Example #1
 Promise.all(shapePromises).then(geometries => {
   const shapeBundles = zip(shapeIds, shapeIds.map(shapeId => shapes[shapeId][0].route), geometries)
   const geoJSON = {type: "FeatureCollection", features: shapeBundles.map(toFeature)}
   this.tileIndex = geojsonVt(geoJSON, {maxZoom: 20, buffer: 512}); //TODO: this should be configurable
   console.log("all ready")
   callback(null, this)
 }).catch((err) => {
  constructPath(innerPoints, intermediatePoints1, intermediatePoints2, controlPoints1, controlPoints2) {
    const points = zip(innerPoints, intermediatePoints1, controlPoints1, controlPoints2, intermediatePoints2)

    const sectionStrings = points.map(([inner, intermediate1, control1, control2, intermediate2]) =>
      `${inner} L ${intermediate1} C ${control1} ${control2} ${intermediate2}`)
    return `M ${sectionStrings.join(' L ')} Z`
Example #3
var zipBridgeResponse = function(raw){
    var headings = Object.keys(raw).filter(k => (raw[k] instanceof Array));
    var zipped = _.zip.apply(_, headings.map(head => raw[head]));
    return {
        recordCount: raw.recordCount,
        rows: zipped.map(line => _.zipObject(headings, line))
Example #4
 (err, stats) => {
   // send a json response
     reduce(zip(files, stats), (ret, file) => {
       ret[file[0]] = statsToJson(file[1])
       return ret
     }, {})
Example #5
function addPlainTextTable(data, result) {
  let headers = _.map(result.columns, 'name'),
    rows = [headers].concat(_.take(result.rows, 100)),
    pivot = _.zip.apply(_, rows),
    columnWidths = _.map(pivot, textUtil.longestLength),
    textTable = _.map(rows, row => _.map(row, (cellContent, columnIndex) => textUtil.padRight(cellContent, columnWidths[columnIndex])));

  data['text/plain'] = textTable.join('\n');
Example #6
  // TODO: In real tetris the tetrimino should rotate around the center,
  //       instead of keeping the same position on the board.
  rotate () {
    this.shape = zip.apply(null, this.shape).map(row => {
      return row.reverse();

    this.height = this.shape.length;
    this.width = this.shape[0].length;

    return this;
Example #7
   * Returns an array of key/value pairs for the defined keys.
   * This method is super helpful when your HTML forms sends
   * an array of values and you want them as individual
   * objects to be saved directly via Lucid models.
   * # Note
   * This method always returns a stable array by setting value for
   * `undefined` keys to `null`. For example your data payload has
   * 3 emails and 2 usernames, the final array will have 3
   * objects with all the emails and the last object will
   * have `username` set to `null`.
   * @method collect
   * @param  {Array} keys
   * @return {Array}
   * @example
   * ```js
   * // data {username: ['virk', 'nikk'], age: [26, 25]}
   * const users = request.collect(['username', 'age'])
   * // returns [{username: '******', age: 26}, {username: '******', age: 25}]
   * ```
  collect (keys) {
     * Making sure to wrap strings as an array.
    const selectedValues = _(this.only(keys)).values().map((value) => {
      return Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]

    const values = _.zip.apply(_, selectedValues)

    return _.map(values, (item, index) => {
      return _.transform(keys, (result, k, i) => {
        result[keys[i]] = item[i] || null
        return result
      }, {})
Example #8
function displayApps (apps, appsMetrics) {
  const zip = require('lodash.zip')
  const time = require('../lib/time')

  let owner = (owner) => owner.email.endsWith('@herokumanager.com') ? owner.email.split('@')[0] : owner.email

  for (let a of zip(apps, appsMetrics)) {
    let app = a[0]
    let metrics = a[1]
    cli.log(`  ${label('Owner:')} ${owner(app.app.owner)}`)
    if (app.pipeline) {
      cli.log(`  ${label('Pipeline:')} ${app.pipeline.pipeline.name}`)
    cli.log(`  ${label('Last release:')} ${time.ago(new Date(app.app.released_at))}`)
      sparkpostWebhooks.processAndSendMetrics(testEvent, function (e) {
        if (e) return done(e);

        try {
          // test stathat endpoint
          sinon.assert.callCount(stathat.trackEZCountWithTime, 3);

          var calledWith = _.map(_.range(3), function (n) {
            return stathat.trackEZCountWithTime.getCall(n).args;

          var groupedArgs = _.zip.apply(this, calledWith);

          // the 2nd argument to the endpoint should be the name
          ], function (value) {

          // the 3rd argument to the endpoint should be a value (values)
          should(groupedArgs[2]).deepEqual([1, 1, 1]);

          // the 4th argument to the endpoint is a timestamp in seconds

          // the 5th argument is a callback function
          _.forEach(groupedArgs[4], function (arg) {

          return done();
        } catch (e) {
          return done(e);
        statsService.stat(data, function (e) {
          if (e) return done(e);

          try {
            // test influx endpoint
            var measurement = influx.InfluxDB.prototype.writeMeasurement.getCall(0).args[0];
            var points = influx.InfluxDB.prototype.writeMeasurement.getCall(0).args[1];
            var point = points[0];

            should(point).have.propertyByPath('fields', 'count').eql(1);
            should(point).have.propertyByPath('fields', 'value').eql(2);

            // test stathat endpoint
            // there are 3 points sent to stathat for count and value
            // 1 default and 1 for each tag (2)
            sinon.assert.callCount(stathat.trackEZCount, 3);
            sinon.assert.callCount(stathat.trackEZValue, 3);

            // collect the output from the stubbed stathat functions
            var countsCalledWith = _.map(_.range(3), function (i) {
              return stathat.trackEZCount.getCall(i).args;
            var valuesCalledWith = _.map(_.range(3), function (i) {
              return stathat.trackEZValue.getCall(i).args;

            var calledWith = _.concat(countsCalledWith, valuesCalledWith);

            // the first argument to the endpoint should be the stathat key
            // the 4th argument should be a callback function
            _.forEach(calledWith, function (args) {

            // the second argument to the endpoint should be the name.tagname
            // we're not sure about the order in which they'll call the endpoint

            // separate the nth arguments into groups
            // the arguments grouped by their position
            // [1st arguments[], 2nd[], 3rd[], ...]
            var countGroupArgs = _.zip.apply(this, countsCalledWith);
            var valueGroupArgs = _.zip.apply(this, valuesCalledWith);

            // *** counts ***
              // the expected names
            ], function (value) {
              // the 2nd arguments of the countsCalledWith

            // the third argument should be a value
            // here array of values from each call
            should(countGroupArgs[2]).deepEqual([1, 1, 1]);

            // *** values ***
              // the expected names
            ], function (value) {
              // the 2nd arguments of the countsCalledWith

            // the third argument should be a value
            // here array of values from each call
            should(valueGroupArgs[2]).deepEqual([2, 2, 2]);

            return done();
          } catch (e) {
            return done(e);
Example #11
					.thru(function(ts) {
						return _.zip.apply(null, ts);
Example #12
export function sumAllocated(hosts) {
  return _.zip.apply(_, _.map(hosts, 'allocated')).map(_.sum);
Example #13
export function sumRequirements(hosts) {
  return _.zip.apply(_, _.map(hosts, 'requirements')).map(_.sum);