render = () => {
        const centerStyle = {
            textAlign: 'center'
        const rightStyle = {
            textAlign: 'right'
        var key = 0;
        const setParam = _.curry(this.setParameter)
        const handCombinations = math.combinations(this.props.suit.count * this.props.suit.length, this.props.hand.length * (this.state.twoHands ? 2 : 1));
        const probability = (combinations) => math.divide(math.multiply(combinations, 100), handCombinations);

        const data = [];
        var sum = 0;
        const addRow = (combinations, hcp) => {
            sum += combinations;
            data.push([hcp, probability(combinations), probability(sum), combinations]);
        _.forEach(this.tableRows(this.state.twoHands ? 2 : 1), addRow);

        var rangeData = data;
        const HCPrange = parseInt(this.state.HCPrange);
        if (HCPrange > 0) {
            rangeData = [];
            sum = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < data.length - HCPrange; i++) {
                var combinations = 0;
                const hcp = parseInt(data[i][0]);
                for (var k = i; k <= i +  HCPrange; k++)
                    combinations += data[k][3];
                rangeData.push([`${hcp} - ${hcp + HCPrange}`, probability(combinations), data[i +  HCPrange][2], combinations]);

        return (
                <div class="container">
                <Table striped bordered condensed hover>
                <caption><h2>HCPs probabilities, with a range of
          <input type="number" min="0" max="37" value={this.state.HCPrange} onChange={setParam('HCPrange')}/>
                <Checkbox checked={this.state.twoHands} onChange={this.setChecked} >
                multiple ({this.state.twoHands ? 2 : 1} hand{this.state.twoHands ? "s" : ""}, {handCombinations.toLocaleString()} hand combinations)
                <th style={centerStyle}>High Cards Points</th>
                <th style={centerStyle}>Probability (%)</th>
                <th style={centerStyle}>&#x2211;(%)</th>
                <th style={centerStyle}>Combinations</th>
                <tbody id="table-body">
                { => (<tr key={key++}>{ => (<td key={key++} style={rightStyle}>{(el > 0.01) ? el.toLocaleString() : el}</td>))}</tr>))}
 const lowCardsCombinations = (highCards) => math.combinations(lowCardsCount, lowCards2Choose(highCards));
 const highCardsCombination = (highCards) => => math.combinations(this.props.hcp.length, el));