Example #1
"use strict";

var method = require("method")
var send = method("send")

module.exports = send

Example #2
function variator(hint) {
  var dispatcher = method(hint)
  var prefixes = []
  var implementations = []
  dispatcher[labels] = prefixes
  dispatcher[cases] = implementations
  dispatcher.define(function dispatch(label) {
    var index = prefixes.indexOf(label)
    var implementation = implementations[index]
    if (!implementation)
      throw TypeError("Method " + dispatcher + " not implemented for: " + label)
    return implementation.apply(dispatcher, arguments)
  define.implement(dispatcher, extendVariator)
  implement.implement(dispatcher, extendVariator)

  return dispatcher
Example #3
File: send.js Project: Gozala/event
"use strict";

var method = require("method")
var send = method("send")

module.exports = send
Example #4
"use strict";

var method = require("method")
var when = method("when")

when.define(function(value, onRealize) {
  return typeof(onRealize) === "function" ? onRealize(value) : value
when.define(Error, function(error, onRealize, onError) {
  return typeof(onError) === "function" ? onError(error) : error

module.exports = when
Example #5
"use strict";

var method = require("method")
var watchers = require("./watchers")

var watch = method("watch")
watch.define(function(value, watcher) {
  // Registers a `value` `watcher`, unless it"s already registered.
  var registered = watchers(value)
  if (registered && registered.indexOf(watcher) < 0)
  return value

module.exports = watch
Example #6
"use strict";

var method = require("method")
// Method delivers pending value.
var deliver = method("deliver")

module.exports = deliver
Example #7
"use strict";

var method = require("method")
var rebase = require("./rebase")

// Method is designed to work with data structures representing application
// state. Calling it with a state and delta should return object representing
// new state, with changes in `delta` being applied to previous.
// ## Example
// patch(state, {
//   "item-id-1": { completed: false }, // update
//   "item-id-2": null                  // delete
// })
var patch = method("patch@diffpatcher")
patch.define(Object, function patch(hash, delta) {
  return rebase({}, hash, delta)

module.exports = patch
Example #8
/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab */
/*jshint asi: true undef: true es5: true node: true devel: true
         globalstrict: true forin: true latedef: false supernew: true */
/*global define: true */

"use strict";

var Method = require('method')

// Module defines protocol of `values` that can be watched. In order to support
// this protocol one just needs to implement `watchers` method.
var watchers = Method()
exports.watchers = watchers

// Registers a `value` `watcher` function unless it already watches it.
var watch = Method(function(value, watcher) {
  var listeners = watchers(value)
  if (listeners && listeners.indexOf(watcher) < 0)
  return value
exports.watch = watch

// Unregisters a `value` `watcher` function if it's being watched.
var unwatch = Method(function(value, watcher) {
  var listeners = watchers(value)
  var index = listeners && listeners.indexOf(watcher)
  if (listeners && listeners.indexOf(watcher) >= 0)
    listeners.splice(index, 1)
  return value
Example #9
File: set.js Project: dlisp/core
var method = require('method')

var set = method(function set(key, obj, val){
  obj[key] = val
  return obj
}, 1)

module.exports = set
Example #10
"use strict";

var method = require("method")

var isReduced = require("./is-reduced")
var isError = require("./is-error")
var end = require("./end")

var reduce = method("reduce@reducible")

// Implementation of `reduce` for the empty collections, that immediately
// signals reducer that it's ended.
reduce.empty = function reduceEmpty(empty, next, initial) {
  next(end, initial)

// Implementation of `reduce` for the singular values which are treated
// as collections with a single element. Yields a value and signals the end.
reduce.singular = function reduceSingular(value, next, initial) {
  next(end, next(value, initial))

// Implementation of `reduce` for the array (and alike) values, such that it
// will call accumulator function `next` each time with next item and
// accumulated state until it's exhausted or `next` returns marked value
// indicating that it's reduced. Either way signals `end` to an accumulator.
reduce.indexed = function reduceIndexed(indexed, next, initial) {
  var state = initial
  var index = 0
  var count = indexed.length
  while (index < count) {
Example #11
File: conj.js Project: dlisp/core
var method = require('method')

var conj = method(null, 1)

conj.def(Array.prototype, function(a, b){
  return b.concat(a)

conj.def(Object.prototype, function(a, b){
  var c = Object.create(b)
  for (var k in a) c[k] = a[k]
  return c

module.exports = conj
Example #12
File: invoke.js Project: dlisp/core
var method = require('method')
var Map = require('./Map')
var call = Function.call

var invoke = method()

function get(object, key){
  return object[key]

invoke.def(Map.prototype, get)
invoke.def(Array.prototype, get)
invoke.def(Function.prototype, function(){
  var fn = arguments[0]
  arguments[0] = this
  return call.apply(fn, arguments)

module.exports = invoke
Example #13
"use strict";

var method = require("method")

var isReduced = require("./is-reduced")
var isError = require("./is-error")
var end = require("./end")

var reduce = method("reduce@reducible")

// Implementation of `reduce` for the empty collections, that immediately
// signals reducer that it's ended.
reduce.empty = function reduceEmpty(empty, next, initial) {
  next(end, initial)

// Implementation of `reduce` for the singular values which are treated
// as collections with a single element. Yields a value and signals the end.
reduce.singular = function reduceSingular(value, next, initial) {
  next(end, next(value, initial))

// Implementation of `reduce` for the array (and alike) values, such that it
// will call accumulator function `next` each time with next item and
// accumulated state until it's exhausted or `next` returns marked value
// indicating that it's reduced. Either way signals `end` to an accumulator.
reduce.indexed = function reduceIndexed(indexed, next, initial) {
  var state = initial
  var index = 0
  var count = indexed.length
  while (index < count) {
    var value = indexed[index]
    state = next(value, state)
    index = index + 1
    if (value === end) return end
    if (isError(value)) return state
    if (isReduced(state)) return state.value
  next(end, state)

// Both `undefined` and `null` implement accumulate for empty sequences.
reduce.define(void(0), reduce.empty)
reduce.define(null, reduce.empty)

// Array and arguments implement accumulate for indexed sequences.
reduce.define(Array, reduce.indexed)

function Arguments() { return arguments }
Arguments.prototype = Arguments()
reduce.define(Arguments, reduce.indexed)

// All other built-in data types are treated as single value collections
// by default. Of course individual types may choose to override that.

// Errors just yield that error.
reduce.define(Error, function(error, next) { next(error) })
module.exports = reduce

Example #14
"use strict";

var method = require("method")

var isReduced = require("./is-reduced")
var isError = require("./is-error")
var end = require("./end")

var reduce = method("reduce")

// Implementation of `reduce` for the empty collections, that immediately
// signals reducer that it's ended.
reduce.empty = function reduceEmpty(empty, next, initial) {
  next(end, initial)

// Implementation of `reduce` for the singular values which are treated
// as collections with a single element. Yields a value and signals the end.
reduce.singular = function reduceSingular(value, next, initial) {
  next(end, next(value, initial))

// Implementation of `reduce` for the array (and alike) values, such that it
// will call accumulator function `next` each time with next item and
// accumulated state until it's exhausted or `next` returns marked value
// indicating that it's reduced. Either way signals `end` to an accumulator.
reduce.indexed = function reduceIndexed(indexed, next, initial) {
  var state = initial
  var index = 0
  var count = indexed.length
  while (index < count) {