Example #1
    return (next) => async (action) => {
      switch (action.type) {
      case ORDER_REQUESTED: {
        const requestedOrder = { ...action.payload }

        if (typeof requestedOrder.price === 'undefined') {
          /* build market order */
          if (typeof requestedOrder.quantity === 'undefined') {
            store.dispatch({ type: ORDER_FAILED, payload: new Error('missing order quantity') })
          const { buy, sell } = await client.getMarketPrice(requestedOrder.identifier)
          const direction = sign(requestedOrder.quantity)

          if (direction === 1) {
            requestedOrder.price = buy
          } else {
            requestedOrder.price = sell

        requestedOrder.commission = client.calculateCommission(requestedOrder)

        store.dispatch({ type: ORDER_CREATED, payload: requestedOrder })
      case ORDER_CREATED: {
        try {
          const executedOrder = await client.executeOrder({ ...action.payload })
          store.dispatch({ type: ORDER_PLACED, payload: { ...executedOrder } })
        } catch (error) {
          store.dispatch({ type: ORDER_FAILED, payload: error })
      case ORDER_CANCEL: {
        try {
          const id = await client.cancelOrder({ ...action.payload })
          const cancelledOrder = store.getState().getIn(['orders', id])
          store.dispatch({ type: ORDER_CANCELLED, payload: { ...cancelledOrder } })
        } catch (error) {
          store.dispatch({ type: ORDER_FAILED, payload: error })
      return next(action)
Example #2
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {

    if (action.payload.initialStates.positions) {
      // TODO validate supplied data
      const initial = action.payload.initialStates.positions
      for (const key of initialState.keys()) {
        if (typeof initial[key] !== 'undefined') {
          state = state.mergeIn([key], initial[key])
    const history = Map({
      instruments: state.get('instruments'),
      timestamp: action.payload.timestamp
    state = state.update('history', list => list.push(history))
    return state

  case ORDER_FILLED: {
    const order = action.payload
    const identifier = order.identifier
    const direction = sign(order.quantity)

    /* this is a new instrument, so add it and exit early */
    if (!state.hasIn(['instruments', identifier])) {
      /* value = quantity * price */
      const value = n(multiply(b(order.quantity), b(order.price)))

      return state.setIn(['instruments', identifier], Map({
        quantity: order.quantity,
        price: order.price

    let instrument = state.getIn(['instruments', identifier])

    /* update average aquired price if buying */
    if (direction === 1) {
      /* price = 
       *   (order.price * order.quantity + (instrument.quantity * instrument.price)) / 
       *   (instrument.quantity + order.quantity) */ 
      const price = n(chain(b(order.price))
        .add(multiply(b(instrument.get('quantity')), b(instrument.get('price'))))
        .divide(add(b(instrument.get('quantity')), b(order.quantity)))

      instrument = instrument.set('price', price)

    /* update quantity */
    /* quantity = instrument.quantity + order.quantity */
    const quantity = n(add(b(instrument.get('quantity')), b(order.quantity)))

    /* update value */
    /* value = order.price * (instrument.quantity + order.quantity) */
    const value = n(chain(b(order.price))
      .multiply(add(b(instrument.get('quantity')), b(order.quantity)))

    instrument = instrument.merge({ quantity, value })

    /* delete position and exit early if quantity is now 0 */
    if (instrument.get('quantity') === 0) {
      return state.deleteIn(['instruments', identifier])

    state = state.setIn(['instruments', identifier], instrument)

    /* update history */
    const history = Map({
      instruments: state.get('instruments'),
      timestamp: order.timestamp
    state = state.update('history', list => list.push(history))

    return state

  case BAR_RECEIVED: {
    const bar = action.payload
    const identifier = bar.identifier

    if (state.hasIn(['instruments', identifier])) {
      /* create a zero-value position if non-existent, then do nothing more */
      const quantity = state.getIn(['instruments', identifier, 'quantity'])
      const marketPrice = bar.close

      /* calculate the new the value of the position */
      /* value = quantity * marketPrice */
      const value = n(chain(b(quantity)).multiply(b(marketPrice)).done())

      /* assign the new position */
      state = state.setIn(['instruments', identifier, 'value'], value)

    /* update history */
    const history = Map({
      instruments: state.get('instruments'),
      timestamp: bar.timestamp
    state = state.update('history', list => list.push(history))

    return state

  default: {
    return state
Example #3
var math = require('mathjs');					//導入math函數進行數學運算

console.log(math.add(2,3));					//加法(2+3)
console.log(math.subtract(5,3));				//減法(5-3)
console.log(math.multiply(7,3));				//乘法(7*3)
console.log(math.divide(9,3));					//除法(9/3)
console.log(math.mod(8,3));					//取餘數(8%3,8mod3)
console.log(math.abs(-8));					//絕對值
console.log(math.sign([3,5,-2,0,2]));				//判斷正負號(正->1,負->-1,零->0)
console.log(math.unaryMinus([-9,7]));				//反轉正負號
console.log(math.ceil([3.2,3.8,-4.7]));				//最大整數
console.log(math.floor([3.2,3.8,-4.7]));			//最小整數
console.log(math.fix([3.2,3.8,-4.7]));				//無條件捨去
console.log(math.round(math.pi,3));				//四捨五入且取到小數點後第3位
console.log(math.square(2));					//二次方(2^2)
console.log(math.cube(2));					//三次方(2^3)
console.log(math.pow(2,4));					//乘冪(2^4)
console.log(math.sqrt(121));					//開根號
console.log(math.nthRoot(27,3));				//指定開幾次根號
console.log(math.exp(2));					//指數
console.log(math.log(1024,2));					//對數
console.log(math.log10(1000));					//固定10為底對數
console.log(math.gcd(25,15,-10));				//最大公因數
console.log(math.lcm(6,21,5));					//最小公倍數
console.log(math.unit('5 cm').value);				//以公尺為單位顯示大小
console.log(math.unit('5 m').value);				//以公尺為單位顯示大小
console.log(math.dotMultiply([3,2],[5,7]));			//矩陣乘法
console.log(math.dotDivide([9,8],[3,2]));			//矩陣除法
console.log(math.dotPow([[1,2],[3,4]],2));			//矩陣乘冪