Example #1
        it('should save and load the stream aggregate', function () {
            var aggr = {
                name: 'featureSpaceWindow',
                type: 'timeSeriesWinBufFeatureSpace',
                store: 'Docs',
                timestamp: 'Time',
                featureSpace: {
                    type: "categorical",
                    source: "Docs",
                    field: "Text"
                winsize: 1000
            var sa = store.addStreamAggr(aggr);
            store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T14:13:32.0', Text: 'a' }); // 0
            store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T14:13:33.0', Text: 'b' }); // 1
            store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T14:14:34.0', Text: 'c' }); // 2
            store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T14:15:35.0', Text: 'd' }); // 3
            store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T14:15:36.0', Text: 'e' }); // 4
			store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T14:15:37.0', Text: 'f' }); // 5
			var fout = qm.fs.openWrite('fsWinBuf.bin');
			var fin = qm.fs.openRead('fsWinBuf.bin');
		    var featureSpace = sa.getFeatureSpace();
		    assert.equal(featureSpace.dim, 6);
 files.forEach(function (file) {
     var source = path.normalize(file);
     var dest = source.replace(inFolder, outFolder);
     // copy file one by one
     if (qm.fs.exists(file)) {
         if (!qm.fs.exists(path.dirname(dest))) qm.fs.mkdir(path.dirname(dest));
         qm.fs.copy(source, dest);
Example #3
    describe('Serialization test', function () {
        var batchSize = 1000;
        var nbatches = 10;

        var eps = .01;

        var gk = new quants.Gk({
            eps: eps

        var maxRelErr = eps;

        var targets = [];
        for (var prob = 0; prob <= 1; prob += 0.001) {

        var vals = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
        for (var batchN = 0; batchN < nbatches; batchN++) {
            // shuffle the array
            for (var i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
                var swapN = Math.floor(Math.random()*batchSize);
                var temp = vals[i];
                vals[i] = vals[swapN];
                vals[swapN] = temp;

            for (var i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {

            var quantiles = gk.quantile(targets);
            for (var targetN = 0; targetN < targets.length; targetN++) {
                var prob = targets[targetN];
                var quant = gk.quantile(prob);
                assert.equal(quant, quantiles[targetN]);
                assert(Math.floor((prob - maxRelErr)*batchSize) <= quant);
                assert(Math.ceil((prob + maxRelErr)*batchSize) >= quant);

        var gk1 = new quants.Gk(qm.fs.openRead('gk-orig.dat'));

        for (var cumProb = 0; cumProb <= 1; cumProb += 0.001) {
            var quant_hat = gk1.quantile(cumProb);
            assert(Math.floor((cumProb - maxRelErr)*batchSize) <= quant_hat);
            assert(Math.ceil((cumProb + maxRelErr)*batchSize) >= quant_hat);
Example #4
 it('should save and load vector', function () {
     var outRecordVector = new qm.RecordVector(base);
     outRecordVector.push(store.newRecord({ Name: "Plato", Era: "Ancient philosophy" }));
     outRecordVector.push(store.newRecord({ Name: "Immanuel Kant", Era: "18th-century philosophy" }));
     var fout = qm.fs.openWrite('record_vector.bin');
     var fin = qm.fs.openRead('record_vector.bin');
     var inRecordVector = new qm.RecordVector(base, fin);
     assert.equal(inRecordVector.length, 2);
     assert.equal(inRecordVector[0].Name, "Plato");
     assert.equal(inRecordVector[0].Era, "Ancient philosophy");
     assert.equal(inRecordVector[1].Name, "Immanuel Kant");
     assert.equal(inRecordVector[1].Era, "18th-century philosophy");
     assert.equal(inRecordVector[2], null);            
Example #5
 it('should save vector', function () {
     var recordVector = new qm.RecordVector(base);
     recordVector.push(store.newRecord({ Name: "Plato", Era: "Ancient philosophy" }));
     recordVector.push(store.newRecord({ Name: "Immanuel Kant", Era: "18th-century philosophy" }));
     var fout = qm.fs.openWrite('record_vector.bin');
saveState = function (buffers, dirName) {
    // check if dirName exists, if not, create it
    if (!qm.fs.exists(dirName)) qm.fs.mkdir(dirName);
    // open file in write mode
    var fout = new qm.fs.FOut(path.join(dirName, "buffers_model")); 
    // save each buffer aggregate   
    for (var property in buffers) {
        if (buffers.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
            var buffer = buffers[property];
    logger.info('Saved buffer model states')
saveState = function (avrgs, fields, dirName) {
    // check if dirName exists, if not, create it
    if (!qm.fs.exists(dirName)) qm.fs.mkdir(dirName);
    // open file in write mode
    var fout = new qm.fs.FOut(path.join(dirName, "averages_model")); 
    // iterate over all localizev averages, and save them one by one
    for (var avrIdx in avrgs) {
        for (var workIdx = 0; workIdx < 2; workIdx++) { // 2 models: working day or not
            for (var hourIdx = 0; hourIdx < 24; hourIdx++) {
                var avrgModel = avrgs[avrIdx].avrgs[workIdx][hourIdx];
    logger.info('Saved local average model states')
saveState = function (linregs, fields, horizons, dirName) {
    // check if dirName exists, if not, create it
    if (!qm.fs.exists(dirName)) qm.fs.mkdir(dirName);
    // open file in write mode
    var fout = new qm.fs.FOut(path.join(dirName, "linregs_model")); 
    // write all states to fout
    for (var fieldIdx in fields) {
        for (var horizonIdx in horizons) {
            for (var workIdx = 0; workIdx < 2; workIdx++) {
                for (var hourIdx = 0; hourIdx < 24; hourIdx++) {
                    var linreg = linregs[fieldIdx][horizonIdx][workIdx][hourIdx];
                    fout.writeJson({"updateCount": linreg.updateCount});
    logger.info('Saved regression model states')
Example #9
it("should make test number 76", function () {

	 // import fs module
	 var fs = require('qminer').fs;
	 var la = require('qminer').la;
	 // create a new vector
	 var vec = new la.StrVector(['a', 'b', 'c']);
	 // open write stream
	 var fout = fs.openWrite('vec.dat');
	 // save vector and close write stream
Example #10
it("should make test number 70", function () {

	 // import fs module
	 var fs = require('qminer').fs;
	 var la = require('qminer').la;
	 // create an empty vector
	 var vec = new la.Vector();
	 // open a read stream
	 var fin = fs.openRead('vec.dat');
	 // load the matrix
Example #11
it("should make test number 69", function () {

	 // import fs module
	 var fs = require('qminer').fs;
	 var la = require('qminer').la;
	 // create a new vector
	 var vec = new la.Vector([1, 2, 3]);
	 // open write stream
	 var fout = fs.openWrite('vec.dat');
	 // save matrix and close write stream
Example #12
it("should make test number 45", function () {

	 // import the modules
	 var fs = require('qminer').fs;
	 var la = require('qminer').la;
	 // create an empty matrix
	 var mat = new la.SparseMatrix();
	 // open a read stream ('mat.dat' was previously created)
	 var fin = fs.openRead('mat.dat');
	 // load the matrix
Example #13
it("should make test number 44", function () {

	 // import the modules
	 var fs = require('qminer').fs;
	 var la = require('qminer').la;
	 // create a new sparse matrix
	 var mat = new la.SparseMatrix([[[0, 1]], [[0, 3], [1, 12]]]);
	 // open write stream
	 var fout = fs.openWrite('mat.dat');
	 // save matrix and close write stream
Example #14
it("should make test number 25", function () {

	 // import the modules
	 var fs = require('qminer').fs;
	 var la = require('qminer').la;
	 // create new matrix
	 var mat = new la.Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
	 // open write stream
	 var fout = fs.openWrite('mat.dat');
	 // save matrix and close write stream
exports.copyFolder = function (inFolder, outFolder) {
    logger.debug("Copying ./" + path.basename(inFolder) + " to ./" + path.basename(outFolder) + " folder...");
    // read all files in inFolder
    var files = qm.fs.listFile(inFolder, null, true);
    // create outFolder if it doesnet exist
    if (!qm.fs.exists(outFolder)) qm.fs.mkdir(outFolder);
    // copy files from inFloder to outFolder
    files.forEach(function (file) {
        var source = path.normalize(file);
        var dest = source.replace(inFolder, outFolder);
        // copy file one by one
        if (qm.fs.exists(file)) {
            if (!qm.fs.exists(path.dirname(dest))) qm.fs.mkdir(path.dirname(dest));
            qm.fs.copy(source, dest);
    logger.debug(files.length + " files copied.\n");
Example #16
	it("histogram_diff - complex - reset and reload", function () {
	    var qm = require('qminer');

	    // create a base with a simple store
	    // the store records results of clustering
	    var base = new qm.Base({
	        mode: "createClean",
	        schema: [
			    name: "Rpm",
			    fields: [
					{ name: "ClusterId", type: "float" },
					{ name: "Time", type: "datetime" }
	    try {
	        var store = base.store('Rpm');

	        // create a new time series stream aggregator for the 'Rpm' store that takes the recorded cluster id
	        // and the timestamp from the 'Time' field. The size of the window is 4 weeks.
	        var timeser1 = {
	            name: 'TimeSeries1',
	            type: 'timeSeriesWinBuf',
	            store: 'Rpm',
	            timestamp: 'Time',
	            value: 'ClusterId',
	            winsize: 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 2 hours
	        var timeSeries1 = base.store("Rpm").addStreamAggr(timeser1);

	        // add a histogram aggregator, that is connected with the 'TimeSeries1' aggregator
	        var aggrJson1 = {
	            name: 'Histogram1',
	            type: 'onlineHistogram',
	            store: 'Rpm',
	            inAggr: 'TimeSeries1',
	            lowerBound: 0,
	            upperBound: 5,
	            bins: 5,
	            addNegInf: false,
	            addPosInf: false
	        var hist1 = base.store("Rpm").addStreamAggr(aggrJson1);

	        // create a new time series stream aggregator for the 'Rpm' store that takes the recorded cluster id
	        // and the timestamp from the 'Time' field. 
	        var timeser2 = {
	            name: 'TimeSeries2',
	            type: 'timeSeriesWinBuf',
	            store: 'Rpm',
	            timestamp: 'Time',
	            value: 'ClusterId',
	            winsize: 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 6 hours
	        var timeSeries2 = base.store("Rpm").addStreamAggr(timeser2);

	        // add a histogram aggregator, that is connected with the 'TimeSeries1' aggregator
	        var aggrJson2 = {
	            name: 'Histogram2',
	            type: 'onlineHistogram',
	            store: 'Rpm',
	            inAggr: 'TimeSeries2',
	            lowerBound: 0,
	            upperBound: 5,
	            bins: 5,
	            addNegInf: false,
	            addPosInf: false
	        var hist2 = base.store("Rpm").addStreamAggr(aggrJson2);

	        // add diff aggregator that subtracts Histogram1 with 2h window from Histogram2 with 6h window
	        var aggrJson3 = {
	            name: 'DiffAggr',
	            type: 'onlineVecDiff',
	            storeX: 'Rpm',
	            storeY: 'Rpm',
	            inAggrX: 'Histogram2',
	            inAggrY: 'Histogram1'
	        var diff = store.addStreamAggr(aggrJson3);


	        // add some values
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T00:13:30.0', ClusterId: 0 });
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T00:14:30.0', ClusterId: 0 });
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T01:15:31.0', ClusterId: 1 });
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T02:16:30.0', ClusterId: 2 });
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T03:17:30.0', ClusterId: 0 });
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T04:18:30.0', ClusterId: 2 });

	        var tmp1 = hist1.saveJson();
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts.length, 5);
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts[0], 1);
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts[1], 0);
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts[2], 1);
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts[3], 0);
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts[4], 0);

	        // just the last three
	        var tmp2 = hist2.saveJson();
	        assert.equal(tmp2.counts[0], 3);
	        assert.equal(tmp2.counts[1], 1);
	        assert.equal(tmp2.counts[2], 2);
	        assert.equal(tmp2.counts[3], 0);
	        assert.equal(tmp2.counts[4], 0);

	        // difference
	        var tmp3 = diff.saveJson();
	        assert.equal(tmp3.diff[0], 2);
	        assert.equal(tmp3.diff[1], 1);
	        assert.equal(tmp3.diff[2], 1);
	        assert.equal(tmp3.diff[3], 0);
	        assert.equal(tmp3.diff[4], 0);


	        // add some values
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T00:13:30.0', ClusterId: 0 });
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T00:14:30.0', ClusterId: 0 });
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T01:15:31.0', ClusterId: 1 });
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T02:16:30.0', ClusterId: 2 });
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T03:17:30.0', ClusterId: 0 });
	        store.push({ Time: '2015-06-10T04:18:30.0', ClusterId: 2 });

	        var tmp1 = hist1.saveJson();
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts.length, 5);
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts[0], 1);
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts[1], 0);
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts[2], 1);
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts[3], 0);
	        assert.equal(tmp1.counts[4], 0);

	        // just the last three
	        var tmp2 = hist2.saveJson();
	        assert.equal(tmp2.counts[0], 3);
	        assert.equal(tmp2.counts[1], 1);
	        assert.equal(tmp2.counts[2], 2);
	        assert.equal(tmp2.counts[3], 0);
	        assert.equal(tmp2.counts[4], 0);

	        // difference
	        var tmp3 = diff.saveJson();
	        assert.equal(tmp3.diff[0], 2);
	        assert.equal(tmp3.diff[1], 1);
	        assert.equal(tmp3.diff[2], 1);
	        assert.equal(tmp3.diff[3], 0);
	        assert.equal(tmp3.diff[4], 0);

	        // show distribution for expected values
			var fout = qm.fs.openWrite("aggr.tmp");

			var fin = qm.fs.openRead("aggr.tmp");

			var tmp1x = hist1.saveJson();
	        var tmp2x = hist2.saveJson();
	        var tmp3x = diff.saveJson();
			assert.equal(JSON.stringify(tmp1), JSON.stringify(tmp1x));
			assert.equal(JSON.stringify(tmp2), JSON.stringify(tmp2x));
			assert.equal(JSON.stringify(tmp3), JSON.stringify(tmp3x));
	    } finally {
Example #17
    describe('Serialization test', function () {
        var batchSize = 1000;
        var nbatches = 10;

        var eps = .1;
        var targetProb = 0.01;

        var gkLow = new quants.BiasedGk({
            eps: eps,
            targetProb: targetProb
        var gkHigh = new quants.BiasedGk({
            eps: eps,
            targetProb: 1 - targetProb

        var isErrorInRangeLow = function (prob, quant) {
            var p = Math.max(prob, targetProb);
            var mxRelError = p*eps;
            var mxError = Math.ceil(mxRelError*batchSize);
            var error = Math.abs(quant - prob*batchSize);
            return error <= mxError + 1e-9;
        var isErrorInRangeHigh = function (prob, quant) {
            var p = Math.max(1 - prob, 1 - targetProb);
            var mxRelError = p*eps;
            var mxError = Math.ceil(mxRelError*batchSize);
            var error = Math.abs(quant - prob*batchSize);
            return error <= mxError + 1e-9;

        var targets = [];
        for (var prob = 0; prob <= 1; prob += 0.001) {

        var vals = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
        for (var batchN = 0; batchN < nbatches; batchN++) {
            // shuffle the array
            for (var i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
                var swapN = Math.floor(Math.random()*batchSize);
                var temp = vals[i];
                vals[i] = vals[swapN];
                vals[swapN] = temp;

            for (var i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {

            var quantsLow = gkLow.quantile(targets);
            var quantsHigh = gkHigh.quantile(targets);

            for (var targetN = 0; targetN < targets.length; targetN++) {
                var prob = targets[targetN];

                var quantLow = gkLow.quantile(prob);
                var quantHigh = gkHigh.quantile(prob);

                assert.equal(quantLow, quantsLow[targetN]);
                assert.equal(quantHigh, quantsHigh[targetN]);

                assert(isErrorInRangeLow(prob, quantLow));
                assert(isErrorInRangeHigh(prob, quantHigh));


        var gkLow1 = new quants.BiasedGk(qm.fs.openRead('gkLow-orig.dat'));
        var gkHigh1 = new quants.BiasedGk(qm.fs.openRead('gkHigh-orig.dat'));

        for (var cumProb = 0; cumProb <= 1; cumProb += 0.001) {
            var quantLow = gkLow1.quantile(cumProb);
            var quantHigh = gkHigh1.quantile(cumProb);

            assert(isErrorInRangeLow(cumProb, quantLow));
            assert(isErrorInRangeHigh(cumProb, quantHigh));

        var params = gkLow1.getParams();
        assert(params.eps != null);
        assert(params.targetProb != null);
        assert(params.compression != null);
        assert(params.useBands != null);

        assert.equal(params.eps, 0.1);
        assert.equal(params.targetProb, 0.01);
        assert.equal(params.compression, "periodic");
        assert.equal(params.useBands, true);