const view$ = path$.map(() => {
   return ul({style: ulStyle},[
     li({style: liStyle}, [
       a({style: linkStyle, props: {href: authHref}}, 'Auth'),
     li({style: liStyle}, [
       a({style: linkStyle, props: {href: composeHref}}, 'Compose'),
     li({style: liStyle}, [
       a({style: linkStyle, props: {href: contactHref}}, 'Contacts'),
 return path$.map(() => {
   return div({},[
     ul({style: ulStyle}, [
       li({style: liStyle}, [
         a({style: linkStyle,
           props: {href: createHref('/login')},
         }, 'Why Cyclic Router?'),
       li({style: liStyle}, [
           style: linkStyle,
           props: {href: createHref('/built')},
         }, 'Built For Cycle.js'),
       li({style: liStyle}, [
           style: linkStyle,
           props: {href: createHref('/register')},
         }, 'Compose a Message'),
Example #3
const iconSrcs = {
  heart: require('images/pitch/heartIcon.svg'),
  first: require('images/pitch/icon-first.svg'),
  flag: require('images/pitch/icon-flag.svg'),
  mountains: require('images/pitch/icon-mountains.svg'),

const benefits =
  div('#benefits', {static: true}, [
    div('.container', {}, [
      h3({}, ['Get invited to volunteer opportunities from all ' +
        'over the world by joining the ', b('')]),
      ul({}, [
        li('.sn-icon.flag', {
          style: {backgroundImage: 'url("' + iconSrcs.flag + '")'},
        }, [
          b({}, 'Have new experiences'),
          ' by participating in lots of different events.',
        li('.sn-icon.mountains', {
          style: {backgroundImage: 'url("' + iconSrcs.mountains + '")'},
        }, [
          b({}, 'Get rewarded'),
          ' for the help that you give' +
          'with perks and access to new opportunities.',
        li('.sn-icon.first', {
          style: {backgroundImage: 'url("' + iconSrcs.first + '")'},
        }, [
          b({}, 'Be recognized'),
          ' for your contributions with Karma, Accomplishments, and Triumphs.',
Example #4
0 => li({}, `${}: ${}`))