];
            setColour(pixels, x, y, {green: 255});
        topEdge.points.forEach(function(xy) {
            var x = xy[0];
            var y = xy[1];
            setColour(pixels, x, y, {red: 255});

        // var outImage = zeros([width, height, 4]);
        // imageRotate(outImage, pixels, -Math.atan(topEdge.equation[0]), 0, 0);

        savePixels(pixels, 'jpeg').pipe(tmp);
Example #8

	var IMG_SIZE = 640;
	var numImgs = listOfImages.length;
	var imgLength = IMG_SIZE * IMG_SIZE;
	var fivePercent = imgLength/20;
	var pixels = ndarray([], [IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE, 3]);

	var imgs = [];
	for(var b=0; b<numImgs; b++){
		var imgId = listOfImages[b];
		var imgPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../instagrams", imgId+".jpg");
		console.log("parse "+imgPath+" "+b+" of "+numImgs);
		var img = yield getBasePixels(imgPath);

	var fork = pattern(IMG_SIZE);

	var avgs = [];
	for(var i=0; i<imgLength; i++){
		var pos = fork.next().value;
		var x = pos[0];
		var y = pos[1];
		avgs.push(getAvg(imgs, x, y));

	for(var i=0; i<imgLength; i++){
		var left = i - 3 < 0 ? 0 : i - 3;
		var right = i + 3 >= imgLength ? imgLength-1 : i + 3;

		var leftAvg = avgs[left];
		var rightAvg = avgs[right];

		var redDif = leftAvg.red - rightAvg.red;
		var greenDif = leftAvg.green - rightAvg.green;
		var blueDif = leftAvg.blue - rightAvg.blue;

		var midAvg = {
			red: leftAvg.red + redDif,
			green: leftAvg.green + greenDif,
			blue: leftAvg.blue + blueDif,

		var close = findClose(imgs, midAvg, avgs[i]);

		pixels.set(avgs[i].x, avgs[i].y, 0, close.red);
		pixels.set(avgs[i].x, avgs[i].y, 1, close.green);
		pixels.set(avgs[i].x, avgs[i].y, 2, close.blue);

	savePixels(pixels, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./test.jpg"));

Example #9
     * Write the output to an image
     * @param output
        //convert to ndarray for saving
        var ndShifted = Utils.pixVal_to_nd(this.pixVals);

        //save image
        var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(output);

        var extension = output.match(/\.[0-9a-z]+$/)[0];

        savePixels(ndShifted, extension).pipe(writeStream);
Example #10
    getPixels(imgPath, function(err, pixels) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;
        function getRGB(x, y) {
            return (pixels.get(x, y, 0) + pixels.get(x, y, 1) + pixels.get(x, y, 2)) / 3 | 0;
        function dropY(x, maxY) {
            var y = 0;
            for (; y < maxY; y++) {
                if (intBlack(getRGB(x, y))) {
                    return y;
            return -1;
        function dropX(y, maxX) {
            var x = 0;
            for (; x < maxX; x++) {
                if (intBlack(getRGB(x, y))) {
                    return x;
            return -1;

        var width = pixels.shape[0];
        var height = pixels.shape[1];

        var top = [];

        for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            let y = dropY(x, height);
            if (y !== -1) {
                pixels.set(x, y, 0, 255);
                pixels.set(x, y, 1, 0);
                pixels.set(x, y, 2, 0);
                pixels.set(x, y, 3, 0);
        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            let x = dropX(y, width);
            if (x !== -1) {
                pixels.set(x, y, 0, 255);
                pixels.set(x, y, 1, 0);
                pixels.set(x, y, 2, 0);
                pixels.set(x, y, 3, 0);

        savePixels(pixels, 'jpeg').pipe(tmp);

Example #11
  return function getExporterFn (options, cb) {
    // If we have a custom background, fill it in (otherwise default is transparent black `rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)`)
    var ndarray = this.ndarray;
    if (options.background) {
      ndarrayFill(ndarray, function fillBackground (i, j, k) {
        return options.background[k];

    // Add each image to the canvas
    var images = this.images;
    images.forEach(function getUrlPath (imageObj) {
      // Iterate over the image's data across its rows
      // setting the original data at that offset
      // [1, 2, 0, 0,
      //  3, 4, 0, 0,
      //  0, 0, 5, 0,
      //  0, 0, 0, 6]
      var img = imageObj.img;
      var xOffset = imageObj.x;
      var yOffset = imageObj.y;
      var colIndex = 0;
      var colCount = img.width; // DEV: Use `width` for padding
      for (; colIndex < colCount; colIndex += 1) {
        var rowIndex = 0;
        var rowCount = img.height; // DEV: Use `height` for padding
        for (; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex += 1) {
          var rgbaIndex = 0;
          var rgbaCount = 4;
          for (; rgbaIndex < rgbaCount; rgbaIndex += 1) {
            // If we are working with a 4 dimensional array, ignore the first dimension
            // DEV: This is a GIF; [frames, width, height, rgba]
            var val;
            if (img.shape.length === 4) {
              val = img.get(0, colIndex, rowIndex, rgbaIndex);
            // Otherwise, transfer data directly
            } else {
              val = img.get(colIndex, rowIndex, rgbaIndex);
            ndarray.set(xOffset + colIndex, yOffset + rowIndex, rgbaIndex, val);

    // Concatenate the ndarray into a png
    // TODO: We should start sending back streams
    savePixels(ndarray, ext).pipe(concat(function concatenateImage (buff) {
      cb(null, buff.toString('binary'));
Example #12

	var START = 640;
	var END = 3600;
	var SAMPLE_SIZE = 2;

	var baseImg = yield getBasePixels("../sketch/test.jpg");
	var endImg = ndarray([], [END, END, 3]);

	for(var x=0; x<END; x++){
		var rowId = "row";
		var distTime = 0;
		for(y=0; y<END; y++){
			var mx = Math.floor(x / GROWTH);
			var my = Math.floor(y / GROWTH);

			var sx = Math.max(mx - SAMPLE_SIZE, 0);
			var ex = mx + SAMPLE_SIZE;

			var sy = Math.max(my - SAMPLE_SIZE, 0);
			var ey = my + SAMPLE_SIZE;

			var red = 0;
			var green = 0;
			var blue = 0;
			var count = 0;

			for(var cx=sx; cx<ex; cx++){
				for(var cy=sy; cy<ey; cy++){
					red += baseImg.get(cx,cy,0);
					green += baseImg.get(cx,cy,1);
					blue += baseImg.get(cx,cy,2);

			endImg.set(x, y, 0, Math.floor(red / count));
			endImg.set(x, y, 1, Math.floor(green / count));
			endImg.set(x, y, 2, Math.floor(blue / count));

	savePixels(endImg, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./sample-"+SAMPLE_SIZE+".jpg"));

Example #13
    function handleResult (cb) {
      // If we received a non-zero exit code, complain and leave
      if (code !== 0) {
        var err = new Error('Received non-zero exit code "' + code + '" from PhantomJS. stdout:' + stdout);
        return cb(err);

      // Otherwise, decode the pixel values
      // DEV: This used to be thinner and not need padding but Windows was messing up the image
      var encodedPixels = stdout;
      var decodedPixels;
      try {
        decodedPixels = JSON.parse(encodedPixels);
      } catch (e) {
        return cb(new Error('Error while parsing JSON "' + encodedPixels + '".\n' + e.message));

      // If we are dealing with a `jpeg`, then use `jpeg-js`
      // DEV: This is to support `quality` which `save-pixels` doesn't
      var resultStream;
      if (['jpg', 'jpeg'].indexOf(format) !== -1) {
        // Encode our data via `jpeg-js` and callback with its internal buffer
        var jpg;
        try {
          jpg = jpegJs.encode({
            data: decodedPixels,
            width: params.width,
            height: params.height
          }, options.quality);
        } catch (err) {
          return cb(err);
        resultStream = new ContentStream(jpg.data);
      // Otherwise, leverage `save-pixels`
      } else {
        // Convert the pixels into an ndarray
        // Taken from https://github.com/mikolalysenko/get-pixels/blob/2ac98645119244d6e52afcef5fe52cc9300fb27b/dom-pixels.js#L14
        var imgNdarray = ndarray(decodedPixels,
          [params.height, params.width, 4], [4 * params.width, 4, 1], 0);

        // Generate our result stream
        resultStream = savePixels(imgNdarray, format);

      // Pipe the stream into the returned result and handle errors
      resultStream.on('error', function forwardError (err) {
        retStream.emit('error', err);
Example #14
 it("should decode what it encoded", function(done) {
     const encode = dmCreator.generateDm({
         data: "hello"
     var data = new Buffer(encode.pixels);
     var image = ndarray(encode.pixels, [encode.width, encode.height, encode.channels])
     var output = fs.createWriteStream("test/output.png");
     var stream = savePixels(image, "png").pipe(output);
     stream.on("finish", function() {
         getPixels("./test/output.png", function(err, pixels) {
             const res = decodePixels(err, pixels);
Example #15
    getPixels(img.src, (err, pixels) => {
      if (err) {
        return onerror(err, img);

      // see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_color_space#HSV_.28Hue_Saturation_Value.29
      if (this.colorMap === undefined) {
        this.colorMap = graycolorize.generateMap(120/360, 0.7);

      graycolorize(pixels, this.colorMap);

      const img2 = new Image();
      img2.src = savePixels(pixels, 'canvas').toDataURL();
      img2.onload = () => onload(img2);
      img2.onerror = (err) => onerror(err, img2);
Example #16
      read(file, function(err, data) {
        if (err) return next(err)

        var out = fs.createWriteStream(dest)

        save(convert(data), 'png')
          .once('error', next)
          .once('close', function() {
            console.error('trimmed ' + file + '...')

            dest = path.relative(__dirname + '/..', dest)
            name = name.replace(/\.png/g, '')

            next(null, { uri: dest, name: name })
    getPixels(tmp, function(err, pixels) {
      if(err) {
        console.log("Bad image path")

      var pxlArray = pixels.shape.slice()
      var secretz = lsb.decode(pixels.data, pickRGB)
      savePixels(pixels, "png").pipe(concat(function(png) {
        var dataUri = 'data:' + imgBuff.type + ';base64,' + png.toString('base64')
        req.body.content.data = dataUri
        req.body.content.type = imgBuff.type
        rawData.then(function (rawData) {

            var end = Date.now();
            var duration = end - start;

            // Toss raw data back into pixels;
            offset = 0;
            for (var w = 0; w < width; w++) {
                for (var h = 0; h < height; h++ ) {
                    for (var c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
                        var val = rawData[offset];

            var stream = savePixels(pixels, "png");
            toArray(stream, function (err, parts) {
                var buffers = [];
                for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l ; ++i) {
                    var part = parts[i];
                    buffers.push((part instanceof Buffer) ? part : new Buffer(part));
                var buf = Buffer.concat(buffers);

                var base64Encoded = buf.toString('base64');

                var prefix = 'data:image/png;base64,';
                var imageUrl = prefix + base64Encoded;

                res.render('index', {
                    title: 'Edge Detection Demo',
                    duration: String(duration) + ' ms to compute.',
                    imageUrl: imageUrl,
                    imageUrl2: 'http://localhost:3001/images/' + imgName

function plotPredicate(pred) {
  var img = ndarray(new Uint8Array(NX*NY*3), [NX,NY,3])
  for(var i=0; i<NX; ++i) {
    for(var j=0; j<NY; ++j) {
      var px = 0.5 + i * Math.pow(2, -53)
      var py = 0.5 + j * Math.pow(2, -53)

      var o = pred([px, py], [12, 12], [24, 24])
      if(o < 0) {
      } else if(o > 0) {
      } else {
  return savePixels(img, "png")
Example #20
 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
   var imgStream = savePixels(pixels, "png");
   var bufs = [];
   imgStream.on("data", function(d) {
   imgStream.on("end", function() {
     var buf = Buffer.concat(bufs);
     if (outFile) {
       fs.writeFile(outFile, buf, function(err) {
         if (err) {
           return reject(err);
     } else {
Example #21
  getPixels(url, function(err, pixels) {

    /* manual test
    var colormap = ndarray(new Uint8Array(256*4), [256,4]);

    colormap.set(0x71, 0, 0x42);
    colormap.set(0x71, 1, 0x7f);
    colormap.set(0x71, 2, 0x13);
    colormap.set(0x71, 3, 0xff);

    //colormap = graycolorize.generateMap(0.25 /* 90deg(/360), green-yellow */, 0.5, 0.3, 1.0);
    colormap = graycolorize.generateMap(0.25, 0.5);

    graycolorize(pixels, colormap);

    console.log(err, pixels);

    var canvas = savePixels(pixels, 'canvas');
    canvas.style.width = canvas.style.height = size + 'px';
Example #22
var saveImage = function(pixels, imgId){
	savePixels(pixels, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./data/"+imgId+".jpg"));
	return new Promise(function(resolve){
		setTimeout(resolve, 200);
Example #23

	var numImgs = listOfImages.length;
	var SHIFT_WEIGHT = 1/16;
	var trainData = [];

	for(var b=1; b<numImgs; b++){
		var imgId = listOfImages[b];
		var imgPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../instagrams", imgId+".jpg");
		console.log("parse "+imgPath+" "+b+" of "+numImgs);
		var img = yield getBasePixels(imgPath);
		var fork = pattern(640);
		var next = fork.next();
		var current = [];
		while(next.done === false){
			var x = next.value[0];
			var y = next.value[1];

			var red = Math.floor(img.get(x, y, 0) / 16) * SHIFT_WEIGHT;
			var green = Math.floor(img.get(x, y, 1) / 16) * SHIFT_WEIGHT;
			var blue = Math.floor(img.get(x, y, 2) / 16) * SHIFT_WEIGHT;


			if(current.length === BLOCK_SIZE){
				trainData.push([current, current]);
				current = [];

			next = fork.next();

	console.log("Train!", trainData.length);

	var net = new fann.standard(BLOCK_SIZE, 16, BLOCK_SIZE);

	// net.training_algorithm = "INCREMENTAL";
	// net.learning_momentum = .2;
	// net.learning_rate = .5;

	console.log("training_algorithm", net.training_algorithm);
	console.log("learning_rate", net.learning_rate);
	console.log("learning_momentum", net.learning_momentum);

	var info = net.train(trainData, {error: 0.005, epochs_between_reports: 10});

	var imgId = listOfImages[0];
	var imgPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../instagrams", imgId+".jpg");
	var img = yield getBasePixels(imgPath);
	var pixels = ndarray([], [640, 640, 3]);

	for(var trip=1; trip<ITTERATIONS+1; trip++){

		console.log("start", trip);
		var fork = pattern(640);
		var next = fork.next();
		var p = 0;
		var data = [];
		var get = [];
		var xy = [];
		while(next.done === false){
			var x = next.value[0];
			var y = next.value[1];

			var red = Math.floor(img.get(x, y, 0) / 16) * SHIFT_WEIGHT;
			var green = Math.floor(img.get(x, y, 1) / 16) * SHIFT_WEIGHT;
			var blue = Math.floor(img.get(x, y, 2) / 16) * SHIFT_WEIGHT;


				x: x,
				y: y

			if(get.length == BLOCK_SIZE){
				var data = net.run(get);
				for(var i=0; i<xy.length; i++){
					var xx = xy[i].x;
					var yy = xy[i].y;
					var j = i*3;

					for(var k=0; k<3; k++){
						var val = Math.floor((data[j+k] / SHIFT_WEIGHT) * 16);
						pixels.set(xx, yy, k, val);


				get = [];
				xy = [];
			next = fork.next();

		if(trip%20 === 0 || trip === 1 || trip === ITTERATIONS){
			console.log("saving this one");
			var tripStub = trip - 10 < 0 ? "00"+trip : trip - 100 < 0 ? "0"+trip : trip;
			savePixels(pixels, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./imgs/"+tripStub+".jpg"));
		img = pixels;

 before(function (done) {
   var png = savePixels(ndarray(this.actualPixels, [10, 10, 4], [4 * 10, 4, 1], 0), 'png');
   try { fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + '/actual-files'); } catch (e) {}
   png.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/actual-files/' + filename));
   png.on('end', done);
Example #25

	var IMG_SIZE = 640;
	var numImgs = listOfImages.length;
	var imgLength = IMG_SIZE * IMG_SIZE;
	var fivePercent = imgLength/20;
	var pixels = ndarray([], [IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE, 3]);

	var imgs = [];
	for(var b=0; b<numImgs; b++){
		var imgId = listOfImages[b];
		var imgPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../instagrams", imgId+".jpg");
		console.log("parse "+imgPath+" "+b+" of "+numImgs);
		var img = yield getBasePixels(imgPath);

	var fork = pattern(IMG_SIZE);
	var next = fork.next();
	while(next.done === false){
		var x = next.value[0];
		var y = next.value[1];

		var redTotal = 0;
		var greenTotal = 0;
		var blueTotal = 0;

		var maxTotal = 0;
		var midTotal = 0;

		for(var i=0; i<numImgs; i++){
			var colors = getColors(imgs[i], x, y);

			redTotal = redTotal + colors.red;
			greenTotal = greenTotal + colors.green;
			blueTotal = blueTotal + colors.blue;

			var max = Math.max(colors.red, colors.green, colors.blue);
			var mid = [colors.red, colors.green, colors.blue].sort()[1];

			maxTotal = maxTotal + max;
			midTotal = midTotal + mid;

		var dist = [
				value: redTotal,
				channel: 0
				value: greenTotal,
				channel: 1
				value: blueTotal,
				channel: 2

		dist.sort(function(a, b){
			return a.value - b.value;

		var maxAvg = Math.floor(maxTotal / numImgs);
		var midAvg = Math.floor(midTotal / numImgs);
		var min = Math.floor(dist[2].value / numImgs);

		pixels.set(x, y, dist[0].channel, maxAvg);
		pixels.set(x, y, dist[1].channel, midAvg);
		pixels.set(x, y, dist[2].channel, min);

		next = fork.next();

	savePixels(pixels, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./test.jpg"));

Example #26

	var BLOCK_SIZE = 12;
	var NUM_COLORS = 256;
	var BACK_TRACK = 2;

	var mash = function(a){
		var out = 0;

		for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++){
			out += a[i]

		return out;

	var numImgs = listOfImages.length;
	var records = [];

	for(var b=1; b<numImgs; b++){
		var imgId = listOfImages[b];
		var imgPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../instagrams", imgId+".jpg");
		console.log("parse "+imgPath+" "+b+" of "+numImgs);
		var img = yield getBasePixels(imgPath);
		var result = groupCrome([img], NUM_COLORS, BLOCK_SIZE, function(a){
			return mash(a)+"-"
		}, 20, 20);

		savePixels(result.imgs[0], "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./imgs/"+imgId+".jpg"));


	var getColor = function(block){
		var scores = [scoreGroup(block, records[0])];
		var min = getMin(scores[0]);
		var minIndex = 0;

		for(var i=1; i<records.length; i++){
			scores.push(scoreGroup(block, records[i]));
			var pm = getMin(scores[i]);
			if(pm < min){
				min = pm;
				minIndex = i;

		var minScore = scores[minIndex];

		var posOfMin = minScore.indexOf(min);

		var nextColor = records[minIndex][posOfMin];

		return nextColor;

	console.log("loading new img");
	var newImg = yield getBasePixels(path.join(__dirname, "../../instagrams", listOfImages[0]+".jpg"));

	var fork = pattern(640);
	var next = fork.next();
	var current = [];
	var xys = [];
	while(next.done === false){
		var x = next.value[0];
		var y = next.value[1];

		xys = xys.concat([[x,y]]);

		var red = newImg.get(x, y, 0);
		var green = newImg.get(x, y, 1);
		var blue = newImg.get(x, y, 2);

		current = current.concat([red, green, blue]);

		if(xys.length == BLOCK_SIZE){

			var color = getColor(current);

			for(var i=0; i<BACK_TRACK; i++){
				var x = xys[0][0];
				var y = xys[0][1];
				newImg.set(x, y, 0, color[0]);
				newImg.set(x, y, 1, color[1]);
				newImg.set(x, y, 2, color[2]);

				xys = xys.splice(1);
				current = color.splice(3);


		var next = fork.next();

	console.log("image built");

	savePixels(newImg, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./imgs/new.jpg"));

Example #27

	var IMG_SIZE = 640;
	var numImgs = listOfImages.length;
	var imgLength = IMG_SIZE * IMG_SIZE;
	var fivePercent = imgLength/20;
	var pixels = ndarray([], [IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE, 3]);

	var imgs = [];
	for(var b=0; b<numImgs; b++){
		var imgId = listOfImages[b];
		var imgPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../instagrams", imgId+".jpg");
		console.log("parse "+imgPath+" "+b+" of "+numImgs);
		var img = yield getBasePixels(imgPath);

	var fork = pattern(IMG_SIZE);
	var mind = {};
	var ids = [];

	var loc = null;

	var last = fork.next();
	var item = fork.next();
	var p = 0;
	var lastReport = 0;
	while(item.done === false){

		for(var i=0; i<numImgs; i++){
			var pixel = getColors(imgs[i], last.value[0], last.value[1], p);
			var next = getColors(imgs[i], item.value[0], item.value[1], p+1);

			pixel.dist = Math.abs(pixel.green - next.green);
			pixel.next = next.id;

			if(loc === null){
				loc = pixel.id;

			if(mind[pixel.id] === undefined){
				mind[pixel.id] =  {
					vals: [],
					pos: 0


		last = item;
		item = fork.next();

			lastReport = p;


	for(var i=0; i<numImgs; i++){
		var pixel = getColors(imgs[i], last.value[0], last.value[1], p+1);
		var next = getColors(imgs[i], last.value[0], last.value[1], p+1);

		pixel.dist = Math.abs(pixel.green - next.green);
		pixel.next = next.id;

		if(mind[pixel.id] === undefined){
			mind[pixel.id] =  {
				vals: [],
				pos: 0


	for(var i=0; i<ids.length; i++){
		var id = ids[i];
		mind[id].vals.sort(function(a, b){
			return b.dist - a.dist;
	var fork = pattern(IMG_SIZE);
	var cur = fork.next();
	var p = 0;
	var lastReport = 0;

	var used = {};
	var usedIds = [];
	var reset = 0;

	console.log("filling in pixels");
	while(cur.done === false){
		used[loc] = used[loc] ? used[loc] + 1 : 1;

			used[loc] = used[loc] + 1;
			used[loc] = 1;

		var x = cur.value[0];
		var y = cur.value[1];

			var pixel = mind[loc].vals[mind[loc].pos];
			mind[loc].pos = mind[loc].pos + 1;
			if(mind[loc].pos == mind[loc].vals.length){
				mind[loc].pos = 0;

			pixels.set(x, y, 0, pixel.red);
			pixels.set(x, y, 1, pixel.green);
			pixels.set(x, y, 2, pixel.blue);
			pixels.set(x, y, 0, 0);
			pixels.set(x, y, 1, 0);
			pixels.set(x, y, 2, 255);

		oldLoc = loc;
		loc = pixel.next;
		cur = fork.next();

			lastReport = p;
	var perIdsUsed = (100/ids.length)*usedIds.length;
	console.log("perIdsUsed", perIdsUsed);
	var perReset = (100/imgLength)*reset;
	console.log("perReset", perReset);

	savePixels(pixels, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./test.jpg"));

Example #28

	var BLOCK_SIZE = 6;
	var NUM_COLORS = 2;

	var mash = function(a){
		return Math.floor(Math.max.apply(null, a) / 16) * 16;

	var numImgs = listOfImages.length;
	var records = [];

	for(var b=0; b<numImgs; b++){
		var imgId = listOfImages[b];
		var imgPath =  getPath(imgId);
		console.log("parse "+imgPath+" "+b+" of "+numImgs);
		var img = yield getBasePixels(imgPath);
		var result = groupCrome([img], NUM_COLORS, BLOCK_SIZE, function(a){
			return mash(a)+"-"

		savePixels(result.imgs[0], "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./imgs/"+imgId+".jpg"));


	var getColor = function(block){
		var scores = [scoreGroup(block, records[0])];
		var min = getMin(scores[0]);
		var minIndex = 0;

		for(var i=1; i<records.length; i++){
			scores.push(scoreGroup(block, records[i]));
			var pm = getMin(scores[i]);
			if(pm < min){
				min = pm;
				minIndex = i;

		var minScore = scores[minIndex];

		var posOfMin = minScore.indexOf(min);

		var nextColor = records[minIndex][posOfMin];

		return nextColor;

	for(var k=0; k<others.length; k++){
		var imgId = others[k];
		console.log("loading new img");
		var newImg = yield getBasePixels(getPath(imgId));

		var fork = pattern(640);
		var next = fork.next();
		var current = [];
		var xys = [];
		while(next.done === false){
			var x = next.value[0];
			var y = next.value[1];

			xys = xys.concat([[x,y]]);

			var red = newImg.get(x, y, 0);
			var green = newImg.get(x, y, 1);
			var blue = newImg.get(x, y, 2);

			current = current.concat([red, green, blue]);

			if(xys.length == BLOCK_SIZE){

				var color = getColor(current);

				for(var i=0; i<BLOCK_SIZE; i++){
					var x = xys[i][0];
					var y = xys[i][1];
					var j = i*3
					newImg.set(x, y, 0, color[j+0]);
					newImg.set(x, y, 1, color[j+1]);
					newImg.set(x, y, 2, color[j+2]);

				current = [];
				xys = [];


			var next = fork.next();

		console.log("image built", imgId);

		savePixels(newImg, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./others/"+imgId+".jpg"));

Example #29
var fs = require("fs")
var savePixels = require("save-pixels")
var baboon = require("luminance")(require("baboon-image"))
var patch = baboon.lo(222, 215).hi(80, 80)

savePixels(baboon, "png").pipe(fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + "/baboon.png"))
savePixels(patch, "png").pipe(fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + "/patch.png"))

var position = require("../align.js")(patch, baboon)
Example #30

	var numImgs = listOfImages.length;
	var trainData = [];
	var SHIFT_WEIGHT = 1/256;
	var BLOCK_SIZE = parseInt(process.argv[2]);
	console.log("BLOCK_SIZE:", BLOCK_SIZE);

	for(var b=1; b<numImgs; b++){
		var imgId = listOfImages[b];
		var imgPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../instagrams", imgId+".jpg");
		console.log("parse "+imgPath+" "+b+" of "+numImgs);
		var img = yield getBasePixels(imgPath);
		var fork = pattern(640);
		var next = fork.next();
		var current = [];
		while(next.done === false){
			var x = next.value[0];
			var y = next.value[1];

			var red = img.get(x, y, 0);
			var green = img.get(x, y, 1);
			var blue = img.get(x, y, 2);

			current.push(red * SHIFT_WEIGHT);
			current.push(green * SHIFT_WEIGHT);
			current.push(blue * SHIFT_WEIGHT);

			if(current.length === BLOCK_SIZE * 3){
				trainData.push({input:current, output:current});
				current = [];

			next = fork.next();

	console.log("Train!", trainData.length);

	var net = new brain.NeuralNetwork({
		hiddenLayers: [3, 2, 1]

	var info = net.train(trainData, {
		errorThresh: 0.005,  // error threshold to reach
		iterations: 2000,   // maximum training iterations
		log: true,           // console.log() progress periodically
		logPeriod: 20,       // number of iterations between logging
		learningRate: 0.1    // learning rate

	console.log("TRAINING INFO", info);

	var imgId = listOfImages[0];
	var imgPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../instagrams", imgId+".jpg");
	var img = yield getBasePixels(imgPath);
	var pixels = ndarray([], [640, 640, 3]);
	var fork = pattern(640);
	var next = fork.next();
	var p = 0;
	var data = [];
	var get = [];
	var xy = [];
	while(next.done === false){
		var x = next.value[0];
		var y = next.value[1];

		var red = img.get(x, y, 0);
		var green = img.get(x, y, 1);
		var blue = img.get(x, y, 2);

		get.push(red * SHIFT_WEIGHT);
		get.push(green * SHIFT_WEIGHT);
		get.push(blue * SHIFT_WEIGHT);

			x: x,
			y: y

		if(get.length == BLOCK_SIZE * 3){
			var data = net.run(get);
			for(var i=0; i<BLOCK_SIZE; i++){
				var xx = xy[i].x;
				var yy = xy[i].y;
				var start = i*3;
				pixels.set(xx, yy, 0, Math.floor(data[start] / SHIFT_WEIGHT));
				pixels.set(xx, yy, 1, Math.floor(data[start+1] / SHIFT_WEIGHT));
				pixels.set(xx, yy, 2, Math.floor(data[start+2] / SHIFT_WEIGHT));

			get = [];
			xy = [];
		next = fork.next();

	var stub = BLOCK_SIZE - 10 < 0 ? "00"+BLOCK_SIZE : BLOCK_SIZE - 100 < 0 ? "0"+BLOCK_SIZE : BLOCK_SIZE;

	savePixels(pixels, "jpg").pipe(fs.createWriteStream("./"+stub+".jpg"));
