Example #1
Requisite.prototype.process = function (source, pathname) {
  self  = this,
  files = findRequires(source, { raw: true }),
  o, p;

  while (files.length) {
    o = files.shift();

    if (!o.value) {
      return new Error("Cannot handle non-string required path: " + o.raw);

    try {
      p = require.resolve(path.resolve(path.dirname(pathname.toString()), o.value));
    } catch (err) {
      throw new Error(err.message +
                      ' (require: ' + o.value + ') (in: ' + pathname + ')');

    if (undefined === this.requires[p]) {
      this.requires[p] = { idx: this.idx++, source: null };
      // prevent from "cyclic" loops
      this.requires[p].source = this.process(fs.readFileSync(p, 'utf8'), p);

    source = source.replace(o.value, this.requires[p].idx);

  return source;
 var uniqDeps = uniq(flatten(srcFiles.map(function (srcFile) {
   var code = fs.readFileSync(srcFile, 'utf8');
   try {
     return findRequires(code);
   } catch (e) {
     return []; // happens if this is an es6 module, parsing fails
 }))).filter(function (dep) {
Example #3
parseDependencies = function (text) {
    return findRequires(text, { raw: true }).map(function (node) {
        var path = node.value;
        if (!path) {
            throw new TypeError("Not supported require call: '" + node.raw + "'");
        return (path.slice(-3) === '.js') ? path.slice(0, -3) : path;
Example #4
parseDependencies = function (text, filename, ignoreErrors) {
	return findRequires(text, { raw: true }).map(function (node) {
		var path = node.value;
		if (!path) {
			if (!ignoreErrors) {
				throw new CustomError("Not parsable require call: `" + node.raw +
					"` at " + filename + ":" + node.line + "\n             You may" +
					" ignore such errors with ignoreErrors option ('ignore-errors'" +
					" when running from command line)", 'DYNAMIC_REQUIRE');
			console.warn("Not parsable require call (ignored): `" + node.raw +
				"` at " + filename + ":" + node.line);
		return path;
Example #5
Requisite.prototype.process = function (source, pathname) {
  self  = this,
  base  = path.dirname(pathname.toString()),
  files = findRequires(source, { raw: true }),
  o, p;

  while (files.length) {
    o = files.shift();

    if (!o.value) {
      return new Error("Cannot handle non-string required path: " + o.raw);

    try {
      p = String(o.value)
        // replace ^ with application root
        .replace(/^\^\/*/, (pathname.appRoot || '^') + '/')
        // replace @ with package root
        .replace(/^@\/*/, (pathname.pkgRoot || '@') + '/');

      // try to resolve path relatively to pathname
      p = new Pathname(require.resolve(path.resolve(base, p)), {
        appRoot: pathname.appRoot,
        pkgRoot: pathname.pkgRoot
    } catch (err) {
      throw new Error(err.message +
                      ' (require: ' + o.value + ') (in: ' + pathname + ')');

    if (undefined === this.requires[p]) {
      this.requires[p] = {
        idx:      this.idx++,
        apiPath:  pathname.apiPath,
        source:   null

      // prevent from "cyclic" loops
      this.requires[p].source = this.process(p.readSync(), p);

    source = source.replace(o.value, this.requires[p].idx);

  return source;
Example #6
parseDependencies = function (text, filename, ignoreErrors) {
	var deps;
	try {
		deps = findRequires(text, { raw: true });
	} catch (e) {
		throw customError(e.message + " in " + filename, 'AST_ERROR', { origin: e });
	return deps.filter(function (node) {
		if (node.value != null) return true;
		if (!ignoreErrors) {
			throw customError("Not parsable require call: `" + node.raw +
				"` at " + filename + ":" + node.line + "\n             You may" +
				" ignore such errors with ignoreErrors option ('ignore-errors'" +
				" when running from command line)", 'DYNAMIC_REQUIRE');
		console.warn("Not parsable require call (ignored): `" + node.raw +
			"` at " + filename + ":" + node.line);
Example #7
 * Wraps the given source code string as a module definition for the client.
 * Recursively browserifies and embeds all of unbundled dependencies.
 * options:
 * - wrapper  - src wrapper (client/require), or empty (for main.js)
 * - apiPath  - api path, for flient only
 * - fsPath   - current file name
 * - allowEJS - used only for `main.js`, to inject some variables in <file>.js.ejs
function browserifySingle(sandbox, pkgName, source, options) {
  var result       = []
    , N            = sandbox.N
    , wrapper      = options.wrapper
    , apiPath      = options.apiPath     || null
    , filePath     = options.fsPath
    , allowEJS     = options.allowEJS
    , directory    = path.dirname(filePath)
    , commentMatch = HEADER_COMMENT_PATTERN.exec(source);

  if (!filePath) {
    throw new Error('Missed required `fsPath` argument.');

  // Embedded modules must be placed *after* Mincer's comment directives.
  if (commentMatch) {
    result.push(source.slice(0, commentMatch[0].length));
    source = source.slice(commentMatch[0].length);

  // If target file is an EJS template, render it before any processing.
  if (allowEJS && '.ejs' === path.extname(filePath)) {
    source = ejs.render(source, { N: N, jetson: jetson.serialize });

  // Find & reqursuvely process `require` directives
  findRequires(source, { raw: true }).forEach(function (match) {
    var resolvedPath, dependencySource;

    // `require` path cannot be determinated - throw error.
    if (!match.value) {
      throw new Error('Error in \'require\': file \'' + filePath + '\', string ' + match.line + '.');

    if (vendorVirtualModules[match.value]) {
      // Get path to a virtual module.
      resolvedPath = vendorVirtualModules[match.value];
    } else {
      // Resolve absolute, relative, or node-module path.
      resolvedPath = resolveModulePath(directory, match.value);

    if (!resolvedPath) {
      throw 'Bundler cannot find required file "' + match.value + '" ' +
            'at ' + filePath + ':' + match.point + ':' + match.line;

    if (_.has(clientModules, resolvedPath)) {
      throw 'Require of client block "' + match.value + '" is prohibited ' +
            'at ' + filePath + ':' + match.point + ':' + match.line;

    // Note: This is not actually safe way to replace `require` paths, but
    // alternative ways seem be too complicated. In real live that should 
    // work without problems.
    source = source.replace(match.raw, JSON.stringify(resolvedPath));

    // Embed private local modules. (not described in the bundle config and
    // not embedded yet)
    if (!_.has(vendorModules, resolvedPath) &&
        !_.has(embeddedModulesPaths[pkgName], resolvedPath)) {

      embeddedModulesPaths[pkgName] = embeddedModulesPaths[pkgName] || {};
      embeddedModulesPaths[pkgName][resolvedPath] = true;

      // `required` files in vendor modules must be marked as vendor's too
      if (_.has(vendorModules, filePath)) {
        vendorModules[resolvedPath] = true;
      dependencySource = fs.readFileSync(resolvedPath, 'utf8');

      // Recursively browserify
      result.push(browserifySingle(sandbox, pkgName, dependencySource, {
        wrapper:      WRAPPER_REQUIRE_TEMPLATE
      , fsPath:       resolvedPath
      , allowEJS:     allowEJS

  if (wrapper) {
    source = wrapper({ path: filePath, apiPath: apiPath, source:  source });


  return result.join('\n');
Example #8
function getReqs(thisPath) {
  var fullPath = path.join('./packages/node_modules', thisPath);
  return findRequires(fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf8'));