Example #1
  _populateComputed: function () {
    if (this._populatedComputed) {
    this._populatedComputed = true;

    for (let computed of this.prop.computed) {
      // Don't bother to duplicate information already
      // shown in the text property.
      if (computed.name === this.prop.name) {

      let li = createChild(this.computed, "li", {
        class: "ruleview-computed"

      if (computed.overridden) {

      createChild(li, "span", {
        class: "ruleview-propertyname theme-fg-color5",
        textContent: computed.name
      appendText(li, ": ");

      let outputParser = this.ruleView._outputParser;
      let frag = outputParser.parseCssProperty(
        computed.name, computed.value, {
          colorSwatchClass: "ruleview-swatch ruleview-colorswatch",
          urlClass: "theme-link",
          baseURI: this.sheetHref

      // Store the computed property value that was parsed for output
      computed.parsedValue = frag.textContent;

      createChild(li, "span", {
        class: "ruleview-propertyvalue theme-fg-color1",
        child: frag

      appendText(li, ";");

      // Store the computed style element for easy access when highlighting
      // styles
      computed.element = li;
  _createComputedListItem: function(parentEl, computed, className) {
    const li = createChild(parentEl, "li", {
      class: className

    if (computed.overridden) {

    const nameContainer = createChild(li, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-namecontainer"

    createChild(nameContainer, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-propertyname theme-fg-color5",
      textContent: computed.name
    appendText(nameContainer, ": ");

    const outputParser = this.ruleView._outputParser;
    const frag = outputParser.parseCssProperty(
      computed.name, computed.value, {
        colorSwatchClass: "ruleview-swatch ruleview-colorswatch",
        urlClass: "theme-link",
        baseURI: this.sheetHref,
        fontFamilyClass: "ruleview-font-family"

    // Store the computed property value that was parsed for output
    computed.parsedValue = frag.textContent;

    const propertyContainer = createChild(li, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-propertyvaluecontainer"

    createChild(propertyContainer, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-propertyvalue theme-fg-color1",
      child: frag
    appendText(propertyContainer, ";");

    return li;
Example #3
  _create: function () {
    this.element = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "li");
    this.element._textPropertyEditor = this;

    this.container = createChild(this.element, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-propertycontainer"

    // The enable checkbox will disable or enable the rule.
    this.enable = createChild(this.container, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-enableproperty theme-checkbox",
      tabindex: "-1"

    // Click to expand the computed properties of the text property.
    this.expander = createChild(this.container, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-expander theme-twisty"
    this.expander.addEventListener("click", this._onExpandClicked, true);

    this.nameContainer = createChild(this.container, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-namecontainer"

    // Property name, editable when focused.  Property name
    // is committed when the editor is unfocused.
    this.nameSpan = createChild(this.nameContainer, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-propertyname theme-fg-color5",
      tabindex: this.ruleEditor.isEditable ? "0" : "-1",

    appendText(this.nameContainer, ": ");

    // Create a span that will hold the property and semicolon.
    // Use this span to create a slightly larger click target
    // for the value.
    this.valueContainer = createChild(this.container, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-propertyvaluecontainer"

    // Property value, editable when focused.  Changes to the
    // property value are applied as they are typed, and reverted
    // if the user presses escape.
    this.valueSpan = createChild(this.valueContainer, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-propertyvalue theme-fg-color1",
      tabindex: this.ruleEditor.isEditable ? "0" : "-1",

    // Storing the TextProperty on the elements for easy access
    // (for instance by the tooltip)
    this.valueSpan.textProperty = this.prop;
    this.nameSpan.textProperty = this.prop;

    // If the value is a color property we need to put it through the parser
    // so that colors can be coerced into the default color type. This prevents
    // us from thinking that when colors are coerced they have been changed by
    // the user.
    let outputParser = this.ruleView._outputParser;
    let frag = outputParser.parseCssProperty(this.prop.name, this.prop.value);
    let parsedValue = frag.textContent;

    // Save the initial value as the last committed value,
    // for restoring after pressing escape.
    this.committed = { name: this.prop.name,
                       value: parsedValue,
                       priority: this.prop.priority };

    appendText(this.valueContainer, ";");

    this.warning = createChild(this.container, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-warning",
      hidden: "",
      title: CssLogic.l10n("rule.warning.title"),

    // Filter button that filters for the current property name and is
    // displayed when the property is overridden by another rule.
    this.filterProperty = createChild(this.container, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-overridden-rule-filter",
      hidden: "",
      title: CssLogic.l10n("rule.filterProperty.title"),

    this.filterProperty.addEventListener("click", event => {
      this.ruleEditor.ruleView.setFilterStyles("`" + this.prop.name + "`");
    }, false);

    // Holds the viewers for the computed properties.
    // will be populated in |_updateComputed|.
    this.computed = createChild(this.element, "ul", {
      class: "ruleview-computedlist",

    // Only bind event handlers if the rule is editable.
    if (this.ruleEditor.isEditable) {
      this.enable.addEventListener("click", this._onEnableClicked, true);

      this.nameContainer.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
        // Clicks within the name shouldn't propagate any further.

        // Forward clicks on nameContainer to the editable nameSpan
        if (event.target === this.nameContainer) {
      }, false);

        start: this._onStartEditing,
        element: this.nameSpan,
        done: this._onNameDone,
        destroy: this.update,
        advanceChars: ":",
        contentType: InplaceEditor.CONTENT_TYPES.CSS_PROPERTY,
        popup: this.popup

      // Auto blur name field on multiple CSS rules get pasted in.
        blurOnMultipleProperties(this.cssProperties), false);

      this.valueContainer.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
        // Clicks within the value shouldn't propagate any further.

        // Forward clicks on valueContainer to the editable valueSpan
        if (event.target === this.valueContainer) {
      }, false);

      this.valueSpan.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
        let target = event.target;

        if (target.nodeName === "a") {
          this.browserWindow.openUILinkIn(target.href, "tab");
      }, false);

        start: this._onStartEditing,
        element: this.valueSpan,
        done: this._onValueDone,
        destroy: this.update,
        validate: this._onValidate,
        advanceChars: advanceValidate,
        contentType: InplaceEditor.CONTENT_TYPES.CSS_VALUE,
        property: this.prop,
        popup: this.popup,
        multiline: true,
        maxWidth: () => this.container.getBoundingClientRect().width
  _create: function() {
    this.element = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "li");
    this.element._textPropertyEditor = this;

    this.container = createChild(this.element, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-propertycontainer inline-tooltip-container"

    // The enable checkbox will disable or enable the rule.
    this.enable = createChild(this.container, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-enableproperty theme-checkbox",
      tabindex: "-1"

    this.nameContainer = createChild(this.container, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-namecontainer"

    // Property name, editable when focused.  Property name
    // is committed when the editor is unfocused.
    this.nameSpan = createChild(this.nameContainer, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-propertyname theme-fg-color5",
      tabindex: this.ruleEditor.isEditable ? "0" : "-1",

    appendText(this.nameContainer, ": ");

    // Click to expand the computed properties of the text property.
    this.expander = createChild(this.container, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-expander theme-twisty"
    this.expander.addEventListener("click", this._onExpandClicked, true);

    // Create a span that will hold the property and semicolon.
    // Use this span to create a slightly larger click target
    // for the value.
    this.valueContainer = createChild(this.container, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-propertyvaluecontainer"

    // Property value, editable when focused.  Changes to the
    // property value are applied as they are typed, and reverted
    // if the user presses escape.
    this.valueSpan = createChild(this.valueContainer, "span", {
      class: "ruleview-propertyvalue theme-fg-color1",
      tabindex: this.ruleEditor.isEditable ? "0" : "-1",

    // Storing the TextProperty on the elements for easy access
    // (for instance by the tooltip)
    this.valueSpan.textProperty = this.prop;
    this.nameSpan.textProperty = this.prop;

    appendText(this.valueContainer, ";");

    this.warning = createChild(this.container, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-warning",
      hidden: "",
      title: l10n("rule.warning.title"),

    // Filter button that filters for the current property name and is
    // displayed when the property is overridden by another rule.
    this.filterProperty = createChild(this.container, "div", {
      class: "ruleview-overridden-rule-filter",
      hidden: "",
      title: l10n("rule.filterProperty.title"),

    this.filterProperty.addEventListener("click", event => {
      this.ruleEditor.ruleView.setFilterStyles("`" + this.prop.name + "`");

    // Holds the viewers for the computed properties.
    // will be populated in |_updateComputed|.
    this.computed = createChild(this.element, "ul", {
      class: "ruleview-computedlist",

    // Holds the viewers for the overridden shorthand properties.
    // will be populated in |_updateShorthandOverridden|.
    this.shorthandOverridden = createChild(this.element, "ul", {
      class: "ruleview-overridden-items",

    // Only bind event handlers if the rule is editable.
    if (this.ruleEditor.isEditable) {
      this.enable.addEventListener("click", this._onEnableClicked, true);

      this.nameContainer.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
        // Clicks within the name shouldn't propagate any further.

        // Forward clicks on nameContainer to the editable nameSpan
        if (event.target === this.nameContainer) {

        start: this._onStartEditing,
        element: this.nameSpan,
        done: this._onNameDone,
        destroy: this.updatePropertyState,
        advanceChars: ":",
        contentType: InplaceEditor.CONTENT_TYPES.CSS_PROPERTY,
        popup: this.popup,
        cssProperties: this.cssProperties,

      // Auto blur name field on multiple CSS rules get pasted in.

      this.valueContainer.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
        // Clicks within the value shouldn't propagate any further.

        // Forward clicks on valueContainer to the editable valueSpan
        if (event.target === this.valueContainer) {

      // The mousedown event could trigger a blur event on nameContainer, which
      // will trigger a call to the update function. The update function clears
      // valueSpan's markup. Thus the regular click event does not bubble up, and
      // listener's callbacks are not called.
      // So we need to remember where the user clicks in order to re-trigger the click
      // after the valueSpan's markup is re-populated. We only need to track this for
      // valueSpan's child elements, because direct click on valueSpan will always
      // trigger a click event.
      this.valueSpan.addEventListener("mousedown", (event) => {
        const clickedEl = event.target;
        if (clickedEl === this.valueSpan) {
        this._hasPendingClick = true;

        const matchedSelector = ACTIONABLE_ELEMENTS_SELECTORS.find(
          (selector) => clickedEl.matches(selector));
        if (matchedSelector) {
          const similarElements = [...this.valueSpan.querySelectorAll(matchedSelector)];
          this._clickedElementOptions = {
            selector: matchedSelector,
            index: similarElements.indexOf(clickedEl)

      this.valueSpan.addEventListener("mouseup", (event) => {
        this._clickedElementOptions = null;
        this._hasPendingClick = false;

      this.valueSpan.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
        const target = event.target;

        if (target.nodeName === "a") {

        start: this._onStartEditing,
        element: this.valueSpan,
        done: this._onValueDone,
        destroy: this.update,
        validate: this._onValidate,
        advanceChars: advanceValidate,
        contentType: InplaceEditor.CONTENT_TYPES.CSS_VALUE,
        property: this.prop,
        defaultIncrement: this.prop.name === "opacity" ? 0.1 : 1,
        popup: this.popup,
        multiline: true,
        maxWidth: () => this.container.getBoundingClientRect().width,
        cssProperties: this.cssProperties,
        cssVariables: this.rule.elementStyle.variables,
        getGridLineNames: this.getGridlineNames,