var createApplicationBucket =function () {
	// Ok, now it might be the first time we run that sample on this account key-pair
	// and the bucket may not exists yet! so create it now otherwise we will get into trouble later.
	var sdk =new ForgeSDK.BucketsApi () ;
	sdk.getBucketDetails (config.bucket, oAuth2TwoLegged, oAuth2TwoLegged.getCredentials ())
		.then (function (bucket) {
			// We are all good! :)
			console.log (config.bucket, 'present!') ;
		.catch (function (error) {
			console.error (config.bucket, 'does not exist?', error) ;
			if ( error.statusCode === 404 ) {
				console.log ('Creating bucket: ', config.bucket) ;
				sdk.createBucket ({ bucketKey: config.bucket, policyKey: 'persistent' }, {}, oAuth2TwoLegged, oAuth2TwoLegged.getCredentials ())
					.then (function (response) {
						// We are all good now! :)
						console.log (config.bucket, 'created! -') ;
					.catch (function (error) {
						console.error (config.bucket, 'could not be created! - ', error) ;
			} else if ( error.statusCode === 403 || error.statusCode === 409 ) {
				console.error ('This bucket name is already taken by another account, please change it!') ;
			} else {
				console.error ('Contact your administrator!') ;
} ;
  // Returns bucket list
  getBuckets (token, opts = {}) {

    const options = {
      startAt: opts.startAt || null,
      region: opts.region || 'US',
      limit: opts.limit || 100

    return this._bucketsAPI.getBuckets(
      options, {autoRefresh:false}, token)
  // Creates a new bucket
  createBucket (token, bucketCreationData, opts = {}) {

    bucketCreationData.bucketKey = validateBucketKey(

    bucketCreationData.policyKey = validatePolicyKey(

    const options = {
      xAdsRegion: opts.xAdsRegion || 'US'

    return this._bucketsAPI.createBucket(
      bucketCreationData, options,
      {autoRefresh:false}, token)
		.catch (function (error) {
			console.error (config.bucket, 'does not exist?', error) ;
			if ( error.statusCode === 404 ) {
				console.log ('Creating bucket: ', config.bucket) ;
				sdk.createBucket ({ bucketKey: config.bucket, policyKey: 'persistent' }, {}, oAuth2TwoLegged, oAuth2TwoLegged.getCredentials ())
					.then (function (response) {
						// We are all good now! :)
						console.log (config.bucket, 'created! -') ;
					.catch (function (error) {
						console.error (config.bucket, 'could not be created! - ', error) ;
			} else if ( error.statusCode === 403 || error.statusCode === 409 ) {
				console.error ('This bucket name is already taken by another account, please change it!') ;
			} else {
				console.error ('Contact your administrator!') ;
  // Returns bucket details
  getBucketDetails (token, bucketKey) {

    return this._bucketsAPI.getBucketDetails(
      bucketKey, {autoRefresh:false}, token)
  // Deletes bucket
  deleteBucket (token, bucketKey) {

    return this._bucketsAPI.deleteBucket(
      bucketKey, {autoRefresh:false}, token)