Example #1
  AccessToken.methods.authenticate = function(token, next) {
    var now = new Date();

    // Check for a valid possible token
    if(sanitize.string(token) === undefined) {
      return false;

    // Creation date must be prior to right now.
    if(date.diff(now, this.creationDate) < 0) {
      return false;

    // Expiration date must be later than now.
    if(date.diff(this.expirationDate, now) <= 0) {
      return false;

    // Usage must be less than our max usage.
    if(this.usage >= this.maxUsage) {
      return false;

    // Check if the token matches our token hash.
      return bcrypt.compare(token, this.tokenHash, next);     // Asynchronous call to compare the possible access token to the encrypted access token.
    return bcrypt.compareSync(token, this.tokenHash);         // Synchronous call to compare the possible access token to the encrypted access token.
Example #2
 AccessToken.virtual('token').set(function(token) {
   if(sanitize.string(token) === undefined)
     token = hash.generateKeySync(24);
   this.tokenHash = hash.hashKeySync(token, saltRounds);        // Synchronous call to create a bcrypt salt & hash, then set that hash as the password.
   return token;
Example #3
  User.pre('save', function(next) {
    var user = this;

    if(sanitize.string(user.name) === undefined) {
      return next(new Error('Please enter a valid name.'));

    if(sanitize.string(user.password) === undefined)
      return next(new Error('Please enter a password.'));

    try {
      check(this.email).len(6,64).isEmail();                                        // Check if string is a valid email.
    } catch (e) {
      return next(new Error('Please enter a valid email address.'));

    return next();
Example #4
  AccessToken.methods.update = function(obj, userId, next) {
    var accessToken = this,
        isUpdated   = false;

    // Loop through each property in the new object.  
    // Verify each property and update the user object accordingly.
    for (var key in obj) {
      switch(key) {
        // Number Property Types
        case 'maxUsage':
        case 'usage':
          value = sanitize.number(obj[key]);

        // Object ID Property Types
        case 'user':
          value = sanitize.objectId(obj[key]);

        // Date Property Types
        case 'creationDate':
        case 'expirationDate':
          value = sanitize.date(obj[key]);

        // Boolean Property Types  
        case 'activated':
          value = sanitize.boolean(obj[key]);

        // Ignore these, the model update function will 
        // handle them for us.
        case 'lastUpdated':
        case 'lastUpdatedBy':

        // String Property Types, handled by default.
          value = sanitize.string(obj[key]);

      // If the value was valid, then update the access token object.
      if(value !== undefined) {
        accessToken[key] = value;
        isUpdated = true 

    // Handle the lastUpdated and lastUpdatedBy attributes
    // then save the object.
    model.update(obj, accessToken, userId, isUpdated, next);
Example #5
  AccessToken.pre('save', function(next) {
    var accessToken = this;

    // If there isn't an access token already generated,
    // then create one.
    // TODO:  See if this is necessary.
    if(sanitize.string(accessToken.token) === undefined) {
      accessToken.token = undefined;

    return next();
Example #6
  User.methods.update = function(obj, userId, next) {
    if( ! obj) {
      var err = new Error('Can not update the user object because the parameter is not valid.')
      if(next !== undefined) {
        return next(err);
      return log.e(err);

    var user = this,
        isUserUpdated = false,
        isLastUpdated = false,
        isLastUpdatedBy = false,
        value = undefined;

    // Loop through each property in the new object.  Verify each property and update the user object accordingly.
    for (var key in obj) {
      switch(key) {
        // Number Property Types
        case 'failedLoginAttempts':
          value = sanitize.number(obj[key]);

        // Object ID Property Types
        case 'lastUpdatedBy':
          isLastUpdatedBy = true;
        case 'roles':
          value = sanitize.objectId(obj[key]);

        // Date Property Types
        case 'dateCreated':
        case 'lastLogin':
        case 'lastUpdated':
          isLastUpdated = true;
          value = sanitize.date(obj[key]);

        // Boolean Property Types  
        case 'activated':
          value = sanitize.boolean(obj[key]);

        // String Property Types, handled by default.
          value = sanitize.string(obj[key]);

      // If the value was valid, then update the user object.
      if(value !== undefined) {
        // Trigger an update to the lastUpdated and lastUpdatedBy property if we are not tracking a login or login attempt.
        if(key !== "failedLoginAttempts" && key !== "lastLogin") {
          isUserUpdated = true
        // Update the user property with the new value.
        user[key] = value;

    if( ! isLastUpdated && isUserUpdated) {
      user['lastUpdated'] = Date.now();

    if( ! isLastUpdatedBy && isUserUpdated) {
      user['lastUpdatedBy'] = sanitize.objectId(userId);

    user.save(function(err, user) {
      if(! user && ! err) {
        var err = new Error('There was a problem saving the updated user object.');

      if(err) {
        if(next !== undefined) {
          return next(err);
        return log.e(err);

      if(next !== undefined)
        return next(undefined, user);