Example #1
File: game.js Project: szlend/mana
  cameraMoveObserver() {
    const mouse = this.mouseDown.flatMap(downEvent => {
      const [cameraX, cameraY] = [this.cameraX, this.cameraY]
      return this.mouseMove
        .map(moveEvent => [
          cameraX + (downEvent.clientX - moveEvent.clientX) * this.scale,
          cameraY + (downEvent.clientY - moveEvent.clientY) * this.scale

    const touch = this.touchStart.flatMap(startEvent => {
      const [cameraX, cameraY] = [this.cameraX, this.cameraY]
      return this.touchMove
        .map(moveEvent => [
          cameraX + (startEvent.touches[0].clientX - moveEvent.touches[0].clientX) * this.scale,
          cameraY + (startEvent.touches[0].clientY - moveEvent.touches[0].clientY) * this.scale

    const scroll = this.mouseScroll.map(event => {
      const hasDelta = event.deltaX !== undefined
      return [
        this.cameraX + (hasDelta ? event.deltaX : (event.wheelDeltaX || 0)),
        this.cameraY + (hasDelta ? event.deltaY : (event.wheelDeltaY || event.wheelDelta || 0))

    return Rx.Observable.merge(mouse, touch, scroll)
Example #2
File: game.js Project: szlend/mana
  constructor(canvas, gridSize, options = {}) {
    this.renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(0, 0, {view: canvas, backgroundColor: 0xFFFFFF})
    this.scene = new PIXI.Container()
    this.map = new PIXI.Container()
    this.grid = []


    this.scale = options.scale || 1
    this.width = 0
    this.height = 0
    this.gridSize = gridSize
    this.tileSize = 32 * this.scale

    // Tileset texture info
    this.textureSize = 128
    this.textureScale = this.tileSize / this.textureSize

    // Camera pixel position on the map (top-left)
    this.cameraX = 0
    this.cameraY = 0

    // List of all moves
    this.moves = {}

    // List of subscribed grids
    this.grids = []

    // Game running state
    this.running = false

    // Should the game re-render
    this.update = true

    // Event observers
    this.mouseDown = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(this.renderer.view, "mousedown")
    this.mouseUp = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(this.renderer.view, "mouseup")
    this.mouseMove = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(this.renderer.view, "mousemove")
    this.mouseOut = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(this.renderer.view, "mouseout")
    this.touchStart = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(this.renderer.view, "touchstart")
    this.touchEnd = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(this.renderer.view, "touchend")
    this.touchMove = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(this.renderer.view, "touchmove")
    this.mouseScroll = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(this.renderer.view, "mousewheel")
    this.cameraMove = this.cameraMoveObserver()
    this.tileClick = this.tileClickObserver()

    // Callbacks
    this.onCameraMove = () => {}
    this.onTileClick = () => {}
    this.onRequestGrid = () => {}
    this.onDisposeGrid = () => {}
Example #3
File: game.js Project: szlend/mana
  tileClickObserver() {
    const dist = ([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) => Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2))
    const mouse = this.mouseDown.flatMap(downEvent => {
      const p1 = [downEvent.clientX, downEvent.clientY]
      return this.mouseUp
        .map(upEvent => [upEvent.clientX, upEvent.clientY])
        .filter(p2 => dist(p1, p2) <= this.scale)
        .map(([x, y]) => this.getScreenTileCoordinates(x, y))

    const touch = this.touchStart.flatMap(startEvent => {
      const p1 = [startEvent.touches[0].clientX, startEvent.touches[0].clientY]
      return this.touchEnd
        .map(endEvent => [endEvent.changedTouches[0].clientX, endEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY])
        .filter(p2 => dist(p1, p2) <= this.scale)
        .map(([x, y]) => this.getScreenTileCoordinates(x, y))

    return Rx.Observable.merge(mouse, touch)