Example #1
  return function connect(protocolInstance, protocolName, url, options, dbAliveID) {
    /// <param name="protocolInstance" type="ISyncProtocol"></param>
    var existingPeer = activePeers.filter(function (peer) {
      return peer.url === url;
    if (existingPeer.length > 0) {
      // Never create multiple syncNodes with same protocolName and url. Instead, let the next call to connect() return the same promise that
      // have already been started and eventually also resolved. If promise has already resolved (node connected), calling existing promise.then() will give a callback directly.
      return existingPeer[0].connectPromise;

    // Use an object otherwise we wouldn't be able to get the reject promise from
    // connectProtocol
    var rejectConnectPromise = {p: null};
    const connectProtocol = initConnectProtocol(db, protocolInstance, dbAliveID, options, rejectConnectPromise);
    const getOrCreateSyncNode = initGetOrCreateSyncNode(db, protocolName, url);
    var connectPromise = getOrCreateSyncNode(options).then(function (node) {
      return connectProtocol(node, activePeer);

    var disconnected = false;
    var activePeer = {
      url: url,
      status: Statuses.OFFLINE,
      connectPromise: connectPromise,
      on: Dexie.Events(null, "disconnect"),
      disconnect: function (newStatus, error) {
        var pos = activePeers.indexOf(activePeer);
        if (pos >= 0) activePeers.splice(pos, 1);
        if (error && rejectConnectPromise.p) rejectConnectPromise.p(error);
        if (!disconnected) {
          activePeer.on.disconnect.fire(newStatus, error);
        disconnected = true;

    return connectPromise;
Example #2
export default function Syncable (db) {
    /// <param name="db" type="Dexie"></param>

    var activePeers = [];

    const connectFn = initConnectFn(db, activePeers);
    const syncableConnect = initSyncableConnect(db, connectFn);

    db.on('message', function(msg) {
        // Message from other local node arrives...
        Dexie.vip(function() {
            if (msg.type === 'connect') {
                // We are master node and another non-master node wants us to do the connect.
                db.syncable.connect(msg.message.protocolName, msg.message.url, msg.message.options).then(msg.resolve, msg.reject);
            } else if (msg.type === 'disconnect') {
                db.syncable.disconnect(msg.message.url).then(msg.resolve, msg.reject);
            } else if (msg.type === 'syncStatusChanged') {
                // We are client and a master node informs us about syncStatus change.
                // Lookup the connectedProvider and call its event
                db.syncable.on.statusChanged.fire(msg.message.newStatus, msg.message.url);

    db.on('cleanup', function(weBecameMaster) {
        // A cleanup (done in Dexie.Observable) may result in that a master node is removed and we become master.
        if (weBecameMaster) {
            // We took over the master role in Observable's cleanup method.
            // We should connect to remote servers now.
            // At this point, also reconnect servers with status ERROR_WILL_RETRY as well as plain ERROR.
            // Reason to reconnect to those with plain "ERROR" is that the ERROR state may occur when a database
            // connection has been closed. The new master would then be expected to reconnect.
            // Also, this is not an infinite poll(). This is rare event that a new browser tab takes over from
            // an old closed one. 
                return db._syncNodes.where({type: 'remote'})
                    .filter(node => node.status !== Statuses.OFFLINE)
                    .toArray(connectedRemoteNodes => Promise.all(connectedRemoteNodes.map(node => 
                        db.syncable.connect(node.syncProtocol, node.url, node.syncOptions).catch(e => {
                            console.warn(`Dexie.Syncable: Could not connect to ${node.url}. ${e.stack || e}`);
            })).catch('DatabaseClosedError', ()=>{});

    // "ready" subscriber for the master node that makes sure it will always connect to sync server
    // when the database opens. It will not wait for the connection to complete, just initiate the
    // connection so that it will continue syncing as long as the database is open.

    // Dexie.Observable's 'ready' subscriber will have been invoked prior to this, making sure
    // that db._localSyncNode exists and persisted before this subscriber kicks in.
    db.on('ready', function onReady() {
        // Again, in onReady: If we ARE master, make sure to connect to remote servers that is in a connected state.
        if (db._localSyncNode && db._localSyncNode.isMaster) {
            // Make sure to connect to remote servers that is in a connected state (NOT OFFLINE or ERROR!)
            // This "ready" subscriber will never be the one performing the initial sync request, because
            // even after calling db.syncable.connect(), there won't exist any "remote" sync node yet.
            // Instead, db.syncable.connect() will subscribe to "ready" also, and that subscriber will be
            // called after this one. There, in that subscriber, the initial sync request will take place
            // and the "remote" node will be created so that this "ready" subscriber can auto-connect the
            // next time this database is opened.
            // CONCLUSION: We can always assume that the local DB has been in sync with the server at least
            // once in the past for each "connectedRemoteNode" we find in query below.

            // Don't halt db.ready while connecting (i.e. we do not return a promise here!)
                .and(node => node.status !== Statuses.OFFLINE)
                .toArray(connectedRemoteNodes => {
                    // There are connected remote nodes that we must manage (or take over to manage)
                            node => db.syncable.connect(
                            .catch (()=>{}) // A failure will be triggered in on('statusChanged'). We can ignore.
                }).catch('DatabaseClosedError', ()=>{});
    }, true); // True means the ready event will survive a db reopen - db.close()/db.open()

    db.syncable = {};

    db.syncable.getStatus = function(url, cb) {
        if (db.isOpen()) {
            return Dexie.vip(function() {
                return db._syncNodes.where('url').equals(url).first(function(node) {
                    return node ? node.status : Statuses.OFFLINE;
        } else {
            return Promise.resolve(Syncable.Statuses.OFFLINE).then(cb);

    db.syncable.getOptions = function(url, cb) {
        return db.transaction('r?', db._syncNodes, () => {
            return db._syncNodes.where('url').equals(url).first(function(node) {
                return node.syncOptions;

    db.syncable.list = function() {
        return db.transaction('r?', db._syncNodes, ()=>{
            return db._syncNodes.where('type').equals('remote').toArray(function(a) {
                return a.map(function(node) { return node.url; });

    db.syncable.on = Dexie.Events(db, { statusChanged: "asap" });

    db.syncable.disconnect = function(url) {
        return Dexie.ignoreTransaction(()=>{
            return Promise.resolve().then(()=>{
                if (db._localSyncNode && db._localSyncNode.isMaster) {
                    return Promise.all(activePeers.filter(peer => peer.url === url).map(peer => {
                        return peer.disconnect(Statuses.OFFLINE);
                } else {
                    return db._syncNodes.where('isMaster').above(0).first(masterNode => {
                        return db.observable.sendMessage('disconnect', { url: url }, masterNode.id, {wantReply: true});
                return db._syncNodes.where("url").equals(url).modify(node => {
                    node.status = Statuses.OFFLINE;

    db.syncable.connect = function(protocolName, url, options) {
        options = options || {}; // Make sure options is always an object because 1) Provider expects it to be. 2) We'll be persisting it and you cannot persist undefined.
        var protocolInstance = Syncable.registeredProtocols[protocolName];
        if (protocolInstance) {
            return syncableConnect(protocolInstance, protocolName, url, options);
        } else {
            return Promise.reject(
                new Error("ISyncProtocol '" + protocolName + "' is not registered in Dexie.Syncable.registerSyncProtocol()")

    db.syncable.delete = function(url) {
        return db.syncable.disconnect(url).then(()=>{
            return db.transaction('rw!', db._syncNodes, db._changes, db._uncommittedChanges, ()=>{
                // Find the node(s)
                // Several can be found, as detected by @martindiphoorn,
                // let's delete them and cleanup _uncommittedChanges and _changes 
                // accordingly.
                let nodeIDsToDelete;
                return db._syncNodes
                    .toArray(nodes => nodes.map(node => node.id))
                    .then(nodeIDs => {
                        nodeIDsToDelete = nodeIDs;
                        // Delete the syncNode that represents the remote endpoint.
                        return db._syncNodes.where('id').anyOf(nodeIDs).delete()
                    .then (() =>
                        // In case there were uncommittedChanges belonging to this, delete them as well
            }).then(()=> {
                // Spawn background job to delete old changes, now that a node has been deleted,
                // there might be changes in _changes table that is not needed to keep anymore.
                // This is done in its own transaction, or possible several transaction to prohibit
                // starvation

    db.syncable.unsyncedChanges = function(url) {
        return db._syncNodes.where("url").equals(url).first(function(node) {
            return db._changes.where('rev').above(node.myRevision).toArray();

    db.close = override(db.close, function(origClose) {
        return function() {
            activePeers.forEach(function(peer) {
            return origClose.apply(this, arguments);

        'save', {
            enumerable: false,
            configurable: true,
            writable: true,
            value() {
                return db.transaction('rw?', db._syncNodes, () => {
                    return db._syncNodes.put(this);
Example #3
        if (res && typeof res.then === 'function') {
            var thiz = this, args = arguments;
            return res.then(function() {
                return f2.apply(thiz, args);
        return f2.apply(this, arguments);

// Static properties and methods

Observable.latestRevision = {}; // Latest revision PER DATABASE. Example: Observable.latestRevision.FriendsDB = 37;
Observable.on = Dexie.Events(null, "latestRevisionIncremented", "suicideNurseCall", "intercomm", "beforeunload"); // fire(dbname, value);
Observable.createUUID = function() {
    // Decent solution from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/how-to-create-a-guid-uuid-in-javascript
    var d = Date.now();
    var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
        var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
        d = Math.floor(d / 16);
        return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x7 | 0x8)).toString(16);
    return uuid;

Observable.deleteOldChanges = function(db) {
    db._syncNodes.orderBy("myRevision").first(function (oldestNode) {
        var timeout = Date.now() + 300,
            timedout = false;