Example #1
Map.prototype.addDataSource = function(ds, callback) {
  log.debug('Adding a %s data source processor', ds.format);

  var self = this;
  if (ds.getTile) {
    if (ds.source.status && ds.source.status.complete) {
      log.debug('Adding the datasource %s to add to the map %s', ds.source.id, this.map.id);
      // self.map.dataSources.push(ds.source);
      callback(null, ds);
    } else {
      log.debug('Processing the datasource %s to add to the map %s', ds.source.id, this.map.id);
      ds.processSource(function(err) {
        if (err) {
          self.dataSourceErrors[ds.source.id] = err;
          log.error('error processing the source', err);
        } else {
          // self.map.dataSources.push(ds.source);
          log.debug('Adding the datasource %s to add to the map %s', ds.source.id, this.map.id);
        callback(null, ds);
      }, function(updatedDataSource, callback) {
        callback(null, updatedDataSource);
        if (self.config.progressCallback) {
          self.config.progressCallback(null, updatedDataSource);
  } else {
    var DataSource = Formats.getFormat(ds.format);
    var dsObj = new DataSource({source: ds});
    log.debug('Processing the datasource %s to add to the map %s', ds.id, self.map.id);
    try {
      dsObj.processSource(function(err, source) {
        if (err) {
          self.dataSourceErrors[ds.id] = err;
          log.error('Error processing the datasource %s', ds.id, err);
        } else {
          log.debug('Adding the datasource %s to add to the map %s', dsObj.source.id, self.map.id);
        callback(err, dsObj);
      }, function(updatedDataSource, callback) {
        callback(null, updatedDataSource);
        if (self.config.progressCallback) {
          self.config.progressCallback(null, updatedDataSource);
    } catch (e) {
      console.log('e is', e);
Example #2
GeoPackage.prototype._addSourceToGeoPackage = function(s, progressCallback, callback) {
  var cache = this.cache.cache;
  var params = cache.cacheCreationParams;
  log.info('params are', params);
  log.debug('Checking if %s - %s should be added to the cache', s.source.name, s.source.id.toString());
  if (params.dataSources.indexOf(s.source.id.toString()) === -1) {
    log.debug('%s - %s is not being added to the cache', s.source.name, s.source.id.toString());
    return callback();
  log.info('Adding %s - %s to the cache', s.source.name, s.source.id.toString());
  if (s.source.vector) {
    this._addVectorSourceToGeoPackage(s, progressCallback, callback);
  } else {
    this._addRasterSourceToGeoPackage(s, progressCallback, callback);
Example #3
 FeatureModel.getFeatureCount({sourceId: source.id, cacheId: null}, function(resultArray){
   log.debug("The source already has features", resultArray);
   if (resultArray[0].count !== '0') {
     return callback(true);
   } else {
     return callback(false);
Example #4
 dsObj.processSource(function(err, source) {
   if (err) {
     self.dataSourceErrors[ds.id] = err;
     log.error('Error processing the datasource %s', ds.id, err);
   } else {
     log.debug('Adding the datasource %s to add to the map %s', dsObj.source.id, self.map.id);
   callback(err, dsObj);
 }, function(updatedDataSource, callback) {
Example #5
  cache.getTile(format, z, x, y, params, function(err, stream) {
    log.debug('Got the stream for the tile %d %d %d for cache %s', z, x, y, cache.id);
    if (err) {
      return callback(err);

    var ws = fs.createOutputStream(path.join(dir, filename));
    callback(null, stream);
Example #6
 ds.processSource(function(err) {
   if (err) {
     self.dataSourceErrors[ds.source.id] = err;
     log.error('error processing the source', err);
   } else {
     // self.map.dataSources.push(ds.source);
     log.debug('Adding the datasource %s to add to the map %s', ds.source.id, this.map.id);
   callback(null, ds);
 }, function(updatedDataSource, callback) {
Example #7
GeoPackage.prototype._isAlreadyProcessed = function(callback) {
  log.debug('is it already processed?', this.source);
  FeatureModel.getFeatureCount({sourceId: this.source.id, cacheId: null}, function(resultArray){
    log.debug("The source already has features", resultArray);
    if (resultArray[0].count !== '0') {
      return callback(true);
    } else {
      return callback(false);
Example #8
exports.isAlreadyProcessed = function(source, callback) {
  log.debug('Checking if the source %s is already processed', source.id);
  if (source.status && source.status.complete) {
    return callback(true);
  FeatureModel.getFeatureCount({sourceId: source.id, cacheId: null}, function(resultArray){
    log.debug("The source already has features", resultArray);
    if (resultArray[0].count !== '0') {
      return callback(true);
    } else {
      return callback(false);
Example #9
GeoPackage.prototype._addVectorSourceToGeoPackage = function(vectorSource, progressCallback, sourceFinishedCallback) {
  log.info('Adding the features for cache %s from the source %s - %s', this.cache.cache.id, vectorSource.source.name, vectorSource.source.id);

  var tableName = vectorSource.source.name ? vectorSource.source.name.toString() : vectorSource.source.id.toString();
  tableName = tableName.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi,'');

  var cache = this.cache.cache;
  var extent = this._calculateExtentFromGeometry(cache.geometry);

  var propertyColumnNames = [];
  log.debug('vector source properties', vectorSource.source);
  for (var i = 0; vectorSource.source.properties && i < vectorSource.source.properties.length; i++) {
  console.log('property column names', propertyColumnNames);
  var sourceFeaturesCreated = 0;
  // write these to the geoPackage
  var self = this;
  FeatureModel.getAllFeaturesByCacheIdAndSourceId(cache.id, vectorSource.source.id, extent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3], '3857', function(err, features) {
    log.info('Adding %d features to the GeoPackage', features.length);
    self.geoPackage.createFeatureTable(extent, tableName, propertyColumnNames, function(err) {
      if (err) {
        console.log('Failure to create the feature table', err);
        return sourceFinishedCallback(err);
      self.geoPackage.addFeaturesToGeoPackage(features, tableName, function(err) {
        if (err) {
          console.log('Failed to add features to the GeoPackage', err);
          return sourceFinishedCallback(err);
        console.log('features.length', features.length);
        if (!cache.cacheCreationParams || !cache.cacheCreationParams.noGeoPackageIndex) {
          self.geoPackage.indexGeoPackage(tableName, sourceFinishedCallback);
        } else {
      }, function(progress, callback) {
        cache.formats.geopackage.generatedFeatures = cache.formats.geopackage.generatedFeatures + progress.featuresAdded - sourceFeaturesCreated;
        cache.formats.geopackage.percentComplete += (100 * ((progress.featuresAdded - sourceFeaturesCreated) / features.length)) / self.cache.map.dataSources.length;
        sourceFeaturesCreated = progress.featuresAdded;

        progressCallback(cache, callback);