Example #1
function compile(md){

	var renderer = new rs.HtmlRenderer();

	renderer.blockcode = function(code, lang){
		if (!lang) return '<pre><code>' + code + '</code></pre>\n';
		if (lang == 'js') lang = 'javascript';
		else if (lang == 'html') lang = 'xml';
		else if (lang == 'shell') lang = 'bash';
		code = hljs.highlight(lang, code).value.trim();
		return '<pre><code class="' + lang + '">' + code + '</code></pre>\n';

	var sidebar = '';
	var links = {};
	renderer.header = function(text, level){
		if (level <= 2){

			// handle duplicate headers
			var link = slug(text);
			if (links[link]) link += '-' + links[link]++;
			else links[link] = 1;

			sidebar += '<a href="#' + link + '"' + (level == 1 ? ' class="top"' : '') + '>' + text + '</a>\n';
			text = '<a href="#' + link + '" name="' + link + '">' + text + '</a>';
		return '<h' + level + '>' + text + '</h' + level + '>\n';

	var parser = new rs.Markdown(renderer, [rs.EXT_FENCED_CODE]);

	var html = parser.render(md);

	return {content: html, toc: sidebar};
Example #2
 markdown: function(text) {
   var renderer = new rs.HtmlRenderer([rs.HTML_USE_XHTML]);
   var parser = new rs.Markdown(
   return parser.render(text);
Example #3
var render = exports.render = function (markdown, withToc, singleColumn) {

    var title;
    var lastList;
    var inTOC = false;

    var renderer = new Robotskirt.HtmlRenderer();

    // Pre-highlight code blocks
    renderer.blockcode = function (code, language) {

        var block = '<pre';
        if (singleColumn) {
            block += ' class="single-column"';
        block += '><code>' + Highlight.highlight(language || 'js', code).value + '</code></pre>';

        return block;

    // Wrap lists in 'ul' tags, track the last list for TOC if we care
    renderer.list = function (text) {

        var list = '<ul>' + text + '</ul>';

        if (inTOC && withToc) {
            lastList = list;

        return list;

    // Escape text to make sure we have an anchor link for all headers
    // TOC is defined as all text between the first H1 and the first H2
    // The first H1 is set as the title and removed from the html output
    renderer.header = function (text, level) {

        var header = escape(text);

        if (level === 1) {
            if (!title) {
                title = header.clean;
                return '';

            if (withToc) {
                inTOC = true;
        else if (level === 2) {
            if (inTOC && withToc) {
                inTOC = false;

        return '<h' + level + '><a name="' + header.escaped + '" class="anchor" href="#' + header.escaped + '">' + header.clean + '</a></h' + level + '>';

    // the markdown lexer
    var parser = new Robotskirt.Markdown(renderer, [
        // allow tables
        // automatically turn urls into links
        // allow github-style fenced code blocks
        // don't be so strict about whitespace

    // pass the lexed data through the parser to generate html
    var reference = parser.render(markdown);

    var toc = []; 

    if (withToc) {
        // parse the html with Cheerio
        var $ = Cheerio.load(reference);

        // TOC is the first 'ul'
        var ul = $('ul').first();

        // iterate over all 'a' tags in the first 'ul'
        $('a', ul).each(function () {

            var $this = $(this);
            // we count parents to see how deep in the TOC we are
            var depth = $this.parents().length;
            var anchor = escape($this.text());
            // blob representing the 'a' tag we're on now
            var blob = { tag: anchor.escaped, name: anchor.clean, children: [] };
            // default to the root of the toc
            var list = toc;

            // depth >= 4 means we're at least one level deep
            if (depth >= 4) {
                list = toc[toc.length - 1].children;

            // go another level deeper
            if (depth >= 6) {
                list = list[list.length - 1].children;

            // and one last level
            if (depth === 8) {
                list = list[list.length - 1].children;

            // append the blob

        // remove the TOC
        // and set reference back to the raw html
        reference = $.html();

    return { toc: toc, html: reference, title: title };
Example #4
 * GET home page.
var rs = require('robotskirt');
var parser = rs.Markdown.std();

var data = { "posts" : 
     {"text":"i _am_ using *markdown*. Cool link [Bool.se](http://www.bool.se)"},
     {"text":"2i am using __markdown__."}

var findAll = function(callback) {
    var posts = [];
    data.posts.forEach(function (post, i) {
          text: parser.render(post.text)
  callback( null, posts );

exports.index = function(req, res){
  res.render('index', { title: 'Express' });

exports.blog = function(req, res){
    findAll(function (error, posts){