var server = require('hlc-server');               // Import the package
var app = new server();                           // Fire up the server
app.bind( { protocol: 'udp',                      // Listen for UDP
            path: '' } );      //   on this IP address
console.log('Browse to http://localhost:3001');   // Friendly reminder
 * Copyright reelyActive 2017
 * We believe in an open Internet of Things

var server = require('hlc-server');
var os = require('os');

// User-configurable: port and password
var options = { httpPort: 80, password: "******", useCors: true };

// See hlc-server documentation for additional options
var app = new server(options);
// Listen for reelceivers on a Reel-Pi HAT
app.bind( { protocol: "serial", path: "/dev/serial0" } );

// Listen for GPS on USB
app.addGPSListener( { path: "/dev/ttyUSB0" } );

// Forward the breadcrumbs to a remote server (specify the uri!)
app.addNotificationService( { service: "breadcrumbs",
                              uri: "http://localhost:3000/breadcrumbs",
                              systemName: 'mobile-pi',
                              updateMilliseconds: 60000,
                              properties: [ 'rssi' ] } );

// OPTIONAL: Log the events to file
//app.addNotificationService( { service: "logfile", logfileName: "eventlog" } );

// Friendly console message of the IP address(es) of the Pi
var server = require('hlc-server');               // Import the package
var app = new server();                           // Fire up the server
app.bind( { protocol: 'serial', path: 'auto' } ); // Listen on USB
console.log('Browse to http://localhost:3001');   // Friendly reminder