Example #1
            .then(function (module_function_async) {

                ok(module_function_async.some_function() === true, "should require async module-functions");
                ok(require('./modules/async/module_function_async.js' + rnd) === module_function_async, "can sync require, loaded async module-functions");

                return require.async('module_function_fd2');
Example #2
        require.async('sk_async_json').then(function (json) {
            ok(json.ok === true, 'should require shortcuts: json');
            ok(require('sk_async_json') === json, 'if shortcut is defined require should return the same code');
            ok(require('/modules/shortcuts/async.json') === json, 'Module should be inited using shortcut content');

            return require.async('sk_async_html')
Example #3
            require.async('module_function_fd2', function (fd) {
                ok(fd() === true, "can require async in-package modules");

                // stats
                ok(!!require.stats('module_function_fd2'), "should count stats: async modules");
 function complete() {
     if (counter === 0) {
         ok(typeof require('bundle-test-simultaneous-1_js') === 'object', 'Should mix modules');
         ok(typeof require('bundle-test-simultaneous-2_js') === 'object', 'Should mix modules');
Example #5
        require.image('./modules/loader/image.gif' + rnd).then(function (img_tag) {
            ok(typeof img_tag === "object" &&
                img_tag.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "IMG", "should return img tag on success");

            ok(require('./modules/loader/image.gif' + rnd) === img_tag, "should cache img tag on success");

            return require.image('./modules/loader/image_404.gif' + rnd)
        }).then(function () {
    test("require() module-strings", function () {

        var string = require('module_as_string');

        ok(typeof string === "string", "string module should be an string");
        ok(string === require('module_as_string'), "require of string module should return the same instance");
    test("require() module-objects/json", function () {

        var json = require('module_as_json');

        ok(typeof json === "object", "json module should be an object");
        ok(json.ok === true, "should return content");
        ok(json === require('module_as_json'), "require of json module should return the same instance");
        require.async('./modules/async/module_function_async.js' + rnd, function (module_function_async) {

            ok(module_function_async.some_function() === true, "should require async module-functions");
            ok(require('./modules/async/module_function_async.js' + rnd) === module_function_async, "can sync require, loaded async module-functions");
            require.async('module_function_fd2', function (fd) {
                ok(fd() === true, "can require async in-package modules");
Example #9
                require.async('sk_async_js', function (js) {
                    ok(js() === 'ok', 'should require shortcuts: js');

                    // stats
                    ok(require.stats('sk_async_js') === require.stats('/modules/shortcuts/async.js'), "shortcut should point to the same object as module");
                    ok(!!require.stats('/modules/shortcuts/async.js'), "should count stats of real file");
                    ok(require.stats('/modules/shortcuts/async.js').shortcuts[0] === 'sk_async_js', "should pass shourtcuts names");
    test("require() lazy module-functions", function () {

        var lazy = require('module_function_lazy');

        ok(lazy() === true, "can require lazy function definitions");
        ok(typeof require('lazy_fd') === "undefined", "lazy function definition's name should not leak into globals");
        ok(lazy === require('module_function_lazy'), "require must return the same instance of lazy fd");
    test("require() globals", function () {

        ok(require('eval'), "should require globals as modules");
        ok(typeof require('some_undefined') === "undefined", "if no module nor global - return undefined");

        // stats
        ok(!!require.stats('eval'), "should count stats: globals");
        ok(!!require.stats('some_undefined'), "should count stats: undefineds");
Example #12
        .then(function (modules) {
            var module1 = modules[0],
                module2 = modules[1],
                module3 = modules[2];

            ok(true, "Modules executes as they are loaded - in load order");
            ok(module1.file === "1.js" && module2.file === "2.js" && module3.file === "3.js",
              "Modules should be callbacked in list order");
 require.js('http://yandex.ru/jquery.js' + rnd, function (script_tag) {
     ok(typeof script_tag === "undefined", "should return undefined on error in 3 seconds");
     ok(typeof require('http://yandex.ru/jquery.js' + rnd) === "undefined", "should not cache errorous modules");
     require.js('module_as_string', function (module_as_string) {
         require.async('module_as_string', function (module_as_string_expected) {
             ok(module_as_string === module_as_string_expected, 'require.js() acts like require.async() if in-package/declared module passed');
 require.image('./modules/loader/image_404.gif' + rnd, function (img_tag) {
     ok(typeof img_tag === "undefined", "should return undefined on error in 3 seconds");
     ok(typeof require('./modules/loader/image_404.gif' + rnd) === "undefined", "should not cache errorous modules");
     require.image('module_as_string', function (module_as_string) {
         require.async('module_as_string', function (module_as_string_expected) {
             ok(module_as_string === module_as_string_expected, 'require.image() acts like require.async() if in-package/declared module passed');
Example #15
 require.css('./modules/loader/some_css.css', function (link_tag) {
     ok(typeof link_tag === "undefined", "should act like require and return undefined if no module");
     ok(typeof require('./modules/loader/some_css_404.css') === "undefined", "should not cache errorous modules");
     require.css('module_as_string', function (module_as_string) {
         require.async('module_as_string', function (module_as_string_expected) {
             ok(module_as_string === module_as_string_expected, 'require.css() acts like require.async() if in-package/declared module passed');
    test("require() sandboxed module-functions", function () {

        var fd = require('module_function_fd_sandboxed'),
            fe = require('module_function_fe_sandboxed'),
            plain = require('module_function_plain_sandboxed');

        ok(fd.some_function() === true, "can require sandboxed function definitions");
        ok(fe.some_function() === true, "can require sandboxed function expressions");
        ok(plain.some_function() === true, "can require sandboxed plain modules");
        require.image('sk_image_image', function (img_tag) {
            ok(typeof img_tag === "object" &&
                img_tag.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "IMG", "should return img tag on success");

            ok(require('sk_image_image') === img_tag, "require should return the same result");
            require.image('sk_image_image', function (img_tag2) {
                ok(img_tag2 === img_tag, 'should load once');
                ok(require('sk_image_image') === require('/modules/shortcuts/image.gif'), "should be defined using path-to-module");
        require.css('sk_css_css', function (link_tag) {
            ok(typeof link_tag === "object" &&
                link_tag.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "LINK", "should return link tag on success");

            ok(require('sk_css_css') === link_tag, "require should return the same result");
            require.css('sk_css_css', function (link_tag2) {
                ok(link_tag2 === link_tag, 'should load once');
                ok(require('sk_css_css') === require('/modules/shortcuts/css.css'), "should be defined using path-to-module");
Example #19
        }, function () {
            ok(true, "promise should be rejected");

            ok(typeof require('./modules/loader/image_404.gif' + rnd) === "undefined", "should not cache errorous modules");
            require.image('module_as_string').then(function (module_as_string) {
                require.async('module_as_string').then(function (module_as_string_expected) {
                    ok(module_as_string === module_as_string_expected, 'require.image() acts like require.async() if in-package/declared module passed');
Example #20
        require.js('./modules/loader/non_lmd_module.js' + rnd).then(function (script_tag) {
            ok(typeof script_tag === "object" &&
               script_tag.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "SCRIPT", "should return script tag on success");

            ok(require('some_function')() === true, "we can grab content of the loaded script");

            ok(require('./modules/loader/non_lmd_module.js' + rnd) === script_tag, "should cache script tag on success");

            // some external
            return require.js('http://localhost/' + rnd);
Example #21
        }, function () {
            ok(true, "Should be rejected");
            ok(typeof require('http://localhost/' + rnd) === "undefined", "should not cache errorous modules");

            require.js('module_as_string').then(function (module_as_string) {
                require.async('module_as_string').then(function (module_as_string_expected) {
                    ok(module_as_string === module_as_string_expected, 'require.js() acts like require.async() if in-package/declared module passed');
    test("require() shortcuts", function () {

        var dateObject = require('sk_to_global_object');
        ok(dateObject.toString().replace(/\s|\n/g,'') === "functionDate(){[nativecode]}", "require() should follow shortcuts: require global by shortcut");

        var json = require('sk_to_module_as_json');
        ok(typeof json === "object" &&
           json.ok === true &&
           json === require('module_as_json'), "require() should follow shortcuts: require in-package module by shortcut");
Example #23
    test("AMD Coverage & Coverage under sandbox", function () {


        var stats = require.stats(),
            coverage = stats.modules["coverage_amd_fully_covered"].coverage;

        ok(coverage.conditions.percentage === 100, "conditions OK");
        ok(coverage.functions.percentage === 100, "functions OK");
        ok(coverage.lines.percentage === 100, "lines OK");
        require.js('sk_js_js', function (script_tag) {
            ok(typeof script_tag === "object" &&
               script_tag.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "SCRIPT", "should return script tag on success");

            ok(require('sk_js_js') === script_tag, "require should return the same result");
            require.js('sk_js_js', function (script_tag2) {
                ok(script_tag2 === script_tag, 'should load once');
                ok(require('sk_js_js') === require('/modules/shortcuts/js.js'), "should be defined using path-to-module");
                ok(typeof require('shortcuts_js') === "function", 'Should create a global function shortcuts_js as in module function');
 require.async('sk_async_json', function (json) {
     ok(json.ok === true, 'should require shortcuts: json');
     ok(require('sk_async_json') === json, 'if shortcut is defined require should return the same code');
     ok(require('/modules/shortcuts/async.json') === json, 'Module should be inited using shortcut content');
     require.async('sk_async_html', function (html) {
         ok(html === 'ok', 'should require shortcuts: html');
         require.async('sk_async_js', function (js) {
             ok(js() === 'ok', 'should require shortcuts: js');
    test("require() third party", function () {

        var module = require('third_party_module_a'); // mock jquery
        ok(typeof module === "function", 'require() can load plain 3-party non-lmd modules, 1 exports');

        module = require('third_party_module_b'); // other plain module
        ok(typeof module === "object" &&
           typeof module.pewpew === "function" &&
           typeof module.ololo === "function" &&
           module.someVariable === "string", "require() can load plain 3-party non-lmd modules, N exports");
Example #27
    test("require() shortcuts", function () {

        var dateObject = require('sk_to_global_object');
        ok(dateObject.toString().replace(/\s|\n/g,'') === "functionDate(){[nativecode]}", "require() should follow shortcuts: require global by shortcut");

        var json = require('sk_to_module_as_json');
        ok(typeof json === "object" &&
           json.ok === true &&
           json === require('module_as_json'), "require() should follow shortcuts: require in-package module by shortcut");

        // #66
        var selfReferenceShortcut = require('setTimeout'); // "setTimeout": "@setTimeout"
        ok(typeof selfReferenceShortcut === "function", 'Shortcut self reference should be resolved as undefined->global name');
Example #28
        test("require() node.js npm, node, local modules", function () {

            var module = require('npm_module_1');
            ok(typeof module === "object" &&
                typeof module.some_function === "function", 'require() + node:true can load nodejs npm modules');

            module = require('./path/to/non_lmd_module.js');
            ok(typeof module === "object" &&
                typeof module.some_function === "function", 'require() + node:true can load node.js modules from local fs');

            var fs = require('fs');
            ok(typeof fs === "object" &&
                typeof fs.readFile === "function", 'require() + node:true can load embedded node.js modules');
Example #29
        require.css('./modules/loader/some_css.css' + rnd).then(function (link_tag) {
            ok(typeof link_tag === "object" &&
                link_tag.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "LINK", "should return link tag on success");

            ok(getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'), 'visibility') === "hidden", "css should be applied");

            ok(require('./modules/loader/some_css.css' + rnd) === link_tag, "should cache link tag on success");

            require.css('module_as_string').then(function (module_as_string) {
                require.async('module_as_string').then(function (module_as_string_expected) {
                    ok(module_as_string === module_as_string_expected, 'require.css() acts like require.async() if in-package/declared module passed');
Example #30
 require.async('./modules/async/undefined_module.js' + rnd, function (undefined_module) {
     ok(typeof undefined_module === "undefined", "should return undefined on error");
     require.async('./modules/async/undefined_module.js' + rnd, function (undefined_module_2) {
         ok(typeof undefined_module_2 === "undefined", "should not cache errorous modules");