Example #1
 it('should memoize with external cache', () => {
   const cache: Cache<string, string> = {
     get: (key: string) => key,
     set: (key: string, value: string) => {},
     has: (key: string) => true
   const fn: string => string = _ => _.trim();
   const memoizedFn1: string => string = memoize(
     { cache, serializer: () => '' }
import memoize from 'fast-memoize';
import {getPlaylistLessons} from '../playlists';
import {isLessonTranslated} from '../lessonFrontmatter';

 * Returns whether or not all lessons in the playlist is translated to the given language.
 * @param {string} course E.g. 'scratch'
 * @param {string} playlist E.g. 'playlist1'
 * @param {string} language E.g. 'nb'
 * @returns {boolean}
export const areAllLessonsInPlaylistTranslated = memoize(
  (course, playlist, language) => {
    const lessons = getPlaylistLessons(course, playlist);
    const lessonTranslatedReducer = (result, lesson) => result && isLessonTranslated(course, lesson, language);
    return lessons.reduce(lessonTranslatedReducer, true);
Example #3
 it('should memoize', () => {
   const fn: string => string = _ => _.trim();
   const memoizedFn1: string => string = memoize(fn)
   // $ExpectError
   const memoizedFn2: number => number = memoize(fn)
 *       }
 *       lessons: ['scratchLesson1', 'scratchLesson2'],
 *     },
 *     ...
 *   },
 *   python: {
 *     ...
 *   }
 * }
const getData = memoize(
  () => {
    const playlists = {};
    for (const key of playlistContext.keys()) {
      const [/* ignore */, course, playlist] = key.match(/^[.][/]([^/]+)[/]playlists[/]([^.]+)[.]yml$/);
      const {sortindex = 0, title = {}, lessons = []} = playlistContext(key);
      assignDeep(playlists, [course, playlist], {sortindex, title, lessons});
    return playlists;

 * Return all playlists for a course. The playlists are sorted.
 * @param {string} course E.g. 'scratch'
 * @return {string[]} An array with the (file)name of all the playlists (without extension),
 *                    e.g. ['playlist1', 'playlist2']
export const getPlaylistsForCourse = memoize(
  (course) => {
    const coursePlaylists = getData()[course] || {};
Example #5
  return [r, g, b, 1]

function parseRgbColor (color) {
  color = color.match(/\d+\.?\d*/g)

  var r = Number(color[0])
  var g = Number(color[1])
  var b = Number(color[2])
  var a = Number(color[3])

  return [r, g, b, a]

function parseColor (color) {
  var result

  if (color[0] === '#') {
    result = parseHexColor(color)
  } else if (color[0] === 'r') {
    result = parseRgbColor(color)
  } else {
    throwError(`Wrong color format: ${color}`)

  return result

export var parse = memoize(parseColor)
 *   ...
 * }
const getData = memoize(
  () => {
    const lessons = {};
    for (const key of lessonFrontmatterContext.keys()) {
      const [/* ignore */, course, lesson, file] = key.match(/^[.][/]([^/]+)[/]([^/]+)[/]([^.]+)[.]md$/);
      if (isLesson(course, lesson)) {
        const {
          language, title = '', author = '', translator = '', external = ''
        } = lessonFrontmatterContext(key);
        if (!title) { console.warn('WARNING: The lesson', key, 'did not specify title.'); }
        if (language) {
          const isReadmeKey = file.startsWith('README') ? 1 : 0;
          const path = `/${course}/${lesson}/${file}`;
          const lessonData = {title, author, translator, external, path, key};
          assignDeep(lessons, [course, lesson, language, isReadmeKey], lessonData);
        } else {
          console.warn('WARNING: The lesson', key, 'did not specify language, so lesson will not be used.');
      } else {
        console.warn(`WARNING: The lesson ${course}/${lesson}/${file} did not have a lesson.yml file, skipping...`);
    return lessons;

 * Convert file (given course and lesson) to language and isReadme.
Example #7
let io;
let extensionManager;

// Check for updates
fetch('http://registry.npmjs.org/nodecg/latest').then(res => {
	return res.json(); // Download the body as JSON
}).then(body => {
	if (semver.gt(body.version, pjson.version) >= 1) {
		log.warn('An update is available for NodeCG: %s (current: %s)', JSON.parse(body).version, pjson.version);
}).catch(/* istanbul ignore next */() => {
	// Discard errors.

const renderTemplate = memoize((content, options) => {
	return template(content)(options);

module.exports = new EventEmitter();

module.exports.start = function () {
	log.info('Starting NodeCG %s (Running on Node.js %s)', pjson.version, process.version);

	// (Re)create Express app, HTTP(S) & Socket.IO servers
	app = express();

	if (global.sentryEnabled) {
 *   },
 *   python: {
 *     ...
 *   },
 *   ...
 * }
const getData = memoize(
  () => {
    const courses = {};
    for (const key of courseFrontmatterContext.keys()) {
      const [/* ignore */, course, file] = key.match(/^[.][/]([^/]+)[/](index[^.]*)[.]md$/);
      const {title = '', external = '', language} = courseFrontmatterContext(key);
      if (getAvailableLanguages().includes(language)) {
        const path = `/${course}/${file}`;
        const data = {title, external, path, key};
        assignDeep(courses, [course, language], data);
      } else {
        console.warn(`The course info ${key} did not have a valid language (${language})`);
    return courses;

 * Get the frontmatter of a course for a given language
 * @param {string} course E.g. 'scratch'
 * @param {string} language E.g. 'nb'
 * @return {object} E.g. {title: 'Scratch', key: './scratch/index.md'}
Example #9
  while (node) {
    if (node.tagName) {
      top = top + node.offsetTop;
      left = left + node.offsetLeft;
      node = node.offsetParent;
    } else {
      node = node.parentNode;
    if (node === ancestor) {
      node = null;

  return [left, top];

 * Get prefixed or un-prefixed name of "transform" property
 * in this browser.
export const getTransformPropertyName = memoize(function () {
  const prefixes = ['', 'webkit', 'moz', 'ms'];
  for (let i = 0, ilen = prefixes.length; i < ilen; i++) {
    const prefix = prefixes[i];
    const propertyName = prefix + (prefix ? 'T' : 't') + 'ransform';
    if (typeof body.style[propertyName] !== 'undefined') {
      return propertyName;