Example #1
        it('verify fetching embed code goes to the configured MediaCore instance in multi-tenant scenario', function(callback) {
            // Create a MediaCore server to be accessed for files in the gt tenant and configure the gatech tenant to use it
            TestsUtil.createTestServer(function(gtMediaCoreApp, gtMediaCoreServer, gtMediaCorePort) {
                MediaCoreTestsUtil.enableMediaCore(gtAdminRestContext, util.format('', gtMediaCorePort), 'gtKey', 'gtSecret', 67890, function() {

                    // Create the cambridge and gatech users to create and access files with
                    TestsUtil.generateTestUsers(camAdminRestContext, 1, function(err, users) {
                        var camUser = _.values(users)[0];
                        TestsUtil.generateTestUsers(gtAdminRestContext, 1, function(err, users) {
                            var gtUser = _.values(users)[0];

                            // Create the content items for cambridge and gatech that we'll test with, and give them mediaCoreIds
                            RestAPI.Content.createFile(camUser.restContext, 'test video', null, 'public', _getVideoStream, null, null, null, function(err, camContent) {
                                RestAPI.Content.setPreviewItems(camAdminRestContext, camContent.id, camContent.latestRevisionId, 'done', {}, {}, {}, {'mediaCoreId': 12345}, function(err) {
                                    RestAPI.Content.createFile(gtUser.restContext, 'test video', null, 'public', _getVideoStream, null, null, null, function(err, gtContent) {
                                        RestAPI.Content.setPreviewItems(gtAdminRestContext, gtContent.id, gtContent.latestRevisionId, 'done', {}, {}, {}, {'mediaCoreId': 67890}, function(err) {

                                            // Set up the embedcode handlers for the cambridge and gatech MediaCore instances
                                            mediaCoreApp.get('/api2/media/:mediaCoreId/embedcode', function(req, res) {
                                                assert.equal(req.params.mediaCoreId, 12345);
                                                res.status(200).send({'html': '<iframe src="http://cambridge.mediacore.tv"></iframe>'});

                                            gtMediaCoreApp.get('/api2/media/:mediaCoreId/embedcode', function(req, res) {
                                                assert.equal(req.params.mediaCoreId, 67890);
                                                res.status(200).send({'html': '<iframe src="http://gatech.mediacore.tv"></iframe>'});

                                            // Access the cambridge tenant file with the gatech user to ensure the request still goes to the cambridge MediaCore instance
                                            RestAPI.MediaCore.getEmbedCode(gtUser.restContext, camContent.id, function(err, embedCode) {
                                                assert.strictEqual(embedCode.html.indexOf('<iframe src="http://cambridge.mediacore.tv'), 0);

                                                RestAPI.MediaCore.getEmbedCode(camUser.restContext, gtContent.id, function(err, embedCode) {
                                                    assert.strictEqual(embedCode.html.indexOf('<iframe src="http://gatech.mediacore.tv'), 0);
                                                    return callback();
    beforeEach(function(callback) {
        globalAdminRestContext = TestsUtil.createGlobalAdminRestContext();
        camAdminRestContext = TestsUtil.createTenantAdminRestContext(global.oaeTests.tenants.cam.host);
        gtAdminRestContext = TestsUtil.createTenantAdminRestContext(global.oaeTests.tenants.gt.host);

        // Start the express server
        TestsUtil.createTestServer(function(_app, _server, _port) {
            app = _app;
            server = _server;
            port = _port;

            // Enable the MediaCore preview processor and configure it to talk to our new web server
            MediaCoreTestsUtil.enableMediaCore(camAdminRestContext, util.format('', port), 'camKey', 'camSecret', 12345, callback);
        it('verify video uploads from different tenants honour tenant-specific configuration', function(callback) {
            // Cambridge has a test server setup to some random port, we'll start up another for gatech to ensure the separate URL configuration is honoured
            TestsUtil.createTestServer(function(gtMediaCoreApp, gtMediaCoreServer, gtMediaCorePort) {
                var gtMediaCoreUrl = util.format('', gtMediaCorePort);

                // Setup the gatech tenant to use the 2nd MediaCore server
                MediaCoreTestsUtil.enableMediaCore(gtAdminRestContext, gtMediaCoreUrl, 'gtKey', 'gtSecret', 67890, function(err) {

                    // Tracks whether or not publish requests were received by the cam and gt tenants
                    var camRequestReceived = false;
                    var gtRequestReceived = false;

                     * Ensure we exit when we receive a MediaCore upload for each uploaded file
                    var _finishMediaCoreRequest = function() {
                        if (camRequestReceived && gtRequestReceived) {
                            // The test was successful, we expected one from each tenant. If we do not receive each request, this test will time out and that
                            // is what indicates the error
                            return callback();

                    // Apply routes to the cam and gt MediaCore servers to verify the incoming config information
                    app.post('/api2/media', function(req, res) {
                        camRequestReceived = true;
                        assert.equal(req.body.collection_id, 12345);
                        assert.equal(req.body.title, 'File from cam tenant');
                        res.send(400, {});
                        return _finishMediaCoreRequest();

                    gtMediaCoreApp.post('/api2/media', function(req, res) {
                        gtRequestReceived = true;
                        assert.equal(req.body.collection_id, 67890);
                        assert.equal(req.body.title, 'File from gt tenant');
                        res.send(400, {});
                        return _finishMediaCoreRequest();

                    // Generate our test users with which to create files
                    TestsUtil.generateTestUsers(camAdminRestContext, 1, function(err, camUser) {
                        camUser = _.values(camUser)[0];
                        TestsUtil.generateTestUsers(gtAdminRestContext, 1, function(err, gtUser) {
                            gtUser = _.values(gtUser)[0];

                            // Create a video file for each tenant
                            RestAPI.Content.createFile(camUser.restContext, 'File from cam tenant', null, 'public', _getVideoStream, null, null, function(err, camContent) {
                                RestAPI.Content.createFile(gtUser.restContext, 'File from gt tenant', null, 'public', _getVideoStream, null, null, function(err, gtContent) {

                                    // Get the revisions that we can use for the mock preview contexts
                                    RestAPI.Content.getRevision(camUser.restContext, camContent.id, camContent.latestRevisionId, function(err, camRevision) {
                                        RestAPI.Content.getRevision(gtUser.restContext, gtContent.id, gtContent.latestRevisionId, function(err, gtRevision) {

                                            // Create the mock preview contexts we can use to invoke the MediaCore preview processor
                                            var camMockPreviewContext = {
                                                'contentId': camContent.id,
                                                'revisionId': camRevision.revisionId,
                                                'revision': camRevision,
                                                'download': function(callback) {
                                                    return callback(null, __dirname + '/data/video.mp4');
                                                'addPreview': function(name, value) {},
                                                'addPreviewMetadata': function(name, value) {}

                                            var gtMockPreviewContext = {
                                                'contentId': gtContent.id,
                                                'revisionId': gtRevision.revisionId,
                                                'revision': gtRevision,
                                                'download': function(callback) {
                                                    return callback(null, __dirname + '/data/video.mp4');
                                                'addPreview': function(name, value) {},
                                                'addPreviewMetadata': function(name, value) {}

                                            // Invoke the processors, letting the mock MediaCore servers and routes we set up earlier handle the remaining assertions
                                            MediaCoreProcessor.generatePreviews(camMockPreviewContext, camContent, function(err) {
                                                MediaCoreProcessor.generatePreviews(gtMockPreviewContext, gtContent, function(err) {
                                                    // Don't callback here, we're expecting the `_finishMediaCoreRequest` function to eventually call back