Example #1
var CytoView = module.exports = function(eles){
    this.elements = eles;
    this.stylesheet = cytoscape.stylesheet()
            'content': 'data(label)',
            'background-color': 'data(color)',
            'text-valign': 'center',
            'color': 'white',
            'text-outline-width': 2,
            'text-outline-color': '#888',
            'min-zoomed-font-size': 8,
            'width': 'data(deg)',
            'height': 'data(deg)',
            'shape': 'data(shape)'
            'background-color': '#66ff99',
            'text-outline-color': '#888'
            'width': 2,
            'line-color': 'data(color)'

    this.cy = null;
var renderPathway = function(data, target){
    var entries = data.getElementsByTagName('entry');
    for(var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++){
    var rels = data.getElementsByTagName('relation');
    for(var i = 0; i < rels.length; i++){
    var cy = cytoscape({
        container: target,
        elements: {
            nodes : nodes,
            edges : links
        style: cytoscape.stylesheet()
                'content': 'data(name)',
                'text-valign': 'center',
                'width':  'data(width)',
                'height':  'data(height)',
                'background-color': 'data(bkg_color)',
                'text-valign': 'data(text_valign)',
                /*'opacity': 'data(opacity)',*/
                'border-color': '#000000',
                'border-width': 'data(border_width)',
                'font-size': 11,
                'text-wrap': 'wrap',
                'text-max-width': 'data(width)'
                'content': 'data(text)',
                'target-arrow-shape': 'data(target_arrow_shape)',
                'line-style': 'data(line_style)',
                'text-valign' : 'bottom',
                'font-size': 11
        layout: {
            name: "preset",
            fit: false,
            positions: positions
            console.log('Kegg Viewer ready');
    return cy;
jQuery.getJSON("./data/performance-tuning.json", function(data){
  var cy = cytoscape({
    // these options hide parts of the graph during interaction
    //hideEdgesOnViewport: true,
    //hideLabelsOnViewport: true,

    // this is an alternative that uses a bitmap during interaction
    textureOnViewport: true,

    // interpolate on high density displays instead of increasing resolution
    pixelRatio: 1,

    // a motion blur effect that increases perceived performance for little or no cost
    motionBlur: true,

    container: yourDiv,

    style: cytoscape.stylesheet()
      'width': 'mapData(weight, 0, 100, 10, 60)',
      'height': 'mapData(weight, 0, 100, 10, 60)'
      'opacity': '0.666',
      'width': 'mapData(weight, 0, 100, 1, 6)',
      'curve-style': 'haystack' // fast edges!
      'background-color': 'black',
      'opacity': 1

    layout: {
      name: 'concentric',
      concentric: function(){ return this.data('weight'); },
      levelWidth: function( nodes ){ return 10; },
      padding: 10
    elements: data 
Example #4
		init : function(container){
			width = container.offsetWidth;
			height = container.offsetHeight;
			cy = cytoscape({
			  container: container,

			  style: cytoscape.stylesheet()
			        'content': 'data(name)',
			        'text-valign': 'center',
			        'color': 'white',
			        'text-outline-width': 'data(fontWidth)',
			        'text-outline-color': 'black',
			        'background-color' : 'data(nodecolor)',
			        'width' : 'data(weight)',
			        'height' : 'data(weight)',
			        'font-size' : 'data(fontSize)'
			        'background-color': 'black',
			        'line-color': 'black',
			        'target-arrow-color': 'black',
			        'source-arrow-color': 'black',
			        'text-outline-color': 'black'

			  //elements: testElements,
			  userPanningEnabled : false,

			  layout: {
			    name: 'preset',
			    padding: 10
Example #5
             //interaction.elements.nodes = nodes;
     console.log('finished rendering!');
 headless: false,
 renderer: {
     name: "canvas"
 style: cytoscape.stylesheet()
         'font-size': 15,
         'content': 'data(name)',
         'text-valign': 'center',
         'color': 'white',
         'background-color': 'mapData(expr, -28, -12, red, yellow)',
         'text-outline-width': 2,
         'text-outline-color': '#888',
         'min-zoomed-font-size': 8,
         'width': 'mapData(expr, -28, -10, 20, 60)',
         'height': 'mapData(expr, -28, -10, 20, 60)'
Example #6
Graphs.graph = function(element) {
var cy = Cytoscape({
		"container": jQuery(element),
		layout: {
	    name: 'cose',
	    padding: 10
	  style: Cytoscape.stylesheet()
        'shape': 'data(faveShape)',
        'width': 'mapData(weight, 40, 80, 20, 60)',
        'content': 'data(name)',
        'text-valign': 'center',
        'text-outline-width': 2,
        'text-outline-color': 'data(faveColor)',
        'background-color': 'data(faveColor)',
        'color': '#fff'
        'border-width': 3,
        'border-color': '#333'
        'opacity': 0.666,
        'width': 'mapData(strength, 70, 100, 2, 6)',
        'target-arrow-shape': 'triangle',
        'source-arrow-shape': 'circle',
        'line-color': 'data(faveColor)',
        'source-arrow-color': 'data(faveColor)',
        'target-arrow-color': 'data(faveColor)'
        'line-style': 'dotted',
        'target-arrow-shape': 'diamond'
        'opacity': 0.25,
        'text-opacity': 0
    elements: {
	    // nodes: [
	    //   { data: { id: 'j', name: 'Jerry', weight: 20, faveColor: '#6FB1FC', faveShape: 'ellipse' } },
	    //   { data: { id: 'e', name: 'Elaine', weight: 20, faveColor: '#6FB1FC', faveShape: 'ellipse' } },
	    //   { data: { id: 'k', name: 'Kramer', weight: 20, faveColor: '#6FB1FC', faveShape: 'ellipse' } },
	    //   { data: { id: 'g', name: 'George', weight: 20, faveColor: '#6FB1FC', faveShape: 'ellipse' } }
	    // ],
	 //    edges: [
	 //      { data: { source: 'j', target: 'e', faveColor: '#6FB1FC', strength: 90 } },
	 //      { data: { source: 'j', target: 'k', faveColor: '#6FB1FC', strength: 70 } },
	 //      { data: { source: 'j', target: 'g', faveColor: '#6FB1FC', strength: 80 } },
	 //      { data: { source: 'e', target: 'j', faveColor: '#EDA1ED', strength: 95 } },
	 //      { data: { source: 'e', target: 'k', faveColor: '#EDA1ED', strength: 60 }, classes: 'questionable' },
	 //      { data: { source: 'k', target: 'j', faveColor: '#86B342', strength: 100 } },
	 //      { data: { source: 'k', target: 'e', faveColor: '#86B342', strength: 100 } },
	 //      { data: { source: 'k', target: 'g', faveColor: '#86B342', strength: 100 } },
	 //      { data: { source: 'g', target: 'j', faveColor: '#F5A45D', strength: 90 } }
		// ]
    ready: function(){
	    window.cy = this;
    // giddy up

function getStylesheet() {
	return cytoscape.stylesheet()
				"padding-top": "18px",
				"padding-right": "18px",
				"padding-bottom": "18px",
				"padding-left": "18px",
				"color": "white",
				"content": "data(id)",
				"text-wrap": "wrap",
				"text-valign": "center",
				"text-halign": "center"
				"target-arrow-shape": "triangle",
				"width": 4,
				"line-color": "#ddd",
				"target-arrow-color": "#ddd",
				"curve-style": "bezier"
				"content": e => e.attr("id") + "\n(in)",
				"background-color": "#37d077",
				"content": e => e.attr("id") + "\n(out)",
				"background-color": "#e74c3c",
				"content": e => e.attr("id") + "\n(undec)",
				"background-color": "#95a5a6",
				"content": e => {
					let min_max = e.attr("min_max_numbering");
					min_max = min_max  === Infinity ? "\u221e" : min_max;
					return e.attr("id") + "\n(" + min_max + ")";
				"border-width": "4px",
				"border-style": "solid",
				"border-color": "magenta",
				"border-opacity": 1
		// Grounded Discussion Game
				"background-color": "lightgreen"
				"background-color": "pink"
				"background-color": "green"
				"background-color": "red"
		// Preferred Discussion Game
				"background-color": "green"
				"background-color": "red"
Example #8
export const applyDefaultStyle = function() {
    return cytoscape.stylesheet()
          'font-size': 6,//graphState.fontSize,
          'text-valign': 'center',
          'text-halign': 'right',
          'color': 'gray',
          'text-max-width': 60,
          'text-wrap': 'wrap',
          'min-zoomed-font-size': 0.4,
          'border-color': '#D84315',
          'background-color' : function(e) {
            var color = "#CCC"  // default
            if (e.data("group")) color = colors(e.data("group"))
            else if (e.data("color")) color = e.data("color")
            return e.data('starred') ? 'yellow' : color
          // 'text-opacity' : 0, // hide label by default
          'label': function(e) {
            return e.data("name") ? e.data("name").trunc(20) : ""
      // node with degree zero
      .selector('node[[degree = 0]]')
            'background-color': '#656565'
            // 'display' :"none"
          'background-opacity': .5,
          'border-width': '3',
          'border-color': 'gray',
          'border-opacity': .6
          // 'display' :"none"
          'background-color' : "#000",
          'target-arrow-shape': 'none', // default is undirected graph
          'width': function(e) {
            return e.data("weight") ? e.data("weight") : .5
          'line-color' : '#AAAAAA',
          'line-opacity': .7,
          'text-opacity' : 0, // hide label by default
          'label': function(e) {
            return e.data("group") ? e.data("group") : ""
            'background-color': 'red'
      .selector('.edgehandles-preview, .edgehandles-ghost-edge')
            'line-color': 'red',
            'target-arrow-color': 'red',
            'source-arrow-color': 'red'
Example #9
        ctrl.render = function(element, isInitialized, context)  {
            if(isInitialized && context.rendered) return;

            context.rendered = true
                layout: DagConfig.getLayout(args.type, ctrl.zratio()),
                // zoomingEnabled: false,
                style: cytoscape.stylesheet()

                        'text-background-color': '#ffffdf',
                        'text-background-opacity': 0.8,
                        'background-color': '#ffffaf',
                        'border-width': '1px',
                        'border-color': '#ffffa5',
                        'z-index': 9
                        'text-background-color': '#ffffdf'
                        'width': 2,
                        'line-color': '#bbb',
                        'target-arrow-shape': 'triangle',
                        'target-arrow-color': '#bbb',
                        'opacity': 1
                        'line-color': DagConfig.colors.succeeded,
                        'target-arrow-color': DagConfig.colors.succeeded
                        'line-color': DagConfig.colors.failed,
                        'target-arrow-color': DagConfig.colors.failed
                        'line-color': DagConfig.colors.running,
                        'target-arrow-color': DagConfig.colors.running

                ready: function() {
                    window.cy = this;

                    window.cy.on('tap', 'node', function(e) {
                        node = e.cyTarget;
                        status = node.data()['status'];
                        if(status.toLowerCase() !== 'queued') {
                            (args.onnodeclick || function() {})(node.id());
                    window.cy.on('tap', 'edge', function(e) {
                        edge = e.cyTarget;
                        (args.onedgeclick || function() {})(edge.data().bindings);
                    cy.load(((args.dag || {}).elements || {nodes: [], edges: []}));

                    cy.onRender(function() {
                        // if(! cy._centered) {
                        //     cy.center(document.getElementById('cy'));
                        //     cy._centered = true;
                        // }