Example #1
  _onClick() {
    const navigator = util.findParent(this, 'ons-navigator');
    if (navigator) {
      if (this.hasAttribute('animation')) {
        this.options.animation = this.getAttribute('animation');

      if (this.hasAttribute('animation-options')) {
        this.options.animationOptions = util.animationOptionsParse(this.getAttribute('animation-options'));

      if (this.hasAttribute('on-transition-end')) {
        this.options.onTransitionEnd = window.eval('(' + this.getAttribute('on-transition-end') + ')');

      if (this.hasAttribute('refresh')) {
        this.options.refresh = this.getAttribute('refresh') === 'true';

Example #2
   * @method setActiveIndex
   * @signature setActiveIndex(index, [options])
   * @param {Number} index
   *   [en]The index that the carousel should be set to.[/en]
   *   [ja]carousel要素のインデックスを指定します。[/ja]
   * @param {Object} [options]
   *   [en]Parameter object.[/en]
   *   [ja][/ja]
   * @param {Function} [options.callback]
   *   [en]A function that will be called after the animation is finished.[/en]
   *   [ja][/ja]
   * @param {String} [options.animation]
   *   [en]If this attribute is set to `"none"` the transitions will not be animated.[/en]
   *   [ja][/ja]
   * @param {Object} [options.animationOptions]
   *   [en]An object that can be used to specify duration, delay and timing function of the animation.[/en]
   *   [ja][/ja]
   * @description
   *   [en]Specify the index of the `<ons-carousel-item>` to show.[/en]
   *   [ja]表示するons-carousel-itemをindexで指定します。[/ja]
   * @return {Promise}
   *   [en]Resolves to the carousel element.[/en]
   *   [ja][/ja]
  setActiveIndex(index, options = {}) {
    if (options && typeof options != 'object') {
      throw new Error('options must be an object. You supplied ' + options);

    options.animationOptions = util.extend(
      { duration: 0.3, timing: 'cubic-bezier(.1, .7, .1, 1)' },
      options.animationOptions || {},
      this.hasAttribute('animation-options') ? util.animationOptionsParse(this.getAttribute('animation-options')) : {}

    index = Math.max(0, Math.min(index, this.itemCount - 1));
    const scroll = (this._offset || 0) + this._getCarouselItemSize() * index;
    const max = this._calculateMaxScroll();

    this._scroll = Math.max(0, Math.min(max, scroll));
    return this._scrollTo(this._scroll, options).then(() => {
      return this;
