function sendMessage(obj,callback) {
    var message = new nitrogen.Message(obj); = nitrogenId;
    message.send(nitrogenSession, function (err,sentMessages) {
Example #2
ServoManager.prototype.executeQueue = function(callback) {
    if (!this.device) return callback(new Error('no device attached to control manager.'));

    var self = this;

    // CommandManager.activeCommands()
    // Returns the array of commands that are currently active for this manager
    var activeCommands = this.activeCommands();

    // Verify there are activeCommands
    if (activeCommands.length === 0) {
        this.session.log.warn('ServoManager::executeQueue: no active commands to execute.');
        return callback();
    var commandIds = [];
    var pos;
    //console.log('activeCommands:'); console.dir(activeCommands);

    // Find the final state and collect all the active command ids
    // You will use them in a moment.
    activeCommands.forEach(function(activeCommand) {
        // Collect active command IDs
        pos = activeCommand.body.command.position;
    if(pos > 180) pos = 180;
    else if(pos < 0) pos = 0;
    // This is the response to the _lightLevel command.
    // Notice the response_to is the array of command ids from above. This is used in the obsoletes method above as well.
    var servoMessage = new nitrogen.Message({
        type: '_position',
        tags: nitrogen.CommandManager.commandTag(,
        body: {
            command: {
                position: pos
        response_to: commandIds
    servoMessage.send(this.session, function(err, message) {
        if (err) return callback(err);
        console.log("Message sent: " + JSON.stringify(message));
        // let the command manager know we processed this message.
        self.process(new nitrogen.Message(message));

        // need to callback if there aren't any issues so commandManager can proceed.   
        return callback();
Example #3
simpleManager.prototype.executeQueue = function(callback) {
    var self = this;

    if (!this.device) return callback(new Error('no device attached to control manager.'));

    // This looks at the list of active commands and returns if there's no commands to process.
    var activeCommands = this.activeCommands();
    if (activeCommands.length === 0) {
        this.session.log.warn('simpleManager::executeQueue: no active commands to execute.');
        return callback();

    var lightOn;
    var commandIds = [];

    // Here we are going to find the final state and but collect all the active command ids because we'll use them in a moment.
    activeCommands.forEach(function(activeCommand) {
      console.log("activeCommand: " + JSON.stringify(activeCommand));
        try {
          lightOn = activeCommand.body.value;

          if (lightOn == "true")
            board.digitalWrite(LEDPIN, 1);
            board.digitalWrite(LEDPIN, 0);

         } catch (ex) {

    // This is the response to the _lightOn command.
    // Notice the response_to is the array of command ids from above. This is used in the obsoletes method above as well.
    var message = new nitrogen.Message({
        type: '_isOn',
        tags: nitrogen.CommandManager.commandTag(,
        body: {
            command: {
                message: "Light (" + + ") is " + JSON.stringify(lightOn) + " at " +
        response_to: commandIds

    message.send(this.session, function(err, message) {
        if (err) return callback(err);

        // let the command manager know we processed this _lightOn message by passing it the _isOn message.
        self.process(new nitrogen.Message(message));

        // need to callback if there aren't any issues so commandManager can proceed.
        return callback();
Example #4
 photoresistor.on('data', function() {     
     // Capture the ambient light level from the photoresistor
     var lightLevel = this.value;
     // Create a Nitrogen message
     var message = new nitrogen.Message({
         type: '_lightLevel',
         body: {
             ambientLight: lightLevel
     // Log the light level value for debugging'Sending ambientLight: ' + lightLevel);
     // Send the message
Example #5
      light.on("change", function() {
        var lightValue = Math.round(this.value * .1);

        var message = new nitrogen.Message({
            type: '_lightLevel',
            body: {
                command: {
                    'light': lightValue 

        console.log("Sending: " + JSON.stringify(message));

Example #6
        setTimeout(function() {
            nitrogen.Message.find(session, { from: }, {}, function(err, messages) {

        }, 500);
Example #7
    this.device.set(this.state, function(err) {
        if (err) return callback(err);

        var message = new nitrogen.Message({
            type: 'lightState',
            tags: [ nitrogen.CommandManager.commandTag( ],
            response_to: commandIds,
            body: self.state

        message.send(self.session, function(err, messages) {
            if (err) return callback(err);

Example #8
      light.on("change", function() {
        var lightValue = Math.round(this.value * .1);

        var message = new nitrogen.Message({
            type: '_lightLevel',
            tags: nitrogen.CommandManager.commandTag(,
            body: {
                command: {
                    'light': lightValue 

        console.log("Sending: " + JSON.stringify(message));

Example #9
service.connect(simpleLED, function(err, session, simpleLED) {
    console.log("Connected to Nitrogen");
    var message = new nitrogen.Message({
        type: '_isOn',
        body: {
            command: {
                message: "Light (" + + ") is On at " +


    new simpleManager(simpleLED).start(session, function(err, message) {
        if (err) return session.log.error(JSON.stringify(err));

Example #10
 photoresistor.on('data', function() {
     // Capture the ambient light level from the photo resistor
     var lightLevel = this.value;
     // Create a Nitrogen Message to send the _lightLevel
     var ambientLightMessage = new nitrogen.Message({
         type: '_lightLevel',
         tags: nitrogen.CommandManager.commandTag(,
         body: {
             command: {
                 ambientLight: lightLevel
     // Send the message
     console.log("Message sent: " + JSON.stringify(ambientLightMessage));
 photoresistor.on('data', function() {
     // Capture the ambient light level from the photo resistor
     var lightLevel = this.value;
     // Create a Nitrogen Message to send the _lightLevel
     var ambientLightMessage = new nitrogen.Message({
         type: '_lightLevel',
         // Specify a command tag that you can scope to
         // This will enable you to filter out non-relevant messages
         tags: nitrogen.CommandManager.commandTag('lab06'),
         body: {
             command: {
                 ambientLight: lightLevel
     // Send the message
     // Show the message in the console
     console.log("Message sent: " + JSON.stringify(ambientLightMessage));
Example #12
        principals.forEach(function(camera) {
           if (!cameras[]) {
               nitrogen.Message.find(session, { type: 'image' }, { limit: 1, sort: { ts: -1 } }, function(err, messages) {
                   if (err) return session.log.error('message request failed: ' + err);

                   if (messages.length) {
             'last image for camera: ' + JSON.stringify(messages));
                       sendImage(session, messages[0]);

Example #13
 photoresistor.on('data', function() {
     // Capture the ambient light level from the photo resistor
     var lightLevel = this.value;
     var pos = map(lightLevel, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
     pos = constrain(pos, 0, 180);
     // Create a Nitrogen Message to send the _lightLevel
     var ambientLightMessage = new nitrogen.Message({
         type: '_setPosition',
         tags: nitrogen.CommandManager.commandTag(,
         body: {
             command: {
                 position: pos
     // Send the message
     console.log("Message sent: " + JSON.stringify(ambientLightMessage));
Example #14
LightManager.prototype.executeQueue = function(callback) {
    if (!this.device) return callback(new Error('no device attached to control manager.'));

    var self = this;

    // CommandManager.activeCommands()
    // Returns the array of commands that are currently active for this manager
    var activeCommands = this.activeCommands();

    // Verify there are activeCommands
    if (activeCommands.length === 0) {
        this.session.log.warn('LightManager::executeQueue: no active commands to execute.');
        return callback();
    var commandIds = [];
    var lightOn;

    // Find the final state and collect all the active command ids
    // You will use them in a moment.
    activeCommands.forEach(function(activeCommand) {
        // Collect active command IDs
        var light = activeCommand.body.command.ambientLight;
        // Determine the final state of the light (on/true or off/false)
        lightOn = light > 950;
    // Turn the light on or off based on final state
    if (led != null) { // Make sure the led sensor is available before using it
        if(lightOn) { 
        } else { 
    else {
        console.log("ERROR: 'led' was null.");
    // This is the response to the _lightLevel command.
    // Notice the response_to is the array of command ids from above. This is used in the obsoletes method above as well.
    var lightMessage = new nitrogen.Message({
        type: '_lightState',
        tags: nitrogen.CommandManager.commandTag(,
        body: {
            command: {
                on: lightOn
        response_to: commandIds
    lightMessage.send(this.session, function(err, message) {
        if (err) return callback(err);
        console.log("Message sent: " + JSON.stringify(message));
        // let the command manager know we processed this message.
        self.process(new nitrogen.Message(message));

        // need to callback if there aren't any issues so commandManager can proceed.   
        return callback();
Example #15
LightManager.prototype.executeQueue = function(callback) {
    if (!this.device) return callback(new Error('no device attached to control manager.'));

    var self = this;

    // CommandManager.activeCommands()
    // Returns the array of commands that are currently active for this manager
    var activeCommands = this.activeCommands();

    // Verify there are activeCommands
    if (activeCommands.length === 0) {
        this.session.log.warn('LightManager::executeQueue: no active commands to execute.');
        return callback();
    var commandIds = []; // An array to collect Command IDs
    var r, g, b, color; // Variables for the Red, Green and Blue values

    // Find the final state and collect all the active command ids
    // You will use them in a moment.
    activeCommands.forEach(function(activeCommand) {
        // Collect active command IDs
        // Collect the ambient light level from the message
        var light = activeCommand.body.command.ambientLight;

        // Set the Red, Green, and Blue values based on the ambient light level.
        // In bright light it will glow green, and in dim light it will glow white.
        // Increase the Red value for levels above 350
        r = map(light, 350, 1023, 0, 255);
        // increase the Green value for all light levels
        g = map(light, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
        // Increase the Blue value for light levels above 650
        b = map(light, 650, 1023, 0, 255);
        // Constrain the values to eliminate negative values and values beyond the upper bound
        r = constrain(r, 0, 255).toString(16); //.toString(16) converts the value to Hexidecimal
        g = constrain(g, 0, 255).toString(16);
        b = constrain(b, 0, 255).toString(16);
        // Add a leading '0' as needed to have a two-digit hex value
        if(r.length < 2) r = '0' + r;
        if(g.length < 2) g = '0' + g;
        if(b.length < 2) b = '0' + b;
    color = r + g + b;
    // If the LED is present, set its color value
    if(led != null) {
    // This is the response to the _lightLevel command.
    // Notice the response_to is the array of command ids from above. This is used in the obsoletes method above as well.
    var lightMessage = new nitrogen.Message({
        type: '_color',
        tags: nitrogen.CommandManager.commandTag(cmdTag),
        body: {
            command: {
                color: color
        response_to: commandIds
    lightMessage.send(this.session, function(err, message) {
        if (err) return callback(err);
        console.log("Message sent: " + JSON.stringify(message));
        // let the command manager know we processed this message.
        self.process(new nitrogen.Message(message));

        // need to callback if there aren't any issues so commandManager can proceed.   
        return callback();