Object.keys(changes).forEach(function(key) {
						var value = changes[key];
						log.silly("_applyVarsSubstitutions()", "key=" + key + " -> value=" + value);
						content = content.replace("${" + key + "}", value);
Example #2
  function createConfigFile (err) {
    if (err) return callback(err)

    var configFilename = 'config.gypi'
    var configPath = path.resolve(buildDir, configFilename)

    log.verbose('build/' + configFilename, 'creating config file')

    var config = process.config || {}
      , defaults = config.target_defaults
      , variables = config.variables

    // default "config.variables"
    if (!variables) variables = config.variables = {}

    // default "config.defaults"
    if (!defaults) defaults = config.target_defaults = {}

    // don't inherit the "defaults" from node's `process.config` object.
    // doing so could cause problems in cases where the `node` executable was
    // compiled on a different machine (with different lib/include paths) than
    // the machine where the addon is being built to
    defaults.cflags = []
    defaults.defines = []
    defaults.include_dirs = []
    defaults.libraries = []

    // set the default_configuration prop
    if ('debug' in gyp.opts) {
      defaults.default_configuration = gyp.opts.debug ? 'Debug' : 'Release'
    if (!defaults.default_configuration) {
      defaults.default_configuration = 'Release'

    // set the target_arch variable
    // always set arch to 'ia32' on Windows and Mac,
    // untill we have 64-bit node-webkit exists 64-bit on Window and Mac
    if (process.platform == 'win32' || process.platform == 'darwin') {
      variables.target_arch = gyp.opts.arch || 'ia32'
    } else {
      variables.target_arch = gyp.opts.arch || process.arch || 'ia32'

    // set the toolset for VCExpress users
    if (win) {
      if (variables.target_arch != 'ia32') {
        callback(new Error('Only 32bit libraries can be built on windows'))

    // set the node development directory
    variables.nodedir = nodeDir

    // don't copy dev libraries with nodedir option
    variables.copy_dev_lib = !gyp.opts.nodedir

    // disable -T "thin" static archives by default
    variables.standalone_static_library = gyp.opts.thin ? 0 : 1;

    // loop through the rest of the opts and add the unknown ones as variables.
    // this allows for module-specific configure flags like:
    //   $ nw-gyp configure --shared-libxml2
    Object.keys(gyp.opts).forEach(function (opt) {
      if (opt === 'argv') return
      if (opt in gyp.configDefs) return
      variables[opt.replace(/-/g, '_')] = gyp.opts[opt]

    // ensures that any boolean values from `process.config` get stringified
    function boolsToString (k, v) {
      if (typeof v === 'boolean')
        return String(v)
      return v

    log.silly('build/' + configFilename, config)

    // now write out the config.gypi file to the build/ dir
    var prefix = '# Do not edit. File was generated by nw-gyp\'s "configure" step'
      , json = JSON.stringify(config, boolsToString, 2)
    log.verbose('build/' + configFilename, 'writing out config file: %s', configPath)
    fs.writeFile(configPath, [prefix, json, ''].join('\n'), findConfigs)
Example #3
function fetchDirectoryPackageData (dep, where, next) {
  validate('OSF', arguments)
  log.silly('fetchDirectoryPackageData', dep.name || dep.rawSpec)
  readPackageJson(path.join(dep.spec, 'package.json'), false, next)
 npm.commands.link([target.name], function (er, d) {
   log.silly("localLink", "back from link", [er, d])
   cb(er, [resultList(target, where, parent && parent._id)])
Example #5
 actionsToLog.forEach(function (action) {
   log.silly(name, action.map(function (value) {
     return (value && value.package) ? getPackageId(value) : value
   }).join(' '))
Example #6
function write (target, targetFolder, context, cb_) {
  var up = npm.config.get("unsafe-perm")
    , user = up ? null : npm.config.get("user")
    , group = up ? null : npm.config.get("group")
    , family = context.family

  function cb (er, data) {
    // cache.unpack returns the data object, and all we care about
    // is the list of installed packages from that last thing.
    if (!er) return cb_(er, data)

    if (npm.config.get("rollback") === false) return cb_(er)
    cb_(er, data)

  var bundled = []

  log.silly("install write", "writing", target.name, target.version, "to", targetFolder)
    [ [ cache.unpack, target.name, target.version, targetFolder, null, null, user, group ],
      function writePackageJSON (cb) {
        var jsonPath = path.resolve(targetFolder, 'package.json')
        log.verbose('write', 'writing to', jsonPath)
        writeFileAtomic(jsonPath, JSON.stringify(target, null, 2) + '\n', cb)
      [ lifecycle, target, "preinstall", targetFolder ],
      function collectBundled (cb) {
        if (!target.bundleDependencies) return cb()

        var bd = path.resolve(targetFolder, "node_modules")
        fs.readdir(bd, function (er, b) {
          // nothing bundled, maybe
          if (er) return cb()
          bundled = b || []
      } ]

    // nest the chain so that we can throw away the results returned
    // up until this point, since we really don't care about it.
    , function X (er) {
      if (er) return cb(er)

      // before continuing to installing dependencies, check for a shrinkwrap.
      var opt = { dev: npm.config.get("dev") }
      readDependencies(context, targetFolder, opt, function (er, data, wrap) {
        var deps = prepareForInstallMany(data, "dependencies", bundled, wrap,
        var depsTargetFolder = targetFolder
        var depsContext = { family: family
                          , ancestors: context.ancestors
                          , parent: target
                          , explicit: false
                          , wrap: wrap }

        var actions =
          [ [ installManyAndBuild, deps, depsTargetFolder, depsContext ] ]

        // FIXME: This is an accident waiting to happen!
        // 1. If multiple children at the same level of the tree share a
        //    peerDependency that's not in the parent's dependencies, because
        //    the peerDeps don't get added to the family, they will keep
        //    getting reinstalled (worked around by inflighting installOne).
        // 2. The installer can't safely build at the parent level because
        //    that's already being done by the parent's installAndBuild. This
        //    runs the risk of the peerDependency never getting built.
        //  The fix: Don't install peerDependencies; require them to be
        //  included as explicit dependencies / devDependencies, and warn
        //  or error when they're missing. See #5080 for more arguments in
        //  favor of killing implicit peerDependency installs with fire.
        var peerDeps = prepareForInstallMany(data, "peerDependencies", bundled,
            wrap, family)
        peerDeps.forEach(function (pd) {
              "The peer dependency "+pd+" included from "+data.name+" will no",
              "longer be automatically installed to fulfill the peerDependency ",
              "in npm 3+. Your application will need to depend on it explicitly."
            ], pd+","+data.name)

        // Package scopes cause an addditional tree level which needs to be
        // considered when resolving a peerDependency's target folder.
        var pdTargetFolder
        if (npa(target.name).scope) {
          pdTargetFolder = path.resolve(targetFolder, '../../..')
        } else {
          pdTargetFolder = path.resolve(targetFolder, '../..')

        var pdContext = context
        if (peerDeps.length > 0) {
            [ installMany, peerDeps, pdTargetFolder, pdContext ]

        chain(actions, cb)
 return sha.get(p, function (er, shasum) {
   if (er) return cb(er)
   log.silly('addLocalTarball', 'shasum (computed)', shasum)
   addLocalTarball(p, pkgData, shasum, cb)
 app.get('/ding', function (req, res) {
   log.silly('Server', '%s GET /ding', new Date())
Example #9
 .addListener('finish', function() {
     log.silly(ModuleName, 'encryptFile: end of writing encrypted file');
Example #10
  function createConfigFile (err, vsSetup) {
    if (err) return callback(err)

    var configFilename = 'config.gypi'
    var configPath = path.resolve(buildDir, configFilename)

    log.verbose('build/' + configFilename, 'creating config file')

    var config = process.config || {}
      , defaults = config.target_defaults
      , variables = config.variables

    // default "config.variables"
    if (!variables) variables = config.variables = {}

    // default "config.defaults"
    if (!defaults) defaults = config.target_defaults = {}

    // don't inherit the "defaults" from node's `process.config` object.
    // doing so could cause problems in cases where the `node` executable was
    // compiled on a different machine (with different lib/include paths) than
    // the machine where the addon is being built to
    defaults.cflags = []
    defaults.defines = []
    defaults.include_dirs = []
    defaults.libraries = []

    // set the default_configuration prop
    if ('debug' in gyp.opts) {
      defaults.default_configuration = gyp.opts.debug ? 'Debug' : 'Release'
    if (!defaults.default_configuration) {
      defaults.default_configuration = 'Release'

    // set the target_arch variable
    variables.target_arch = gyp.opts.arch || process.arch || 'ia32'

    // set the node development directory
    variables.nodedir = nodeDir

    // don't copy dev libraries with nodedir option
    variables.copy_dev_lib = !gyp.opts.nodedir

    // disable -T "thin" static archives by default
    variables.standalone_static_library = gyp.opts.thin ? 0 : 1

    if (vsSetup) {
      // GYP doesn't (yet) have support for VS2017, so we force it to VS2015
      // to avoid pulling a floating patch that has not landed upstream.
      // Ref: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/#/c/433540/
      gyp.opts.msvs_version = '2015'
      process.env['GYP_MSVS_VERSION'] = 2015
      process.env['GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH'] = vsSetup.path
      defaults['msbuild_toolset'] = 'v141'
      defaults['msvs_windows_target_platform_version'] = vsSetup.sdk
      variables['msbuild_path'] = path.join(vsSetup.path, 'MSBuild', '15.0',
                                            'Bin', 'MSBuild.exe')

    // loop through the rest of the opts and add the unknown ones as variables.
    // this allows for module-specific configure flags like:
    //   $ node-gyp configure --shared-libxml2
    Object.keys(gyp.opts).forEach(function (opt) {
      if (opt === 'argv') return
      if (opt in gyp.configDefs) return
      variables[opt.replace(/-/g, '_')] = gyp.opts[opt]

    // ensures that any boolean values from `process.config` get stringified
    function boolsToString (k, v) {
      if (typeof v === 'boolean')
        return String(v)
      return v

    log.silly('build/' + configFilename, config)

    // now write out the config.gypi file to the build/ dir
    var prefix = '# Do not edit. File was generated by node-gyp\'s "configure" step'
      , json = JSON.stringify(config, boolsToString, 2)
    log.verbose('build/' + configFilename, 'writing out config file: %s', configPath)
    fs.writeFile(configPath, [prefix, json, ''].join('\n'), findConfigs)
 s.on(e, data => { 
   log.silly('Server', `recv event[${e}] from browser`)
   this.emit(e, data) 
Example #12
function runCmd_ (cmd, pkg, env, wd, stage, unsafe, uid, gid, cb_) {
  function cb (er) {
    cb_.apply(null, arguments)

  var conf = {
    cwd: wd,
    env: env,
    stdio: [ 0, 1, 2 ]

  if (!unsafe) {
    conf.uid = uid ^ 0
    conf.gid = gid ^ 0

  var sh = 'sh'
  var shFlag = '-c'

  if (process.platform === 'win32') {
    sh = process.env.comspec || 'cmd'
    shFlag = '/d /s /c'
    conf.windowsVerbatimArguments = true

  log.verbose('lifecycle', logid(pkg, stage), 'PATH:', env[PATH])
  log.verbose('lifecycle', logid(pkg, stage), 'CWD:', wd)
  log.silly('lifecycle', logid(pkg, stage), 'Args:', [shFlag, cmd])

  var proc = spawn(sh, [shFlag, cmd], conf)

  proc.on('error', procError)
  proc.on('close', function (code, signal) {
    log.silly('lifecycle', logid(pkg, stage), 'Returned: code:', code, ' signal:', signal)
    if (signal) {
      process.kill(process.pid, signal)
    } else if (code) {
      var er = new Error('Exit status ' + code)
  process.once('SIGTERM', procKill)

  function procError (er) {
    if (er) {
      log.info('lifecycle', logid(pkg, stage), 'Failed to exec ' + stage + ' script')
      er.message = pkg._id + ' ' + stage + ': `' + cmd + '`\n' +
      if (er.code !== 'EPERM') {
        er.code = 'ELIFECYCLE'
      fs.stat(npm.dir, function (statError, d) {
        if (statError && statError.code === 'ENOENT' && npm.dir.split(path.sep).slice(-1)[0] === 'node_modules') {
          log.warn('', 'Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing, did you mean to install?')
      er.pkgid = pkg._id
      er.stage = stage
      er.script = cmd
      er.pkgname = pkg.name
    process.removeListener('SIGTERM', procKill)
    return cb(er)
  function procKill () {
Example #13
function gunzTarPerm (tarball, target, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb_) {
  if (!dMode) dMode = npm.modes.exec
  if (!fMode) fMode = npm.modes.file
  log.silly("gunzTarPerm", "modes", [dMode.toString(8), fMode.toString(8)])

  var cbCalled = false
  function cb (er) {
    if (cbCalled) return
    cbCalled = true
    cb_(er, target)

  var fst = fs.createReadStream(tarball)

  // figure out who we're supposed to be, if we're not pretending
  // to be a specific user.
  if (npm.config.get("unsafe-perm") && process.platform !== "win32") {
    uid = myUid
    gid = myGid

  function extractEntry (entry) {
    log.silly("gunzTarPerm", "extractEntry", entry.path)
    // never create things that are user-unreadable,
    // or dirs that are user-un-listable. Only leads to headaches.
    var originalMode = entry.mode = entry.mode || entry.props.mode
    entry.mode = entry.mode | (entry.type === "Directory" ? dMode : fMode)
    entry.mode = entry.mode & (~npm.modes.umask)
    entry.props.mode = entry.mode
    if (originalMode !== entry.mode) {
      log.silly( "gunzTarPerm", "modified mode"
               , [entry.path, originalMode, entry.mode])

    // if there's a specific owner uid/gid that we want, then set that
    if (process.platform !== "win32" &&
        typeof uid === "number" &&
        typeof gid === "number") {
      entry.props.uid = entry.uid = uid
      entry.props.gid = entry.gid = gid

  var extractOpts = { type: "Directory", path: target, strip: 1 }

  if (process.platform !== "win32" &&
      typeof uid === "number" &&
      typeof gid === "number") {
    extractOpts.uid = uid
    extractOpts.gid = gid

  extractOpts.filter = function () {
    // symbolic links are not allowed in packages.
    if (this.type.match(/^.*Link$/)) {
      log.warn( "excluding symbolic link"
              , this.path.substr(target.length + 1)
              + " -> " + this.linkpath )
      return false
    return true

  fst.on("error", function (er) {
    if (er) log.error("tar.unpack", "error reading "+tarball)
  fst.on("data", function OD (c) {
    // detect what it is.
    // Then, depending on that, we'll figure out whether it's
    // a single-file module, gzipped tarball, or naked tarball.
    // gzipped files all start with 1f8b08
    if (c[0] === 0x1F &&
        c[1] === 0x8B &&
        c[2] === 0x08) {
        .on("error", function (er) {
          if (er) log.error("tar.unpack", "unzip error "+tarball)
        .on("entry", extractEntry)
        .on("error", function (er) {
          if (er) log.error("tar.unpack", "untar error "+tarball)
        .on("close", cb)
    } else if (c.toString().match(/^package\//)) {
      // naked tar
        .on("entry", extractEntry)
        .on("error", function (er) {
          if (er) log.error("tar.unpack", "untar error "+tarball)
        .on("close", cb)
    } else {
      // naked js file
      var jsOpts = { path: path.resolve(target, "index.js") }

      if (process.platform !== "win32" &&
          typeof uid === "number" &&
          typeof gid === "number") {
        jsOpts.uid = uid
        jsOpts.gid = gid

        .on("error", function (er) {
          if (er) log.error("tar.unpack", "copy error "+tarball)
        .on("close", function () {
          var j = path.resolve(target, "package.json")
          readJson(j, function (er, d) {
            if (er) {
              log.error("not a package", tarball)
              return cb(er)
            fs.writeFile(j, JSON.stringify(d) + "\n", cb)

    // now un-hook, and re-emit the chunk
    fst.removeListener("data", OD)
    fst.emit("data", c)
					Object.keys(changes).forEach(function(key) {
						var value = changes[key];
						log.silly("_applyRegexpSubstitutions()", "regexp=" + key + " -> value=" + value);
						var regExp = new RegExp(key, "g");
						content = content.replace(regExp, value);
Example #15
Installer.prototype.loadShrinkwrap = function (cb) {
  validate('F', arguments)
  log.silly('install', 'loadShrinkwrap')
  readShrinkwrap.andInflate(this.idealTree, cb)
Example #16
 .addListener('finish', function() {
     log.silly(ModuleName, 'zipFolderContents: temp zip complete');
Example #17
    function createConfigFile(err) {
        if (err) return callback(err)

        var configFilename = 'config.gypi'
        var configPath = path.resolve(buildDir, configFilename)

        log.verbose('build/' + configFilename, 'creating config file')

        var config = process.config || {}
            , defaults = config.target_defaults
            , variables = config.variables

        if (!defaults) {
            defaults = config.target_defaults = {}
        if (!variables) {
            variables = config.variables = {}
        if (!defaults.cflags) {
            defaults.cflags = []
        if (!defaults.defines) {
            defaults.defines = []
        if (!defaults.include_dirs) {
            defaults.include_dirs = []
        if (!defaults.libraries) {
            defaults.libraries = []

        // set the default_configuration prop
        if ('debug' in gyp.opts) {
            defaults.default_configuration = gyp.opts.debug ? 'Debug' : 'Release'
        if (!defaults.default_configuration) {
            defaults.default_configuration = 'Release'

        // set the target_arch variable
        variables.target_arch = gyp.opts.arch || process.arch || 'ia32'

        // set the toolset for VCExpress users
        if (win) {
            if (hasVC2012Express && hasWin8SDK) {
                defaults.msbuild_toolset = 'v110'
            } else if (hasVCExpress && hasWin71SDK) {
                defaults.msbuild_toolset = 'Windows7.1SDK'

        // set the node development directory
        variables.nodedir = nodeDir

        // don't copy dev libraries with nodedir option
        variables.copy_dev_lib = !gyp.opts.nodedir

        // loop through the rest of the opts and add the unknown ones as variables.
        // this allows for module-specific configure flags like:
        //   $ node-gyp configure --shared-libxml2
        Object.keys(gyp.opts).forEach(function (opt) {
            if (opt === 'argv') return
            if (opt in gyp.configDefs) return
            variables[opt.replace(/-/g, '_')] = gyp.opts[opt]

        // ensures that any boolean values from `process.config` get stringified
        function boolsToString(k, v) {
            if (typeof v === 'boolean')
                return String(v)
            return v

        log.silly('build/' + configFilename, config)

        // now write out the config.gypi file to the build/ dir
        var prefix = '# Do not edit. File was generated by node-gyp\'s "configure" step'
            , json = JSON.stringify(config, boolsToString, 2)
        log.verbose('build/' + configFilename, 'writing out config file: %s', configPath)
        fs.writeFile(configPath, [prefix, json, ''].join('\n'), findConfigs)
Example #18
 .addListener('end', function() {
     log.silly(ModuleName, 'encryptFile: end of encryption stream');
Example #19
 }).map(function (d) {
   var v = packageData[depsKey][d]
   var t = d + "@" + v
   log.silly("prepareForInstallMany", "adding", t, "from", packageData.name, depsKey)
   return t
Example #20
 .addListener('end', function() {
     log.silly(ModuleName, 'encryptFile: end of reading unencrypted file');
Example #21
     //finish with synchronous processing and responding
     log.verbose("Async portion done: doing actual citation processing and sending response");
     var responseJson = {};
     var bib;
     // Set output format
     // Add items posted with request
     log.verbose('Items updated');
     if (citeprocEngine.cslEngine.opt.sort_citations) {
         log.verbose("Currently using a sorting style", 1);
     citeprocEngine.cslEngine.opt.development_extensions.wrap_url_and_doi = (requestConfig.linkwrap == "1");
     log.verbose('citeproc wrap_url_and_doi: ' +
     // Switch process depending on bib or citation
     if (requestConfig.bibliography == "1") {
         log.verbose('Generating bib');
         bib = citeprocEngine.cslEngine.makeBibliography();
         log.silly("bib: " + bib);
         responseJson.bibliography = bib;
     if (requestConfig.citations == "1") {
         log.verbose('Generating citations');
         var citations = [];
         if (preparedData.citationClusters) {
             for (var i = 0; i < preparedData.citationClusters.length; i++) {
                 citations.push(citeprocEngine.cslEngine.appendCitationCluster(preparedData.citationClusters[i], true)[0]);
         else {
             log.error("citations requested with no citationClusters");
         log.silly("citations: " + citations);
         responseJson.citations = citations;
     var write = '';
     // Write the CSL output to the http response
         case 'json':
             response.writeHead(200, {
                 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
             write = JSON.stringify(responseJson);
         case 'html':
         case 'rtf':
             response.writeHead(200, {
                 'Content-Type': 'text/' +
                 requestConfig.responseformat +
                 '; charset=utf-8',
             if (bib) {
                 write += bib[0].bibstart + bib[1].join('') + bib[0].bibend;
     response.write(write, 'utf8');
     log.verbose("Response sent");
     //reset citeproc engine before saving
     citeprocEngine.cslEngine.sys.items = {};
     citeprocEngine.cslEngine.opt.development_extensions.wrap_url_and_doi = false;
     if (!postedStyle) {
         engineCache.saveEngine(citeprocEngine, styleUrlObj.href, requestConfig.locale);
Example #22
function logAllResources() {
    log.silly('Total resources in memory: ' + Object.keys(resourceData).length);
  // log.silly(JSON.stringify(resourceData, null, 4));
Example #23
Installer.prototype.saveToDependencies = function (cb) {
  validate('F', arguments)
  if (this.failing) return cb()
  log.silly('install', 'saveToDependencies')
  saveRequested(this.args, this.idealTree, cb)
Example #24
function requestResource(resourceId) {
  log.silly('Requested resource (id: ' + resourceId + ') does not exist, sending a resource request');

  resourceRequiredPusher.send(JSON.stringify({id: resourceId}));
Example #25
Installer.prototype.debugTree = function (name, treeName, cb) {
  validate('SSF', arguments)
  log.silly(name, this.prettify(this[treeName]).trim())
Example #26
File: tar.js Project: boneskull/npm
function gunzTarPerm (tarball, target, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb_) {
  if (!dMode) dMode = npm.modes.exec
  if (!fMode) fMode = npm.modes.file
  log.silly('gunzTarPerm', 'modes', [dMode.toString(8), fMode.toString(8)])

  var cbCalled = false
  function cb (er) {
    if (cbCalled) return
    cbCalled = true
    cb_(er, target)

  var fst = fs.createReadStream(tarball)

  fst.on('open', function (fd) {
    fs.fstat(fd, function (er, st) {
      if (er) return fst.emit('error', er)
      if (st.size === 0) {
        er = new Error('0-byte tarball\n' +
                       'Please run `npm cache clean`')
        fst.emit('error', er)

  // figure out who we're supposed to be, if we're not pretending
  // to be a specific user.
  if (npm.config.get('unsafe-perm') && process.platform !== 'win32') {
    uid = myUid
    gid = myGid

  function extractEntry (entry) {
    log.silly('gunzTarPerm', 'extractEntry', entry.path)
    // never create things that are user-unreadable,
    // or dirs that are user-un-listable. Only leads to headaches.
    var originalMode = entry.mode = entry.mode || entry.props.mode
    entry.mode = entry.mode | (entry.type === 'Directory' ? dMode : fMode)
    entry.mode = entry.mode & (~npm.modes.umask)
    entry.props.mode = entry.mode
    if (originalMode !== entry.mode) {
      log.silly('gunzTarPerm', 'modified mode',
                [entry.path, originalMode, entry.mode])

    // if there's a specific owner uid/gid that we want, then set that
    if (process.platform !== 'win32' &&
        typeof uid === 'number' &&
        typeof gid === 'number') {
      entry.props.uid = entry.uid = uid
      entry.props.gid = entry.gid = gid

  var extractOpts = { type: 'Directory', path: target, strip: 1 }

  if (process.platform !== 'win32' &&
      typeof uid === 'number' &&
      typeof gid === 'number') {
    extractOpts.uid = uid
    extractOpts.gid = gid

  var sawIgnores = {}
  extractOpts.filter = function () {
    // symbolic links are not allowed in packages.
    if (this.type.match(/^.*Link$/)) {
      log.warn('excluding symbolic link',
               this.path.substr(target.length + 1) +
               ' -> ' + this.linkpath)
      return false

    // Note: This mirrors logic in the fs read operations that are
    // employed during tarball creation, in the fstream-npm module.
    // It is duplicated here to handle tarballs that are created
    // using other means, such as system tar or git archive.
    if (this.type === 'File') {
      var base = path.basename(this.path)
      if (base === '.npmignore') {
        sawIgnores[ this.path ] = true
      } else if (base === '.gitignore') {
        var npmignore = this.path.replace(/\.gitignore$/, '.npmignore')
        if (sawIgnores[npmignore]) {
          // Skip this one, already seen.
          return false
        } else {
          // Rename, may be clobbered later.
          this.path = npmignore
          this._path = npmignore

    return true

    .on('error', function (er) {
      if (er) log.error('tar.unpack', 'error reading ' + tarball)
    .on('data', function OD (c) {
      // detect what it is.
      // Then, depending on that, we'll figure out whether it's
      // a single-file module, gzipped tarball, or naked tarball.
      // gzipped files all start with 1f8b08
      if (c[0] === 0x1F &&
          c[1] === 0x8B &&
          c[2] === 0x08) {
          .on('error', function (er) {
            if (er) log.error('tar.unpack', 'unzip error ' + tarball)
          .on('entry', extractEntry)
          .on('error', function (er) {
            if (er) log.error('tar.unpack', 'untar error ' + tarball)
          .on('close', cb)
      } else if (hasTarHeader(c)) {
        // naked tar
          .on('entry', extractEntry)
          .on('error', function (er) {
            if (er) log.error('tar.unpack', 'untar error ' + tarball)
          .on('close', cb)
      } else {
        // naked js file
        var jsOpts = { path: path.resolve(target, 'index.js') }

        if (process.platform !== 'win32' &&
            typeof uid === 'number' &&
            typeof gid === 'number') {
          jsOpts.uid = uid
          jsOpts.gid = gid

          .on('error', function (er) {
            if (er) log.error('tar.unpack', 'copy error ' + tarball)
          .on('close', function () {
            var j = path.resolve(target, 'package.json')
            readJson(j, function (er, d) {
              if (er) {
                log.error('not a package', tarball)
                return cb(er)
              writeFileAtomic(j, JSON.stringify(d) + '\n', cb)

      // now un-hook, and re-emit the chunk
      fst.removeListener('data', OD)
      fst.emit('data', c)
Example #27
 cp.stderr.on("data", function(chunk) {
   log.silly(chunk.toString(), "git archive")
Example #28
function add (args, cb) {
  // this is hot code.  almost everything passes through here.
  // the args can be any of:
  // ["url"]
  // ["pkg", "version"]
  // ["pkg@version"]
  // ["pkg", "url"]
  // This is tricky, because urls can contain @
  // Also, in some cases we get [name, null] rather
  // that just a single argument.

  var usage = "Usage:\n"
            + "    npm cache add <tarball-url>\n"
            + "    npm cache add <pkg>@<ver>\n"
            + "    npm cache add <tarball>\n"
            + "    npm cache add <folder>\n"
    , name
    , spec

  if (args[1] === undefined) args[1] = null

  // at this point the args length must ==2
  if (args[1] !== null) {
    name = args[0]
    spec = args[1]
  } else if (args.length === 2) {
    spec = args[0]

  log.silly("cache add", "name=%j spec=%j args=%j", name, spec, args)

  if (!name && !spec) return cb(usage)

  // see if the spec is a url
  // otherwise, treat as name@version
  var p = url.parse(spec) || {}
  log.verbose("parsed url", p)

  // it could be that we got name@http://blah
  // in that case, we will not have a protocol now, but if we
  // split and check, we will.
  if (!name && !p.protocol && spec.indexOf("@") !== -1) {
    spec = spec.split("@")
    name = spec.shift()
    spec = spec.join("@")
    return add([name, spec], cb)

  switch (p.protocol) {
    case "http:":
    case "https:":
      return addRemoteTarball(spec, null, name, cb)
    case "git:":
    case "git+http:":
    case "git+https:":
    case "git+rsync:":
    case "git+ftp:":
    case "git+ssh:":
      //p.protocol = p.protocol.replace(/^git([^:])/, "$1")
      return addRemoteGit(spec, p, name, cb)
      // if we have a name and a spec, then try name@spec
      // if not, then try just spec (which may try name@"" if not found)
      if (name) {
        addNamed(name, spec, cb)
      } else {
        addLocal(spec, cb)
Example #29
 this._error = err => {
   log.silly('fake-registry', err)
   this.emit('error', err)
			var fileList = session.fileList.filter(function(file) {
				log.silly("_substitute()", regexp, "matching? file.name:", file.name);
				return regexp.test(file.name);