run(function() {
   obj = EmberObject.extend({
     min: computedMin('items')
     items: Ember.A([1,2,3])
 run(function() {
   obj = EmberObject.createWithMixins({
     items: Ember.A([1,2,3]),
     min: computedMin('items')
QUnit.test('max recomputes when the current max is removed', function() {
  equal(obj.get('max'), 3, 'precond - max is initially correct');


  equal(obj.get('max'), 3, 'max is unchanged when a non-max item is removed');


  equal(obj.get('max'), 1, 'max is recomputed when the current max is removed');

QUnit.module('min', {
  setup() {
    obj = EmberObject.extend({
      min: min('items')
      items: emberA([1, 2, 3])
  teardown() {
    run(obj, 'destroy');

QUnit.test('min is readOnly', function() {
  QUnit.throws(function() {
    obj.set('min', 1);
  }, /Cannot set read-only property "min" on object:/);