Example #1
// Preform action on each file in a directory
function dive (directory, extension, action, callback) {

  // Make sure
  if (typeof action !== 'function') {
    action = function (error, file) {};

  fs.readdir(directory, function (err, contents) {
    if (err) return;

    // Preform action on file
    async.each(contents, function (file, cb) {

      var filePath  = directory + '/' + file;
      var fileExtension = path.extname(file);

      fs.stat(filePath, function (err, stat) {
        // If the file is a directory
        if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
          // Dive into the directory
          dive(filePath, extension, action, callback);
        else {
          // Do the action
          if (fileExtension === extension) action(null, filePath);

          // Tell async this function is done

    }, function (err) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('calling callback');
  clear: function (options, callback) {
    fs.readdir(options.path, function (err, files) {
      if (files.length <= 0) return callback();

      var errors = [];
      files.forEach(function (file, i) {
        if (options.filePattern.exec(file)) {
          fs.unlink(path.join(options.path, file), function (err) {
            if (err) {
            if (i >= files.length - 1) {
              callback(errors.length > 0 ? errors : undefined);
        } else {
          if (i >= files.length - 1) {
            callback(errors.length > 0 ? errors : undefined);
Example #3
File: cache.js Project: 1234-/node
// npm cache clean [<path>]
function clean (args, cb) {
  assert(typeof cb === 'function', 'must include callback')

  if (!args) args = []

  var f = path.join(npm.cache, normalize(args))
  if (f === npm.cache) {
    fs.readdir(npm.cache, function (er, files) {
      if (er) return cb()
        files.filter(function (f) {
          return npm.config.get('force') || f !== '-'
        }).map(function (f) {
          return path.join(npm.cache, f)
  } else {
    rm(f, cb)
Example #4
  fs.exists(path, function(exist){
    if (!exist) return callback();

    fs.readdir(path, function(err, files){
      if (err) return callback(err);

      async.each(files, function(item, next){
        var extname = pathFn.extname(item),
          name = pathFn.basename(item, extname).toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, '-');

        // Only accepts YAML files
        if (extname !== '.yml' && extname !== '.yaml') return next();

        render.render({path: pathFn.join(path, item)}, function(err, content){
          if (err) return callback(err);

          self.store[name] = content;

      }, callback);
Example #5
function findPrefix_ (p, original, cb) {
  if (p === "/"
      || (process.platform === "win32" && p.match(/^[a-zA-Z]:(\\|\/)?$/))) {
    return cb(null, original)
  fs.readdir(p, function (er, files) {
    // an error right away is a bad sign.
    if (er && p === original) return cb(er)

    // walked up too high or something.
    if (er) return cb(null, original)

    if (files.indexOf("node_modules") !== -1
        || files.indexOf("package.json") !== -1) {
      return cb(null, p)

    var d = path.dirname(p)
    if (d === p) return cb(null, original)

    return findPrefix_(d, original, cb)
Example #6
		fs.exists(db, function (exists) {
			if(exists) {
				fs.readdir(db, function(err, files) {
					if(err) {
						callback('Cant read all indizies');
					} else {
						var filesArray = [];
						var q = async.queue(function(file, cb) {
							fs.readFile(db+'/'+file, function(err, data) {
								if(!err) {

									try {
										data = JSON.parse(data)
									} catch(e) {
										console.log('File invalid!', db+'/'+file);

									if(typeof data !== 'string') {

						}, 100);

						q.drain = function() {
							callback(false, filesArray);

			} else {
				callback('Database not found!');
Example #7
Gaze.prototype._wasAddedSub = function(dir) {
  var self = this;
  fs.readdir(dir, function(err, current) {
    helper.forEachSeries(current, function(file, next) {
      var filepath = path.join(dir, file);
      var relpath = path.relative(self.options.cwd, filepath);
      try {
        if (!fs.existsSync(filepath)) {
        if (fs.lstatSync(filepath).isDirectory()) {
        } else if (globule.isMatch(self._patterns, relpath, self.options)) {
          // Make sure to watch the newly added sub file
          platform(filepath, self._trigger.bind(self));
          self._emitAll('added', filepath);
      } catch (err) {
        self.emit('error', err);
Example #8
  var walk = function (dir, done) {
    var results = [];
    fs.readdir(dir, function (err, list) {
      if (err) { return done(err); }
      var i = 0;

      (function next() {
        var file = list[i++];
        if (!file) { return done(null, results); }
        file = path.resolve(dir, file);
        fs.stat(file, function (err, stat) {
          if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
            walk(file, function (err, res) {
              results = results.concat(res);
          } else {
Example #9
function rebuildBundles(pkg, folder, parent, gtop, cb) {
    if (!npm.config.get("rebuild-bundle")) return cb()

    var deps = Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {})
            .concat(Object.keys(pkg.devDependencies || {}))
        , bundles = pkg.bundleDependencies || pkg.bundledDependencies || []

    fs.readdir(path.resolve(folder, "node_modules"), function (er, files) {
        // error means no bundles
        if (er) return cb()

        log.verbose("rebuildBundles", files)
        // don't asyncMap these, because otherwise build script output
        // gets interleaved and is impossible to read
        chain(files.filter(function (file) {
            // rebuild if:
            // not a .folder, like .bin or .hooks
            return file.charAt(0) !== "."
                // not some old 0.x style bundle
                && file.indexOf("@") === -1
                // either not a dep, or explicitly bundled
                && (deps.indexOf(file) === -1 || bundles.indexOf(file) !== -1)
        }).map(function (file) {
                file = path.resolve(folder, "node_modules", file)
                return function (cb) {
                    if (build._didBuild[file]) return cb()
                    log.verbose("rebuild bundle", file)
                    // if file is not a package dir, then don't do it.
                    fs.lstat(path.resolve(file, "package.json"), function (er, st) {
                        if (er) return cb()
                        build_(false)(file, cb)
            }), cb)
Example #10
  var _dir2json = function(jsonPart, done) {
    FS.readdir(jsonPart['-path'], function(err, results) {
      if (err) return done(err);

      // Keeps a total of files pending appendation to the object.
      var pending = results.length;

      // If there are no files in this directory, we're done on this path.
      if (pending === 0) return done(null, json);

      // For each of the files/directories in this directory, call this function.
      results.forEach(function(file) {
        try {
          var f = new File({ "path": jsonPart['-path'] + File.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR + file, "exists": true });

          // Insert the file as a readable file node into the object.
          jsonPart[file] = createFileNode(f, options);

          // If the file is a directory, we have more work to do.
          if (f.getType() === File.Types.directory) {
            // Recurse, creating a new callback for the next level of files.
            _dir2json(jsonPart[file], function(err) {
              if (err) throw err;
              if (--pending === 0) return done(null, json);
          else {
            if (--pending === 0) return done(null, json);
        catch (err) {
          return done(err);
Example #11
function targetResolver (where, context, deps) {
  var alreadyInstalledManually = context.explicit ? [] : null
    , nm = path.resolve(where, "node_modules")
    , parent = context.parent
    , wrap = context.wrap

  if (!context.explicit) fs.readdir(nm, function (er, inst) {
    if (er) return alreadyInstalledManually = []

    // don't even mess with non-package looking things
    inst = inst.filter(function (p) {
      return !p.match(/^[\._-]/)

    asyncMap(inst, function (pkg, cb) {
      readJson(path.resolve(nm, pkg, "package.json"), log.warn, function (er, d) {
        if (er && er.code !== "ENOENT" && er.code !== "ENOTDIR") return cb(er)
        // error means it's not a package, most likely.
        if (er) return cb(null, [])

        // if it's a bundled dep, then assume that anything there is valid.
        // otherwise, make sure that it's a semver match with what we want.
        var bd = parent.bundleDependencies
        if (bd && bd.indexOf(d.name) !== -1 ||
            semver.satisfies(d.version, deps[d.name] || "*", true) ||
            deps[d.name] === d._resolved) {
          return cb(null, d.name)

        // see if the package had been previously linked
        fs.lstat(path.resolve(nm, pkg), function(err, s) {
          if (err) return cb(null, [])
          if (s.isSymbolicLink()) {
            return cb(null, d.name)

          // something is there, but it's not satisfactory.  Clobber it.
          return cb(null, [])
    }, function (er, inst) {
      // this is the list of things that are valid and should be ignored.
      alreadyInstalledManually = inst

  var to = 0
  return function resolver (what, cb) {
    if (!alreadyInstalledManually) return setTimeout(function () {
      resolver(what, cb)
    }, to++)

    // now we know what's been installed here manually,
    // or tampered with in some way that npm doesn't want to overwrite.
    if (alreadyInstalledManually.indexOf(what.split("@").shift()) !== -1) {
      log.verbose("already installed", "skipping %s %s", what, where)
      return cb(null, [])

    // check for a version installed higher in the tree.
    // If installing from a shrinkwrap, it must match exactly.
    if (context.family[what]) {
      if (wrap && wrap[what].version === context.family[what]) {
        log.verbose("shrinkwrap", "use existing", what)
        return cb(null, [])

    // if it's identical to its parent, then it's probably someone
    // doing `npm install foo` inside of the foo project.  Print
    // a warning, and skip it.
    if (parent && parent.name === what && !npm.config.get("force")) {
      log.warn("install", "Refusing to install %s as a dependency of itself"
              , what)
      return cb(null, [])

    if (wrap) {
      var name = what.split(/@/).shift()
      if (wrap[name]) {
        var wrapTarget = readWrap(wrap[name])
        what = name + "@" + wrapTarget
      } else {
        log.verbose("shrinkwrap", "skipping %s (not in shrinkwrap)", what)
    } else if (deps[what]) {
      what = what + "@" + deps[what]

    // This is where we actually fetch the package, if it's not already
    // in the cache.
    // If it's a git repo, then we want to install it, even if the parent
    // already has a matching copy.
    // If it's not a git repo, and the parent already has that pkg, then
    // we can skip installing it again.
    cache.add(what, function (er, data) {
      if (er && parent && parent.optionalDependencies &&
          parent.optionalDependencies.hasOwnProperty(what.split("@")[0])) {
        log.warn("optional dep failed, continuing", what)
        log.verbose("optional dep failed, continuing", [what, er])
        return cb(null, [])

      var isGit = false
        , maybeGit = what.split("@").slice(1).join()

      if (maybeGit)
        isGit = isGitUrl(url.parse(maybeGit))

      if (!er &&
          data &&
          !context.explicit &&
          context.family[data.name] === data.version &&
          !npm.config.get("force") &&
          !isGit) {
        log.info("already installed", data.name + "@" + data.version)
        return cb(null, [])

      if (data && !data._from) data._from = what
      if (er && parent && parent.name) er.parent = parent.name
      return cb(er, data || [])
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
    var formName = req.params.formName;
    if (typeof formName === 'undefined' || formName === null) {
            status: 400,
            err: 'MISSING_PARAM',
            msg: 'You must specify a parameter for the formName in this end point.',
            path: '/odk/submissions/:formName.json'
    var dir = settings.dataDir + '/submissions/' + formName;
    var aggregate = [];
    var dataErrors = [];
    // All of the submission dirs in the form directory
    fs.readdir(dir, function (err, submissionDirs) {
        if (err) {
            if (err.errno === -2) {
                // trying to open a directory that is not there.
                    status: 404,
                    msg: 'You are trying to aggregate the ODK submissions for a form that has no submissions. Please submit at least one survey to see data. Also, check to see if you spelled the form name correctly. Form name: ' + formName,
                    err: err
                status: 500,
                msg: 'Problem reading submissions directory.',
                err: err
        var len = submissionDirs.length;
        if (submissionDirs.length === 0) {
        var count = 0;
        submissionDirs.forEach(function (submissionDir) {
            if (submissionDir[0] === '.' || submissionDir.indexOf('.txt') > 0) {
                sendResponse(len, count, aggregate, []);
            var dataFile = dir + '/' + submissionDir + '/data.json';
            var dataContent = '';
            // memory efficient
            try {
                var stream = fs.createReadStream(dataFile),
                parser = JSONStream.parse();
                parser.on('root', function (obj) {
                    // console.log('objects', obj)
                    sendResponse(len, count, aggregate, [])
            } catch(e) {
                        status: 500,
                        msg: 'Problem reading data.json file in submission directory. dataFile: ' + dataFile,
                        err: e
                sendResponse(len, count, aggregate, dataErrors);

    function sendResponse (len, count, data, error) {
        if (len === count) {
            if (error.length > 0){
                // send the first error in the bunch
            } else {
Example #13
			folders2.forEach(function (h){
				fs.readdir('./projectsobeys/sobeysFlyerPart/'+latestFolder + '/' + h + '/', function (err3, folders3){
					if(err3)throw err3;
					/** this is each flyer part */
					var info = []
					, dateOb = {};
					async.map(folders3, function (flyerPart, complete) {

     					fs.readFile('./projectsobeys/sobeysFlyerPart/'+latestFolder + '/' + h + '/' + flyerPart, 'utf8', function (err4, data){
     						if (err4) throw err4;
							/** this is each 14 departments parts of a flyer

								bakery = 49
								beverage = 56
								boxedMeats = 65
								candy = 62
								dairy = 61
								deli = 48
								floral = 54
								grocery = 51
								household = 58
								meat = 43
								pet = 59
								produce = 45
								seafood = 44
								spread = 57
							var name = ''
							, flyerDate = '';
								case '49':
									name = 'bakery';
								case '56':
									name = 'beverages';
								case '65':
									name = 'boxedMeats';
								case '62':
									name = 'candy';
								case '61':
									name = 'dairy';
								case '48':
									name = 'deli';
								case '54':
									name = 'floral';
								case '51':
									name = 'grocery';
								case '58':
									name = 'household';
								case '43':
									name = 'meat';
								case '59':
									name = 'pet';
								case '45':
									name = 'produce';
								case '44':
									name = 'seafood';
								case '57':
									name = 'spread';

							var $ = cheerio.load(data);

							if(flyerDate === ''){
								flyerArr = $('.container .site-section .site-section-content .fancy-heading .h3-editorial').toArray();
								if(flyerArr.length > 0){
									flyerDate = flyerArr[0].children[0].data;
									var dateSplit = flyerDate.split(' ');
									if(dateSplit.length > 2 && dateSplit[2] === ''){
										dateSplit.splice([2], 1);
									if(dateSplit.length === 3){
										var tmp = dateSplit[2].split('-');
										dateOb.start = dateSplit[1] + " " + tmp[0];
										dateOb.end = dateSplit[1] + " " + tmp[1];
									else if (dateSplit.length > 3){
										var tmp = dateSplit[2].split('-');
										dateOb.start = dateSplit[1] + " " + tmp[0];
										dateOb.end = tmp[1] + " " + dateSplit[3];
										dataOb.start = 'something off happened';
										dataOb.end = 'something off happened';
									dataOb.start = '';
									dataOb.end = '';

							if($('.card .card-plain .card-inset p').text().indexOf('No flyer information at this time') > -1 || !$('div').hasClass('toggle-last')) {
								console.log('no flyer at file: ' + flyerPart);
							else {
								$('.container .toggle-last .one-third .flyer-card .card-top').each(function (a, html){
									var url = ''
									, price = ''
									, sav = ''
									, desc = ''
									, item = ''
									, bestSav = ''
									, bestPercent = ''
									, savings = ''
									, savings1 = ''
									, savings2 = '';
									for (var i = html.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

										if(html.children[i].type === 'tag') {
											var class1 = html.children[i];
											/** this finds url specifically from selecting a chain of classes */
											if(class1.attribs.class === 'card-image'){
												url = class1.attribs.style.split(' ')[1].substr(5);
												url = url.substr(0, url.length -3);
											else if (class1.attribs.class==='card-inset'){
												for (var j = class1.children.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
													var class2 = class1.children[j];
													if(class2.type === 'tag'){
														/** finds the desc */
														if (class2.name === 'p'){
															desc = class2.children[0].data;
															desc = desc.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
															desc = desc.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9+;():,.-\s*!%&\r\n\/]+/g,"'");
														/** finds the item name */
														else if(class2.attribs.class.indexOf('h6') > -1){
															item = class2.children[0].data;
															item = item.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
															item = item.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9+;():,.-\s*!%&\r\n\/]+/g,"'");
														/** finds the price and savings */
														else if (class2.attribs.class.indexOf('price')>-1){
															for (var k = class2.children.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
																var class3 = class2.children[k];
																if(class3.type === 'tag'){
																		if(class3.children.length > 1 && class3.children[1].children.length > 0){
																			sav = class3.children[1].children[0].data;
																			sav = sav.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
																			sav = sav.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9+;():,\.$-\s*!%&\r\n\/]+/g,"|");
																			var savSplit = sav.split(' ')
																			, tmp = ''
																			, count = 0;
																			for (var l = 0; l < savSplit.length; l++) {
																				if(savSplit[l].indexOf('|') > -1){
																					tmp += '$0.' + savSplit[l].replace('|', '') + ' ';
																				else if (!isNaN(savSplit[l]) && savSplit[l].indexOf('$') === -1 && count === 0){
																					tmp += '$'+savSplit[l] + ' ';
																				else if (savSplit[l].indexOf('/') > -1){
																					tmp += '$'+savSplit[l] + ' ';
																					tmp += savSplit[l] + ' ';
																			sav = tmp
																			sav = sav.replace('100 g', '100g');
																			sav = sav.replace(' /100g', '/100g');
																			sav = sav.replace('lb ,ea', 'lb,ea');
																			sav = sav.replace('lb, ea', 'lb,ea');
																			sav = sav.replace('$$', '$');
																	else if (class3.attribs.class.indexOf('price-promos')) {

																		if(class3.children.length > 1){

																			if(class3.children[1].children.length > 1){
																				savings = '$' + class3.children[0].data+'.';
																				savings1 = class3.children[1].children[0].data;
																				savings2 = class3.children[1].children[1].children[0].data;
																			else if (class3.children[0].data.indexOf('%') > -1){
																				savings = 'noPrice';
																				savings1 = class3.children[0].data;
																				savings2 = class3.children[1].children[0].data;
																			else if (class3.children[0].data.indexOf('/') === -1){
																				savings = '$0' + class3.children[0].data;
																				savings1 = class3.children[1].children[0].data;
																				savings = class3.children[0].data + '.';
																				savings = savings.replace('/', '/$');
																				savings1 = class3.children[1].children[0].data;
																			var price = savings + savings1 + savings2;

											/** gets the best savings from the price */
											if(url !== '' && item !== ''){
												var priceSav = {};
												priceSav.price = price;
												priceSav.sav = sav;
												var listOfFrenchStores = ['34'];
												if(listOfFrenchStores.indexOf(h) === -1){
													getBest(priceSav, function (percent, sav2, extra){
														/*var ob = {};
														ob.item = item;
														ob.price = price;
														ob.savings = sav;
														ob.url = url;
														ob.description = desc;
														ob.bestPercent = percent;
														ob.bestSav = sav2;
														ob.extra = extra;

														Item.makeItem(item, price, sav, desc, url, extra, percent, sav2, name, h, function (errMakeItem){
															if(errMakeItem) throw errMakeItem;
							if(info.indexOf(name) === -1){
							complete(err4, data);
						, function (err7, results){
							Store.addCategoryParts(h, info.sort(), dateOb, function (err6){

								if(err6) throw err6;

								if(h > 289)
Example #14
app.get( '/', function _app_get( req, res ) {
	var dir='./testgames/';
	var data={};
	var most_accurate = [];
	fs.readdir( dir, function _fs_readdir( err, files ) {
		if( err ) throw err;
		var c = 0;
		files.forEach( function _files_foreach( file ) {
			if( file.match( /.json$/ ) ) {
				console.log( c + " " + dir + file );
				fs.readFile( dir + file, 'utf-8', function _fs_readfile( err, thedata ) {
					if( err ) { console.log( err ); throw err; }
					var j = JSON.parse( thedata );
					if( file != 'undefined.json' ) {
						var AVG_ACC = 0;
						var MOST_ACCURATE_NICK = "";
						var MOST_ACCURATE_NUM = 0;
						var DMG_DELIVERED_NICK = "";
						var DMG_DELIVERED_NUM = 0;
						var DMG_TAKEN_NICK = "";
						var DMG_TAKEN_NUM = 0;
						var LEAST_DEATHS_NICK = "";
						var LEAST_DEATHS_NUM = 0;
						var MOST_DEATHS_NICK = "";
						var MOST_DEATHS_NUM = 0;
						var TOTAL_ROUNDS = 0;
						var WINNING_TEAM = "";
						if( !isNaN( j.AVG_ACC ) && j.AVG_ACC !== 'undefined' ) {
							AVG_ACC = j.AVG_ACC;
						if( typeof j.MOST_ACCURATE !== 'undefined' ) {
						if( typeof j.DMG_DELIVERED !== 'undefined' ) {
						if( typeof j.DMG_TAKEN !== 'undefined' ) {
						if( typeof j.LEAST_DEATHS !== 'undefined' ) {
						if( typeof j.MOST_DEATHS !== 'undefined' ) {
						if( typeof j.TOTAL_ROUNDS !== 'undefined' ) {
						var sql1 = 'INSERT INTO Games(' +
								'PUBLIC_ID,' +
								'OWNER, ' +
								'MAP, ' +
								'NUM_PLAYERS, ' +
								'AVG_ACC, ' +
								'PREMIUM, ' +
								'RANKED, ' +
								'RESTARTED, ' +
								'RULESET, ' +
								'TIER, ' +
								'TOTAL_KILLS, ' +
								'TOTAL_ROUNDS, ' +
								'WINNING_TEAM, ' +
								'TSCORE0, ' +
								'TSCORE1, ' +
								'FIRST_SCORER, ' +
								'LAST_SCORER, ' +
								'GAME_LENGTH, ' +
								'GAME_TYPE, ' +
								'GAME_TIMESTAMP, ' +
								'DMG_DELIVERED_NICK, ' +
								'DMG_DELIVERED_NUM, ' +
								'DMG_TAKEN_NICK, ' +
								'DMG_TAKEN_NUM, ' +
								'LEAST_DEATHS_NICK, ' +
								'LEAST_DEATHS_NUM, ' +
								'MOST_DEATHS_NICK, ' +
								'MOST_DEATHS_NUM, ' +
								'MOST_ACCURATE_NICK, ' +
								'MOST_ACCURATE_NUM ' +
								') values( ';
									var sql2 = '' +
									'\"' + j.PUBLIC_ID + '\",' +
									'\"' + j.OWNER + '\",' +
									'\"' + j.MAP + '\",' +
									'' + j.NUM_PLAYERS + ',' +
									'' + AVG_ACC + ',' +
									'' + j.PREMIUM + ',' +
									'' + j.RANKED + ',' +
									'' + j.RESTARTED + ',' +
									'' + j.RULESET + ',' +
									'' + j.TIER + ',' +
									'' + j.TOTAL_KILLS + ',' +
									'' + TOTAL_ROUNDS + ',' +
									'\"' + WINNING_TEAM + '\",' +
									'' + j.TSCORE0 + ',' +
									'' + j.TSCORE1 + ',' +
									'\"' + j.FIRST_SCORER + '\",' +
									'\"' + j.LAST_SCORER + '\",' +
									'' + j.GAME_LENGTH + ',' +
									'\"' + j.GAME_TYPE + '\",' +
									'' + new Date( j.GAME_TIMESTAMP ).getTime()/1000 + ',' +
									'\"' + DMG_DELIVERED_NICK + '\",' +
									'' + DMG_DELIVERED_NUM + ',' +
									'\"' + DMG_TAKEN_NICK + '\",' +
									'' + DMG_TAKEN_NUM + ',' +
									'\"' + LEAST_DEATHS_NICK + '\",' +
									'' + LEAST_DEATHS_NUM + ',' +
									'\"' + MOST_DEATHS_NICK + '\",' +
									'' + MOST_DEATHS_NUM + ',' +
									'\"' + MOST_ACCURATE_NICK + '\",' +
									'' + MOST_ACCURATE_NUM +
						//console.log( sql1 );
						//console.log( sql2 );
						db.query( sql1 + sql2, function _db_query_game( err, rows, fields ) {
							if( err ) { throw err; }
							//console.log( rows );
						}	);
						for( var i in j.BLUE_SCOREBOARD ) {
							var p = j.BLUE_SCOREBOARD[i];
							var IMPRESSIVE = 0;
							var EXCELLENT = 0;
							if( typeof p.IMPRESSIVE !== 'undefined' ) { IMPRESSIVE = p.IMPRESSIVE; }
							if( typeof p.EXCELLENT !== 'undefined' ) { EXCELLENT = p.EXCELLENT; }
							//console.log( j.PUBLIC_ID + " " + p.PLAYER_NICK + " " + p.TEAM );
							var sql3 = 'INSERT INTO Players(' +
								'PUBLIC_ID, ' +
								'PLAYER_NICK, ' +
								'PLAYER_CLAN, ' +
								'PLAYER_COUNTRY, ' +
								'RANK, ' +
								'SCORE, ' +
								'QUIT, ' +
								'DAMAGE_DEALT, ' +
								'DAMAGE_TAKEN, ' +
								'KILLS, ' +
								'DEATHS, ' +
								'HITS, ' +
								'SHOTS, ' +
								'TEAM, ' +
								'TEAM_RANK, ' +
								'HUMILIATION, ' +
								'IMPRESSIVE, ' +
								'EXCELLENT, ' +
								'PLAY_TIME, ' +

								'G_A, ' +
								'G_H, ' +
								'G_K, ' +
								'G_S, ' +

								'GL_A, ' +
								'GL_H, ' +
								'GL_K, ' +
								'GL_S, ' +

								'LG_A, ' +
								'LG_H, ' +
								'LG_K, ' +
								'LG_S, ' +

								'MG_A, ' +
								'MG_H, ' +
								'MG_K, ' +
								'MG_S, ' +

								'PG_A, ' +
								'PG_H, ' +
								'PG_K, ' +
								'PG_S, ' +

								'RG_A, ' +
								'RG_H, ' +
								'RG_K, ' +
								'RG_S, ' +

								'RL_A, ' +
								'RL_H, ' +
								'RL_K, ' +
								'RL_S, ' +

								'SG_A, ' +
								'SG_H, ' +
								'SG_K, ' +
								'SG_S' +

								') values( ';
							var sql4 = '' +
								'\"' + j.PUBLIC_ID + '\",' +
								'\"' + p.PLAYER_NICK + '\",' +
								'\"' + p.PLAYER_CLAN + '\",' +
								'\"' + p.PLAYER_COUNTRY + '\",' +
								'' + p.RANK + ',' +
								'' + p.SCORE + ',' +
								'' + p.QUIT + ',' +
								'' + p.DAMAGE_DEALT + ',' +
								'' + p.DAMAGE_TAKEN + ',' +
								'' + p.KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.DEATHS + ',' +
								'' + p.HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTS + ',' +
								'\"' + p.TEAM + '\",' +
								'' + p.TEAM_RANK + ',' +
								'' + p.HUMILIATION + ',' +
								'' + IMPRESSIVE + ',' +
								'' + EXCELLENT + ',' +
								'' + p.PLAY_TIME + ',' +

								'' + p.GAUNTLET_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.GAUNTLET_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.GAUNTLET_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.GAUNTLET_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.GRENADE_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.GRENADE_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.GRENADE_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.GRENADE_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.LIGHTNING_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.LIGHTNING_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.LIGHTNING_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.LIGHTNING_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.PLASMA_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.PLASMA_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.PLASMA_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.PLASMA_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.RAILGUN_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.RAILGUN_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.RAILGUN_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.RAILGUN_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.ROCKET_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.ROCKET_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.ROCKET_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.ROCKET_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.SHOTGUN_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTGUN_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTGUN_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTGUN_SHOTS +
							//console.log( i + " " + sql3 );
							//console.log( i + " " + sql4 );
							db.query( sql3 + sql4, function _db_query_blue( err, rows, fields ) {
								if( err ) { throw err; }
							} );
						for( var i in j.RED_SCOREBOARD ) {
							var p = j.RED_SCOREBOARD[i];
							var IMPRESSIVE = 0;
							var EXCELLENT = 0;
							if( typeof p.IMPRESSIVE !== 'undefined' ) { IMPRESSIVE = p.IMPRESSIVE; }
							if( typeof p.EXCELLENT !== 'undefined' ) { EXCELLENT = p.EXCELLENT; }
							//console.log( j.PUBLIC_ID + " " + p.PLAYER_NICK + " " + p.TEAM );
							var sql3 = 'INSERT INTO Players(' +
								'PUBLIC_ID, ' +
								'PLAYER_NICK, ' +
								'PLAYER_CLAN, ' +
								'PLAYER_COUNTRY, ' +
								'RANK, ' +
								'SCORE, ' +
								'QUIT, ' +
								'DAMAGE_DEALT, ' +
								'DAMAGE_TAKEN, ' +
								'KILLS, ' +
								'DEATHS, ' +
								'HITS, ' +
								'SHOTS, ' +
								'TEAM, ' +
								'TEAM_RANK, ' +
								'HUMILIATION, ' +
								'IMPRESSIVE, ' +
								'EXCELLENT, ' +
								'PLAY_TIME, ' +

								'G_A, ' +
								'G_H, ' +
								'G_K, ' +
								'G_S, ' +

								'GL_A, ' +
								'GL_H, ' +
								'GL_K, ' +
								'GL_S, ' +

								'LG_A, ' +
								'LG_H, ' +
								'LG_K, ' +
								'LG_S, ' +

								'MG_A, ' +
								'MG_H, ' +
								'MG_K, ' +
								'MG_S, ' +

								'PG_A, ' +
								'PG_H, ' +
								'PG_K, ' +
								'PG_S, ' +

								'RG_A, ' +
								'RG_H, ' +
								'RG_K, ' +
								'RG_S, ' +

								'RL_A, ' +
								'RL_H, ' +
								'RL_K, ' +
								'RL_S, ' +

								'SG_A, ' +
								'SG_H, ' +
								'SG_K, ' +
								'SG_S' +

								') values( ';
							var sql4 = '' +
								'\"' + j.PUBLIC_ID + '\",' +
								'\"' + p.PLAYER_NICK + '\",' +
								'\"' + p.PLAYER_CLAN + '\",' +
								'\"' + p.PLAYER_COUNTRY + '\",' +
								'' + p.RANK + ',' +
								'' + p.SCORE + ',' +
								'' + p.QUIT + ',' +
								'' + p.DAMAGE_DEALT + ',' +
								'' + p.DAMAGE_TAKEN + ',' +
								'' + p.KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.DEATHS + ',' +
								'' + p.HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTS + ',' +
								'\"' + p.TEAM + '\",' +
								'' + p.TEAM_RANK + ',' +
								'' + p.HUMILIATION + ',' +
								'' + IMPRESSIVE + ',' +
								'' + EXCELLENT + ',' +
								'' + p.PLAY_TIME + ',' +

								'' + p.GAUNTLET_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.GAUNTLET_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.GAUNTLET_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.GAUNTLET_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.GRENADE_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.GRENADE_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.GRENADE_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.GRENADE_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.LIGHTNING_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.LIGHTNING_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.LIGHTNING_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.LIGHTNING_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.PLASMA_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.PLASMA_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.PLASMA_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.PLASMA_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.RAILGUN_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.RAILGUN_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.RAILGUN_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.RAILGUN_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.ROCKET_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.ROCKET_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.ROCKET_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.ROCKET_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.SHOTGUN_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTGUN_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTGUN_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTGUN_SHOTS +
							//console.log( i + " " + sql3 );
							//console.log( i + " " + sql4 );
							db.query( sql3 + sql4, function _db_query_red( err, rows, fields ) {
								if( err ) { throw err; }
							} );
						for( var i in j.SCOREBOARD ) {
							var p = j.SCOREBOARD[i];
							var IMPRESSIVE = 0;
							var EXCELLENT = 0;
							var QUIT = 0;
							var TEAM_RANK = 0;
							if( typeof p.IMPRESSIVE !== 'undefined' ) { IMPRESSIVE = p.IMPRESSIVE; }
							if( typeof p.EXCELLENT !== 'undefined' ) { EXCELLENT = p.EXCELLENT; }
							if( typeof p.QUIT !== 'undefined' ) { QUIT = p.QUIT; }
							if( typeof p.TEAM_RANK !== 'undefined' ) { TEAM_RANK = p.TEAM_RANK; }
							//console.log( j.PUBLIC_ID + " " + p.PLAYER_NICK + " " + p.TEAM );
							var sql3 = 'INSERT INTO Players(' +
								'PUBLIC_ID, ' +
								'PLAYER_NICK, ' +
								'PLAYER_CLAN, ' +
								'PLAYER_COUNTRY, ' +
								'RANK, ' +
								'SCORE, ' +
								'QUIT, ' +
								'DAMAGE_DEALT, ' +
								'DAMAGE_TAKEN, ' +
								'KILLS, ' +
								'DEATHS, ' +
								'HITS, ' +
								'SHOTS, ' +
								'TEAM, ' +
								'TEAM_RANK, ' +
								'HUMILIATION, ' +
								'IMPRESSIVE, ' +
								'EXCELLENT, ' +
								'PLAY_TIME, ' +

								'G_A, ' +
								'G_H, ' +
								'G_K, ' +
								'G_S, ' +

								'GL_A, ' +
								'GL_H, ' +
								'GL_K, ' +
								'GL_S, ' +

								'LG_A, ' +
								'LG_H, ' +
								'LG_K, ' +
								'LG_S, ' +

								'MG_A, ' +
								'MG_H, ' +
								'MG_K, ' +
								'MG_S, ' +

								'PG_A, ' +
								'PG_H, ' +
								'PG_K, ' +
								'PG_S, ' +

								'RG_A, ' +
								'RG_H, ' +
								'RG_K, ' +
								'RG_S, ' +

								'RL_A, ' +
								'RL_H, ' +
								'RL_K, ' +
								'RL_S, ' +

								'SG_A, ' +
								'SG_H, ' +
								'SG_K, ' +
								'SG_S' +

								') values( ';
							var sql4 = '' +
								'\"' + j.PUBLIC_ID + '\",' +
								'\"' + p.PLAYER_NICK + '\",' +
								'\"' + p.PLAYER_CLAN + '\",' +
								'\"' + p.PLAYER_COUNTRY + '\",' +
								'' + p.RANK + ',' +
								'' + p.SCORE + ',' +
								'' + QUIT + ',' +
								'' + p.DAMAGE_DEALT + ',' +
								'' + p.DAMAGE_TAKEN + ',' +
								'' + p.KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.DEATHS + ',' +
								'' + p.HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTS + ',' +
								'\"' + p.TEAM + '\",' +
								'' + TEAM_RANK + ',' +
								'' + p.HUMILIATION + ',' +
								'' + IMPRESSIVE + ',' +
								'' + EXCELLENT + ',' +
								'' + p.PLAY_TIME + ',' +

								'' + p.GAUNTLET_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.GAUNTLET_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.GAUNTLET_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.GAUNTLET_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.GRENADE_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.GRENADE_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.GRENADE_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.GRENADE_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.LIGHTNING_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.LIGHTNING_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.LIGHTNING_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.LIGHTNING_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.MACHINEGUN_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.PLASMA_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.PLASMA_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.PLASMA_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.PLASMA_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.RAILGUN_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.RAILGUN_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.RAILGUN_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.RAILGUN_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.ROCKET_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.ROCKET_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.ROCKET_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.ROCKET_SHOTS + ',' +

								'' + p.SHOTGUN_ACCURACY + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTGUN_HITS + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTGUN_KILLS + ',' +
								'' + p.SHOTGUN_SHOTS +
							//console.log( i + " " + sql3 );
							//console.log( i + " " + sql4 );
							db.query( sql3 + sql4, function _db_query_scoreboard( err, rows, fields ) {
								if( err ) { throw err; }
							} );
				} );
		} );
	} );
	res.jsonp( { doing: "it" } );
} );
Example #15
exports.init = function (callback) {

  externalFactors.forEach(function (factors) {
    if (factors.file) {
      var filepath    = path.join(__dirname, '..', factors.file);
      var factorsList = require(filepath);

      if (factors.sublist) { factorsList = factorsList[factors.sublist]; }

      factorsList.forEach(function (factor) {
        qualifyingFactors[factor.code] = factors.weight;

  var exclusionsDir = path.join(__dirname, '../exclusions');

  fs.readdir(exclusionsDir, function (err, files) {
    if (err) { return callback(err); }

    (function readFile() {
      var file = files.pop();
      if (!file) { return callback(null, Object.keys(robots).length); }

      var type = file.substr(0, file.indexOf('.'));
      var list;

      switch (type) {
      case 'hosts':
        list = hosts;
      case 'domains':
        list = domains;
      case 'robots':
        list = robots;
        return readFile();

      fs.readFile(path.join(exclusionsDir, file), function (err, content) {
        if (err)      { return callback(err); }
        if (!content) { return readFile(); }

        var partial = /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/;

        content.toString().split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function (line) {
          var comment = line.indexOf('#');
          if (comment >= 0) { line = line.substr(0, comment); }
          line = line.trim();

          if (line.length > 0) {
            if (partial.test(line)) {
              for (var i = 0; i <= 255; i++) { list[line + '.' + i] = 1; }
            } else {
              list[line] = 1;

Example #16
	var f = ff(function () {
		fs.readdir(path, f());
	}, function (files) {
Example #17
function targetResolver (where, context, deps) {
  var alreadyInstalledManually = context.explicit ? [] : null
    , nm = path.resolve(where, "node_modules")
    , parent = context.parent
    , wrap = context.wrap

  if (!context.explicit) fs.readdir(nm, function (er, inst) {
    if (er) return alreadyInstalledManually = []
    asyncMap(inst, function (pkg, cb) {
      readJson(path.resolve(nm, pkg, "package.json"), function (er, d) {
        // error means it's not a package, most likely.
        if (er) return cb(null, [])

        // if it's a bundled dep, then assume that anything there is valid.
        // otherwise, make sure that it's a semver match with what we want.
        var bd = parent.bundleDependencies
        if (bd && bd.indexOf(d.name) !== -1 ||
            semver.satisfies(d.version, deps[d.name] || "*")) {
          return cb(null, d.name)

        // something is there, but it's not satisfactory.  Clobber it.
        return cb(null, [])
    }, function (er, inst) {
      // this is the list of things that are valid and should be ignored.
      alreadyInstalledManually = inst

  var to = 0
  return function resolver (what, cb) {
    if (!alreadyInstalledManually) return setTimeout(function () {
      resolver(what, cb)
    }, to++)

    // now we know what's been installed here manually,
    // or tampered with in some way that npm doesn't want to overwrite.
    if (alreadyInstalledManually.indexOf(what.split("@").shift()) !== -1) {
      log.verbose("skipping "+what, "already installed in "+where)
      return cb(null, [])

    // check for a version installed higher in the tree.
    // If installing from a shrinkwrap, it must match exactly.
    if (context.family[what]) {
      if (wrap && wrap[what].version === context.family[what]) {
        log.verbose(what, "using existing (matches shrinkwrap)")
        return cb(null, [])

    // if it's identical to its parent, then it's probably someone
    // doing `npm install foo` inside of the foo project.  Print
    // a warning, and skip it.
    if (parent && parent.name === what && !npm.config.get("force")) {
      log.warn("Refusing to install "+what+" as a dependency of itself"
      return cb(null, [])

    if (wrap) {
      name = what.split(/@/).shift()
      if (wrap[name]) {
        var wrapTarget = wrap[name].from || wrap[name].version
        log.verbose("resolving "+what+" to "+wrapTarget, "shrinkwrap")
        what = name + "@" + wrapTarget
      } else {
        log.verbose("skipping "+what+" (not in shrinkwrap)", "shrinkwrap")
    } else if (deps[what]) {
      what = what + "@" + deps[what]

    cache.add(what, function (er, data) {
      if (er && parent && parent.optionalDependencies &&
          parent.optionalDependencies.hasOwnProperty(what.split("@")[0])) {
        log.warn(what, "optional dependency failed, continuing")
        log.verbose([what, er], "optional dependency failed, continuing")
        return cb(null, [])

      if (!er &&
          data &&
          !context.explicit &&
          context.family[data.name] === data.version &&
          !npm.config.get("force")) {
        log.info(data.name + "@" + data.version, "already installed")
        return cb(null, [])

      if (data) data._from = what

      return cb(er, data)
var fs = require('graceful-fs');
var linked_data_dir = './linked-data';
var final_data_dir = './final-data';

fs.readdir(linked_data_dir, readdir);

function readdir(err, directories) {
    if (err) {
    for (var i = 0; i < directories.length; i++) {
    var current_directory = linked_data_dir + '/' + directories[i];       

    fs.readdir(current_directory, function (err,files){
    if (err) {

    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {

      if(files[i].indexOf("linked-") != -1)
        var file = current_directory + '/' + files[i];
Example #19
 return function (done) {
   fs.readdir(root, done)
Example #20
		var f = ff(this, function () {
			fs.readdir(addonPath, f());
		}, function (files) {
Example #21
		var f = ff(this, function () {
			// Make plugin root directory
			wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(pluginsRoot, 511); // 0777

			fs.readdir(pluginsRoot, f.slot());
		}, function (contents) {
Example #22
			}, function() {
				fs.readdir(REGISTRY_PATH, f());
			}, function (files) {
Example #23
function getArt(name, options, cb) {
	const ext = paths.extname(name);

	options.basePath	= miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.basePath, Config.paths.art);
	options.asAnsi		= miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.asAnsi, true);

	//	:TODO: make use of asAnsi option and convert from supported -> ansi

	if('' !== ext) {
		options.types = [ ext.toLowerCase() ];
	} else {
		if(_.isUndefined(options.types)) {
			options.types = Object.keys(SUPPORTED_ART_TYPES);
		} else if(_.isString(options.types)) {
			options.types = [ options.types.toLowerCase() ];

	//	If an extension is provided, just read the file now
	if('' !== ext) {
		const directPath = paths.join(options.basePath, name);
		return getArtFromPath(directPath, options, cb);

	fs.readdir(options.basePath, (err, files) => {
		if(err) {
			return cb(err);

		const filtered = files.filter( file => {
			//  Ignore anything not allowed in |options.types|
			const fext = paths.extname(file);
			if(!options.types.includes(fext.toLowerCase())) {
				return false;

			const bn = paths.basename(file, fext).toLowerCase();
			if(options.random) {
				const suppliedBn = paths.basename(name, fext).toLowerCase();
				//  Random selection enabled. We'll allow for
				//  basename1.ext, basename2.ext, ...
				if(!bn.startsWith(suppliedBn)) {
					return false;

				const num = bn.substr(suppliedBn.length);
				if(num.length > 0) {
					if(isNaN(parseInt(num, 10))) {
						return false;
			} else {
				//  We've already validated the extension (above). Must be an exact
				//  match to basename here
				if(bn != paths.basename(name, fext).toLowerCase()) {
					return false;

			return true;

		if(filtered.length > 0) {
			//  We should now have:
			//  - Exactly (1) item in |filtered| if non-random
			//  - 1:n items in |filtered| to choose from if random
			let readPath;
			if(options.random) {
				readPath = paths.join(options.basePath, filtered[Math.floor(Math.random() * filtered.length)]);
			} else {
				assert(1 === filtered.length);
				readPath = paths.join(options.basePath, filtered[0]);

			return getArtFromPath(readPath, options, cb);
		return cb(new Error(`No matching art for supplied criteria: ${name}`));
Example #24
function outdated_ (args, dir, parentHas, depth, cb) {
  // get the deps from package.json, or {<dir/node_modules/*>:"*"}
  // asyncMap over deps:
  //   shouldHave = cache.add(dep, req).version
  //   if has === shouldHave then
  //     return outdated(args, dir/node_modules/dep, parentHas + has)
  //   else if dep in args or args is empty
  //     return [dir, dep, has, shouldHave]

  if (depth > npm.config.get("depth")) {
    return cb(null, [])
  var deps = null
  readJson(path.resolve(dir, "package.json"), function (er, d) {
    d = d || {}
    if (er && er.code !== "ENOENT" && er.code !== "ENOTDIR") return cb(er)
    deps = (er) ? true : (d.dependencies || {})

    if (npm.config.get("save-dev")) {
      deps = d.devDependencies || {}
      return next()

    if (npm.config.get("save")) {
      // remove optional dependencies from dependencies during --save.
      Object.keys(d.optionalDependencies || {}).forEach(function (k) {
        delete deps[k]
      return next()

    if (npm.config.get("save-optional")) {
      deps = d.optionalDependencies || {}
      return next()

    var doUpdate = npm.config.get("dev") ||
                    (!npm.config.get("production") &&
                    !Object.keys(parentHas).length &&

    if (!er && d && doUpdate) {
      Object.keys(d.devDependencies || {}).forEach(function (k) {
        if (!(k in parentHas)) {
          deps[k] = d.devDependencies[k]
    return next()

  var has = null
  fs.readdir(path.resolve(dir, "node_modules"), function (er, pkgs) {
    if (er) {
      has = Object.create(parentHas)
      return next()
    pkgs = pkgs.filter(function (p) {
      return !p.match(/^[\._-]/)
    asyncMap(pkgs, function (pkg, cb) {
      var jsonFile = path.resolve(dir, "node_modules", pkg, "package.json")
      readJson(jsonFile, function (er, d) {
        if (er && er.code !== "ENOENT" && er.code !== "ENOTDIR") return cb(er)
        cb(null, er ? [] : [[d.name, d.version, d._from]])
    }, function (er, pvs) {
      if (er) return cb(er)
      has = Object.create(parentHas)
      pvs.forEach(function (pv) {
        has[pv[0]] = {
          version: pv[1],
          from: pv[2]


  function next () {
    if (!has || !deps) return
    if (deps === true) {
      deps = Object.keys(has).reduce(function (l, r) {
        l[r] = "*"
        return l
      }, {})

    // now get what we should have, based on the dep.
    // if has[dep] !== shouldHave[dep], then cb with the data
    // otherwise dive into the folder
    asyncMap(Object.keys(deps), function (dep, cb) {
      shouldUpdate(args, dir, dep, has, deps[dep], depth, cb)
    }, cb)
Example #25
File: index.js Project: AliMD/hexo
var Mocha = require('mocha'),
  path = require('path'),
  fs = require('graceful-fs'),
  argv = require('optimist').argv;

var mocha = new Mocha({
  reporter: argv.reporter || 'dot'

var rFilename = /\.test\.js$/;

fs.readdir(__dirname, function(err, files){
    if (rFilename.test(item)){
      mocha.addFile(path.join(__dirname, item));

  require('../lib/init')(path.join(__dirname, 'blog'), {_: [], _test: true}, function(){
module.exports=DirReader;var fs=require("graceful-fs");var inherits=require("inherits");var path=require("path");var Reader=require("./reader.js");var assert=require("assert").ok;inherits(DirReader,Reader);function DirReader(b){var a=this;if(!(a instanceof DirReader)){throw new Error("DirReader must be called as constructor.")}if(b.type!=="Directory"||!b.Directory){throw new Error("Non-directory type "+b.type)}a.entries=null;a._index=-1;a._paused=false;a._length=-1;if(b.sort){this.sort=b.sort}Reader.call(this,b)}DirReader.prototype._getEntries=function(){var a=this;if(a._gotEntries){return}a._gotEntries=true;fs.readdir(a._path,function(d,b){if(d){return a.error(d)}a.entries=b;a.emit("entries",b);if(a._paused){a.once("resume",c)}else{c()}function c(){a._length=a.entries.length;if(typeof a.sort==="function"){a.entries=a.entries.sort(a.sort.bind(a))}a._read()}})};DirReader.prototype._read=function(){var a=this;if(!a.entries){return a._getEntries()}if(a._paused||a._currentEntry||a._aborted){return}a._index++;if(a._index>=a.entries.length){if(!a._ended){a._ended=true;a.emit("end");a.emit("close")}return}var b=path.resolve(a._path,a.entries[a._index]);assert(b!==a._path);assert(a.entries[a._index]);a._currentEntry=b;fs[a.props.follow?"stat":"lstat"](b,function(j,f){if(j){return a.error(j)}var e=a._proxy||a;f.path=b;f.basename=path.basename(b);f.dirname=path.dirname(b);var c=a.getChildProps.call(e,f);c.path=b;c.basename=path.basename(b);c.dirname=path.dirname(b);var g=Reader(c,f);a._currentEntry=g;g.on("pause",function(k){if(!a._paused&&!g._disowned){a.pause(k)}});g.on("resume",function(k){if(a._paused&&!g._disowned){a.resume(k)}});g.on("stat",function(k){a.emit("_entryStat",g,k);if(g._aborted){return}if(g._paused){g.once("resume",function(){a.emit("entryStat",g,k)})}else{a.emit("entryStat",g,k)}});g.on("ready",function d(){if(a._paused){g.pause(a);return a.once("resume",d)}if(g.type==="Socket"){a.emit("socket",g)}else{a.emitEntry(g)}});var i=false;g.on("close",h);g.on("disown",h);function h(){if(i){return}i=true;a.emit("childEnd",g);a.emit("entryEnd",g);a._currentEntry=null;if(!a._paused){a._read()}}g.on("error",function(k){if(g._swallowErrors){a.warn(k);g.emit("end");g.emit("close")}else{a.emit("error",k)}});["child","childEnd","warn"].forEach(function(k){g.on(k,a.emit.bind(a,k))})})};DirReader.prototype.disown=function(a){a.emit("beforeDisown");a._disowned=true;a.parent=a.root=null;if(a===this._currentEntry){this._currentEntry=null}a.emit("disown")};DirReader.prototype.getChildProps=function(){return{depth:this.depth+1,root:this.root||this,parent:this,follow:this.follow,filter:this.filter,sort:this.props.sort,hardlinks:this.props.hardlinks}};DirReader.prototype.pause=function(b){var a=this;if(a._paused){return}b=b||a;a._paused=true;if(a._currentEntry&&a._currentEntry.pause){a._currentEntry.pause(b)}a.emit("pause",b)};DirReader.prototype.resume=function(b){var a=this;if(!a._paused){return}b=b||a;a._paused=false;a.emit("resume",b);if(a._paused){return}if(a._currentEntry){if(a._currentEntry.resume){a._currentEntry.resume(b)}}else{a._read()}};DirReader.prototype.emitEntry=function(a){this.emit("entry",a);this.emit("child",a)};
Example #27

//var fs = require('fs');
var fs = require('graceful-fs');
var os = require('os');
var path = require('path');

var srcDir = 'P:\\var\\nodes\\workspace\\webpack-react\\webpack\\node_modules\\';
var desDir = 'P:\\var\\alisvn\\workspace\\huiyou\\trunk\\assets\\node_modules\\';
//var srcDir = path.resolve('.') + '/../node_modules/';
//var desDir = path.resolve('.') + '/';

fs.readdir(srcDir, function(err, files) {

    files = Array.prototype.slice.call(files);
//    parseTreeJson(files, srcDir, desDir);

//递归实现 recursion
var parseTreeJson = function(treeNodes, srcDir, desDir) {
    if (!treeNodes || !treeNodes.length) return;


    	var stat = fs.statSync(srcDir + file);

            fs.mkdirSync(desDir + file);
    		fs.readdir(srcDir + file, function(err, files){
			    files = Array.prototype.slice.call(files);

    fs.readdir(current_directory, function (err,files){
    if (err) {

    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {

      if(files[i].indexOf("linked-") != -1)
        var file = current_directory + '/' + files[i];
        var data = fs.readFileSync(file);

        var lines = data.toString().split("\n");

        var extracted_data = [];
        var columnNames = ['quarter','time', 'eventtype', 'team', 'outof', 'numfreeshot', 'points', 'reason', 'result', 'type', 'score', 'shotdistance', 'x', 'url' , 'y', 'asssist', 'awayjumpball', 'block', 'entered', 'homejumpball', 'left', 'opponent', 'player', 'steal'];

        for (var j = 1; j < lines.length-1; j++) {
            var line = lines[j];
            line = line.replace(/"/g, '');
            var columns = line.split(",");

            var extracted_columns = [];
            for(var k=0, l=0; k<33; k++)
              if (k == 1)
                extracted_columns[l++] = columns[k] + ":" + columns[k+1];
              else if(k >= 15)
                extracted_columns[l++] = checkColumnsNames(columns[k], columns[k+1], columns[47+((k-15)/2)]);
                if(k == 13 || k == 14)
                  extracted_columns[l++] = columns[k];
                  if(k == 13) 
                    extracted_columns[l++] = columns[k+33];
                  extracted_columns[l++] = checkColumns(columns[k], columns[k+33]);

          var output = "";
          for (var j = 0; j < extracted_data.length; j++) {
            var currentRow = extracted_data[j];
            var newline = "";
            for (var k = 0; k < currentRow.length-1; k++) {
                if (typeof currentRow[k] == 'undefined')
                    newline += ',';
                    newline += currentRow[k] + ',';
            newline += currentRow[k] + '\n';
            output += newline;

          var output_file = final_data_dir + '/' + current_directory.replace(/.\/linked-data\//, "") + ".csv";
          fs.writeFileSync(output_file, output);
          console.log(output_file + " was saved");
Example #29
function readInstalled_ (folder, parent, name, reqver, depth, maxDepth, cb) {
  //console.error(folder, name)

  var installed
    , obj
    , real
    , link

  fs.readdir(path.resolve(folder, "node_modules"), function (er, i) {
    // error indicates that nothing is installed here
    if (er) i = []
    installed = i.filter(function (f) { return f.charAt(0) !== "." })

  readJson(path.resolve(folder, "package.json"), function (er, data) {
    obj = copy(data)

    if (!parent) {
      obj = obj || true
      er = null
    return next(er)

  fs.lstat(folder, function (er, st) {
    if (er) {
      if (!parent) real = true
      return next(er)
    fs.realpath(folder, function (er, rp) {
      //console.error("realpath(%j) = %j", folder, rp)
      real = rp
      if (st.isSymbolicLink()) link = rp

  var errState = null
    , called = false
  function next (er) {
    if (errState) return
    if (er) {
      errState = er
      return cb(null, [])
    //console.error('next', installed, obj && typeof obj, name, real)
    if (!installed || !obj || !real || called) return
    called = true
    if (rpSeen[real]) return cb(null, rpSeen[real])
    if (obj === true) {
      obj = {dependencies:{}, path:folder}
      installed.forEach(function (i) { obj.dependencies[i] = "*" })
    if (name && obj.name !== name) obj.invalid = true
    obj.realName = name || obj.name
    obj.dependencies = obj.dependencies || {}

    // "foo":"http://blah" is always presumed valid
    if (reqver
        && semver.validRange(reqver)
        && !semver.satisfies(obj.version, reqver)) {
      obj.invalid = true

    if (parent
        && !(name in parent.dependencies)
        && !(name in (parent.devDependencies || {}))) {
      obj.extraneous = true
    obj.path = obj.path || folder
    obj.realPath = real
    obj.link = link
    if (parent && !obj.link) obj.parent = parent
    rpSeen[real] = obj
    obj.depth = depth
    //if (depth >= maxDepth) return cb(null, obj)
    asyncMap(installed, function (pkg, cb) {
      var rv = obj.dependencies[pkg]
      if (!rv && obj.devDependencies) rv = obj.devDependencies[pkg]
      if (depth >= maxDepth) {
        // just try to get the version number
        var pkgfolder = path.resolve(folder, "node_modules", pkg)
          , jsonFile = path.resolve(pkgfolder, "package.json")
        return readJson(jsonFile, function (er, depData) {
          // already out of our depth, ignore errors
          if (er || !depData || !depData.version) return cb(null, obj)
          obj.dependencies[pkg] = depData.version
          cb(null, obj)

      readInstalled_( path.resolve(folder, "node_modules/"+pkg)
                    , obj, pkg, obj.dependencies[pkg], depth + 1, maxDepth
                    , cb )

    }, function (er, installedData) {
      if (er) return cb(er)
      installedData.forEach(function (dep) {
        obj.dependencies[dep.realName] = dep

      // any strings here are unmet things.  however, if it's
      // optional, then that's fine, so just delete it.
      if (obj.optionalDependencies) {
        Object.keys(obj.optionalDependencies).forEach(function (dep) {
          if (typeof obj.dependencies[dep] === "string") {
            delete obj.dependencies[dep]
      return cb(null, obj)
Example #30
function targetResolver (where, context, deps) {
  var alreadyInstalledManually = context.explicit ? [] : null
    , nm = path.resolve(where, "node_modules")
    , parent = context.parent
    , wrap = context.wrap

  if (!context.explicit) fs.readdir(nm, function (er, inst) {
    if (er) return alreadyInstalledManually = []
    asyncMap(inst, function (pkg, cb) {
      readJson(path.resolve(nm, pkg, "package.json"), function (er, d) {
        if (er) return cb(null, [])
        if (semver.satisfies(d.version, deps[d.name] || "*")) {
          return cb(null, d.name)
        return cb(null, [])
    }, function (er, inst) {
      // this is the list of things that are valid and should be ignored.
      alreadyInstalledManually = inst

  var to = 0
  return function resolver (what, cb) {
    if (!alreadyInstalledManually) return setTimeout(function () {
      resolver(what, cb)
    }, to++)

    // now we know what's been installed here manually,
    // or tampered with in some way that npm doesn't want to overwrite.
    if (alreadyInstalledManually.indexOf(what.split("@").shift()) !== -1) {
      log.verbose("skipping "+what, "already installed in "+where)
      return cb(null, [])

    // check for a version installed higher in the tree.
    // If installing from a shrinkwrap, it must match exactly.
    if (context.family[what]) {

      if (wrap && wrap[what].version == context.family[what]) {
        log.verbose("using existing "+what+" (matches shrinkwrap)")
        return cb(null, [])

      if (!wrap && semver.satisfies(context.family[what], deps[what] || "")) {
        log.verbose("using existing "+what+" (no shrinkwrap)")
        return cb(null, [])

    if (wrap) {
      name = what.split(/@/).shift()
      if (wrap[name]) {
        var wrapTarget = wrap[name].from || wrap[name].version
        log.verbose("resolving "+what+" to "+wrapTarget, "shrinkwrap")
        what = name + "@" + wrapTarget
      } else {
        log.verbose("skipping "+what+" (not in shrinkwrap)", "shrinkwrap")
    } else if (deps[what]) {
      what = what + "@" + deps[what]

    cache.add(what, function (er, data) {
      if (er && parent && parent.optionalDependencies &&
          parent.optionalDependencies.hasOwnProperty(what.split("@")[0])) {
        log.warn(what, "optional dependency failed, continuing")
        return cb(null, [])

      if (!er &&
          data &&
          context.family[data.name] === data.version &&
          !npm.config.get("force")) {
        log.info(data.name + "@" + data.version, "already installed")
        return cb(null, [])

      if (data) data._from = what

      return cb(er, data)