Example #1
 it('should be able to convert a Point geometry', function () {
   const factory = new GeometryFactory()
   const point = factory.createPoint(new Coordinate(1.01, 1.02))
   const writer = new GeoJSONWriter()
   const geojson = writer.write(point)
   expect(geojson).to.eql({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [ 1.01, 1.02 ] })
Example #2
 it('should be able to convert a Polygon geometry', function () {
   const reader = new WKTReader()
   const polygon = reader.read('POLYGON((10 10, 100 10, 100 100, 10 100, 10 10))')
   const writer = new GeoJSONWriter()
   const geojson = writer.write(polygon)
   expect(geojson).to.eql({ type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[10, 10], [100, 10], [100, 100], [10, 100], [10, 10]]] })