Example #1
const completion = (container, opt) => {
	const out = new Emitter()
	const ui = container.querySelector('input.ui')
	const field = container.querySelector('input.field')

	const completion = horsey(ui, {
		suggestions: opt.suggest,
		appendTo: container,
		filter: () => true,
		getText: opt.render,
		getValue: x => x,
		set: (l) => {
			ui.value = opt.render(l)
			field.value = opt.value(l)
			out.emit('value', l)
			setTimeout(() => {
			}, 10)

	return out
Example #2
		componentDidMount: function componentDidMount() {
			insignia(this.refs.input.getDOMNode(), {
				delimiter: ',',
				deletion: true,
				validate: this.validateInsignia
			var suggestions = [];
			this.props.tags.forEach(tag => {
					value: tag.slug,
					text: tag.name
			horsey(this.refs.input.getDOMNode(), {
				suggestions: suggestions
Example #3
		componentWillUnmount: function componentWillUnmount() {
module.exports = function(textarea, _editor, _module) {

  var icons = {

    'quote': 'quote-right',
    'ol': 'list-ol',
    'ul': 'list-ul',
    'heading': 'header',
    'attachment': 'paperclip'


  _module.usernames = [
    { value: '@hodor',  text: '@hodor; 1 note'   },
    { value: '@sansa',  text: '@sansa; 2 notes'  },
    { value: '@john',   text: '@john; 4 notes'   },
    { value: '@rob',    text: '@rob; 1 note'     },
    { value: '@rickon', text: '@rickon; 5 notes' },
    { value: '@bran',   text: '@bran; 1 note'    },
    { value: '@arya',   text: '@arya; 2 notes'   }

  var wysiwyg = woofmark(textarea, {

    defaultMode: 'wysiwyg',
    fencing:     true,
    storage:     'ple-woofmark-mode',
    xhr:         require('xhr'),

    render: {

      modes: function (button, id) {

        button.className = 'woofmark-mode-' + id;
        if (id == 'html')     $(button).remove();
        if (id == 'markdown') button.innerHTML = "Markdown";
        if (id == 'wysiwyg')  button.innerHTML = "Rich";


      commands: function (button, id) {

        button.className = 'woofmark-command-' + id;
        var icon = icons[id] || id;
        button.innerHTML = '<i class="fa fa-' + icon + '"></i>';



    images: {

      method: 'POST',
      // endpoint where the images will be uploaded to, required
      url: '/images',
      // optional text describing the kind of files that can be uploaded
      restriction: 'GIF, JPG, and PNG images',
      // what to call the FormData field?
      key: 'image[photo]',
      // should return whether `e.dataTransfer.files[i]` is valid, defaults to a `true` operation
      validate: function isItAnImageFile (file) {
        return /^image\/(gif|png|p?jpe?g)$/i.test(file.type);


    // for handling non-image uploads
    // -- need to insert icon, maybe, or do it in CSS
    attachments: {

    parseMarkdown: function (input) {

      _module.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;

      return megamark(input, {
        tokenizers: [
            token: /(^|\s)@([A-z]+)\b/g,
            transform: function (all, separator, id) {
              return separator + '<a href="/profile/' + id + '">@' + id + '</a>';
            token: /(^|\s)#([A-z]+)\b/g,
            transform: function (all, separator, id) {
              return separator + '<a href="/tag/' + id + '">#' + id + '</a>';


    parseHTML: function (input) {

      _module.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;

      return domador(input, {
        fencing:   true,
        fencinglanguage: function (el) {
          var match = el.className.match(/md-lang-((?:[^\s]|$)+)/);
          if (match) {
            return match.pop();
        transform: function (el) {

          if (el.tagName === 'A' && el.innerHTML[0] === '@') {
            return el.innerHTML;

          if (el.tagName === 'A' && el.innerHTML[0] === '#') {
            return el.innerHTML;




  //wysiwyg.calloutHorse = horsey(textarea, {
  wysiwyg.calloutHorse = horsey(wysiwyg.editable, {
    anchor: '@',
    suggestions: _module.usernames,
    set: function (value) {
      if (wysiwyg.mode === 'wysiwyg') {
        textarea.innerHTML = value;
      } else {
        textarea.value = value;

  wysiwyg.calloutBridge = banksy(textarea, {
    editor: wysiwyg,
    horse: wysiwyg.calloutHorse

  wysiwyg.tagHorse = horsey(textarea, {
    anchor: '#',
    suggestions: [
    set: function (value) {
      el.value = value + ', ';

  wysiwyg.tagBridge = banksy(textarea, {
    editor: wysiwyg,
    horse: wysiwyg.tagHorse

  // styling: 

  $('.wk-commands').after('<span style="padding:10px;display:none;" class="ple-history-saving"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i><span class="hidden-xs">Saving...</span></span>');
  $('.wk-commands, .wk-switchboard').addClass('btn-group');
  $('.wk-commands button, .wk-switchboard button').addClass('btn btn-default');

  $('.wk-commands button.woofmark-command-quote').addClass('hidden-xs');
  $('.wk-commands button.woofmark-command-code').addClass('hidden-xs');
  $('.wk-commands button.woofmark-command-ol').addClass('hidden-xs');
  $('.wk-commands button.woofmark-command-attachment').addClass('hidden-xs');

  $('.wk-switchboard button.woofmark-mode-markdown').parent().removeClass('btn-group');
  $('.wk-switchboard button.woofmark-mode-markdown').html('<span class="visible-xs">#</span><span class="hidden-xs">Markdown</span>');
  $('.wk-switchboard button.woofmark-mode-wysiwyg').html('<span class="visible-xs">Aa</span><span class="hidden-xs">Rich</span>');

  if (wysiwyg.mode === 'wysiwyg') $('.wk-switchboard button.woofmark-mode-wysiwyg').hide();
  else                            $('.wk-switchboard button.woofmark-mode-markdown').hide();

  $('.wk-switchboard button').click(function() {
    $('.wk-switchboard button.woofmark-mode-markdown').toggle();
    $('.wk-switchboard button.woofmark-mode-wysiwyg').toggle();

  if (_editor.options.size == "xs") {

    //$('.wk-switchboard button,.wk-commands button').addClass('btn-xs');

    // hide selectively, not by #:
    $('.wk-commands button.woofmark-command-quote').hide();
    $('.wk-commands button.woofmark-command-code').hide();
    $('.wk-commands button.woofmark-command-ol').hide();
    $('.wk-commands button.woofmark-command-ul').hide();

  } else {

    $('.wk-switchboard button').addClass('btn-sm');


  return wysiwyg;
