Example #1
Parser.prototype._include = function(filename, cb) {
  debug('[include] %s', filename)

  var self = this
    , origStream = this._stream
    , origFile = this.file
    , origLines = this.lines
    , stream = fs.createReadStream(filename)

  self._stream = es.pause()
  self.file = filename
  self.lines = 0

  setupPipeline(stream, self)

  function cleanup(err) {
    self._stream = origStream
    self.file = origFile
    self.lines = origLines


  self._stream.on('end', cleanup)
  stream.on('error', cleanup)

Example #2
gulp.task('test16', ['clean'], function () {
  var ps = es.pause();

  var one = gulp.src('src/s1/*.ts')
    .pipe(ps.pause())  // Pausing stream for 1 sec
    .pipe(typescript()).on('error', abort)

  var two = gulp.src('src/s2/*.ts')
    .pipe(typescript()).on('error', abort)

  setTimeout(function () { ps.resume() }, 1000);

  return es.merge(one, two)
    .on('end', function () {
      if (glob.sync('gulp-tsc-tmp-*').length > 0) {
        throw "Temporary directory is left behind";
function promiseToStream(promise) {
    var stream = es.pause();
    promise.then(function(result) {
    }, function(err) {
        throw err;
    return stream;
Example #4
module.exports = function(opts) {

    'use strict';

    if (!opts) {
        throw new PluginError(PLUGIN_NAME, 'Missing options array!');

    if (!opts.out && typeof opts.out !== 'string') {
        throw new PluginError(PLUGIN_NAME, 'Only single file outputs are supported right now, please pass a valid output file name!');

    if (!opts.baseUrl) {
        throw new PluginError(PLUGIN_NAME, 'Pipeing dirs/files is not supported right now, please specify the base path for your script.');

    // create the stream and save the file name (opts.out will be replaced by a callback function later)
    var _s     = es.pause(),
        _fName = opts.out;

    // just a small wrapper around the r.js optimizer, we write a new gutil.File (vinyl) to the Stream, mocking a file, which can be handled
    // regular gulp plugins (i hope...).
    // try {
        optimize(opts, function(text) {
            _s.end(new File({
                path: _fName,
                contents: new Buffer(text)
    // } catch (err) {
    //     _s.emit('error', err);
    // }


    // return the stream for chain .pipe()ing
    return _s;
Example #5
  createStream: function(ourGlob, negatives, opt) {
    if (!negatives) negatives = [];
    if (!opt) opt = {};
    if (typeof opt.cwd !== 'string') opt.cwd = process.cwd();
    if (typeof opt.silent !== 'boolean') opt.silent = true;
    if (typeof opt.nonull !== 'boolean') opt.nonull = false;

    // create globbing stuff
    var globber = new glob.Glob(ourGlob, opt);

    // extract base path because we are too lazy lol
    var rules = globber.minimatch.set[0];
    var basePath = path.normalize(flatten2d(rules).join(path.sep));

    // create stream and map events from globber to it
    var stream = es.pause();
    globber.on('error', stream.emit.bind(stream, 'error'));
    globber.on('end', function(){
    globber.on('match', function(filename) {
        cwd: opt.cwd,
        base: basePath,
        path: path.resolve(opt.cwd, filename)

    if (negatives.length === 0) return stream; // no filtering needed

    // stream to check against negatives
    var filterStream = es.map(function(filename, cb) {
      var matcha = isMatch.bind(null, filename);
      if (!negatives.every(matcha)) return cb(null, filename); // pass
      cb(); // ignore

    return stream.pipe(filterStream);
Example #6
module.exports = function(filename, options, cb) {
  if (arguments.length == 2) {
    cb = options
    options = {}

  var stream = fs.createReadStream(filename)
    , parser = new Parser()

  parser.serverRoot = options.serverRoot || '/usr/local/apache'

  parser.file = filename
  parser._stream = es.pause()
  parser.files = [ filename ]

  parser.name = 'global'

  parser._stream.on('end', function() {

  stream.on('error', function(err) {
    parser.emit('error', err)

  if (cb) {
    parser.on('error', cb)
    parser.on('end', function() {
      cb(null, parser.config, parser)

  setupPipeline(stream, parser)

  return parser
Example #7
module.exports = function gulpDurandaljs(userOptions){
    var _s = es.pause(),

        options = _.defaults(userOptions || {}, defOptions),

        baseDir =  options.baseDir,

        mainFile = path.join(baseDir, options.main),

        almondWrapper = (function(){
            var almond = options.almond,
                almondPath = typeof(almond) === 'string' ? almond : path.join(__dirname, 'res/custom-almond.js');

                return undefined;

            return {
                start: '(function() {\n' + fs.readFileSync(almondPath, {encoding: 'utf-8'}),
                end: '}());'


        dynamicModules = (function(){
            var  mainFileContent = fs.readFileSync(mainFile, {encoding: 'utf-8'}),
                 plugins = mainFileContent.match(/['"]?plugins['"]?\s*:/) ? durandalDynamicPlugins : [],
                 transitions = mainFileContent.match(/['"]?transitions['"]?\s*:/) ? durandalDynamicTransitions : [];

            return [].concat(plugins, transitions);

        scannedModules = (function(){
            var stripExtension = function(p){ return p.substr(0, p.length - path.extname(p).length); },
                expand = function(p){ return glob.sync(path.normalize(path.join(baseDir, p))); },
                relativeToBaseDir = path.relative.bind(path, baseDir),
                jsFiles = _.unique( _.flatten([ mainFile, expand('/**/*.js') ])),
                jsModules = jsFiles.map(relativeToBaseDir).map(stripExtension),
                textFiles = _.flatten(_.map(options.textModuleExtensions, function(ext){return expand('/**/*'+ext);})),
                textModules = textFiles.map(relativeToBaseDir).map(function(m){ return 'text!' + m; }),
                scannedModules = {js: jsModules, text: textModules};

            return scannedModules;

        allModules = (function(){
            var fixSlashes = function(p){ return p.replace(new RegExp('\\\\','g'),'/');},
                modules =
                    _.flatten([scannedModules.js, options.extraModules || [], dynamicModules, scannedModules.text])

            return _.unique(modules);

        insertRequireModules = (function(){
            if(typeof(options.require) === 'string' || _.isArray(options.require)){
                return  _.flatten([options.require]);
            else if(options.require === true || (options.almond && options.require !== false)){
                return [allModules[0]];
            return undefined;
        rjsCb = function(text, sourceMapText){

            var output = options.output || path.basename(mainFile),
                mapOutput = output + '.map';


            text += '//# sourceMappingURL=' + path.basename(mapOutput);

            _s.write(new gutil.File({
                path: output,
                contents: new Buffer(text)

                _s.write(new gutil.File({
                    path: mapOutput,
                    contents: new Buffer(sourceMapText)

        errCb = function(err){
            _s.emit('error', new gutil.PluginError(PLUGIN_NAME, err));

    var rjsConfig = {
        logLevel: options.verbose ? 0 : 4,
        baseUrl : baseDir,
        mainConfigFile: mainFile,
        include : allModules,
        out: rjsCb,
        optimize: options.minify ? 'uglify2' : 'none',
        preserveLicenseComments: !options.minify,
        generateSourceMaps : true,
        insertRequire : insertRequireModules,
        wrap: almondWrapper

    rjsConfig = _.defaults(options.requirejs, rjsConfig);

    requirejs.optimize(rjsConfig, null, errCb);

    _s.on('error', function(e){
        gutil.log('Durandal ' + gutil.colors.red(e.message));
    return _s;