jose.createJWSSigner(jwsHdr).update(plaintext).sign('compact', function(error, jwsObj) {
   if (error) {
     // An error occurred during the sign process and is passed back
     // via the error parameter since .sign is an asynchronous call
     // write the error to the output context
   } else {
     // jwsObj is the JWS Compact Serialization object.
     // BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header)) || '.' ||
     // BASE64URL(JWS Payload) || '.' ||
     // BASE64URL(JWS Signature)
     // since the operation was successful you can write the
     // object to the output context
     //    session.output.write(jwsObj);
     // or log the value ...
     // and/or verify it now...
     //--Begin Verify-------
     var jwsSignedObject = jose.parse(jwsObj) ;
     // Parse of the JWS successful
     // Access the per-signature data and set key for each signature
     //  for verification
     var signedJWSHeaders  = jwsSignedObject.getSignatures();
     for (var i = 0; i < signedJWSHeaders.length; i++) {
       var hdr2 = signedJWSHeaders[i];
       // Extract the value for the Header Parameter named 'kid'
       var kid = hdr2.get('kid');
       switch (kid) {
         case 'kid1':
           // Set the key so the signature can and will be verified
         case 'kid2':
     var myVerifier = jose.createJWSVerifier(jwsSignedObject);
     // Verify all signatures for which a key has been set
     // At least one signature must have key set
     myVerifier.validate( function(error){
       if (error) {
         // an error occurred during the sign process
         // write the error to the output context
       } else {
         // All signature verifications have succeeded
         // therefore payload may be trusted
         var thePlaintext =  jwsSignedObject.getPayload();
           //--End Verify-------
 mySign.sign('json',function(error, jwsObj) {
   if (error) {
     // An error occurred during the sign process and is passed back
     // via the error parameter since .sign is an asynchronous call
     // write the error to the output context
     throw new Error(error);
   } else {
     // jwsObj is the JWS JSON Serialization object.
     // {
     //   "payload":"BASE64URL(JWS Payload)",
     //   "signatures":[
     //     {"protected":"BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header 1))",
     //      "header":<non-integrity-protected header 1 contents>,
     //      "signature":"BASE64URL(JWS Signature 1)"},
     //     ...
     //     {"protected":"BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header N))",
     //      "header":<non-integrity-protected header N contents>,
     //      "signature":"BASE64URL(JWS Signature N)"}]
     //  }
     // since the operation was successful you can write the
     // object to the output context
     //    session.output.write(jwsObj);
     // or log the value ...
     //    console.debug(jwsObj);
     // or verify it now...
     //--Begin Verify-------
     var jwsSignedObject = jose.parse(jwsObj) ;
     // Parse of the JWS successful
     // Access the per-signature data and set key for each signature
     // for verification
     var signedJWSHeaders   = jwsSignedObject.getSignatures();
     for (var i = 0; i < signedJWSHeaders.length; i++) {
       var hdr2 = signedJWSHeaders[i];
       // FYI HowTo: Retrieve the Protected Header as a JSON Object
       // Retrieve a single Header Parameter Value by passing it's name
       // getProtected(name), getUnprotected(name) or get(name)
       //    var allProtectedHeaderParameters = hdr2.getProtected();
       // FYI HowTo: Retrieve the Unprotected Header as a JSON Object
       //    var allUnprotectedHeaderParameters = hdr2.getUnrotected();
       // Extract the value for the Header Parameter named 'kid'
       var kid = hdr2.get('kid');
       switch (kid) {
         case 'kid1':
           // Set the key so the signature can and will be verified
         case 'kid2':
           // Set the key so the signature can and will be verified
     var myVerifier = jose.createJWSVerifier(jwsSignedObject);
     // Verify all signatures for which a key has been set
     // At least one signature must have key set
     myVerifier.validate( function(error){
       if (error) {
         // an error occurred during the sign process
         // write the error to the output context
         throw new Error(error);
       } else {
         // All signature verifications have succeeded
         // therefore payload may be trusted
         var thePlaintext =  jwsSignedObject.getPayload();
     //--End Verify-------