Example #1
    _.defaultsDeep(connection, Adapter.defaults)

    let knex = Knex({
      client: 'pg',
      connection: connection.url || connection.connection,
      pool: connection.pool,
      debug: process.env.WATERLINE_DEBUG_SQL || connection.debug
    let cxn = {
      identity: connection.identity,
      schema: Adapter.buildSchema(connection, collections),
      collections: collections,
      config: connection,
      knex: knex,
      st: KnexPostgis(knex)

    return Util.initializeConnection(cxn)
      .then(() => {
        Adapter.connections.set(connection.identity, cxn)

   * Construct the waterline schema for the given connection.
   * @param connection
   * @param collections[]
Example #2
		if (!is_object(where))
			where = { [this.id]: where }

		if (!where)
			throw new Error(`No argument supplied for SQL .delete()`)

		return knex(this.table).where(where).del()

const knex = Knex(knexfile)
const knex_postgis = knex_postgis_plugin(knex)

knex.postgisDefineExtras(function(knex, formatter)
	const extras =
		longitude_latitude(longitude, latitude)
			return knex.raw('ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(?, ?), 4326)', [longitude, latitude])

	return extras

Sql.knex_postgis = () => knex_postgis