Example #1
	async refreshNotes(state) {
		let parentType = state.notesParentType;
		let parentId = null;

		if (parentType === 'Folder') {
			parentId = state.selectedFolderId;
			parentType = BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER;
		} else if (parentType === 'Tag') {
			parentId = state.selectedTagId;
			parentType = BaseModel.TYPE_TAG;
		} else if (parentType === 'Search') {
			parentId = state.selectedSearchId;
			parentType = BaseModel.TYPE_SEARCH;

		this.logger().debug('Refreshing notes:', parentType, parentId);

		let options = {
			order: stateUtils.notesOrder(state.settings),
			uncompletedTodosOnTop: Setting.value('uncompletedTodosOnTop'),
			showCompletedTodos: Setting.value('showCompletedTodos'),
			caseInsensitive: true,

		const source = JSON.stringify({
			options: options,
			parentId: parentId,

		let notes = [];

		if (parentId) {
			if (parentType === Folder.modelType()) {
				notes = await Note.previews(parentId, options);
			} else if (parentType === Tag.modelType()) {
				notes = await Tag.notes(parentId, options);
			} else if (parentType === BaseModel.TYPE_SEARCH) {
				let fields = Note.previewFields();
				let search = BaseModel.byId(state.searches, parentId);
				notes = await Note.previews(null, {
					fields: fields,
					anywherePattern: '*' + search.query_pattern + '*',

			type: 'NOTE_UPDATE_ALL',
			notes: notes,
			notesSource: source,

			type: 'NOTE_SELECT',
			id: notes.length ? notes[0].id : null,
Example #2
	folderDepth(folders, folderId) {
		let output = 0;
		while (true) {
			const folder = BaseModel.byId(folders, folderId);
			if (!folder.parent_id) return output;
			folderId = folder.parent_id;
		throw new Error('unreachable');
Example #3
	async export(options) {
		const exportPath = options.path ? options.path : null;
		let sourceFolderIds = options.sourceFolderIds ? options.sourceFolderIds : [];
		const sourceNoteIds = options.sourceNoteIds ? options.sourceNoteIds : [];
		const exportFormat = options.format ? options.format : 'jex';
		const result = { warnings: [] }
		const itemsToExport = [];

		const queueExportItem = (itemType, itemOrId) => {
				type: itemType,
				itemOrId: itemOrId

		let exportedNoteIds = [];
		let resourceIds = [];
		const folderIds = await Folder.allIds();

		let fullSourceFolderIds = sourceFolderIds.slice();
		for (let i = 0; i < sourceFolderIds.length; i++) {
			const id = sourceFolderIds[i];
			const childrenIds = await Folder.childrenIds(id);
			fullSourceFolderIds = fullSourceFolderIds.concat(childrenIds);
		sourceFolderIds = fullSourceFolderIds;

		for (let folderIndex = 0; folderIndex < folderIds.length; folderIndex++) {
			const folderId = folderIds[folderIndex];
			if (sourceFolderIds.length && sourceFolderIds.indexOf(folderId) < 0) continue;

			if (!sourceNoteIds.length) await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER, folderId);

			const noteIds = await Folder.noteIds(folderId);

			for (let noteIndex = 0; noteIndex < noteIds.length; noteIndex++) {
				const noteId = noteIds[noteIndex];
				if (sourceNoteIds.length && sourceNoteIds.indexOf(noteId) < 0) continue;
				const note = await Note.load(noteId);
				await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, note);

				const rids = await Note.linkedResourceIds(note.body);
				resourceIds = resourceIds.concat(rids);

		resourceIds = ArrayUtils.unique(resourceIds);

		for (let i = 0; i < resourceIds.length; i++) {
			await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, resourceIds[i]);

		const noteTags = await NoteTag.all();

		let exportedTagIds = [];

		for (let i = 0; i < noteTags.length; i++) {
			const noteTag = noteTags[i];
			if (exportedNoteIds.indexOf(noteTag.note_id) < 0) continue;
			await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE_TAG, noteTag.id);

		for (let i = 0; i < exportedTagIds.length; i++) {
			await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_TAG, exportedTagIds[i]);

		const exporter = this.newModule_('exporter', exportFormat);
		await exporter.init(exportPath);

		for (let i = 0; i < itemsToExport.length; i++) {
			const itemType = itemsToExport[i].type;
			const ItemClass = BaseItem.getClassByItemType(itemType);
			const itemOrId = itemsToExport[i].itemOrId;
			const item = typeof itemOrId === 'object' ? itemOrId : await ItemClass.load(itemOrId);

			if (!item) {
				if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE) {
					result.warnings.push(sprintf('A resource that does not exist is referenced in a note. The resource was skipped. Resource ID: %s', itemOrId));
				} else {
					result.warnings.push(sprintf('Cannot find item with type "%s" and ID %s. Item was skipped.', ItemClass.tableName(), JSON.stringify(itemOrId)));

			if (item.encryption_applied || item.encryption_blob_encrypted) throw new Error(_('This item is currently encrypted: %s "%s". Please wait for all items to be decrypted and try again.', BaseModel.modelTypeToName(itemType), item.title ? item.title : item.id));

			try {
				if (itemType == BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE) {
					const resourcePath = Resource.fullPath(item);
					await exporter.processResource(item, resourcePath);

				await exporter.processItem(ItemClass, item);
			} catch (error) {

		await exporter.close();

		return result;
Example #4
	async action(args) {
		let pattern = args['note-pattern'];
		let items = [];
		let options = args.options;

		let queryOptions = {};
		if (options.limit) queryOptions.limit = options.limit;
		if (options.sort) {
			queryOptions.orderBy = options.sort;
			queryOptions.orderByDir = 'ASC';
		if (options.reverse === true) queryOptions.orderByDir = queryOptions.orderByDir == 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
		queryOptions.caseInsensitive = true;
		if (options.type) {
			queryOptions.itemTypes = [];
			if (options.type.indexOf('n') >= 0) queryOptions.itemTypes.push('note');
			if (options.type.indexOf('t') >= 0) queryOptions.itemTypes.push('todo');
		if (pattern) queryOptions.titlePattern = pattern;
		queryOptions.uncompletedTodosOnTop = Setting.value('uncompletedTodosOnTop');

		let modelType = null;
		if (pattern == '/' || !app().currentFolder()) {
			queryOptions.includeConflictFolder = true;
			items = await Folder.all(queryOptions);
			modelType = Folder.modelType();
		} else {
			if (!app().currentFolder()) throw new Error(_('Please select a notebook first.'));
			items = await Note.previews(app().currentFolder().id, queryOptions);
			modelType = Note.modelType();

		if (options.format && options.format == 'json') {
		} else {
			let hasTodos = false;
			for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
				let item = items[i];
				if (item.is_todo) {
					hasTodos = true;

			let seenTitles = [];
			let rows = [];
			let shortIdShown = false;
			for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
				let item = items[i];
				let row = [];

				if (options.long) {
					shortIdShown = true;

					if (modelType == Folder.modelType()) {
						row.push(await Folder.noteCount(item.id));


				let title = item.title;
				if (!shortIdShown && (seenTitles.indexOf(item.title) >= 0 || !item.title)) {
					title += ' (' + BaseModel.shortId(item.id) + ')';
				} else {

				if (hasTodos) {
					if (item.is_todo) {
						row.push(sprintf('[%s]', !!item.todo_completed ? 'X' : ' '));
					} else {
						row.push('   ');



			cliUtils.printArray(this.stdout.bind(this), rows);
