Example #1
export const Engine = (function() {

   * canvas
   * @type {Object}
  const canvas = window.document.createElement('canvas');

   * Set the canvas width
   * @type {Number}
  canvas.width = 707;

   * Set the canvas height
   * @type {Number}
  canvas.height = 707;

   * ctx
   * @type {Object}
  const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

   * lastTime
   * @type {string}
  let lastTime;

   * Append the canvas

   * main - kickoff point for the game loop itself and handles
   * calling the update and render methods
  function main() {

     * Get time delta information, which is required for smooth animation.
     * Because computers process instructions at different speeds,
     * we need a constant value that would be the same on every system.

     * now
     * @type {string}
    const now = Date.now();

     * deltaTime
     * @type {string}
    const deltaTime = (now - lastTime) / 1000.0;

     * Call update/render functions

     * Set lastTime, which is used to determine the time delta
     * for the next time this function is called.
    lastTime = now;

     * Use the browser's requestAnimationFrame function to call this
     * function again as soon as the browser is able to draw another frame.


   * init
  function init() {
    lastTime = Date.now();

   * update - called by the main function (game loop)
   * @param {string} deltaTime
  function update(deltaTime) {

   * updateEntities - called by the update function
   * @param {string} deltaTime
  function updateEntities(deltaTime) {

    Game.allEnemies.forEach(function(enemy) {



   * render - initially draws the game, then called for every game tick (loop of the engine)
  function render() {

     * rowImages - holds the relative URLs of the row images
     * @type {Array}
    const rowImages = [

     * totalRows
     * @type {Number}
    const totalRows = 7;

     * totalColumns
     * @type {Number}
    const totalColumns = 7;

     * row
    let row;

     * column
    let column;

    /* Loop through the number of rows and columns we've defined above
     * and, using the rowImages array, draw the correct image for that
     * portion of the "grid"
    for (row = 0; row < totalRows; row ++) {
      for (column = 0; column < totalColumns; column ++) {

         * ctx.drawImage
         * @param {string} - URL of image to draw
         * @param {string} - x coordinate
         * @param {string} - y coordinate
        ctx.drawImage(Resources.get(rowImages[row]), column * 101, row * 83);


     * Call the renderEntities function


   * renderEntities - called by the render function and each game tick
  function renderEntities() {

    /* Render Enemies
     * Loop through all of the objects within the allEnemies array and call
     * the render method.
    Game.allEnemies.forEach(function(enemy) {

    /* Render player
     * Renders the player on the canvas.

    /* Render gems
     * Loop through all of the objects within the allGems array and call
     * the render method.
    Game.allGems.forEach(function(gem) {

    /* Render stats
     * Renders the stat panel and containing elements at top of canvas


   * checkCollisions - determines if game entities have collided
   * @return {[type]} [description]
  function checkCollisions() {

		* Check for the collision of two entities.
		* Function accepts two arguments.

     * collision
     * @param  {string} a - entity a
     * @param  {string} b - entity b
     * @return {boolean}
		function collision(a, b) {
		  return a.x < b.x + b.width &&
		         a.x + a.width > b.x &&
		         a.y < b.y + b.height &&
		         a.y + a.height > b.y;

  	/* Check enemy collisions.
  	 * If there is a collision, reset the player's position
  	 * and update the players lives or reset the game.
  	Game.allEnemies.forEach(function(enemy) {

			if (collision(Game.player, enemy)) {

				/* Reset the players position.

				/* If the player has more than one life remaining,
				 * call the player.updateLives method and remove a life.
				 * If the player has no more lives remaining, reset the game.
				return Game.player.lives > 1 ? Game.player.updateLives('remove', 1) : Game.level.reset();



  	/* Check gem collisions.
  	 * If there is a collision, call the gem.clear() method to
  	 * clear the gem from the canvas and call the stats.updateGems
  	 * to update the gems count and increase the score by 300 points.
  	Game.allGems.forEach(function(gem) {

    	if (collision(Game.player, gem)) {





  	/* Check goal collisions.
  	 * If the player gets to the other side, update the level
  	if (Game.player.y == 70) {




   * Load all of the images required to draw the game, then set init as
   * the callback method, so that once the images are loaded the game
   * will start.

   * Return public variables
  return {

Example #2
   * render - initially draws the game, then called for every game tick (loop of the engine)
  function render() {

     * rowImages - holds the relative URLs of the row images
     * @type {Array}
    const rowImages = [

     * totalRows
     * @type {Number}
    const totalRows = 7;

     * totalColumns
     * @type {Number}
    const totalColumns = 7;

     * row
    let row;

     * column
    let column;

    /* Loop through the number of rows and columns we've defined above
     * and, using the rowImages array, draw the correct image for that
     * portion of the "grid"
    for (row = 0; row < totalRows; row ++) {
      for (column = 0; column < totalColumns; column ++) {

         * ctx.drawImage
         * @param {string} - URL of image to draw
         * @param {string} - x coordinate
         * @param {string} - y coordinate
        ctx.drawImage(Resources.get(rowImages[row]), column * 101, row * 83);


     * Call the renderEntities function
