Example #1
 sandbox.stub(wctLocalBrowsers, 'supported', function() {
   return _.keys(LOCAL_BROWSERS);
Example #2
 * return an array containing all the missing required
 * properties
function getMissingProps(data) {
  var containsKey = _.partial(_.includes, _.keys(data));
  return _.filter(required, function (req) {
    return !containsKey(req);
function _callOr(record, criteria, cb){
    var boundFunc = _.bind(_checkTrue, {record: record, criteria: criteria});
    async.detect(_.keys(criteria), boundFunc, function(innerResult){
        return cb(innerResult);
Example #4
  function recursiveParse(obj, parentAttr) {

    // Return if no object
    if (!obj) return;

    // Handle array of types for findOrCreateEach
    if (_.isString(obj)) {
      if (hasOwnProperty(self._transformations, obj)) {
        values = self._transformations[obj];


    _.keys(obj).forEach(function(property) {

      // Just a double check to exit if hasOwnProperty fails
      if (!hasOwnProperty(obj, property)) return;

      // Schema must be serialized in first level only
      if (behavior === 'schema') {
        if (hasOwnProperty(self._transformations, property)) {
          obj[self._transformations[property]] = _.clone(obj[property]);
          delete obj[property];

      // If the property === SELECT check for any transformation keys
      if (_.isArray(obj[property]) && property === 'select') {
        obj[property].forEach(function(selector, index) {
          if (self._transformations[selector]) {
            obj[property][index] = self._transformations[selector];

      // Handle Agregate
      if (( ['sum', 'average', 'min', 'max', 'groupBy'].indexOf(property) >= 0 ) && self._transformations[obj[property]]) {
        obj[property] = self._transformations[obj[property]];

      // Detect attribute
      parentAttr = self.attributes[property] || self.attributes[self._transformations[property]] || parentAttr;
      var type = parentAttr ? parentAttr.type || parentAttr : null;

      // Recursively parse `OR` and `AND` criteria objects to transform keys
      if (_.isArray(obj[property]) && (property === 'or' || property === 'and')) return recursiveParse(obj[property], parentAttr);

      // If Nested Object check it's not a json attribute property
      if (type !== 'json' && _.isPlainObject(obj[property])) {

        // check if object key is in the transformations
        if (hasOwnProperty(self._transformations, property)) {
          obj[self._transformations[property]] = _.clone(obj[property]);
          delete obj[property];

          return recursiveParse(obj[self._transformations[property]], parentAttr);

        return recursiveParse(obj[property], parentAttr);

      // Check if property is a transformation key
      if (hasOwnProperty(self._transformations, property)) {
        obj[self._transformations[property]] = obj[property];
        delete obj[property];
        property = self._transformations[property];

      // Cast types
      if (_.isString(obj[property]) && (type === 'date' || type === 'datetime')) {
        obj[property] = new Date(obj[property]);

  var f = function(context, callback) {

    let method = _.keys(requestSpec)[0].toUpperCase();
    let params = requestSpec[method.toLowerCase()];
    let uri = maybePrependBase(template(params.url, context), config);
    let tls = config.tls || {};
    let timeout = config.timeout || 10;

    let requestParams = _.cloneDeep(params);
    requestParams = _.extend(requestParams, {
      uri: uri,
      method: method,
      headers: {
      timeout: timeout * 1000,
      jar: context._jar
    requestParams = _.extend(requestParams, tls);

    if (params.json) {
      requestParams.json = template(params.json, context);
    } else if (params.body) {
      requestParams.body = template(params.body, context);

    // Assign default headers then overwrite as needed
    let defaultHeaders = lowcaseKeys(
      (config.defaults && config.defaults.headers) ?
        config.defaults.headers : {'user-agent': USER_AGENT});
    requestParams.headers = _.extend(defaultHeaders,
    let headers = _.foldl(requestParams.headers,
                          function(acc, v, k) {
                            acc[k] = template(v, context);
                            return acc;
                          }, {});
    requestParams.headers = headers;

    let defaultCookie = config.defaults ? config.defaults.cookie || {} : {};
    let cookie = _.foldl(
      function(acc, v, k) {
        acc[k] = v;
        return acc;

    if (cookie) {
      _.each(cookie, function(v, k) {
        context._jar.setCookie(k + '=' + template(v, context), uri);

    if (config.http2) {
      requestParams.http2 = true;
    } else {
      requestParams.agent = context._agent;

    debug('request: %j', requestParams);

    request(requestParams, function requestCallback(err, res, body) {
      if (err) {
        let errCode = err.code || err.message;
        ee.emit('error', errCode);
        // this aborts the scenario
        return callback(err, context);


      if (params.capture || params.match) {
        let parser;
        let extractor;
        if (isJSON(res)) {
          parser = parseJSON;
          extractor = extractJSONPath;
        } else if (isXML(res)) {
          parser = parseXML;
          extractor = extractXPath;
        } else if ((params.capture && params.capture.json) || (params.match && params.match.json)) {
          // TODO: We might want to issue some kind of a warning here
          parser = parseJSON;
          extractor = extractJSONPath;
        } else if ((params.capture && params.capture.xpath) || (params.match && params.match.xpath)) {
          // TODO: As above
          parser = parseXML;
          extractor = extractXPath;
        } else {
          // We really don't know what to do here.
          parser = parseJSON;
          extractor = extractJSONPath;

        parser(res.body, function(err2, doc) {
          if (err2) {
            return callback(err2, null);

          if (params.match) {
            let expr = params.match.json || params.match.xpath;
            let result = extractor(doc, expr);
            let expected = template(params.match.value, context);
            debug('match: %s, expected: %s, got: %s', expr, expected, result);
            if (result !== expected) {
              ee.emit('match', false, {
                expected: expected,
                got: result,
                request: requestParams
              if (params.match.strict) {
                // it's not an error but we finish the scenario
                return callback(null, context);
            } else {
              ee.emit('match', true);

          if (params.capture) {
            let expr = params.capture.json || params.capture.xpath;
            let result = extractor(doc, expr);
            context.vars[params.capture.as] = result;
            debug('capture: %s = %s', params.capture.as, result);

            if (params.capture.transform) {
              let result2 = engineUtil.evil(
              context.vars[params.capture.as] = result2;
              debug('transform: %s = %s', params.capture.as, context.vars[params.capture.as]);

          debug('context.vars.$ = %j', doc);
          context.vars.$ = doc;
          return callback(null, context);
      } else {
        context.vars.$ = res.body;
        return callback(null, context);
    .on('request', function(req) {

      const startedAt = process.hrtime();

      req.on('response', function updateLatency(res) {
        let code = res.statusCode;
        const endedAt = process.hrtime(startedAt);
        let delta = (endedAt[0] * 1e9) + endedAt[1];
        ee.emit('response', delta, code, context._uid);
    }).on('end', function() {
fi.tr = function tr(s, o, d) {
	return (
		o = o || L1.Translations.getCurrent(ctx) || {},
		~ _.keys(o).indexOf(s) ? o[s] : typeof d !== 'undefined' ? d : s
Example #7
	hasFilters: function () {
		return (this.filters && _.keys(this.filters).length);
Example #8
 let filter = _.find(filters, function (obj) {
   let key = _.keys(obj.range)[0];
   return key === indexPattern.timeFieldName;
Example #9
	it("ontology add/remove", function() {

		var data = new $N.nobject();
		assert(data, "new nobject");

			assert($N.object[data.id].id === data.id, "object inserted");
			assert($N.instance[data.id].id === data.id, "object identified as instance");
			assert($N.class[data.id] === undefined, "object not a class");
			assert($N.property[data.id] === undefined, "object not a property");
		{  assert($N.object[data.id] === undefined, "object removed");    }

		$N.add({id: data.id, removed: true});
		{  assert($N.object[data.id] === undefined, "object removed via removal object");  }

		var prop1 = {
			id: 'testProperty',
			description: 'A test property',
			extend: 'integer',
			minArity: 1, 
			maxArity: 2, 
			default: 0, 
			strength: 1.0, 
			readonly: true        
		assert( util.objIsProperty(prop1), "detect property as a property");
		{  assert($N.property[prop1.id].id === prop1.id, "property present in ontology");  }

			assert($N.class[class1.id].id === class1.id, "class present in ontology");  
			assert(class1.property['testProperty'], "class linked to previously defined test property");
			assert($N.classRoot['Class1'], "class identified as a root");
			//ok($N.property['embeddedProperty'], "embedded property present in ontology");
			//ok(class1.property['embeddedProperty'], "class linked to newly defined embedded property");


		var class2 = {
			id: 'Class2',
			description: 'A test class, with value in hash form',
			extend: "Class1",
			value: {            
				"testProperty2": {                        
					name: '2nd Embedded property, which adds to the ontology',
					extend: 'integer'
			assert($N.property['testProperty2'], "embedded property present in ontology");
			assert(class2.property['testProperty2'], "class linked to previously defined test property");
			assert(!$N.classRoot['Class2'], "class2 not identified as a root");

		var subclass1 = {
			id: 'SubClass1',
			extend: ['Class1']
			assert($N.class[subclass1.id].id === subclass1.id, "subclass present in ontology");
			assert(subclass1.class['Class1'] === class1, "subclass .class field");
			assert(class1.subclass['SubClass1'] === subclass1, "class .subclass field");
			assert(!$N.classRoot['SubClass1'], "class identified as a root");

		//test tag indexing
		var data2 = new $N.nobject().addTag('Class1');
		{   assert( _.keys($N.tagged['Class1'])[0] === data2.id, "adding instance indexes by its tags" );  }

		{   assert( _.keys($N.tagged['Class1']).length === 0, "removing instance unindexes by its tags" );  }
		assert(0 == $N.dgraph.order(), "Dgraph empty after clear()");
		assert(0 == $N.ugraph.order(), "Ugraph empty after clear()");
const dragDropZone = ( state = defaultState, action ) => {
  switch ( action.type ) {

    case types.APPEND_OBS_CARDS: {
      return update( state, {
        obsCards: { $merge: action.obsCards }
      } );

    case types.UPDATE_OBS_CARD: {
      if ( state.obsCards[action.obsCard.id] === undefined ) {
        return state;
      const attrs = action.attrs;
      // reset the gallery to the first photo when a new photo is added
      if ( action.attrs.files ) { attrs.galleryIndex = 1; }
      const keys = _.keys( attrs );
      if ( _.difference( keys, ["save_state"] ).length > 0 &&
           attrs.modified !== false ) {
        attrs.modified = true;
      attrs.updatedAt = new Date( ).getTime( );

      let newState = update( state, {
        obsCards: { [action.obsCard.id]: { $merge: attrs } }
      } );
      if ( state.selectedObsCards[action.obsCard.id] ) {
        newState = update( newState, {
          selectedObsCards: { [action.obsCard.id]: { $set: newState.obsCards[action.obsCard.id] } }
        } );
      return newState;

    case types.UPDATE_OBS_CARD_FILE: {
      if ( state.obsCards[action.obsCard.id] === undefined ||
           state.obsCards[action.obsCard.id].files[action.file.id] === undefined ) {
        return state;
      let newState = update( state, {
        obsCards: { [action.obsCard.id]: {
          files: { [action.file.id]: { $merge: action.attrs } }
        } }
      } );
      if ( state.selectedObsCards[action.obsCard.id] ) {
        newState = update( newState, {
          selectedObsCards: { [action.obsCard.id]: { $set: newState.obsCards[action.obsCard.id] } }
        } );
      return newState;

      action.attrs.updatedAt = new Date( ).getTime( );
      let modified = Object.assign( { }, state.obsCards );
      _.each( state.selectedObsCards, c => {
        modified = update( modified, {
          [c.id]: { $merge: action.attrs }
        } );
      } );
      return Object.assign( { }, state, { obsCards: modified,
        selectedObsCards: _.pick( modified, _.keys( state.selectedObsCards ) )
      } );

    case types.SELECT_OBS_CARDS: {
      let modified = Object.assign( { }, state.obsCards );
      for ( const k in modified ) {
        if ( action.ids[modified[k].id] ) {
          if ( !modified[k].selected ) {
            modified = update( modified, {
              [k]: { $merge: { selected: true } }
            } );
        } else if ( modified[k].selected ) {
          modified = update( modified, {
            [k]: { $merge: { selected: false } }
          } );
      return Object.assign( { }, state, { obsCards: modified,
        selectedObsCards: _.pick( modified, _.keys( action.ids ) )
      } );

    case types.SELECT_ALL: {
      let modified = Object.assign( { }, state.obsCards );
      _.each( modified, c => (
        modified = update( modified, {
          [c.id]: { $merge: { selected: true } }
        } )
      ) );
      return Object.assign( { }, state, { obsCards: modified,
        selectedObsCards: modified
      } );

    case types.REMOVE_OBS_CARD: {
      const cards = Object.assign( { }, state.obsCards );
      const ids = Object.assign( { }, state.selectedIDs );
      delete cards[action.obsCard.id];
      delete ids[action.obsCard.id];
      return Object.assign( { }, state, { obsCards: cards, selectedIDs: ids } );

    case types.REMOVE_SELECTED: {
      const modified = Object.assign( { }, state.obsCards );
      _.each( state.selectedObsCards, ( v, id ) => ( delete modified[id] ) );
      return Object.assign( { }, state, { obsCards: modified,
        selectedObsCards: { }
      } );

    case types.CREATE_BLANK_OBS_CARD: {
      const obsCard = new ObsCard( );
      return update( state, { obsCards: {
        [obsCard.id]: { $set: obsCard }
      } } );

    case types.SET_STATE: {
      let modified = Object.assign( { }, state );
      _.each( action.attrs, ( val, attr ) => {
        modified = update( modified, {
          [attr]: { $set: val }
        } );
      } );
      return modified;

    case types.UPDATE_STATE: {
      let modified = Object.assign( { }, state );
      _.each( action.attrs, ( val, attr ) => {
        modified = update( modified, {
          [attr]: { $merge: val }
        } );
      } );
      return modified;

      return state;
Example #11
Deferred.prototype.populate = function(keyName, criteria) {

  var self = this;
  var joins = [];
  var pk = 'id';
  var attr;
  var join;

  // Normalize sub-criteria
  try {
    criteria = normalize.criteria(criteria);

    // TODO:
    // instead of doing this, target the relevant pieces of code
    // with weird expectations and teach them a lesson
    // e.g. `lib/waterline/query/finders/operations.js:665:12`
    // (delete userCriteria.sort)
    // Except make sure `where` exists
    criteria.where = criteria.where === false ? false : (criteria.where || {});

  } catch (e) {
    throw new Error(
      'Could not parse sub-criteria passed to ' +
      util.format('`.populate("%s")`', keyName) +
      '\nSub-criteria:\n' + util.inspect(criteria, false, null) +
      '\nDetails:\n' + util.inspect(e, false, null)

  try {

    // Set the attr value to the generated schema attribute
    attr = this._context.waterline.schema[this._context.identity].attributes[keyName];

    // Get the current collection's primary key attribute
    Object.keys(this._context._attributes).forEach(function(key) {
      if (hasOwnProperty(self._context._attributes[key], 'primaryKey') && self._context._attributes[key].primaryKey) {
        pk = self._context._attributes[key].columnName || key;

    if (!attr) {
      throw new Error(
        'In ' + util.format('`.populate("%s")`', keyName) +
        ', attempting to populate an attribute that doesn\'t exist'

    // (there has been significant progress made towards both of these ///
    // goals-- contact @mikermcneil if you want to help) /////////////////
    // TODO:
    // Create synonym for `.populate()` syntax using criteria object
    // syntax.  i.e. instead of using `joins` key in criteria object
    // at the app level.
    // TODO:
    // Support Mongoose-style `foo.bar.baz` syntax for nested `populate`s.
    // (or something comparable.)
    // One solution would be:
    // .populate({
    //   friends: {
    //     where: { name: 'mike' },
    //     populate: {
    //       dentist: {
    //         where: { name: 'rob' }
    //       }
    //     }
    //   }
    // }, optionalCriteria )

    // Grab the key being populated to check if it is a has many to belongs to
    // If it's a belongs_to the adapter needs to know that it should replace the foreign key
    // with the associated value.
    var parentKey = this._context.waterline.collections[this._context.identity].attributes[keyName];

    // Build the initial join object that will link this collection to either another collection
    // or to a junction table.
    join = {
      parent: this._context.identity,
      parentKey: attr.columnName || pk,
      child: attr.references,
      childKey: attr.on,
      select: Object.keys(this._context.waterline.schema[attr.references].attributes),
      alias: keyName,
      removeParentKey: !!parentKey.model,
      model: !!hasOwnProperty(parentKey, 'model'),
      collection: !!hasOwnProperty(parentKey, 'collection')

    // Build select object to use in the integrator
    var select = [];
    Object.keys(this._context.waterline.schema[attr.references].attributes).forEach(function(key) {
      var obj = self._context.waterline.schema[attr.references].attributes[key];
      if (!hasOwnProperty(obj, 'columnName')) {


    join.select = select;

    // If linking to a junction table the attributes shouldn't be included in the return value
    if (this._context.waterline.schema[attr.references].junctionTable) join.select = false;


    // If a junction table is used add an additional join to get the data
    if (this._context.waterline.schema[attr.references].junctionTable && hasOwnProperty(attr, 'on')) {

      // clone the reference attribute so we can mutate it
      var reference = _.clone(this._context.waterline.schema[attr.references].attributes);

      // Find the other key in the junction table
      Object.keys(reference).forEach(function(key) {
        var attribute = reference[key];

        if (!hasOwnProperty(attribute, 'references')) {
          delete reference[key];

        if (hasOwnProperty(attribute, 'columnName') && attribute.columnName === attr.on) {
          delete reference[key];

        if (hasOwnProperty(attribute, 'columnName') && attribute.columnName !== attr.on) {

        if (key !== attr.on) delete reference[key];

      // Get the only remaining key left
      var ref = Object.keys(reference)[0];

      if (ref) {

        // Build out the second join object that will link a junction table with the
        // values being populated
        var selects = _.map(_.keys(this._context.waterline.schema[reference[ref].references].attributes), function(attr) {
          var expandedAttr = self._context.waterline.schema[reference[ref].references].attributes[attr];
          return expandedAttr.columnName || attr;

        join = {
          parent: attr.references,
          parentKey: reference[ref].columnName,
          child: reference[ref].references,
          childKey: reference[ref].on,
          select: selects,
          alias: keyName,
          junctionTable: true,
          removeParentKey: !!parentKey.model,
          model: false,
          collection: true


    // Append the criteria to the correct join if available
    if (criteria && joins.length > 1) {
      joins[1].criteria = criteria;
    } else if (criteria) {
      joins[0].criteria = criteria;

    // Set the criteria joins
    this._criteria.joins = Array.prototype.concat(this._criteria.joins || [], joins);

    return this;
  } catch (e) {
    throw new Error(
      'Encountered unexpected error while building join instructions for ' +
      util.format('`.populate("%s")`', keyName) +
      '\nDetails:\n' +
      util.inspect(e, false, null)
Example #12
function _queryIntersection(a, b) {
  if (!a || !b) {
    throw NO_MATCH;

  if (Tyr.isEqual(a, b)) {
    return a;

  if (isOpObject(a) && isValue(b)) {
    b = { $eq: b };
  } else if (isOpObject(b) && isValue(a)) {
    a = { $eq: a };

  if (isValue(a) || isValue(b) || Array.isArray(a) || Array.isArray(b)) {
    throw NO_MATCH;

  const obj = {};

  for (const n in a) {
    const av = a[n],
      bv = b[n];

    if (av === undefined) {
      obj[n] = bv;
    } else if (bv === undefined) {
      obj[n] = av;
    } else {
      switch (n) {
        case '$in':
          if (Array.isArray(av)) {
            if (Array.isArray(bv)) {
              const rslt = arrayIntersection(av, bv);
              if (!rslt.length) throw NO_MATCH;
              obj[n] = rslt;
            } else if (arrayIncludes(av, bv)) {
              obj[n] = bv;
            } else {
              throw NO_MATCH;


          obj[n] = _queryIntersection(av, bv);

  for (const n in b) {
    if (a[n] === undefined) {
      obj[n] = b[n];

  // simplification

  if (obj.$eq) {
    if (obj.$in) {
      if (arrayIncludes(obj.$in, obj.$eq)) {
        delete obj.$in;
      } else {
        throw NO_MATCH;

    if (obj.$lt) {
      if (obj.$eq < obj.$lt) {
        delete obj.$lt;
      } else {
        throw NO_MATCH;

    if (obj.$gt) {
      if (obj.$eq > obj.$gt) {
        delete obj.$gt;
      } else {
        throw NO_MATCH;

    if (obj.$lte) {
      if (obj.$eq <= obj.$lte) {
        delete obj.$lt;
      } else {
        throw NO_MATCH;

    if (obj.$gte) {
      if (obj.$eq >= obj.$gte) {
        delete obj.$gt;
      } else {
        throw NO_MATCH;

  const objKeys = _.keys(obj);
  if (objKeys.length === 1) {
    switch (objKeys[0]) {
      case '$in':
        if (!Array.isArray(obj.$in)) {
          return obj.$in;

      case '$eq':
        return obj.$eq;


  return obj;
Example #13
			fakeVat.dbStart({schemasFolder: __dirname + "/testModels"}, function (err) {
Example #14
function isTest(f) {
  return (/\.test\.html$/).test(f);

function isExpectation(f) {
  return (/\.expectation\.html$/).test(f);

var casefiles = fs.readdirSync(casedir),
  tests = _.filter(casefiles, isTest),
  expectations = _.filter(casefiles, isExpectation),
  cases = _.groupBy(tests.concat(expectations), function (f) {
    return f.split('.')[0];
  keys = _.keys(cases);

describe('bin/swig -v', function () {
  it('shows the version number', function (done) {
    exec('node ' + bin + ' -v', function (err, stdout, stderr) {

describe('bin/swig render', function () {
  var locals = fixPath(bindir + '/bin.locals.json'),
    key = keys[_.random(keys.length - 1)],
    testcase = cases[key],
    test = fixPath(casedir + _.find(testcase, isTest)),
Example #15
 it('should return an object of unique keys', function () {
Example #16
 it('should have a task named \''+task+'\'', function(done){
Example #17
		var isValidParams = function (params) {

			return _.every(_.keys(params), function (key) { 
				return _.contains(put_params, key); 
Example #18
	function tick() {
		const time = Date.now();
		_.forEach(_.keys(blocks), key => {
Example #19
    return result;
lodashExtras.is = is;

 * Generate `ensure` methods- Ensure that value is of type x
 * @method ensure{Type}
 * @param {*} value: To check
 * @param {*} [valueDefault=defaults[condition]: What to default to
 * @return {*} Ensured value
  (type) => {
    lodashExtras[`ensure${type}`] = lodashUtils.makeEnsureType(type);

 * Javascript `typeof` alias
 * @method typeOf
 * @param {*} value: Value to check
 * @return {String} The type of `value`
export var typeOf = (value) => typeof value;
lodashExtras.typeOf = typeOf;
Example #20
var checkGenerator = function(options) {
    if (!generators[options.generator]) {
        return Q.reject(new Error("Invalid generator (availables are: "+_.keys(generators).join(", ")+")"));
    return Q();
Example #21
function setStartingOrder(tree) {

  var out = 'ok', type, err;

  var containerNames = _.keys(tree.containers);

  var starterCandidates = [];
  var leftContainers = _.clone(containerNames);
  var counter = 0;
  do {
    for(var containerIdx in leftContainers) {
      var containerName = leftContainers[containerIdx];
      var container = tree.containers[containerName];
      var canStart = true;
      for (var linkIdx in container.links) {
        var link = container.links[linkIdx];
        if (!_.contains(containerNames, link.containerId)) {
          out = 'nok';
          type = 'error';
          var kuberBrokenDependencies =
          err = {
            msg: format(kuberBrokenDependencies.msg, {
              containerName: containerName,
              containerId: link.containerId
            mitigation: kuberBrokenDependencies.mitigation
        canStart = canStart && _.contains(starterCandidates, link.containerId);
      if (canStart) {
        _.remove(containerNames, function(cname) { return cname === containerIdx });
    leftContainers = _.difference(containerNames, starterCandidates);
  } while (leftContainers.length > 0 && counter < containerNames.length);

  if (starterCandidates.length !== containerNames.length) {
    out = 'nok';
    type = 'error';
    var kuberCircularDependencies =resourceBundle.Errors.Kuber.CircularDependencies;
    err = {
      msg: format(kuberCircularDependencies, {
        containers: leftContainers.join('", "')
      mitigation: kuberCircularDependencies.mitigation

  msg.delayedItemEnd(out, type);

  if (type === 'warn' && err) {

  if (type === 'error') {

  if (out === 'ok') {
    tree.startingOrder = _.clone(starterCandidates);
    msg.item('Starting order', '"' + starterCandidates.join('", "') + '"');

  return tree;
Example #22
  constructor(name, config) {

    // Additional arguments that every dataSource take
      name: 'offset',
      types: ['string', 'null'],
      help: 'Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now'

      name: 'fit',
      types: ['string', 'null'],
      help: 'Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: ' + _.keys(fitFunctions).join(', ')

    // Wrap the original function so we can modify inputs/outputs with offset & fit
    const originalFunction = config.fn;
    config.fn = function (args, tlConfig) {
      const config = _.clone(tlConfig);
      if (args.byName.offset) {
        config.time = _.cloneDeep(tlConfig.time);
        config.time.from = offsetTime(config.time.from, args.byName.offset);
        config.time.to = offsetTime(config.time.to, args.byName.offset);

      return Promise.resolve(originalFunction(args, config)).then(function (seriesList) {
        seriesList.list = _.map(seriesList.list, function (series) {
          if (series.data.length === 0) throw new Error(name + '() returned no results');
          series.data = offsetSeries(series.data, args.byName.offset);
          series.fit = args.byName.fit || series.fit || 'nearest';
          return series;
        return seriesList;


    super(name, config);

    // You  need to call timelionFn if calling up a datasource from another datasource,
    // otherwise teh series will end up being offset twice.
    this.timelionFn = originalFunction;
    this.datasource = true;
    this.cacheKey = function (item) {
      return item.text;
Example #23
module.exports = function (sandbox) {
  var N                  = sandbox.N
    , knownLocales       = []
    , serverI18n         = null
    , serverI18nAccum    = []
    , clientI18n         = null
    , clientI18nAccum    = []
    , clientI18nPackages = []
    , tmpdir             = sandbox.tmpdir
    , timer              = stopwatch();

  function addServerI18n(locale, apiPath, phrases) {
    serverI18nAccum.push({ apiPath: apiPath, locale: locale, phrases: phrases });

    if (!_.contains(knownLocales, locale)) {

  function addClientI18n(locale, pkgName, apiPath, phrases) {
    serverI18nAccum.push({ apiPath: apiPath, locale: locale, phrases: phrases });
    clientI18nAccum.push({ apiPath: apiPath, locale: locale, phrases: phrases });

    if (!_.isEmpty(phrases) && !_.contains(clientI18nPackages, pkgName)) {

    if (!_.contains(knownLocales, locale)) {

  // Collect translations of all packages (in modules tree).
  _.forEach(sandbox.config.packages, function (pkgConfig, pkgName) {

    findPaths(pkgConfig.i18n_client, function (fsPath, apiPath) {
      _.forEach(require(fsPath), function (phrases, locale) {
        addClientI18n(locale, pkgName, apiPath, phrases);

    findPaths(pkgConfig.i18n_server, function (fsPath, apiPath) {
      _.forEach(require(fsPath), function (phrases, locale) {
        addServerI18n(locale, apiPath, phrases);

  // Collect global translations.
  _.forEach(N.runtime.apps, function (app) {
    var directory = path.join(app.root, 'config', 'locales');

    fstools.walkSync(directory, /\.yml$/, function (file) {
      _.forEach(require(file).i18n, function (data, locale) {
        _.forEach(data, function (phrases, pkgName) {
          addClientI18n(locale, pkgName, pkgName, phrases);

  // Correct the application config if needed and initialize BabelFishes.
  initLocalesConfig(N, knownLocales);
  serverI18n = new BabelFish(N.config.locales['default']);
  clientI18n = new BabelFish(N.config.locales['default']);

  _.forEach(serverI18nAccum, function (data) {
    serverI18n.addPhrase(data.locale, data.apiPath, data.phrases);

  _.forEach(clientI18nAccum, function (data) {
    clientI18n.addPhrase(data.locale, data.apiPath, data.phrases);

  // Write client-side i18n bundles for each package and locale.
  _.keys(sandbox.config.packages).forEach(function (pkgName) {
    var outdir = path.join(tmpdir, 'i18n', pkgName);


    _.forEach(N.config.locales['enabled'], function (locale) {
      var result, outfile = path.join(outdir, locale + '.js');

      result = WRAPPER_TEMPLATE({
        locale: locale
      , data:   jetson.serialize(clientI18n.getCompiledData(locale))

      fs.writeFileSync(outfile, result, 'utf8');

  // Expose server locales.
  N.runtime.i18n = serverI18n;

  // Expose list of packages with client-side i18n.
  sandbox.clientI18nPackages = clientI18nPackages;

  N.logger.info('Processed i18_* sections %s', timer.elapsed);
Example #24
  mergeGlobal: function ({val, key, globalData, context}) {
    //if key of true it means asing the global data to key
    if (val === true) { return globalData; }

     * Helpers that gets based on path, formates into array, and pull, or defualts
    const getFormatPull = function (obj, paths = [], defaultRtn = undefined) {
      //to array helper
      const toArr = function (_val) {
        return _val && !_.isArray(_val) ? [_val] : _val;
      //loop to get
      for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
        const res = _.get(obj, paths[i]);
        if (res) {
          _.unset(obj, paths[i]);
          return {obj, res: toArr(res)};
      return {obj, res: toArr(defaultRtn)};

    //check for target array that specifies the "targets" to merge into
    const {res: globalTarget, obj: _globalData} = getFormatPull(
      _.cloneDeep(globalData), ['target', 'option.target']
    //check omit option, omits props from the merge
    let omitList;
    ({res: omitList, obj: val} = getFormatPull(val, ['omit', 'option.omit']));
    //if true we want to omit all the common data
    omitList = _.first(omitList) === true ? _.keys(_globalData) : omitList;
    //check pick list, opposit of ommit
    let pickList;
    ({res: pickList, obj: val} = getFormatPull(val, ['pick', 'option.pick']));

    //helper to defaultsDeep, based on if there is a pick, omit, of neither
    const defaultIn = function (_val, _global) {
      //removes context need be
      const rmContext = (d) => context ? d[context] : d;
      _global = context ? {[context]: _global} : _global;
      return pickList
             //pick and merge, reducing to deepPick -> set(x.a.c, val)
             ? _.defaultsDeep(_val, _.reduce(pickList, function (prv, _key, i, col) {
               prv = !_.has(_global, _key) ? prv
                     //partial is needed other wise it treats numbers as arrays, as in 'timeline.44'
                     //will create 44 undefined arrays
                     : _.defaultsDeep(prv, _.setWith({}, _key, _.get(_global, _key), _.partial(Object, null)));
               //on last time around we need the reomve the context for finial res
               return i === (col.length - 1) ? rmContext(prv) : prv;
             }, {}))
             : omitList
             //omitlist pull and merge
             ? _.forEach(omitList, (o)=> _.unset(_global, o)) && _.defaultsDeep(_val, rmContext(_global))
             //default, reg merge
             : _.defaultsDeep(_val, rmContext(_global));
    return !globalTarget
           ? defaultIn(val, _globalData)
           : _.includes(globalTarget, key)
           ? defaultIn(val, _globalData)
           : val;
Example #25
   mongoose.models.User.update({_id:{$in: _.keys(group.quest.members)}}, {$inc:{'stats.hp':down, _v:1}}, {multi:true}, cb2);
Example #26
  windows: () => WindowsDriver,
  mac: () => MacDriver,
  tizen: () => TizenDriver,

const desiredCapabilityConstraints = {
  automationName: {
    presence: false,
    isString: true,
    inclusionCaseInsensitive: _.values(AUTOMATION_NAMES),
  platformName: {
    presence: true,
    isString: true,
    inclusionCaseInsensitive: _.keys(PLATFORMS_MAP),

const sessionsListGuard = new AsyncLock();
const pendingDriversGuard = new AsyncLock();

class AppiumDriver extends BaseDriver {
  constructor (args) {

    this.desiredCapConstraints = desiredCapabilityConstraints;

    // the main Appium Driver has no new command timeout
    this.newCommandTimeoutMs = 0;
function _doEvery(record, criteria, cb){
    var boundFunc = _.bind(_checkTrue, {record: record, criteria: criteria});
    async.every(_.keys(criteria), boundFunc, function(result){
        return cb(result);
Example #28
 const sessionIdsToDelete = await sessionsListGuard.acquire(AppiumDriver.name, () => _.keys(this.sessions));
function _checkTrue(key, keyCallback){
    var currCriteria = this.criteria[key];
    if (currCriteria instanceof Array){
        if (key === '$and'){
            return _doEvery(this.record, currCriteria, keyCallback);
        else if (key === '$or'){
            return _callOr(this.record, currCriteria, keyCallback);
        else if (key === '$nor'){
            return _callNor(this.record, currCriteria, keyCallback);
    else if (key === '$where'){
        var contextCode = '';
        var recordKeys = _.keys(this.record);
        for (var k = 0; k < recordKeys.length; k++){
            contextCode += 'var ' + recordKeys[k] + '=' + JSON.stringify(this.record[recordKeys[k]]) + ';';

        var retValue = false;
        try {
            retValue = vm.runInNewContext(contextCode + this.criteria[key]);
            //console.log('Error in $where clause: ' + e);
    else if (typeof currCriteria === 'object'){
        var currCriteriaLength = _.keys(currCriteria).length;
        var noMatch = false;
        if (currCriteriaLength == 1){
            var retValue = false;
            switch (_.keys(currCriteria)[0]){
                case '$exists':
                    var isDef = (typeof _objAccessor(this.record, key) != 'undefined');
                    retValue = currCriteria['$exists'] ? isDef : !isDef;
                case '$lt':
                    retValue = (_objAccessor(this.record, key) < currCriteria['$lt']);
                case '$lte':
                    retValue = (_objAccessor(this.record, key) <= currCriteria['$lte']);
                case '$gt':
                    retValue = (_objAccessor(this.record, key) > currCriteria['$gt']);
                case '$gte':
                    retValue = (_objAccessor(this.record, key) >= currCriteria['$gte']);
                case '$ne':
                    retValue = (_objAccessor(this.record, key) != currCriteria['$ne']);
                case '$in':
                    var toMatch = _objAccessor(this.record, key);
                    for (var i = 0; i < currCriteria['$in'].length; i++){
                        if (currCriteria['$in'][i] == toMatch){
                            retValue = true;
                case '$nin':
                    var toMatch = _objAccessor(this.record, key);
                    for (var i = 0; i < currCriteria['$in'].length; i++){
                        if (currCriteria['$in'][i] == toMatch){
                            retValue = true;
                    // reverse value since "not in"
                    retValue = !retValue;
                    noMatch = true;
            if (!noMatch){
        if (currCriteriaLength > 1 || noMatch){
            return _doEvery(this.record, currCriteria, keyCallback);
        var retValue = (_objAccessor(this.record, key) == currCriteria);
Example #30
WhereBuilder.prototype.single = function single(queryObject, options) {

  if(!queryObject) return '';

  var self = this;
  var queryString = '';
  var addSpace = false;

  // Add any hasFK strategy joins to the main query
  _.keys(queryObject.instructions).forEach(function(attr) {

    var strategy = queryObject.instructions[attr].strategy.strategy;
    var population = queryObject.instructions[attr].instructions[0];

    var parentAlias = _.find(_.values(self.schema), {tableName: population.parent}).identity;
    // Handle hasFK
    if(strategy === 1) {

      // Set outer join logic
      queryString += 'LEFT OUTER JOIN ' + utils.escapeName(population.child, self.escapeCharacter) + self.tableAs + utils.escapeName(self.prefixAlias + population.alias, self.escapeCharacter) + ' ON ';
      queryString += utils.escapeName(parentAlias, self.escapeCharacter) + '.' + utils.escapeName(population.parentKey, self.escapeCharacter);
      queryString += ' = ' + utils.escapeName(self.prefixAlias + population.alias, self.escapeCharacter) + '.' + utils.escapeName(population.childKey, self.escapeCharacter);

      addSpace = true;

  if(addSpace) {
    queryString += ' ';

  var tmpCriteria = _.cloneDeep(queryObject);
  delete tmpCriteria.instructions;

  // Ensure a sort is always set so that we get back consistent results
  if(!hop(queryObject, 'sort')) {
    var childPK;

    _.keys(this.schema[this.currentTable].attributes).forEach(function(attr) {
      var expandedAttr = self.schema[self.currentTable].attributes[attr];
      if(!hop(expandedAttr, 'primaryKey')) return;
      childPK = expandedAttr.columnName || attr;

    queryObject.sort = {};
    queryObject.sort[childPK] = -1;

  // Read the queryObject and get back a query string and params
  // Use the tmpCriteria here because all the joins have been removed
  var parsedCriteria = {};

  // Build up a WHERE queryString
  if(tmpCriteria.where) {
    queryString += 'WHERE ';

  // Mixin the parameterized flag into options
  var _options = _.assign({
    parameterized: this.parameterized,
    caseSensitive: this.caseSensitive,
    escapeCharacter: this.escapeCharacter,
    stringDelimiter: this.stringDelimiter,
	rownum: this.rownum
  }, options);

  this.criteriaParser = new CriteriaParser(this.currentTable, this.schema, _options);
  parsedCriteria = this.criteriaParser.read(tmpCriteria);
  queryString += parsedCriteria.query;

  // Remove trailing AND if it exists
  if(queryString.slice(-4) === 'AND ') {
    queryString = queryString.slice(0, -5);

  // Remove trailing OR if it exists
  if(queryString.slice(-3) === 'OR ') {
    queryString = queryString.slice(0, -4);

  var values;
  if(parsedCriteria && _.isArray(parsedCriteria.values)) {
    values = parsedCriteria.values;
  else {
    values = [];

  return {
    query: queryString,
    values: values